【 小英的哥大演講 】
前兩天蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 總統在哥倫比亞大學Columbia University in the City of New York 的演講感動了許多人,我也一直想要跟大家好好分享對這篇講稿的心得。想歸想,但卻沒時間動筆。
一直到昨天,BBC 中文網(繁體) 有篇談這場演講的報導(後面有一小段引用了對我的訪問),然後發達資本主義時代的打油詩人 跟我在臉書上聊這件事。我們兩個雖然都很想談談這篇講稿,但週末都忙著同一件事:帶小孩(他帶他的、我帶我的)。但再不寫大概就沒人想談了,所以只好趁現在小孩睡覺後開始寫。
前天我曾經在臉書上請大家好好讀這篇講稿,中文英文都要看。有關中文的部分,朱宥勳 已經有很精彩的寫作技巧分析,大家可以去看看。
很多人都知道小英總統是英國倫敦政經學院的博士(好吧,有些人到現在還在懷疑),小英講英文時也有很雋永的英國腔,但大家比較容易忽略的是,紐約(美國)才是她第一個異鄉求學的地方。她當時就讀康乃爾大學Cornell University ,位於紐約州的漂亮小城Ithaca。
小英在紐約的公開演講曾說:「這是她第一次以中華民國總統的身份造訪紐約」。從這個背景來看小英的英文講稿,不難發現,前四段事實上是給紐約客(New Yorker)的溫暖起手式:
✍️Receiving an invitation to speak here from such a vanguard of free speech and diversity is actually quite an honor.
✍️ I graduated from Cornell Law School in 1980, and I have to say, being back on a New York campus brings back many memories. Though I’m sure many of you would say that any campus outside of New York City is not really part of New York.
🐶這一段是insider joke,非紐約人可能看不懂,紐約人聽到應該笑呵呵。為什麼?前面已經說了,Cornell位於紐約州的Ithaca,但不是位於紐約市內,所以這個笑話是小英的自嘲:我知道我念的學校沒有位於紐約市(New York City)內,你們一定覺得那不能算是「紐約校園」。說白了,這有點像是天龍國笑話或是「天母是天龍中的天龍」之類的。
講到這,看看哥大的臉書名稱:Columbia University in the City of New York (位於紐約市的哥倫比亞大學),不覺得很幽默嗎?這是在開其他沒有位於紐約市(也許位於紐約州)大學的玩笑。(你能想像台大的臉書名稱說「位於台北的台大」嗎?)
✍️However, I actually lived in the city in the summer of 1979, when I was doing research work for a professor at the East Asia Institute of Columbia University. Later on, I passed the New York Bar examination here, and visited the city from time to time, sometimes on my way to Washington DC for trade negotiations.
✍️Life in New York in the 1980s was eye opening for a young law student from not quite democratized Taiwan. Diversity and different perspectives were the norm, and looking out across the lecture hall today, I am glad to see that has not changed.
所以好的幕僚真的很重要,也真的能讓你上天堂。幕僚寫稿的功力也在這裡,帶出個人情感(personal touch),讓老闆掌握演講節奏,這是需要專業訓練的。
✍️In the early days of our political transition, some said democracy could not survive in China’s shadow. And Taiwan is now home to a thriving democratic society and political system.
🐶我喜歡survive in China's shadow這個詞的用法,這可以提醒聽眾,今日許多國家,甚至包括美國,都還在擔憂中國的銳實力(sharp power)。西方國家對於要不要禁用華為爭論不休,也可以視為一種中國的陰影。
✍️Some said a resource-poor island of only 23 million people could not become a major economic player. Yet we are now the United States’ 11th largest trade partner.
✍️Some said progressive values could not take root in East Asian society. Yet I stand here before you as Taiwan’s first woman president, and this year we became the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.
✍️In short, Taiwan’s story is one of seemingly improbable success. Many call Taiwan a “democratic miracle,” but I don’t believe in miracles. I believe in the will of the people, and their vision for a better world.
