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cheyne stokes breathing中文 在 潮式呼吸 - 求真百科 的八卦
別稱:陳-施呼吸. 英文名稱:Cheyne-Stokes Respiration. 就診科室:呼吸內科. 多發群體:中樞神經疾病、腦循環障礙和中毒患者. 常見病因:呼吸中樞對二氧化碳的反應性 ... ... <看更多>
別稱:陳-施呼吸. 英文名稱:Cheyne-Stokes Respiration. 就診科室:呼吸內科. 多發群體:中樞神經疾病、腦循環障礙和中毒患者. 常見病因:呼吸中樞對二氧化碳的反應性 ... ... <看更多>
#1. 陳施氏呼吸(Cheyne-Stokes respiration) @ 心之所在我的愛
潮式呼吸又稱陳-施氏(Chyne-Stokes`s)呼吸,是一種週期性的呼吸異常。 特點:開始呼吸淺慢,以後逐漸加快加深,達高潮後,又逐漸變淺變慢,而後呼吸暫停 ...
(Chyene –Stokes breathing) ,以及高山症造成的陣發性呼吸(periodic breathing)。 高二氧化碳CSA 則包括中樞性肺泡通氣量減少症候群(central alveolar.
#3. Cheyne-Stokes breathing - 最新動態仁醫の藥主題教學內專甄 ...
睡眠呼吸中止症(sleep apnea) 是一種在睡眠期間發生的呼吸暫停(apnea) 或呼吸減弱(hypopnea) 症狀導致的睡眠紊亂(sleep disruption/disorder)。
#4. 不正常的呼吸模式(Abnormal respiratory patterns) - 小小整理 ...
1. Cheyne-Stokes respiration: · 2. Central neurogenic Hyperventilation:Midbrain 中間受損 · 3. Apneusis(長吸式呼吸): · 4. Cluster breathing:
#5. 潮式呼吸 - A+醫學百科
潮式呼吸又稱陳-施呼吸(Cheyne-Stokes respiration). 潮式呼吸的概念:呼吸由淺慢逐漸加快加深,達高潮後,又逐漸變淺變慢,暫停數秒之後,又出現上述狀態的呼吸, ...
#6. 潮式呼吸 - 中文百科知識
潮式呼吸(Cheyne-Stokes respiration)又稱陳-施呼吸,特點是呼吸逐步減弱以至停止和呼吸逐漸增強兩者交替出現,周而復始,呼吸呈潮水漲落樣。多見於中樞神經疾病、腦循環 ...
#7. Cheyne-Stokes呼吸的原因和治療 - ad
Cheyne -stokes呼吸是一種非常不規則的呼吸模式,毫不奇怪,有時也稱為“瀕死呼吸”。 呼吸可以是非常深的和快速的(呼吸過度),隨後是緩慢淺呼吸的時期,或者由呼吸暫停發作 ...
#8. Cheyne-Stokes respiration - 謙史二氏呼吸 - 國家教育研究院 ...
以Cheyne-Stokes respiration 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 ... Cheyne-Stokes respiration, 金史二氏呼吸;緊弛呼吸 ...
Contribution a l』etude du phenomene respiratoire de Cheyne-Stokes. Lyon Med. 1876;23:517-528, 561-567. ^ Wijdicks EF. Biot's breathing. J. Neurol.
#10. cheyne-stokes respiration中文 - 查查在線詞典
cheyne -stokes respiration中文:cheyne-stokes呼吸…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋cheyne-stokes respiration的中文翻譯,cheyne-stokes respiration的發音,音標, ...
#11. 潮式呼吸
潮式呼吸又名陈-施呼吸(Cheyne-Stokes respirations)是一种异常的呼吸方式,最初由John Cheyne和William Stokes在19世纪描述,故得名。这种呼吸方式的特征为呼吸由浅 ...
#12. Cheyne-Stokes Respiration - YouTube
#13. Cheyne Stokes Breathing Pattern (Causes, Sound and ...
#14. cheyne-stokes breathing 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
cheyne -stokes breathing 中文意思是什麼 · cheyne: 切恩 · stokes: 定律 · breathing: adj 1 呼吸的,活的。2 (畫像等)栩栩如生的。n 1 呼吸;通氣,供氧。2 空氣的微微 ...
