2014 「台灣愛飛揚」 慈善義畫活動
為愛行腳 十年磨一劍
搶救孤兒 有你我同行
1992年當《慧禮法師》踏上這一片黑色大地,帶來大愛慈光,他發起阿彌佛陀關懷中心 Amifoto care center (簡稱ACC)為國際非營利人道救援組織(INGO),以非洲本土文化、中華文化、佛法生命智慧三者,撫育、教養需要幫助的非洲孤兒。
ACC的組成是由一個孤兒院──「阿彌陀佛關懷中心 Amifoto care center」和一個學校──「圓通學校」所組成的。
另外莫三比克(Mozambique)、納米比亞(Namibia)兩國的ACC也正積極興建中。只是建設孤兒房與校舍,需要籌募可觀的經費,因此我們籌辦這場 2014 「台灣愛飛揚」 慈善義畫活動,借由您的愛心參與,祈盼讓更多的人能共同成就這份慈悲大業。
受贈單位:阿彌佛陀關懷中心 Amifoto care center (簡稱ACC)
展出地點:大直典華飯店 或誠品敦南店
聯絡人:財團法人普賢教育基金會電話:(02)2598-0045 傳真:(02)2592-6207網址:http://www.puhsein.org.tw/
組織負責人:慧禮法師 Founder: Ven. Hui Li組織執行長:法如法師 Contact: Ven. Fa Ru
本次企劃聯絡人:陳惠雲 Contact: Mia Chen
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅MEeeep More,也在其Youtube影片中提到,早前同大家介紹過 WhatsApp Business 喺 iPhone 上面行兩個唔同號碼 WhatsApp 嘅方法。收到有網友問有關於喺 Android 手機用兩個 WhatsApp 嘅方法。今日就同大家睇下 如果你用緊 Samsung 嘅 Android 手機,你只要去到 「設定」、「進階功能...
- 關於contact聯絡人 在 陳冠霖牛仔部落格 Facebook
- 關於contact聯絡人 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook
- 關於contact聯絡人 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook
- 關於contact聯絡人 在 MEeeep More Youtube
- 關於contact聯絡人 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube
- 關於contact聯絡人 在 Google Contacts 教學: 由Excel加電話號碼去電話簿/自動刪除重 ... 的評價
contact聯絡人 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 八卦
【本校自4月8日起上課配戴口罩 並請提高對自身健康狀況的警覺】
Please wear a surgical mask in class starting April 8 and stay highly alert about your own health status.
依本校4月5日全校信通知,連假結束返校14天內,務必提高對自身健康狀況的警覺。如發現身體不適,請即配戴口罩立即就醫,並通報您單位的防疫聯絡人。補充說明,就醫時,如接受新冠肺炎病毒採檢後返家,應「自主健康管理」至最後一次接觸日或發病日後14 天,期間不得到校上班上課。
Starting April 8, both faculty members and students at NTU are required to wear a surgical mask during class in classrooms or during experiments in labs. In cases where instructors and students concur in seeking exemption from this requirement, the instructor should apply to the Office of Academic Affairs after making proper arrangements in accordance with social distancing guidelines (1.5m indoors). Individual students reporting special needs may move to distance learning upon instructor approval. For students who forget to wear a surgical mask to class, please borrow one from department/institute staff or from the managerial staff of the classroom building, and return a new one within a week.
To reiterate the content of the campuswide email sent on April 5, please stay highly alert about your own health status during the 14 days following the Tomb Sweeping Holiday. In case of any indisposition, wear a surgical mask, seek medical attention immediately, and inform the contact person in pandemic of your department/institute/office. In addition, students and colleagues who return home after being tested for COVID-19 should practice a 14-day self-health management starting the last date of contact with a confirmed case or the date of symptom onset, and should not come to the campus for work or class during this period.
To ensure thorough implementation of anti-COVID-19 measures on campus, please forward this message to personnel independently employed by faculty, departments, institutes, and offices.
Sincerely yours,
NTU Secretariat
contact聯絡人 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 八卦
【敦睦艦隊疫情因應 延長防疫措施至5月31日】
NTU’s anti-COVID-19 measures in response to the cluster infections on naval supply ship Panshih, as well as the extension of related measures to May 31
秘書室 敬啟
Dear students and colleagues,
A cluster of COVID-19 infections on ROC’s Fleet of Friendship (Dunmu敦睦) was confirmed the other day. If you have received a warning text message from the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), or if you have been to the places at the same time when the Dunmu confirmed cases visited them (check locations and times of visit at https://bit.ly/2xyUgs3), please actively report to the contact person in pandemic of your department/institute/office, conduct a 14-day self-health management, and refrain from coming to the campus for work or class during this period.
