罗马现在有80%以上信奉基督教或天主教,其中很大的原因是起源古罗马,基督教就在这里开始了越来越多人信奉了。耶稣的其中两大门徒Paul and Peter,当时也在罗马宣教。现在葬在这里。我建议对基督教有兴趣的信奉者可以来罗马探索,这里有很多耶稣的画像,毕竟和他一起宣教的Peter and Paul很多时间都是在罗马宣教。
转自维基百科:耶稣的诞生在年表中提出了一个有趣的悖论。罗马人使用约会系统,其中城市或罗马的神话基础的年份是它的主要参考点,并且他们命名为第1年AUC,代表ab urbe condita,“从城市的建立”。在耶稣的生命之后的几个世纪,Dionysius Exiguus(约公元前470年 - 公元前544年),一位居住在罗马的希腊僧侣和神学家得出结论,耶稣出生于753年AUC,这个日期被广泛接受。旧的罗马约会系统逐渐被一个新的系统所取代,其中主要的参考点是耶稣的诞生。那一年后来被称为公元1年,Anno Domini“我们的主年”。耶稣诞生前的几年被命名为BC,“在基督面前”。这意味着,根据Dionysius Exiguus的计算,罗马城是在耶稣诞生之前753年建立的。现代奖学金不是BC / AD符号,而是传统约会的另一种命名:BCE“在共同时代之前”和CE“共同时代”。
Saint Peter (Syriac/Aramaic: ܫܸܡܥܘܿܢ ܟܹ݁ܐܦ݂ܵܐ, Shemayon Keppa; Hebrew: שמעון בר יונה Shim'on bar Yona; Greek: Πέτρος Petros; Coptic: ⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ, translit. Petros; Latin: Petrus; r. AD 30;[1] died between AD 64 and 68),[2] also known as Simon Peter, Simeon, or Simon (/ˈsaɪmən/,
pronunciation (help·info)), according to the New Testament, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, leaders of the early Christian Great Church. Pope Gregory I called him repeatedly the "Prince of the Apostles".[3] According to Catholic teaching, Jesus promised Peter in the "Rock of My Church" dialogue in Matthew 16:18 a special position in the Church. He is traditionally counted as the first Bishop of Rome—or pope—and also by Eastern Christian tradition as the first Patriarch of Antioch. The ancient Christian churches all venerate Peter as a major saint and as the founder of the Church of Antioch and the Roman Church,[2] but differ in their attitudes regarding the authority of his present-day successors (the primacy of the Bishop of Rome).
The New Testament indicates that Peter's father's name was John (or Jonah or Jona)[4] and was from the village of Bethsaida in the province of Galilee or Gaulanitis. His brother Andrew was also an apostle. According to New Testament accounts, Peter was one of twelve apostles chosen by Jesus from his first disciples. Originally a fisherman, he played a leadership role and was with Jesus during events witnessed by only a few apostles, such as the Transfiguration. According to the gospels, Peter confessed Jesus as the Messiah,[5] was part of Jesus's inner circle,[6] thrice denied Jesus[7] and wept bitterly once he realised his deed, and preached on the day of Pentecost.[8]
According to Christian tradition, Peter was crucified in Rome under Emperor Nero Augustus Caesar. It is traditionally held that he was crucified upside down at his own request, since he saw himself unworthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus. Tradition holds that he was crucified at the site of the Clementine Chapel. His remains are said to be those contained in the underground Confessio of St. Peter's Basilica, where Pope Paul VI announced in 1968 the excavated discovery of a first-century Roman cemetery. Every 29 June since 1736, a statue of Saint Peter in St. Peter's Basilica is adorned with papal tiara, ring of the fisherman, and papal vestments, as part of the celebration of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. According to Catholic doctrine, the direct papal successor to Saint Peter is the incumbent pope, currently Pope Francis.
