好開心可以在紐約見到我妹妹 很為她驕傲 從Wharton's沃頓商學院畢業, 現在又從Columbia哥倫比亞大學獲得碩士學位🎓So good to see my little sister in NY. Very proud of her of all her studies. Graduated from Wharton's with a bachelors degree, and now an MBA from Columbia. Good job kiddo!
同時也有30部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過19萬的網紅JUKSY 街星,也在其Youtube影片中提到,疫情的關係大家都無法出國,越來越多人開始往大自然跑,在凹豆盛行的一年,我們有糖果爸爸力挺!戶外運動品牌 Columbia 哥倫比亞大力贊助!「第一個想到的戶外品牌?」凡事三秒內答出“哥倫比亞”的人,我們就幫你徹頭徹尾大改造,整套哥倫比亞讓你穿回家! 留言就送「哥倫比亞迷彩多功能收納包」! 抽獎步...
columbia哥倫比亞 在 柯文哲 Facebook 八卦
我身邊的三個同學,今年從中正高中畢業,最右邊的楊閎聿,將到 #倫敦大學 就讀,女生黃詩詠,要到美國芝加哥 #哥倫比亞學院 (Columbia college Chicago )念電影製作,左邊的錢辛之,則會去 #阿姆斯特丹大學 唸商業經濟系。
他們都是臺北市邁向國際的先鋒,三年前,北市教育局推動 #國際文憑課程,加入的同學除了上學校的課,還要再修700-800小時的國際文憑學分。今年他們畢業了,不只拿到兩張畢業證書,還準備出國深造。同學說:當初加入這個計畫,也有點怕怕的;然而,如果沒有哥倫布勇敢航向未知的世界,就不可能發現新大陸,也不可能改寫世界歷史,這些同學們的努力與勇敢,值得大力喝采。
columbia哥倫比亞 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第五發:高雄美國學校總校長卜傑明與太太來到台灣的甜蜜故事 💕💕
卜傑明:「我現在是高雄美國學校的總校長,我們有來自超過30個國家、800位學生。我們的美式教育哲學是強調批判性思考而非背誦,並著重發揮創意、創造新知 — 這不是教學法的一種,而是我們的信念。而且,我們身處高雄,就是屬於高雄的一份子。高雄美國學校的建築概念就是『透明』,就算坐在教室裡,我們的學生也能看到他們所屬的城市以及外面的世界。」
Why I Chose Taiwan #5 💞
Ben: I was a Peace Corps volunteer many years ago. It was a wonderful and difficult experience. Early in our relationship, Torey told me she eventually planned to live and work overseas. I was one hundred percent on board with that.
Torey: So academically, my background is in aerospace engineering. I interned with Boeing for a while. Then after college, I went to work for Rocketdyne, which is a subcontractor for NASA, they made the space shuttle main engines.
Ben: She’s an actual rocket scientist!
Torey: My company would design and manufacture the parts for engines in California. And then we would ship them to the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, where we would assemble and test engines. But I always wanted to be a physics teacher. When I met Ben, I was actually on a business trip. One of my coworkers was engaged to Ben’s roommate…and now we’re married!
Ben: So we were looking for overseas opportunities, and the opportunity in Taiwan came about. And I came out here to interview in person. And I remember when I walked in the front door of this place for the first time…it just felt different. I was here for two days and by the time, I got the plane to go back home, I was sold on the school. I was sold on Taiwan. I went to Torey and I said, “Torey, did you ever consider Taiwan?” She literally jumped up from couch and said, ”Yes, that’s at the top of my list.”
Torey: I always wanted to learn Mandarin and I have so many friends in high school and college who were from Taiwan. I love the heat. I love the travel. I’ve made so many new friends here. People are so nice and so open.
Ben: I now serve as the superintendent of the Kaohsiung American School. We have 800 students from a total of over 30 countries. There is a certain philosophy to American education that we apply here -- an emphasis on critical thinking over memorization; the importance of creativity and creating new knowledge -- we don’t identify them as part of our pedagogy. They are actually part of our beliefs. At the same time, we are in Kaohsiung. We are part of Kaohsiung. This school is designed to be transparent. Even when you’re sitting in the class, we want our students visually connected to the city they are part of and to the place they are part of and to the outside world.