#15. Cheyne-Stokes Respirations Causes and Treatment
During Cheyne-Stokes, breathing can be very deep and rapid (hyperpnea), followed by periods of slow shallow breaths, or interrupted by episodes of apnea, in ...
#16. 在"英语"词典里Cheyne-Stokes breathing}的意思 - Educalingo
在英语词典里带使用范例的Cheyne-Stokes breathing含义Cheyne-Stokes ... 点击查看«Cheyne-Stokes breathing»在英语词典里的原始定义。 ... 翻译者英语- 中文.
#17. Central sleep apnea - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
High-altitude periodic breathing. A Cheyne-Stokes breathing pattern can occur if you're at a very high altitude. The change in oxygen at this ...
#18. 潮式呼吸又稱陳 - 華人百科
中文 名稱潮式呼吸外文名稱Tidal breathing類型醫學又稱施呼吸. ... 潮式呼吸又稱陳-施呼吸(Cheyne-Stokes respiration). 潮式呼吸的概念:呼吸由淺慢逐漸加快加深, ...
CHEYNE -STOKES RESPIRATIONS”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“CHEYNE-STOKES RESPIRATIONS” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#20. 陳-施氏呼吸綜合徵 - 中文百科全書
陳-施氏呼吸綜合徵(Cheyne-Stokes breathing syndrome, CSBS)陳施呼吸又稱潮式呼吸,既有呼吸節律的變化,又有呼吸幅度的改變。呼吸由淺慢變為深快又由深快變為淺慢 ...
#21. Cheyne-Stokes respiration definition and meaning - Collins ...
Cheyne -Stokes respiration definition: respiration characterized by cycles of deep, rapid breathing and weak , slow breathing,... | Meaning, pronunciation ...
#22. Cheyne–Stokes respiration | 健康跟著走
2020年8月8日— Cheyne-Stokes respiration is a type of breathing disorder characterized by cyclical episodes of apnea and hyperventilation.
#23. 第八屆睡眠醫學專科醫師考試(107 年度)試題卷
以下何種狀況跟睡眠時陳施式呼吸(Cheyne-Stokes respirations )較無相關. 性?C. (A) 睡眠時吸低氧的混合氣體Breathing a hypoxic gas mixture during sleep.
#24. Central Sleep Apnea - DynaMed
Cheyne -Stokes respiration; CSB central sleep apnea; CSB pattern; CSA with Hunter-Cheyne-Stokes breathing. CSA due to a medical disorder without CSB is also ...
#25. Cheyne-Stokes breathing中文翻译 - 英汉词典
Cheyne -Stokes breathing的中文意思,解释和翻译是:[医] 陈-施二氏呼吸, 潮式呼吸。
#26. 睡眠过程中的Cheyne-Stokes呼吸:机制和潜在的干预措施。
Cheyne -Stokes respiration is characterized by a typical waxing and waning pattern in breathing amplitude, interspersed with central apnoeas or hypopnoeas.
#27. Central Sleep Apnea - Pulmonary Disorders - MSD Manuals
Cheyne -Stokes breathing, a discrete pattern of the second form of central sleep apnea, is thought to be caused by intrinsic properties of the respiratory ...
#28. 心肺見習
Cheyne -Stokes respiration. A. 呼吸模式:漸強→漸弱→沒有呼吸→漸強→漸弱......(反覆循環) B. 受損部位:兩側大腦、或兩側間腦以上以及心臟衰竭(Heart ...
#29. cheyne stokes respiration - Translation into French - Reverso ...
Translations in context of "cheyne stokes respiration" in English-French from Reverso Context: The algorithm implemented by the therapy system monitors the ...
#30. 在线翻译cheyne-stokes-respiration是什么意思,包括英文解释 ...
词组、短语、俚语及习惯用语• Stokes shift (光谱)斯托克司频移。 • respiration anesthesia 吸入麻醉。 • respiration apparatus 呼吸装置。
#31. cheyne-stokes breathing中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
cheyne -stokes breathing中文意思是陈-施二氏呼吸,潮式呼吸.
#32. Cheyne-Stokes respiration - The Free Dictionary
1. Cheyne-Stokes respiration - abnormal respiration in which periods of shallow and deep breathing alternate. periodic breathing · breathing, external ...