Two general epistles in the New Testament are ascribed to Peter, but modern scholars generally reject the Petrine authorship of both.[9] The Gospel of Mark was traditionally thought to show the influence of Peter's preaching and eyewitness memories. Several other books bearing his name—the Acts of Peter, Gospel of Peter, Preaching of Peter, Apocalypse of Peter, and Judgment of Peter—are considered by Christian denominations as apocryphal, and are thus not included in their Bible canons.[10][11][12]
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過54萬的網紅AK in カナダ|AK-English,也在其Youtube影片中提到,日本の(?)企業名をネイティブが発音してみたら面白かった! マクドナルド:McDonald's セブンイレブン:Seven Eleven サークルケー:Circle K ローソン:Lawson ファミリーマート:Family mart ロイヤルホスト:Royal Host モスバーガー:Mos B...
circle pronunciation 在 梁軒安 Eagle-軒爺 Facebook 八卦
Hello, dear friends~
This is our film for the award of "Beautiful Keelung" : https://youtu.be/jb87SQ0unhw
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This will increase the total number of clicks (deadline : the 9th August 2019)
The overall goal is "first prize", please assist us.
Thank you so much!
#Keelung #Culture #Tour #Taiwan Beauty
The carriage carries many people’s thoughts.
There are countless separations and gatherings in the station, and travelers travel by train, commute, or travel.
And the fate is always arranged quietly.
The gentleman comes and the lady leaves.
The seemingly inadvertent incident buried the seeds of fate.
Although passing by in the temple,
But the fate is always destined to let the two meet again.
Through the encounters of these two people, they bring out the humanity, beauty, gastronomy, and spiritual symbols of Keelung.
Finally, a bird's eye view of Keelung Harbor’s night.
In the end, the gentleman proposes to the lady
Would you like to make a family with me? The Taiwanese pronunciation of "a family" is the same as that of "Keelung". The story shows beautiful Keelung, romantic Keelung, in love with Keelung, and finally becomes a "family", making a perfect ending for the story.
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There are two good reasons to travel
One because of love
Another is to depart whenever you wish.
circle pronunciation 在 Michelle 陈美瑾 Facebook 八卦
快來看看Dato' David Hew所研發的V數字方程式對手機電話號碼的精闢研究,了解數字,你將贏在起跑點。... See More
There was this article that appeared in today’s newspaper that clearly caught my attention. Once again, it proves that individuals will pay top dollars to own an “auspicious” mobile number. This is especially true in China where everyone competes intensely and fiercely on one objective…that is to “WIN”!
So, why are individuals willing to spend millions to acquire a mobile number? Well, with the advent of the Internet and state of the art mobile technology, our life has been transformed in many ways! To the extent where we can’t leave home or leave our hands free from our mobile(s) device(s). It’s an integral part of our lives that we can no longer do without. The basic functionality of a mobile phone has extended from merely attending to voice calls to data services and now multimedia functionalities that include real-time updates of information/news/videos/activities – be it private or official. The form factor of such mobile devices have varied in many ways over the last few years making it easier for people of all ages to have no excuse to leave home without one.
But the question is “paying millions”?!! Yes, why not? If a good mobile number attracts “callers” or “potential deal makers” that can bring about windfalls of projects, why not? This is especially obvious in country like China where deals are worth millions and in some cases, billions!
Let me give you some pointers as to how we assess mobile numbers…definitely not basing it on just the homophonic or the pronunciation of the numbers. For example 8 in Chinese is pronounced as “Fa” which means “prosperity”; 6 is “Lu” or “good fortune”. That’s not the focus on how a mobile number should be picked. The mechanics of how mobile devices work can be too complex for many to understand. But the crux of how we make or receive calls centres around a simple theory call “modulation”. In layman terms, “frequencies that carry across thin air from one point to the other”. Frequency is basically vibration of wave particles…it’s made up of different numbers that travel across the universe to and fro our mobile devices based on instructions and settings we pre-determined. Just imagine carrying a mobile phone or various mobile devices that uses SIM card. You automatically become the “host” that “magnatised” all the different frequencies around the universe! Hence, it’s best to “attract” the “positive energy” than the negative right?
Lets take a look at the million dollar mobile lines that was paid by avid fan of auspicious numbers!
Firstly, we layout the numbers and format them into a “inverted triangular” shape based on a special formulary developed by myself through the use of VISIBER’s unique V Formulary. This is an evolutionary part of the V Formulary that stood the test of time over the last 12 years.
