【專題訪問 Interview Feature】2019年度香港大學學生會周年大選中央幹事會候選内閣蒼傲訪問(外務篇) | Interview with Prism, the Proposed Cabinet of Executive Committee, The Hong Kong University Students’ Union of Annual Election 2019 (External Affairs)
(Please scroll down for English version.)
1. 你們的政治光譜/政治立場是甚麼?
2. 你們是否支持香港獨立?
3. 你們覺得香港獨立是否合法?
4. 你們是否同意香港政府取締香港民族黨?
5. 你們是否同意香港政府DQ議員?
6. 你們是否支持人大釋法?
7. 你們是否同意一國兩制?
8. 你們是否支持國歌法和23條立法?
9. 你們對違法達義有何看法?
10. 你們對初一事件有何看法?
11. 你們是否同意政府以暴動罪控告參與者?
Campus TV has interviewed with Prism, the Proposed Cabinet of Executive Committee, The Hong Kong University Students’ Union, Session 2019, with regards to their treatment of external affairs. Prism has expressed their stance and opinions on various external issues, which include: their not opposing the Hong Kong government’s banning of the Hong Kong National Party, believing in the government’s legitimacy for the disqualification of legislators, believing in the involvement of gangs in the Mong Kok Incident of 2016, and expressing their confidence in the current legal system.
The interview excerpts are as follows:
1. Where do you stand on the political spectrum? / How would you define your political stance?
We believe the current word items are unable to express our Cabinet’s political stance. For example, if you consider the term localism or Hong Kong independence, these groups have not a clear boundary or universal definition given by the society. Whether it be the political spectrum or political stance, us who are Hong Kong-ers or who have been educated in Hong Kong, have a tendency to think from the standpoint of Hong Kong. If we consider the benefits from the standpoint of Hong Kong, we also need to consider the timeline. This (the timeline) means, that we should consider if these benefits are of short term or long term. Therefore, when considering Hong Kong’s benefits, we should also consider the policies and bills of neighbouring countries. Therefore, if we had to define our political stance in terms, it would be “international perspective that comes from a local standpoint”. The former is a consideration to the benefits, the latter is a consideration to the execution.
2. Do you support Hong Kong independence?
Firstly, we think this matter could be discussed freely, especially within the premises of the University. In terms of agreeing with Hong Kong independence, we think that Hong Kong independence is currently not the best option to be executed in Hong Kong, because there are still many other options to consider and discuss about. In addition, I think that Hong Kong’s internal affairs are very severe, like the external affairs that are mentioned in our campaign booklet, for example, students’ suicides, rising property prices, the severely outdated innovation and technology. These are problems that our internal department has to confront and resolve, therefore we put these internal affairs as our priority.
3. Do you think that Hong Kong independence is legal?
We believe any discussion that is in compliance with the law is acceptable. Therefore, we think that under the current, comprehensive legal system, with no breaching of the law, a person or group should be allowed to speak their thoughts on different issues.
4. Do you agree with Hong Kong government’s banning of the Hong Kong National Party?
Firstly, we believe that Hong Kong’s rule of law is still quite comprehensive. Therefore, we do not have much hesitation nor opposition for a judgment that is based on what we consider to be an intact judicial system of Hong Kong. In terms of the banning of the Hong Kong National Party, the society has different voices, but we believe we ought to obey the judgment that comes from what the majority of Hong Kong considers to be a comprehensive legal system.
5. Do you agree with Hong Kong government’s disqualification of legislators?
Actually, we have since the very beginning believed in Hong Kong’s rule of law as quite a frontrunner in the world; this has been backed by some survey organisations within the community too, so we believe that this rule of law can bring out a fair trial. Therefore, in regards to the disqualification of some legislators, we willingly believe that the entirety of the judgment process has been fair, with sufficient arguments to back up the government’s verdict. We do not express any special opinions towards this incident.