✅Dr. Ben Ploeger joined the Kaohsiung American School community as Superintendent in 2017. He earned his EdD and MEd from Columbia University. Dr. Ploeger has worked as a head of school, principal, vice principal, math teacher, and a science teacher at the high school and middle school levels. He served in the United States Peace Corps in the island nation of Vanuatu. Mrs. Torey Ploeger is a rocket scientist. They enjoy good food, good company and conversation, and traveling together.
columbia哥倫比亞 在 JUKSY 街星 Youtube 的評價
疫情的關係大家都無法出國,越來越多人開始往大自然跑,在凹豆盛行的一年,我們有糖果爸爸力挺!戶外運動品牌 Columbia 哥倫比亞大力贊助!「第一個想到的戶外品牌?」凡事三秒內答出“哥倫比亞”的人,我們就幫你徹頭徹尾大改造,整套哥倫比亞讓你穿回家!
2➡️YouTube影片下方留言,用一句話證明自己是凹豆咖「 我是凹豆咖,我 __ 」
3➡️抽獎截止時間 04/18(四) 18:00
特別感謝:寓 SALON
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約前男友吃飯 👉 https://youtu.be/z_JFoA7TclY
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columbia哥倫比亞 在 蔡佩軒 Ariel Tsai Youtube 的評價
Ariel創作單曲!年度必聽青春情歌【為了等候你】3.14 白色情人節甜蜜上架!
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🔔 訂閱Ariel的頻道: http://bit.ly/ariel_youtube
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▶︎Ariel官網: http://arieltsai.tv
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▶︎微博: http://bit.ly/2mRyCab
🎥 每週二晚上9:00 #遇見Ariel直播 在臉書粉專 + YouTube 直播 - 鋼琴彈唱熱門流行好歌!
蔡佩軒 Ariel Tsai(1995年1月23日 - )新生代創作女歌手,出生於台灣台北,從小移居加拿大溫哥華。現就讀加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學 (University of British Columbia) 藥學系。
22歲的 Ariel 蔡佩軒,不到ㄧ年時間就擄獲數萬歌迷的心。許多人說,她那低沉卻富含感情的歌聲,最適合上了一天班之後,用來療癒你一切的不滿足與不快樂,是一種正能量的釋放。曾有人說Ariel的聲音,就像天使親吻過的聲音,撫平心靈。
從2016年10月起迄今,Ariel 在臉書平台直播鋼琴彈唱熱門點播歌曲及自己的原創曲。平均同時在線觀看人數8千人,最高甚至超過2萬人,影片觸及量高達百萬。Ariel 經常開放網友票選最想聽的歌,有時候就在鏡頭前馬上彈起鋼琴,馬上編曲,例如翻唱那對夫妻的”妮妮”,快速成為翻唱熱搜排行榜,深獲觀眾喜愛。
🎥 每週二四晚上10:30 在臉書粉絲專頁直播 - 鋼琴彈唱熱門流行好歌!
columbia哥倫比亞 在 加拿大留學日常 艾弟龍哥 Youtube 的評價
跟大家分享國外大學University of British Columbia (UBC)的畢業典禮怎麼樣的
是不是比較有儀式感呢? 還是...
讓我們一起體驗一下University of British Columbia (UBC)的畢業氛圍吧!
0:43 University of British Columbia (UBC)校園
1:20 University of British Columbia (UBC) Rose Garden 玫瑰花園
1:48 University of British Columbia (UBC) Chan Center (畢業典禮禮堂)
4:20 University of British Columbia (UBC) The David Lam Management Research Library
4:32 University of British Columbia (UBC) Sauder School of Business (UBC商學院)
#加拿大留學#University of British Columbia #UBC#Sauder#Chan center#rose garden#英屬哥倫比亞大學溫哥華#UBC大學#UBC畢業#加拿大留學日常#艾弟#艾琳
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columbia哥倫比亞 在 [Columbia ]哥倫比亞高筒防水健走鞋 - YouTube 的八卦
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