The following anti-COVID-19 measures will be extended to May 31:
🤛Suspension of gatherings or assemblies of 100 people or more;
🤛Suspension of international travel among students and colleagues;
🤛Suspension of nonessential physical meetings;
🤛Temporary closures of the Sports Center, Gymnasium, and outdoor
Swimming Pool;
🤛Office HR Planning and Backup Measures during the COVID-19
In addition, starting April 27, all courses enrolled by 60 students or more should move to distance learning.
Regarding NTU’s guidelines over building access control and temperature checks, visitors are, in principle, only required to both swipe their ID cards and have their temperatures taken at first entrance, after which only card swiping is compulsory for (re-)entrance. Whether or not temperatures should be taken again for (re-)entrance, will be determined by individual buildings.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We will make timely changes to our response measures according to COVID-19 development to ensure campus safety and protect the health of all NTU members.
Sincerely yours,
NTU Secretariat
contact聯絡人 在 MEeeep More Youtube 的評價
早前同大家介紹過 WhatsApp Business 喺 iPhone 上面行兩個唔同號碼 WhatsApp 嘅方法。收到有網友問有關於喺 Android 手機用兩個 WhatsApp 嘅方法。今日就同大家睇下
如果你用緊 Samsung 嘅 Android 手機,你只要去到 「設定」、「進階功能」、「Dual Messenger」,你就會見到包括 WhatsApp 在內,支援兩個程式同時開啟嘅社交及即時通訊程式,你只要好似我咁打開 WhatsApp 旁邊嘅選項,之後確認同埋等一陣,另一個 WhatsApp 就安裝好,你會見到右下角會多咗個符號識別佢係另一個 WhatsApp,
你只要開啟呢個 WhatsApp,按正常嘅程序啟動另一個電話號碼就可以喇。
提提你喇,如果你用兩個 WhatsApp 嘅聯絡人係唔同,你可以揀埋 Dual Messenger 下面嘅「使用獨立聯絡人清單」,咁樣所有第二套 Messenger、包括呢個額外嘅 WhatsApp,都會用呢一個 Contact list 喇!
如果你係用緊小米同埋紅米手機,佢地都一樣有類似嘅功能!你可以去到「設定」、「應用雙開」、之後搵番 WhatsApp 再啟動同確認就搞掂!你只要開啟呢個 WhatsApp,按番正常嘅程序啟動另一個話號碼就搞掂喇。
如果你用緊其他牌子嘅手機,其實都可以透過下載「雙開」軟件去做到兩個 WhatsApp 嘅效果。
你可以試下「平行空間」又或者「雙開空間」如果只需要雙開即時通訊軟件同埋社交應用程式,只要揀「精簡版」就可以喇。裝好之後只要按指示,揀番要雙開 WhatsApp,安裝程式就可以啟動!
contact聯絡人 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的評價
一、線上預訂:http://goo.gl/forms/7BIYgmyZ0g (請在所選擇的日期之前48小時填妥網上報名表)
若有任何疑問,歡迎致電香港大學學生會工程學會唐藹恩(9403 2850)或余重樺(6750 8143),或電郵至enginsoc@hku.hk查詢
✥ Welfare Week X Engin Escape✥
Welfare Week will be held on 10 Nov to 14 Nov. All engineering members can get an exquisite welfare pack and a free Phocus photo-shooting service. Furthermore, there will be an escape game for every HKU students.
The information of Engin’ Escape:
Being a spcae-time police, you have caught a criminal. However, you do not have enough evidence to arrest and charge him. You have to find the evidence in three different spaces, and for each time, you have at most 25 minutes. Members can form teams to join the escape game, and every team should consist up to 4 people. Plesae be remined, the contact person MUST be our member.
Details of our Welfare Week and are as follows:
Date: 10/11/2014-14/11/2014
Time: 12:30-18:30
Venue: Haking Wong Podium
Ways to Book an Escape Room:
1. Online Booking System: http://goo.gl/forms/7BIYgmyZ0g ( Please sign up the application form 48 hours before your selected day )
2. Walk in our booth
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Sandy Tong at 9403 2850 or Kelvin Yu at 6750 8143 or email to enginsoc@hku.hk
contact聯絡人 在 Google Contacts 教學: 由Excel加電話號碼去電話簿/自動刪除重 ... 的八卦
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