Pregnancy Diaries:
第一/二個月:正常飲食, 正常運動, 正常生活,正常睡眠(什麼是正常睡眠。問得好。 有個3歲小孩後,能睡就是正常吧。哈哈)
Month 1-2: Normal diet, normal exercise, normal sleep (for a regular mom with a 3 year old toddler)
第3個月: 可以讓我睡覺嗎? 我就躺一下就好。 喔喔喔!蛋糕!可以邊吃邊睡嗎?好吧。 睡~~~~~~~
Month 3: Can I just sleep please...OOOOOOH Cheesecake! No, sleeeeeeeep….
第4-5個月: 辣椒!!!給我給我給我給我! 辣椒!重口味的東西!印度咖喱,韓國泡菜,麻辣火鍋,剝皮辣椒雞湯, 辣~~~~~~~~~
Month 4-5: OMGOMGOMGOMG. GIVE ME CHILI! Spices! Salt! Strong flavors! Indian curry! Korean kimchi, spicy hot pot, spicy anything, SPICY EVERYTHING!!
第6個月: 哇。我好像吃太多了。
Month 6: Oops. I think I ate too much.
第7個月: 我想吃。。。。。喔喔喔。 等一下。 我的肚子跑去哪裡啊? 這麼怎麼那麼小? 喔。 找到了。 現在是寶寶的出氣筒。 喔!不好意思喔。 我先尿個尿。。。。
Month 7: I want to eat… oh. Where did my belly go? Did it shrink? Ah yes, it’s now the baby punching bag. Oh! Gotta go pee….
孕期已經慢慢接近尾聲,醫生建議我吃綜合維他命(為了我跟寶寶),葉酸(有助於體內好的物質合成), 歐美加脂肪酸 Omega-3 (為了發育思緒健康), 鈣/鎂 (如果你跟我一樣,會突然抽動不舒服。 為什麼一定要是半夜睡覺的時候呢?為什麼? )其他媽媽們可能會需要補充的有:鐵,維他命 B12, 維他命D, 等。
My doctor has recommended prenatal vitamins (just good in general), folic acid (for development of baby), omega 3s (for baby mental health), and calcium/magnesium (if you are starting to get uncomfortablelike me… Excuse me… WHY oh WHY do you always come in the middle of the night?!). Other supplements may also include iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D…
Obviously, ask your doctor what’s best for YOUR personal pregnancy journey.
我會補充益生菌,幫助我維持體內的平衡。 不管是全職媽媽或一邊工作都是非常有挑戰性的,有時候你只需要多一點的正能量,或者可以讓媽媽跟嬰兒增加DHA,或是來一些蔓越莓、洛神花,或許可以讓你感覺更是個女人。
I also supplement with InSeed probiotics to help me maintain an overall balanced life. Being a working mom OR a stay-at-home mom are both very challenging and sometimes you just need a little extra energy (extra Vitamin B anyone?), or perhaps a boost of DHA for mom and baby, or maybe some roselle and cranberries extract to make you feel more like a woman.
懷孕真的是一個很神奇的東西, 然後你的身體能接受各種奇奇怪怪的變化真的是很強!我一直以來都是以“聽”我的身體需求為主的概念。我會儘量吃多一點蔬菜水果, 喝多一點水。我本來就蠻喜歡吃健康食物的人。 當然我也是會“滿足我的口慾 give into my cravings” (像是甜點(冰淇淋!!!),炸食物,餅乾,等)但如果是少量我覺得也許也是我的身體在告訴我缺少維生素minerals/vitamins/等。 或是單純就是因為。。。你。就。給。我。 就。 對。 了!(不好意思喔)
Pregnancy is quite an amazing thing and it does quite a crazy thing to your body. I’ve been trying to “listen” to what my body has been telling me since day one and in general, try and stay healthy with lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and healthy meats/seafood. Of course, I will give into some cravings (like spice, occasionally sweet desserts, and yes, even unhealthier things like fried foods) because I feel like it’s my body telling me it needs something I may not be aware of. Or because, JUST GIVE IT TO ME ALREADY… (yes,... hormones).