6. Do you support the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress’ Interpretation of the Basic Law (SCNPC's Interpretation of BL, or Interpretation of the Basic Law by the SCNPC)?
For the enactment of every legislation, it starts from a small portion of elites that begin to build its (the legislation’s) framework, it then continues to be improved as society grows. For this reason, the law is not a printed book, it allows us to continually amend, better, and complete items that are left neglected or faulted by predecessors. This applies for the SCNPC's Interpretation of BL, I believe the most important thing is, we hope to gain more Hong Kong-ers’ support under these fine-tunings (by the SCNPC's Interpretation of BL), we think this is what counts as a successful re-interpretation of the law.
7. Do you agree with the constitutional principle of “one country, two systems”?
We support all the terms that were signed in the Handover of Hong Kong, and this definitely includes the principle of “one country, two systems”.
8. Do you support the National Anthem Bill and the enactment of Article 23?
Due to the many controversies on this matter, we do not wish to comment on any legislation that has yet to be implemented or stipulated in explicit terms. This would be a prejudice on the said bill(s). These bills still have a lot of room for negotiation, so we believe the government should consider different voices, so as to introduce a legislation that is accepted by the majority of Hong Kong-ers.
9. What are your views on the idea of achieving justice by violating the law?
Hong Kong is a city with a comprehensive legal system; anyone has the right to express their own appeal or action. We advocate that everyone has the freedom to decide for their own deeds and express their own thoughts, but everyone should also be responsible to bear the consequences of their actions. Needless to say, we definitely believe that our legal system is perfect and fair.
10. What are your views on the Mong Kok Incident in 2016?
With regards to the Mong Kok unrest, many media sources have reported about the involvement of many illegal parties, and even that of gangs or triads. So, are the demonstrators in the Mong Kok unrest really with pure intentions to speak up, for the sake of expressing themselves as Hong Kong citizens?
11. Do you agree with the government’s decision to charge participants (of the Mong Kok Incident in 2016) with the offence of rioting?
With regards to the arrest of those participants, we hope that the Hong Kong government has had solid evidence to support (their arrest), and that the trial process has been fair. I hope they receive a fair trial.
Other candidates for the Annual Election 2019 include the Proposed General Secretary Mak Ka Chun Eugene, the Proposed Cabinet of Campus TV, the Proposed Editorial Board of Undergrad, and the Proposed Popularly Elected Union Councillor.
The Central Campaign for Annual Election 2019 will be held from the 21st to 25th of January at the Sun Yat-sen Place, from 12:30 to 14:30.
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過23萬的網紅Hey It's Dena,也在其Youtube影片中提到,跟我一起追劇八:DDD FB: http://www.facebook.com/denachmusic ▶ OPEN FOR MORE INFO! /更多資訊在↓↓ -------------------------------------------------✧ ▶ more videos/...
