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Thank you my friends contributed to the full translation of my 3,000-word essay describing the 12-hour ordeal in a detention cell, now available on The Guardian.
It seems that the Thai government feels it has much to fear from youth movements that promote democracy, such as mine in Hong Kong.
But my passport had been taken away, and I had been forbidden to use my phones or computers, so I could not contact anyone. They could do as they pleased. My two requests – to contact a lawyer and for them to explain the legality of their action – were both rejected with a simple “No”.
I criticised them for detaining me without any legal basis as something that was a violation of human rights and they replied: “We’ll tell you why once we have you detained.” I continued to point out that they were violating proper police procedure, but they simply replied: “You know this is Thailand, it’s like China. Not like Hong Kong!”
He was right, I thought. It is like China – not like Hong Kong. After all, the Hong Kong publisher Gui Minhai was kidnapped in Thailand last year and was eventually sent to mainland China.
So after China, Macau and Malaysia, there is now another territory I know I cannot enter. In fact, I still don’t understand why. I have never criticised the Thai government. I was only invited there to share my experiences of being a young man who took part in the umbrella movement. And this led to me being detained as soon as I stepped off the plane and being treated in a way that goes completely against human rights and the law. I spent almost 12 hours in detention and was deprived of my passport and of contact with others.
I am absolutely certain that my unlawful detention by the Thai authorities was motivated by their fear of youth movements around the world.
Indeed, young people right across the globe will only become more united and engaged as our collective yearning for democracy, civil liberties and other universal values strengthens. So too will our commitment to street activism. Our hopes and dreams transcend culture, language, country and political realities.
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅Chachaxx TV,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Gearbest Singapore page: 618 Gearbest 网站促销活动:
「cell phones中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於cell phones中文 在 黃耀明 Anthony Wong Facebook
- 關於cell phones中文 在 食之兵法: 鞭神老師的料理研究 The Culinary Art of War Facebook
- 關於cell phones中文 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook
- 關於cell phones中文 在 Chachaxx TV Youtube
- 關於cell phones中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube
- 關於cell phones中文 在 Ylvis - 電話雞同鴨講Cell phone crashing [中文字幕] - YouTube 的評價
cell phones中文 在 食之兵法: 鞭神老師的料理研究 The Culinary Art of War Facebook 八卦
從上學期段落式的topic sentence(主題句),到最後整篇文章的thesis statement,不管大家寫得多痛苦,我們走過來了。但是其實英文作文最難的部份追根究底還是主題句,我不確定中文作文有沒有類似的掌控段落的概念。但如果能夠把主題句寫好,段落就不會有問題;能夠將thesis statement寫好,全文就能連貫而一統。因為主題句就是為了控制我們的思路,將我們所有的想法和論點控制在一個數十到數百字段落的範圍裡。因此,主題句的組成,是你想談的主題加上「一個」論點。之所以將「一個」標上引號,正是主題句的重點之一:一個主題句只能有一個論點,也就是說一個段落只針對一個單一論點來談。而主題句的功用,正是讓我們去組織和統合我們的論點,讓我們不會離題,讓我們的思想前後連貫。因此,主題句的論點(argument),又被稱為controlling idea或focus,因為它管控著我們的思路,凝聚著我們的焦點。這個argument/controlling idea/focus如果能夠寫好,那這個段落就能夠寫得順暢,因為,我們唯一要做的事,就只是去支持和解釋我們的論點。比如「Cell phones are indispensable business tools」這個主題句,cell phones是主題,而它是indispensable business tools是argument,所以這個段落唯一要做的是就只需要在下面解釋為何行動電話做為business tools(被限定範圍)是不可或缺的就好了。而同樣的主題,也會因為論點的不同,而產生不同的段落。像是同樣以cell phones當主題的話,如果寫了「Cell phones are annoying gadgets」的話,那這個段落就變成作者要解釋為何行動電話會如此地惱人了。
不過,也必須要有一個好的argument,才能讓文章和段落能夠順利發展。比如如果主題句是「Too many people treat animals badly in experiments」,雖然可以猜出要談的是動物被不當用於實驗中,但因為沒有寫出What people? Badly how? What kinds of experiments?,因此段落的發展就會沒有方向。因此給它argument就是給它focus,如果將哪些人,什麼樣的壞和什麼樣的實驗加入的話,我們可以寫成:「The cosmetic industry often harms animals in unnecessary experiments designed to test products」。在這樣的主題句之下,我們下面寫起來就簡單了。和讀者解釋化妝品產業為了測試產品對動物做哪些不必要的實驗,又為何沒必要,簡單、清楚而明瞭。
而在最後幾個禮拜的進度裡,關於文章中的語氣(tone)所要避免的問題,也是台灣最常見的。像是「invective」,也就是以指責和輕視的方式行文:「智力測驗的時候到了」、「智商低才會相信」、「這個文章只有小學生程度」之類的,不以理性論述來說服讀者的文章;或是「flippancy or cuteness」,在文章中油腔滑調:「好開心啊 哈哈」;「sentimentality」,不用證據和理性論點說服讀者,卻用「My dog, Cuddles, is the sweetest, cutest, most precious little puppy dog in the whole world, and she will always be my best friend」這種cheap emotion等。
cell phones中文 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 八卦
【心情隨筆】今天看到 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 分享在TED上的一位花一年的時間閱讀來自世界各地每個國家的一本書的女孩😊 我覺得很有意思,特地分享給大家看🙂 自從手機的出現,大家閱讀的時間也越來越少,但我對「書中自有黃金屋」這句話深信不疑📚 尤其是自傳,更能讓人從中學到成功與失敗,了解不同的文化及背景 📖
在這年的旅遊觀察後,我發先亞洲人帶最重的東西是相機📷 而外國人帶最重的則是書,並且都當地有關🌎 書讀完後便會留在青年旅舍,給下一位有緣旅者繼續閱讀📘 剛開始我很不解,當個背包客帶那麼多書做什麼?給自己添麻煩😂 😂😂
後來去尼泊爾爬聖母峰基地營時,在山中小屋隨手翻了一本關於登山的自傳,開啟了了我想要在旅行之前閱讀該地方的故事的慾望🤔 這想法就像潘朵拉的盒子一樣,一發不可收拾!可惜旅行的時間有限,又要整理照片,整理部落格,能夠好好在旅途中看書感的願望覺好遙遠😫 最近我們開始了睡前至少看幾頁書,希望可以回到小時候沉於書本世界的習慣📚 希望下次旅行前我可以對該國更有深會的體驗,並把手機中毒變成書中毒😊 Ps. YouTube 影片可以選擇中文翻譯唷~
Today this video on TED caught my eyes, about this girl who aimed to read a book from every country in the world😊 I was quite inspired by what she did, as since the birth of cell phones, the amount of time people spend on reading has dramatically decreased 📚 I think book reading is a habit that we shouldn't give up, you learn so much from works of literature📖
Often I see travellers have multiple books in their backpacks, even though they look heavy, but they look very enjoyable while they have the book in hand📘 In contrast to Asian travellers, who most probably lugging around a huge camera instead📷
I think my desire to read books on destinations I travelled to began when I started flipping through the book on conquering Everest while I was on EBC🤔 From then on, I wish I have the luxury to enjoy a book while travelling instead of tidying photos, typing blogs😫 As of a few weeks ago, York and I started reading before bedtime, hopefully reading will become a new addiction that we can't live without 😊
cell phones中文 在 Chachaxx TV Youtube 的評價
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