The main purpose of such format is to deduce the mobile numbers by adding up all the digits individually – line by line. We have to include the “country code” as without that, the mobile number will not be deemed as “unique”. With the country code, this will be the most “unique identity” an individual can have as no other number will have similar patterns or number sequence. A person who carries a mobile device equipped with a unique number can be influenced positively or negatively depending on the sequential arrangement of the selected numbers that was chosen. As the saying goes, don’t judge the book by the cover…I think it’s appropriate now to start adding another statement that says “don’t judge the numbers as they appear”.
Alright, lets move on to the gist of the analysis (for +8618988888888). For China, the addition of country code 8618xxxxxxxxx give rise to a number combo of 579 in the subsequent line. Meaning, very strong government influences, connections or links in determining the success or failure in all areas within the country of China. For this mobile number in particular, we can see that 5798 is the first 4 digits that appear after the addition. Though having strong government network/connection, the user will have to be aware that this may also lead to potential conflicts that may happen if matters are not handled cautiously. 98 or 89 usually attract legal conflicts. This followed by another subsequent outcome after the addition of 8s in the base/top line - you can clearly notice that the first line all ended up with 7s. At the initial stage, the number magnetized positive events such as people…however, determining which ones are the good or bad lot will be somewhat a challenge thereafter. This is validated by the built-up of 5s in the 3rd line. 5 denotes direction and having one 5 is sufficient because one 5 shows strong focus and clear path of where the individual wants to go to. But having six 5s will lead to some real challenges down the track. Too many will be confusing for the user as it will lead to difficult “cross road(s)”. Moving from the 5s will be the 1s (also through the adding up of the previous set of 5s). Even after attracting a strong network of people, it ends up that the user of this mobile number having to undertake most tasks by him or herself. There are five 1s which when added up, gives rise to 5 – meaning, the user will not only be very busy but have to travel rigorously in order to get things in order.
Chinese love number 8 but having too many of it will distract us from the ability to focus on getting things done. From the derivation of this mobile number, we can clearly see a lot of repeated events (numbers). If this scenario leads to a positive end, it will not be an issue. However, this is not the case for this mobile number. The last 2 lines before the end which happens to be an 8 (derived from 89 => 8) will be an outcry as it denotes negativity. As mentioned, the occurrence of 89 or 98 does not lead to a positive note. It will end up with the user goes round in circle not achieving much but instead will accumulate lots of unnecessary legal conflicts. So, to conclude, though this mobile number costs millions to acquire, it comes not only with trouble but also lots of unwanted legal entanglement. Better be safe to avoid than to be sorry as the user may have to fork out many more millions later on to resolve all these unwanted negative issues!!
The second mobile number analysis is as follow:
8613 is a good beginning, leading to the connection with good government officials (574). Obvious patterns will be the repeated order of 6s right at the base/top line of this mobile number. The occurrences will be repeated by 3s and followed by 6s again. Hence, it means the ability to attract investment opportunities! Chances of yielding positive returns are very good too. However, the potential holding of assets based on this number pattern will be low due to the low appearances of 9s in the V chart. Meaning, this type of mobile numbers are more suited for individuals dealing with the “financial industry” or involving in “investment related” activities. I will associate this to a “corporate raider” who wheels and deals regularly.
The other occurrences will be number 7 but they are spread out evenly over the 12 lines (from 1st to final line). Therefore, it does not have the previous pitfalls demonstrated by the mobile with lots of 8s up front where the 7s will give rise to 5s in the next level down.
All in all, this is a very busy mobile and the influence that it has over the user will be “good and fast decision making that results in positive high yield returns”. So the person that paid top dollar for this mobile will be laughing to the bank for certain!
這是出現在今日報紙上的一篇文章,其標題吸引了我的注意力。 它再次地證明了一個人願意支付天價購買一個“吉祥”的手機號碼。尤其是在中國這麼一個競爭激烈的社會,每個人都在爭相追逐同一個目標......那就是“贏” !
但問題是,這有必要耗費“上百萬”嗎? !是的,如果一個好的手機號碼吸引了“來電者”或“潛在的交易者” 而帶來了大商機或意外的收穫,何樂而不為呢?尤如中國,一單交易便可輕易上百萬,並在某些情況下,更可高達幾十億!