#33. 潮式呼吸英文 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 潮式呼吸 Cheyne‑Stokes nystagmus respiration 【獸醫學】 潮式呼吸 respiration,cheyne‑stoke's 【獸醫學】 胸式呼吸 Chest Breathing 【舞蹈辭典】
#34. Correlations of physiological activities in nocturnal Cheyne–Sto
... of a previously diagnosed nocturnal Cheyne–Stokes respiration patient (NCSR) and studied the correlations of different physiological ...
#35. 2016 歐洲心臟學會心臟衰竭治療指引
Reduced air entry and dullness to percussion at lung bases (pleural effusion). Tachycardia. Irregular pulse. Tachypnoea. Cheyne Stokes respiration.
#36. Test your IntelliVence (Vol 14 Issue 4) - Hamilton Medical
Answer: Cheyne-Stokes respiration. CSR is a form of periodic breathing characterized by progressively deeper, sometimes faster breathing, ...
#37. 「biot呼吸」懶人包資訊整理(1)
陳-施呼吸(Cheyne-Stokes respiration)的特點是 ... ,比奧呼吸( ... 以Biot氏呼吸進行詞彙精確檢索結果 ... ,Biot氏呼吸英文怎麼說,Biot氏呼吸中文是什麼意思?
#38. 呼吸﹝respiration﹞: @ 型 - 型、色、體、徵(永康堂‧張老師)
輕度的潮式呼吸﹝Cheyne-Stokes呼吸﹞亦可見小兒及老年人熟睡時,無臨床意義。 02、間歇呼吸﹝Biot's_breathing﹞:又稱比奧氏呼吸﹝Biot's_respiration﹞。
#39. Cheyne-Stokes respiration - Chinese Translation - 吕氏英汉字典
Cheyne -Stokes respiration. "Cheyne-Stokes respiration" Chinese translation ("Cheyne-Stokes respiration" in Chinese, "Cheyne-Stokes respiration" 中文翻译, ...
#40. 陳-施氏 - 台灣公司行號
有關陳施氏呼吸(Cheyne -Stokes respiration )特徵之敘述,下列何者正確? (A) 淺而慢呼吸,速率與深淺漸增至呼吸困難,隨即下降至呼吸暫停(B) 規則性、深而快的 .
#41. Treatment of central sleep apnea in patients with heart failure
of sleep-disordered breathing: past, present and future: report of a workshop ... Treatment of congestive heart failure and Cheyne-Stokes respiration during ...
#42. Cheyne Stokes Breathing and Other Abnormal Respiration
When Cheyne Stokes occurs during sleep, it's considered a form of central sleep apnea with an extended period of fast breathing ( ...
#43. Cheyne-Stokes respiration - Thesaurus - Synonyms ...
Synonyms for Cheyne-Stokes respiration. nounabnormal respiration in which periods of shallow and deep breathing alternate. Synonyms. periodic breathing ...
#44. The dying process: What to expect when someone is ... - ABC
Breathing rhythms. One of the breathing rhythm changes is called Cheyne-Stokes breathing; a cycle of anywhere from 30 seconds to two minutes ...
#45. 陳-施氏 - 台灣商業櫃台
陈-施氏呼吸综合征(Cheyne-Stokes breathing syndrome, CSBS) 陈施呼吸又称潮式呼吸,既有呼吸节律的变化,又有呼吸幅度的改变。呼吸由浅慢变为深快又由深快 .
#46. Coma and Brain Death 意識狀態與昏迷
Respiratory patterns: Cheyne-Stokes, hyperventilation, apneustic , ataxic. • Brainstem reflexes: pupils, corneal reflex, reflex eye movements.
#47. 学学怎么发音的Cheyne-Stokes respiration - 发音词典
你怎么说Cheyne-Stokes respiration 在英语? 发音Cheyne-Stokes respiration 1 音, 5 同义词, 1 意思, 9 翻译, 1 句子更为Cheyne-Stokes respiration.
#48. 27.下列有關不正常的呼吸型態與病因之敘述,何者錯誤? (A ...
(A)ataxic breathing 跟延髓(medulla)受損有關 (B)Cheyne-Stokes respiration跟兩側大腦受損有關,也會出現在心臟衰竭併肺水腫病人身上 (C)Kussmaul breathing跟呼吸 ...
#49. Intoduction to Hypoventilation Syndrome | 學術寫作例句辭典
Exclusion criteria were as follows: presence of diurnal respiratory insufficiency and Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR), and diagnosis of chronic obstructive ...