current名詞 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 八卦
語文除了用來傳情達意,有時也用來矇混敷衍、塗脂抹粉。此道官員政客、公關人員最擅長。舉個例,公司要裁員減開支,直截了當的說法是:To cut costs, we will sack some of you.(為減開支,我們要炒些人。)但通告上一定不會這樣寫,而可能是:
In response to the current global economic downturn, we are planning to better manage our costs by introducing a series of business restructuring initiatives which will result in an increase in non-voluntary turnovers.(為應對目前環球經濟衰退,我們正籌備一系列商務重組計劃以更有效地控制成本,其間非自願人員更替的數量會因而上升。)
第一招:Use the passive and omit the agent. 轉主動為被動,不要加「by」
主動句的主語通常是做事的所謂agent,假如改寫成被動句即可把他從句子剔走。所以不說 Tom stole the apple 而說 The item was stolen(物件被盜)。當然不要加 by Tom。
第二招:Prefer the abstract to the concrete. 棄精確,取模糊。
所有精確的字,都要用含混語言代替:棄 kill,steal,rape,sack,dump,而取 occur,engage,conduct,render,undergo。所以,不是 We are going to sack some people(我們將要炒人),而是 Our company is undergoing a restructuring process(本公司正進行業務重組的過程。)
第三招:Prefer nouns to verbs. 棄動詞,取名詞
這與第二招互相補足。總之生動鮮明的動詞,都改成名詞,再配上 abstract verb。所以,不說 Tom raped Mary(Tom強姦Mary了)而說 Tom and Mary engaged in non-consensual sexual activities(Tom跟Mary發生非自願的性行為)。
第四招:Prefer the long to the short. 字越長越好,句子亦然
因為讀起來較廢勁,表達亦較間接。所以 steal 不夠 misappropriate 好,misappropriate 又不夠 temporarily remove from the lawful owner(從合法物主處暫時拿走)好,所以:Tom temporarily removed the apple from its lawful owner。假如配合第一招一起用,就變成:The item was temporarily removed from its lawful owner(物件被人暫時從合法物主處拿取)。從 Tom 的角度看,這樣寫肯定比赤裸裸的「Tom stole the apple」(Tom偷了個蘋果)順眼。以上四招的目標相同,都務求令讀者花最大力氣才能把文字和文字代表的事物連繫起來。最後,畫龍還要點睛:
第五招:Sprinkle with favourable modifiers. 有利己方的修飾詞,不妨多加
別說 We tortured the suspects(我們虐待疑犯),要說 We subjected the suspects to some harmless but effective interrogation methods(我們在疑犯身上進行了一些無害但有效的審問措施)。別說 We burn coal to get electricity(我們燒煤取電),卻說 We have devised a fuel strategy that enables us to produce electricity in a sustainable and environmentally-responsible manner(我們的燃料政策,讓我們能以可持續和有利環境的方式發電)。
We are killing more and more innocent civilians in the war.(我們殺的無辜平民越來越多。)
More and more innocent civilians are killed in the war.(越來越多無辜平民被殺。)
再用名詞配上模糊的動詞。現在「kill」不見了,變成委婉詞「collateral damage」(這個詞,根據新出的牛津英漢漢英詞典 Oxford Chinese Dictionary,中文譯為「附帶性破壞」,跟英文的有異曲同工之妙)。「More and more」太直接了,改成「There is an increase in」;「war」也因為太敏感而改成「operation」:
There is an increase in the occurrence of collateral damage during the course of our operation.(我方執行任務其間,附帶性破壞的發生次數上升了。)
血腥味頓時消減不少。最後,「There is an increase」語氣太肯定了,改成「There have been reports of the possibility of an increase」(有報告顯示有可能增加)。而「our operation」可進一步修飾成「our peacekeeping operation」(維持和平任務):
There have been reports of the possibility of an increase in the occurrence of collateral damage during the course of our peacekeeping operation.(有報告顯示,我方執行維持和平任務其間附帶性破壞的發生次數可能上升了。)
current名詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 八卦
➡️ https://reurl.cc/5lD5Dv
1️⃣ excursion 短程旅行、郊遊
essential 必要的、不可或缺的、至關重要的
solitary 獨自的、單一的
Excursions had to be essential, and solitary.
2️⃣ vulnerable 易受傷的、脆弱的
flare-up 爆發、驟燃
It makes it vulnerable to future flare-ups, if it relaxes current restrictions on travel.
3️⃣ standstill 靜止、停頓
The lockdown brought the country to a virtual standstill.
✍️ 常用 virtual standstill 來形容,是因為不可能真的完全不動,但看似幾乎沒動。像是 Traffic came to a virtual standstill for more than an hour. 交通整整停止了一個多小時。
4️⃣ dire 嚴重的、危急的
5️⃣ contract 名詞是合約(重音在前),動詞是收縮、感染(重音在後)
The most dire forecasts predict New Zealand’s economy could contract by as much as 10%
❓Quiz: How do you pronounce contract when it’s a verb?