#InSeed益喜氏 #益生菌新革命 #好欣情
InSeed 益喜氏.機能益生菌
同時也有28部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Lucy withClover,也在其Youtube影片中提到,*點閱率破19萬!!:D 此影片為Pewdiepie所有,我不擁有這部影片。此影片只做為教學及輔助用途,並無抄襲或盜版行為。 The owner of this video is Pewdiepie, I do not own this video. This video is for teachi...
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Including a lot of the “normal” kid things we do like play with legos, draw, puzzles, read books, etc… here are a couple things we’ve been doing to keep busy and sane at home.
小孩很喜歡假裝煮飯,也很喜歡在廚房玩,所以就真的讓他們 (在你的注意力底下) 跟你們一起下廚玩。我會讓Egan幫忙洗菜、洗水果,然後在旁邊陪我切菜、炒菜,我們也會讓他醃食材,因為鹽巴多一點點少一點點其實沒有太大的關係,所以我會真的讓Egan拿他要的調味料放進去一個大碗裡面,然後他會用手指或是湯匙來攪拌均勻,最後我們會把肉或是海鮮放進去碗裡面讓他去按摩,把他的’’特製醬料’’全部都按摩進去食材裡面。
Cooking 101.
Kids love to play in the kitchen, so I will let Egan wash all of our veggies and fruits while I do the more adult stuff like chopping and frying. We also let him marinate our meats and seafood. Since it is OK if there is a little less or more salt/pepper/spices/oil, we let him actually shake the contents into a big bowl and then mix it up with his fingers or a spoon. And then we put the meat into his mixture (you may need to help a bit) and he can massage the seasoning into our meats.
Note: Make sure to constantly remind them that they can’t touch anything while they’re dealing with raw meats. And definitely no taste testing yet!
煮好放上桌的時候, 也可以大聲的宣布這道菜是小孩一起幫忙做的。他們會很驕傲也會很有成就感。
Bonus: When the food is actually cooked, tell everybody that your toddler is the sous-chef and helped with the cooking. It teaches them about their contributions and small achievements.
Drink coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
Oh sorry - that’s not something to do with the kids. That’s just for the parents to keep our sanity.
can i help you意思 在 Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬 Facebook 八卦
A parent has to make a lot of decisions before the baby is even born. I know George Young and I did a lot of research on everything - from the type of labor, to the more important things (like what is the absolute BEST infant nose snot sucker, best tasting edible nipple cream, etc), and of course: cord blood banking.
一個新手爸爸媽媽在小孩還沒有出生之前有很多要考慮的事。我知道我跟George兩個研究很多關於所有該研究的事。比如說: 選擇生產方式、最好用的鼻涕吸引器、最好吃的奶頭乳液、然後,當然,關於臍帶血保存。
Like many parents, we weren’t sure exactly was involved in cord blood banking. Or even what it meant to be honest. We were unsure if it was something we needed or wanted to do. How do they take the blood? Would it hurt our newborn? How much blood is needed? Would we still be allowed to have a couple minutes of delayed umbilical cord clamping? (That’s a whole other thing…) Do we have to decide right away if we want to keep the cord blood they save, or do are we supposed to donate it right away? What’s the point of a cord blood bank anyway?!
After asking the relevant questions, and more importantly, after meeting some of the families who have benefitted from cord blood banking, our decision was made. Seeing how a simple decision made at the time of your child’s birth can change the lives of so many people...in some cases giving the gift of life, made registering our son’s cord blood an easy choice.
Now that we are parents, we realize that we would do ANYTHING for Egan. Hopefully, he will never ever have to use his cord blood for any treatment, but if he does, we can rest assured that we have it saved. And if someone else needs it, we’re able to help and/or provide hope. Not like Egan’s nose snot. THAT’s totally useless and we will not save it no matter how much he and his daddy seems to enjoy eating it.