#50. Relationship of stroke volume to different patterns of Cheyne ...
Cheyne -Stokes respiration with central sleep apnea (CSR-CSA) is a form of periodic breathing in which central apneas and hypopneas alternate with hyperpneas ...
#51. File:Cheyne-Stokes-fr.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
2007-07-10T12:46:40Z Ivanov id 1862x1012 (34753 Bytes) {{Information |Description=Cheyne-Stokes respiration graphic |Source=self-made ...
#52. 說明 - 台灣胸腔暨重症加護醫學會
(B)In heart failure, a key factor destabilizing the respiratory control system and predisposing to Cheyne-Stokes respiration with central sleep apnea.
#53. "Cheyne-Stokes respiration" 的意思, 英汉翻译 - 迈迪汉语词典
"Cheyne-Stokes respiration" 在迈迪英语简体中文词典的中的解释,配以例句、近义词、构词法等信息,让母语和外语学习都变得更容易。
#54. Central Sleep Apnoea (Apnea) - Conditions and Treatments
2. Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Pattern – Cheyne-Stokes breathing is characterized by periodic shallow breathing or under breathing that alternates with deep over- ...
#55. 呼吸中止
類型, 呼吸困難, abnormal breathing [*] ... 痛苦呼吸; 陳-施氏呼吸(英語:Cheyne–Stokes respiration); 庫斯毛耳氏呼吸(英語:Kussmaul breathing); 比奧呼吸.
#56. 【筆記】呼吸系統麻醉生理-名詞解釋和3個FAQ | yuvic.vet
Apnea:呼吸短暫(或更長時間)的停止。 Cheyne–Stokes respirations:呼吸速度和深度增加。然後變慢,接著有一陣子短暫的呼吸。 大概是:呼吸變快 ...
#57. CPAP in aircraft - AOPA
Cheyne -Stokes breathing is a phenomenon where one breathes deeply, then progressively shallower, then pauses breathing for a period.
#58. stokes的中文解释和发音 - 法语助手
n. m. 【物理学】沲, 史托[动 单位]. respiration de Cheyne Stokes 潮式呼吸. syndrome d'Adams Stokes 阿-斯氏综合[征、症] ...
#59. Breathing related sleep disorders (video) | Khan Academy
#60. breath pattern醫學中文 - 軟體兄弟
Cheyne -Stokes respiration: A. 呼吸模式:漸... 標籤: 呼吸(respiration), 呼吸運動(Respiratory movement) · 以電子郵件 ... , Breath pattern: hyperpnea ...
#61. 潮式呼吸(库斯莫尔呼吸) - 萝卜建站
最佳回答: 潮式呼吸又称陈-施呼吸(cheyne-stokes respiration) 潮式呼吸 ... 会有他的中文名是什么发生原理以及主要由什么引起巴比妥类药物中毒。
#62. cheyne stokes respiratory pattern What - YBLDOE
A sleep technologist's guide to Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Definition Cheyne–Stokes respiration (named after the physicians who first described the condition) ...
#63. Periodic Breathing (Infant) - Fairview
There may be several such pauses close together, followed by a series of rapid, shallow breaths. This irregular breathing pattern is common in premature babies ...
#64. 理學檢查.pdf
Rapid Shallow Breathing. Prolonged expiration. M e. Pons. Cheyne-Stokes. Hyperpnea. Apnea. Rapid and Deep Respiration e dulla. Respiration.
#65. What to expect in the last days - My Legacy
The patient's breathing may become less regular. They may develop Cheyne-Stokes breathing, when periods of shallow breathing alternate with periods of ...
#66. Palliative care for brain tumours: Preparing for the end
One pattern, called "Cheyne-Stokes" breathing, consists of breathing irregularly: shallow breaths with periods of no breathing of five to 30 ...
#67. 關於Kussmaul你只知道一個呼吸嗎? - 每日頭條
下面我們一個一個說:01 Kussmaul breathing這個大家最熟悉啦~在酸中毒的時候,呼吸會先變得淺快,但是隨著中毒程度的加深,會逐漸變成very deep and ...
#68. breathing是什么意思? breathing翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
同时,该页为英语学习者提供:breathing的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线 ... snuffle, stertor, wheeze, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, abdominal breathing, ...
#69. Acetazolamide對於高海拔睡眠呼吸中止症之應用 - 臺北醫學大學
論文名稱(中文), Acetazolamide對於高海拔睡眠呼吸中止症之應用:系統性 ... Cheyne stokes breathing at high altitude: a helpful response or a ...