讓我舉例解釋如何評估我們的手機號碼......絕對不只是單憑它的諧音或讀音那麼簡單! 例如,在中國粵語數字8的發音為“發”,有“財運佳”之意;而數字6則是“祿”,亦寓意著“好運氣” ;但這都不是挑選手機號碼的重點。移動設備中的程序太複雜,並非所有人都能夠理解。當我們撥打或接聽電話的時候,環繞著的是一個簡單的理論-“調製”。簡單來說,它就是在空氣分子中被傳遞的“頻率”。基本上,頻率是波粒的振動,由若干個數字組成信息,在宇宙中的無線電波及電話信息裡,根據各種設置川流不息。試想想看携帶著內含SIM卡的手機或各種移動設備的你,無時無刻地吸引著宇宙中的各種頻率!因此,吸引“正能量”總比吸引“負能量”好吧?
這種格式的主要目的是通過逐行相加的方式來加至最後的單一數字。方程式的電話號碼中必須包括“國家代碼”,那這電話號碼才可算是獨一無二的,因為這世上不會有另一個人會和你擁有一模一樣的手機號碼 。一個人所配有的獨特手機號碼組合可看出其正面或負面的影響。俗話說,不要從封面來判斷一本書的好壞......那我認為現在我們也可以開始有這麼一個新的說法“不要以數字呈現的方式來判斷它的好壞”。
好吧,現在讓我們進入分析的要點 (for +8618988888888)。對於中國來說,增加了國家代碼8618xxxxxxxxx後便會在第二行產生579的數字組合。這意味著,中國政府有著非常強大的影響力和勢力,更可決定國內各地區的成與敗。尤其是這手機號碼在相加之後最先出現的四個數字為5798;可見雖然此手機號碼持有者擁有強大的政府網絡及人脈,但他若沒謹慎處理之間的關係,便會導致衝突和矛盾的發生。98或89組合通常都會吸引法律上的訴訟或合約方面的麻煩。隨後緊接著的多個數字7,在初始階段顯示身邊吸引了許多人脈,然而,判斷人脈當中的好壞便是隨之而來所會面對的挑戰。第三行中數字5的重複性更顯示了當中的阻隔。5代表著明確的方向及專注力,但若出現太多的5便會造成混淆,因為太多的“方向”會導致他猶如站在十字路口般,佈置何去何從。接下來的重複性數字1 表示了他先前雖然擁有人脈,但最終還是得自己承擔大部份的事務。而且,五個連續的數字1加起來等於5,所以他除了十分繁忙,也必須時時出差才能將事情處理好。
另一個電話號碼則大不同 (+8613166666666)。8613是一個良好的開端,從而帶動良好的高官顯要(574)關係。方程式中最明顯的模式便是重複的數字6,之後便會相加出重複的數字3和重複的數字6。因此,這意味著他擁有吸引投資機會的能力!而投資當中所獲得的回酬亦會相當不錯。但是,根據這個手機號碼的分析,由於極少出現數字9,表示了固定資產的累積能力也較弱。這類型的手機號碼較適合涉及金融業或與投資相關行業的人。我會將這號碼與頻頻在市場上交易的“企業掠奪者”連繫在一起。
其他出現的數字如7號,平均地分佈在這12行數字中(從第一行到最後一行)。因此,它不會如數字8的陷阱般,加出數字7後再變為數字5。 總而言之,這是一個非常繁忙的手機號碼,而它對使用者的影響將會是“快而準的決策;正面且高收益的回報”,所以那支付百萬購買此手機號碼的人現在想必鴻運當頭!
感恩聯絡 012-7997 963 感謝与愛❤️
circle pronunciation 在 AK in カナダ|AK-English Youtube 的評價
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サークルケー:Circle K
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ロイヤルホスト:Royal Host
モスバーガー:Mos Burger
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circle pronunciation 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的評價
Hello friends! A highly requested video is finally up! ?
I'm using an HSK vocabulary book, but you can use any resource like a novel, an article, a textbook or even a TV show to find new words. I color code my notes and color code the tones so I can associate a tone with a color.
In one notebook, I list the Chinese characters in black, the pinyin pronunciation in orange, and the Korean or English meaning in black. The circle with a number in it indicates which HSK level the vocab word is for. Example sentences are written in red, and when I need to, I'll rewrite the characters as much as I can until I memorize it.
Then I transfer the words without pinin to a separate notebook and only write the meaning. I then underline the characters with a color according to its tone.
PS: Some of you may notice my vocab is in simplified and one of my example sentences in traditional. I use both!
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