上次同大家分享完藥劑師的工作不只是派藥,今日請來物理治療師朋友分享佢地嘅工作。以下由OH MY MYO提供
物理治療直譯自英文 physical therapy ,就係 「物理」 同「 治療」。物理治療呢個字最多人以為係指用係一啲物理形式(而非化學形式: 藥物或侵入) 去作治療效用:一般諗到既電療,熱敷/冰敷, 手法治療等。
但其實physical 唔係淨係解作物理, 亦可解作「 身體的」。而另一個官方字詞 Physiotherapy,Physio- 字頭源自古希臘文, 中文意指「 自然 」。所以嚴格黎謂物理治療先至係真.自然療法。
根據組織 World Physiotherapy,物理治療既定義係提供服務予個人和民眾,以在其一生中發展、維持和恢復最大的活動和功能。
"Physiotherapists provide services that develop, maintain and restore people’s maximum movement and functional ability.......maximise their quality of life, looking at physical, psychological, emotional and social wellbeing.“
【1. 肌肉及骨骼科/ 骨科 Musculoskeletal】
- 電療 : 超聲波、干擾波 等
- 針灸 (其實已經係當侵入性)
- 運動治療
- 手法治療 (肌膜治療、關節活動手法等)
- 動態矯正
【2. 心肺科 Cardiorespiratory】
透過運動治療、呼吸訓練、呼吸回復姿勢(recovery position)、及呼吸機等協助病人改善心肺功能,從而改善日常生活活動(ADLs)。
長期病患如心臟衰竭、慢阻肺病 (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD) 呢類患者可能連最簡單既活動: 刷牙洗面都會氣喘。
另外就係病人係大手術後/昏迷長時間後甦醒,佢地既身體長時間訓平加上冇肌肉活動/ 因為手術後影響,由訓平到坐起身呢個動作,心臟都未必可以加大功率(增加血壓)去支持,所以有D人做完手術後起身會暈,因為心臟根本負荷唔到。
(所以個啲劇情: 昏迷兩年後….(手指郁)醫生!醫生!佢醒啦!然後下一幕就係女主角用輪椅推男主出花園透氣,男主角可能要一兩星期先可以唔暈咁坐輪椅出去)
【3. 神經科(Neurology)】
透過運動治療、機器輔助治療(robotic training)、肌肉電流刺激、鏡像治療等協助神經系統疾病病人改善活動及自理能力。
中風、柏金遜、甚至係因為早幾前因為ice bucket challenge 大熱既漸凍症 ALS 都係例子。
【兒科 Pediatrics】
為大腦麻痺、唐氏綜合症 、發展遲緩、自閉症或其他各類先天疾病等病童提供復康計劃黎協助佢地發展。
【運動科 (sports)】
球隊軍醫: 駐場應急STANDBY(你睇英超有球員受傷後第一時間拎住個袋衝出去既職員)
【老人科 (geriatic )】
【婦科 (woman's health)】
物理治療師在醫療體系中是不可或缺的一部分,近年極力提倡holistic care,醫生護士配合Allied Health為病人提供最全面的醫療服務。
同時也有10000部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過62萬的網紅Bryan Wee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,...
「chronic disease中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於chronic disease中文 在 Dr 文科生 Facebook
- 關於chronic disease中文 在 Icu醫生陳志金 Facebook
- 關於chronic disease中文 在 Translators Anonymous Facebook
- 關於chronic disease中文 在 Bryan Wee Youtube
- 關於chronic disease中文 在 Travel Thirsty Youtube
- 關於chronic disease中文 在 スキマスイッチ - 「全力少年」Music Video : SUKIMASWITCH / ZENRYOKU SHOUNEN Music Video Youtube
- 關於chronic disease中文 在 [EP 176] 各种慢性病的中文Different chronic diseases in Chinese 的評價
chronic disease中文 在 Icu醫生陳志金 Facebook 八卦
Taiwan is not a province of China.
Taiwan has a totally different healthcare system from China, hence, to compare Taiwan with other provinces of China is absolutely a methodological error. This article should be retracted from your esteemed journal. Please do not allow politics to interfere with research.
The Lancet | Research | Mortality, morbidity, and risk factors in China and its provinces, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
Chronic conditions, such as stroke, ischemic heart disease & lung cancer – not infectious diseases – are now top 5 causes of early death in China: finding from a new #GBDStudy of mortality, morbidity & risk factors in #China & its provinces, 1990–2017 by @Institute for health. This is the first comprehensive subnational assessment of health to include data on mortality, morbidity, combined health loss, and risks in China. Major improvements have been made to the GBD methods since the 2013 subnational analysis of population health in China. These include additional causes of death and disability, greater disaggregation of age groups, substantially expanded data sources, the development of data quality ratings, improvements to estimation models, the development of the Socio-demographic Index, consideration of summary exposure values for risk factors, and a fully updated time series of estimates, among other improvements. Read here:
chronic disease中文 在 Translators Anonymous Facebook 八卦
1. 例句:
背單字時務必要看例句,學用法,尤其是具有多重用法的單字。隨便舉一個例子,represent 是代表的意思,這個字究竟可以「代表」多少東西,又該怎麼用?根據劍橋英語辭典的例句有下列定義與用法:
a. to speak, act, or be present officially for another person or people:
They chose a famous barrister to represent them in court.
I sent my husband to represent me at the funeral.
Women were poorly represented at the conference.
b. to be the Member of Parliament, or of Congress, etc. for a particular area:
Ed Smythe represents Barnet.
c. to be the person from a country, school, etc. that is in a competition:
She was chosen to represent France at the Olympics.
d. to express or complain about something, to a person in authority:
We represented our grievances/demands to the boss.
e. to show or describe something or someone:
The statue represents St. George killing the dragon.
This new report represents the current situation in our schools.
f. to be a sign or symbol of something:
To many people the White House represents the identity of the United States.
g. to be the result of something, or to be something:
This book represents ten years of thought and research.
The new offer represented an increase of 10 percent on the previous one.
2. 衍生字
3. 上下文(context)
有些單字的多重意思乍看之下八竿子打不著關係,其實暗藏玄機,例如terminal、 terminate、termination可以用在完全不同的領域。
Terminate 是動詞(好啦名詞就是terminator),是終結的意思,terminal當名詞有「終點站」的意思(王爾德拿來取笑某人在車站出生),飛機航廈也是terminal,電腦終端機也是terminal。當形容詞則是「末期的」(terminal cancer)。terminate 除了有「終結某事」的意思(terminate the contract),也用在形容終止妊娠(terminate the pregnancy)。所以termination 是abortion的另一個用法。學到這個字時就順便學非人工流產是miscarriage(懷孕失敗),衍生詞是miscarriage of justice(司法不公)。
4. 以中文大量吸取知識
所謂知識包括一般知識與專長領域或興趣。當然,要用英文也可以,只是這部分用中文比較快。這是我覺得最重要的一點,有時候,單字背不起很可能是因為連這個單字的中文意思都不確定,不知道背景故事,或不知道那個概念的來源。例如我喜歡看《實習醫生》,所以我對各科別的英文名稱耳熟能詳,如果有人說他的專長是cardiovascular,我就知道cardio是心臟,vascular是血管,加起來就是心血管的。terminal、chronic、acute分別代表「末期」、「慢性病」和「急性」疾病,但terminal illness、chronic disease和acute illness有哪些例子?糖尿病屬於哪一種?闌尾炎屬於哪一種?這是不需要靠英文也可以學得的知識,但在學英文時絕對會有幫助。
chronic disease中文 在 [EP 176] 各种慢性病的中文Different chronic diseases in Chinese 的八卦
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