A. stress on the first syllable 重音放第一音節
B. stress on the second syllable 重音放第二音節
C. whatever 隨便
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current名詞 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的評價
FB: http://www.facebook.com/denachmusic
▶ OPEN FOR MORE INFO! /更多資訊在↓↓
▶ more videos/熱門影片連結
Shouldn't Be Missing 自創曲: https://youtu.be/cT_bJ9oUhvw
How I learned English: https://youtu.be/ZgHqeOrW4_I
Last favorite shows ep 上次的推薦歐美劇: https://youtu.be/7Emplr6JxxU
▶ extra content/補充內容
giveaway ends on Feb, 17th (UTC +8:00)
picking out FOUR people
抽獎截止日 2/17
*截止了哦! 贏家已經公開在我的Instagram現實上囉!
Netflix and Chill 這個片語呢其實是個流行雙關片語哦!
大家可能都有聽說過它是約炮的意思哈哈哈,算是這個“活動”所創造的天然機會演化出來的!但是其實,它也有單純只有字面上的意思哦! 也就是一起看劇放鬆耍廢!切記!女孩們!如果你在國外被不熟的外國人這樣約就要注意啊!!!非常極有可能會演化成約炮式!但如果你自己也喜歡他他也喜歡你並且約過幾次會了~或是這也是你要的,你就可以自己做決定!還是要記得周遭是要在安全安全安全的環境!!怎麼辦我好像大姊姊在碎碎念...
Netflix and Chill has two different meanings! One is (cough cough) the “activity” that Netflix and chilling ends up in most of the time haha, BUT! It also means the literal meaning! Just chilling!
1. Brooklyn 99 荒唐分局/神煩警探 (闔家觀賞。超級無敵好笑,可以大笑的那種)
2. Atypical 異類 (可愛有趣又可以有機會學會同理不一樣同學與家庭的環境與生活。適合至少高中+)
3. Drop Dead Diva 美女上錯身 (可愛有趣又有知識上增廣見聞。輕鬆版suits。適合國/高中/大學生+)
4. Lovesick (英國小品影集!超好笑!但是是小笑!18禁!)
5. Alias Grace 雙面葛蕾絲 (會有接二連三不斷看下去的魔力...目前第一季只有六集哦!可以直接追完!)
6. Suits 無照律師 (很多法律專有名詞!但是真的知識增長好多啊!劇情也非常精彩!適合大學生+)
7. Black Mirror 黑鏡 (每次看完都心情都灰灰的...但是劇情精彩!是部可以反思的劇!適合大學生+)(我自己沒有到超級喜歡因為不喜歡心理灰灰的感覺)
8. Narcos 毒梟 (有上台灣排行榜!適合高中、大學+)
9. House Of Cards 紙牌屋 (也有上台灣排行榜哦!適合高中、大學+)
* 完整大意心得都在影片中哦!適合觀看年齡是我的想法拉:D 個人認為黑鏡真的不適合太小的人看覺得很emo
eyes: colourpop - you had me at hello
foundation: it cosmetics - color correcting full coverage cream - light
highlight & blush - freshO2 磚屬wall
lashes - loreal lash paradise
lips: nudestix - go girl
earrings: h&m
necklace: kate spade
watch: DW - code "denachang" to get 15% off!
This video is not sponsored! However, thank you Netflix for providing the gifts!
▶ social media/社群
Facebook Page/粉絲專頁
https://goo.gl/nAhXXu @dena_chang
old Youtube/舊頻道
▶Business Inquiries/工作洽談
1. [email protected]
新朋友嗎? 嗨我是Dena! 高中開始追求我的音樂之路,畢業於輔仁大學護理系! 畢業後終於有勇氣全程灌注去美國念音樂! 這個頻道是分享著我最真實的故事! 歡迎加入我的大家庭一起陪伴彼此成長! 頻道中提供著Dena留學分享、音樂作品、彩妝、生活實錄Vlog等等! 有時候還會來點英文教學哦!