#70. Case Studies in Polysomnography Interpretation - Wolters ...
... ECG, EMG, respiratory flow and effort, ventilation via CO2 monitoring, ... of Cheyne–Stokes breathing from an episode of obstructive sleep apnea?
#71. 文献高级检索结果 - X-MOL
Sleep and Breathing (IF 2.816) Pub Date : 2021-01-22 ... Cheyne-Stokes respiration during sleep: mechanisms and potential interventions.
#72. Positive airway pressure therapy for heart failure - Baishideng ...
This stabilizes the abnormal breathing pattern (i.e., cheyne-stokes respiration) and maintains the PaCO2 levels to prevent hypocapnia, which can ...
#73. Residents | Alberta Health Services
Cheyne -Stokes Respiration; Sleep Hypoventilation Syndromes / Chronic Respiratory Failure; Insomnia; Narcolepsy; Restless Legs Syndrome and Periodic Limb ...
#74. periodic breathing — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
... with chronic heart failure (CHF) with periodic breathing (PB) and Cheyne–Stokes respiration (CSR) tend to exhibit higher mortality and poor prognosis.
#75. 內科部神經內科工作手冊 - 台中榮總
觀察respiratory pattern: Cheyne-Stokes respiration, Kusmmaul's respiration, ataxic respiration, apneustic respiration。 ○ 觀察pupil size, light reflex.
#76. 畢歐式呼吸– 歐式麵包種類介紹 - Itdmin
biot's respiration中文:[網絡] 比奧呼吸;畢歐式呼吸;畢歐氏呼吸… ... A畢歐式呼吸Biot's breathing B陳施氏呼吸Cheyne-Stokes breathing C奇異呼吸paradoxical ...
#77. Normal Breathing, Cheyne-Stokes Respiration, Biot's ... - 123RF
Illustration of Graph of breathing, the pathological types of breathing: normal breathing, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, Biot's respiration, Kussmaul breathing ...
#78. Hyperventilation in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury - New York ...
... periodic breathing (Cheyne-Stokes, central neurogenic, ataxic breathing), or neurologic deterioration (further decrease in Glasgow Coma Scale score of 2 ...
#79. 过度通气英文怎么说| 麻醉专业名词-词汇翻译 - SCI论文修改
Ventilatory assistance for treatment of cardiac failure and cheyne-stokes breathing. M Berthon-jones - EP Patent 2,269,675, 2011 - freepatentsonline.com
#80. 潮式呼吸 - 求真百科
別稱:陳-施呼吸. 英文名稱:Cheyne-Stokes Respiration. 就診科室:呼吸內科. 多發群體:中樞神經疾病、腦循環障礙和中毒患者. 常見病因:呼吸中樞對二氧化碳的反應性 ...
#81. Respiratory rate and pattern disturbances in acute brain stem ...
All patients in whom prominent Cheyne-Stokes respiration or tachypnea were observed had extensive bilateral pontine lesions involving both basal and tegmental ...
#82. What is Cheyne-Stokes respiration? A brief Cheyne ... - ResMed
What is Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR)? Learn more about this health condition that's commonly associated with sleep apnea, particularly central sleep ...
#83. 陳施氏呼吸cheyne stokes respiration | 工商筆記本
基本定義. 潮式呼吸又稱陳-施呼吸(Cheyne-Stokes respiration). 潮式呼吸的概念:呼吸由淺慢逐漸加快加深,達高潮後,又逐漸變淺變慢,暫停數秒之後,又出現上述 ...
#84. 陳施氏呼吸
潮式呼吸又稱陳-施呼吸(Cheyne-Stokes respiration). 潮式呼吸的概念:呼吸由淺慢逐漸加快加深,達高潮後,又逐漸變淺變慢,暫停數秒之後,又出現上述狀態的呼吸, ...
#85. 睡眠暂停不止阻塞,陈-施呼吸认识一下 - 知乎专栏
陈-施呼吸又叫潮式呼吸(Cheyne-Stokes respiration)特点是呼吸逐步减弱以至停止和呼吸逐渐增强两者交替出现,周而复始,呼吸呈潮水涨落样。
cheyne stokes breathing中文 在 Cheyne-Stokes Respiration - YouTube 的八卦
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