If you, like us, have questions about cord blood registry, don’t be afraid to ask them! Bionet was able to help us in answering everything we wanted to know… and if all that isn’t convincing enough, hear from the people who have been given a second chance at life…
如果你/妳們,像當初的我們一樣對於儲存臍帶血幹細胞有許多的疑問,別擔心,大膽問! 訊聯生技/訊聯臍帶血銀行 非常有耐心地一一回答我們的每一個問題,然而如果你聽到的回答無法說服你沒關係,聽聽這些受到臍帶血幫助而給了他們人生第二個希望的人們的故事吧。
can i help you意思 在 Lucy withClover Youtube 的評價
The owner of this video is Pewdiepie, I do not own this video. This video is for teaching purposes, No plagiarism or piracy.
原版影片網址(Original Video Link):
FaceBook LucywithClover 粉絲專頁:
FaceBook台灣Pewdiepie粉絲專業(Taiwan Pewdiepie FB Fanpage):
我會盡量翻譯! 有時間就會更新!
也能順便練習英文聽力:) 所以有錯誤不妨告知,這幫我很大的忙喔!謝謝!
如果喜歡按個讚,記得分享給朋友或喜歡Pewds的人!! *Brofist
If you find out some mistakes you can just tell me, and If you want me to help translate
some videos, please tell me and I'll do my best! I'll post them when I have time.
I do not mean to copy others, just want to know how well I can do on translation.
It helps me a lot if you tell me the mistakes I make, thank you!
Leave a like if you like the video, feel free to share it with your friends or BROS!! *Brofist

can i help you意思 在 Lucy withClover Youtube 的評價
The owner of this video is Pewdiepie. I do not own this video. This video is for teaching purposes only. No plagiarism or piracy.
原版影片網址(Original Video Link):
FaceBook LucywithClover 粉絲專頁:
FaceBook台灣Pewdiepie粉絲專頁(Taiwan Pewdiepie FB Fanpage):
我會盡量翻譯! 有時間就會更新!
也能順便練習英文聽力:) 所以有錯誤不妨告知,這幫我很大的忙喔!謝謝!
如果喜歡按個讚,記得分享給朋友或喜歡Pewds的人!! *Brofist
If you want me to help translate some videos, please tell me and I'll do my best! I'll post them when I have time.
I do not mean to copy others. Just want to know how well I can do on translation.
It helps me a lot if you tell me the mistakes I make! thank you!
Leave a like if you like the video and feel free to share it with your friends or BROS!! *Brofist

can i help you意思 在 Lucy withClover Youtube 的評價
*註一:Ty Burrell是美國知名喜劇演員,代表作品如:[Modern Family - 摩登家庭](Phil Dunphy 鄧菲爾為劇中角色名稱)。
The owner of this video is Pewdiepie, I do not own this video. This video is for teaching purposes, No plagiarism or piracy.
原版影片網址(Original Video Link):
FaceBook LucywithClover 粉絲專業:
FaceBook台灣Pewdiepie粉絲專業(Taiwan Pewdiepie FB Fanpage):
我會盡量翻譯! 有時間就會更新!
也能順便練習英文聽力:) 所以有錯誤不妨告知,這幫我很大的忙喔!謝謝!
如果喜歡按個讚,記得分享給朋友或喜歡Pewds的人!! *Brofist
If you find out some mistakes you can just tell me, and If you want me to help translate
some videos, please tell me and I'll do my best! I'll post them when I have time.
I do not mean to copy others, just want to know how well I can do on translation.
It helps me a lot if you tell me the mistakes I make, thank you!
Leave a like if you like the video, feel free to share it with your friends or BROS!! *Brofist

can i help you意思 在 58.May I help you? - YouTube 的八卦
B: Oh, I see. Thank you. 乙:原來如此,謝謝你。 "May I help you ?" 意思 就是說「我有甚麼可以幫到你嗎?」但你也可以說:" Can I help you?" 其實"May ... ... <看更多>