Welcome to my channel! I'm a singer/songwriter based in Taiwan! This channel is pretty much about my current life, my experiences studying at Berklee College of Music in the states, things that I love(music and makeup!) AND you will be expecting a lot of some REALLY chatty videos... (you are warned)!
♦ KEYWORDS: dena chang 張粹方 2017 生活紀錄 vlog taiwanese 康熙來了 網路 歌手 美國 Berklee School Of Music 英文歌 分享 music favorites favourites faves 小明星大跟班 憲哥 吳宗憲 uptown funk 自彈自唱 化妝 bruno mars how i learned english 輕鬆 學英文 教英文 美國 美式 腔調 留學 英語 教學 自學 education 台北 台灣 補習班 生活 lifestyle video

current名詞 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的評價
✧ Listen and download my songs / Dena正式發行音樂
Dena 張粹方 - 你愛她 You Love Her
KKBOX | https://kkbox.fm/Fa2c3x
Spotify | https://goo.gl/usDyaj
Apple Music | https://goo.gl/pkGBNE
iTunes | https://goo.gl/iuK1g3
Dena 張粹方 - Daydreaming 白日夢
各大平台 | http://bit.ly/DaydreamingMVOfficial
✧ More Videos / 熱門影片連結
Shouldn't Be Missing自創曲 | https://youtu.be/cT_bJ9oUhvw
How I learned English | https://youtu.be/ZgHqeOrW4_I
Last video 跟我一起訪問Kurt!! https://youtu.be/9q0950PsN4E
✧ Extra Content / 補充內容
店名: Rayin Hair
設計師: Ray
IG: http://www.instagram.com/rayin_hair
地址: 台北市大安區延吉街137巷7弄3號
電話: 02-2721-8543
Music | https://youtu.be/O1zh6h1PawM (my song, Daydreaming)
✧ Connect with Me | Social Medias / 社群
https://goo.gl/nAhXXu @dena_chang
✧ Business Inquiries / 工作洽談
[email protected]
✧ Greetings /
新朋友嗎? 嗨我是Dena! 高中開始追求我的音樂之路,畢業於輔仁大學護理系! 畢業後終於有勇氣全程灌注去美國念音樂! 這個頻道是分享著我最真實的故事! 歡迎加入我的大家庭一起陪伴彼此成長! 頻道中提供著Dena留學分享、音樂作品、彩妝、生活實錄Vlog等等! 有時候還會來點英文教學哦!
Welcome to my channel! I'm a singer/songwriter based in Taiwan! This channel is pretty much about my current life, my experiences studying at Berklee College of Music in the states, things that I love(music and makeup!) AND you will be expecting a lot of some REALLY chatty videos... (you are warned)!
KEYWORDS: dena chang 張粹方 2018 生活紀錄 vlog taiwanese 康熙來了 網路 創作 歌手 美國 Berklee School Of Music 英文歌 分享 music favorites faves 自彈自唱 化妝 bruno mars how i learned english 輕鬆 學英文 教英文 美國 美式 腔調 留學 英語 教學 自學 education 台北 台灣 補習班 生活 lifestyle video 旅行 singer songwriter

current名詞 在 current所有相關資訊,by-英文995 - 多益單字 的相關結果
current [形容詞] 現行的; [名詞] 水流;電流 ... LINE it! ... 例句與用法:. This word is no longer in current use. 這個詞現在已經不再使用。 The current is strongest in ... ... <看更多>
current名詞 在 current (【名詞】水流, 氣流, 電流)意思、用法及發音 - Engoo 的相關結果
Edison prefers direct electrical current while Westinghouse, played by Michael Shannon, wants to use the more dangerous alternating current. ... <看更多>
current名詞 在 current - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 的相關結果
current · 現時的,當前的;現行的;通用的,流行的 ; current · 當前的; 現在的;流行的 ; currents. current的名詞複數 ; current account · 往來帳戶;活期存款 ; current ... ... <看更多>