I love the curiosity and awe of toddlers. Everything is magical to them, everything a discovery, everything is new. It is literally, like their world has exploded.
How then do you manage their fierce need for independence and boundaries to come together with their need to explore and discover and touch alllll the thingssssss?
This is one of my very favorite photos of Ella Grace and I. It was taken on a random Sunday at our church. We were walking past some leftover decorations from a wedding the day before and she was absolutely in awe, almost like she saw flowers for the first time.
This picture reminds mama to slow down. Slow down and literally smell the roses with her. Slow down and give her five minutes. Slow down, and see the world through her eyes.
The truth is, I did have five minutes. And when I stopped to see her, I also learned to see the beauty of these five minutes.
My Toddlers Wars workshop isn't reinventing the wheel or judging your parenting skills or telling you what to do. It's really just learning how to see the world through your little one's eyes and how to respond as a parent effectively, kindly, respectfully, and lovingly.
I want to teach you to build these loving healthy relationships with your child.
I want to teach you to take these photos.
For more info or to register for the next Toddler Wars workshop on January 6, check out the Events page.
You got this, mamas. xx