🐶「奇蹟的信徒」在中文是個華麗的修辭,但英文用的是大家國中都學過的文法:believe 是相信,believe in 是信仰。有沒有 in 差很多。
✍️We are seeing this threat in action right now in Hong Kong. Faced with no channel to make their voices heard, young people are taking to the streets to fight for their democratic freedoms. And the people of Taiwan stand with them.
Hong Kong’s experience under “one country, two systems” has shown the world once and for all that authoritarianism and democracy cannot coexist.
✍️You begin to censor your own speech, your own thoughts. You no longer discuss current events with your friends, for fear of being overheard. You spend more time looking over your shoulder than you spend looking towards the future.
🐶我喜歡這一段的節奏。也因為這一段,我猜測這篇講稿應該是「以英文寫成,再翻譯成中文」,而非「以中文寫成,再翻譯成英文」。為什麼?因為You spend more time looking over your shoulder than you spend looking towards the future. 用了前面跟後面的修辭。
✍️Our story is one of perseverance, of a commitment to democracy against all odds.
Ours is a story of why values do still matter. The cultural and political differences across the Taiwan Strait only grow wider by the day; and each day that Taiwan chooses freedom of speech, human rights, the rule of law, is a day that we drift farther from the influences of authoritarianism.
🐶Against all odds 強調台灣民主及經濟發展難能可貴。
A story of why values do still matter. 強調台灣跟中國最大的差異:價值。
✍️Authoritarian governments seek to exploit press freedoms unique to democratic societies to sow dissent among us. They hope to make us question our political systems and lose faith in democracy.
Taiwan has been on the frontlines of this battle for years, and we have a great deal of experiences to offer to the world.
✍️But democracy faces other challenges as well, especially in the form of economic enticements with hidden strings attached.
🐶這在講什麼?包括中國對台灣的統戰,也包括中國對其他國家的一帶一路及所帶來的債權陷阱(debt trap)。
✍️So to all the people who ask me how to make the choice between democracy and economic growth, I say the choice is clear: the two are inseparable.
History tells us that democracies are strongest when united, and weakest when divided.
🐶這邊改寫了英文寫作常用的名言錦句:United we stand, divided we fall。寫得很漂亮,沒話說。
我只挑了一些段落跟大家分享,希望大家喜歡,也算是完成發達資本主義時代的打油詩人 交代給我的任務。
忘了說,哥大的黎安友(Andrew Nathan)教授是小英這次訪紐約的靈魂人物,他是友台派中國通的祖師爺級人物,台灣許多教授及政治人物都上過他的課。我在清大就讀中國研究碩士時,Andy(我們都這麼稱呼他)也來清大上過短期講座,現在回想起來,當時能在新竹上他的課真的太幸福了(畢竟清大不在紐約市,學費也不能跟長春藤盟校相比😂)。
Ps. 本篇文章謝謝打油詩人給我一些靈感,但如果有寫錯的地方,文責當然自負。
護台胖犬 劉仕傑
Instagram: old_dog_chasing_ball (老狗追球)
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅lifeintaiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我受到全聯福利中心及全聯善美的文化藝術基金會的邀請,參加了一個非常特別的元宵文化活動,從中我學到了有關乞龜文化的知識,以及「知道感恩」在這個文化活動中是多麼重要! 這活動不僅有趣好玩,而且具有教育意義,我也有機會在公開場合、在電視上接受中文採訪!這是一次讓人難以忘懷的經歷,也讓我開始思考我怎麼才能...
「by invitation only中文」的推薦目錄:
by invitation only中文 在 PTT Gossiping 批踢踢八卦板 Facebook 八卦
赤燭遊戲 - Red Candle Games:『大家好,我們是赤燭。
Scroll down for English content
今年二月,『返校 - Detention』及『還願 - Devotion』兩款作品,同時成為哈佛大學燕京圖書館的館藏內容之一。這份殊榮不僅屬於團隊,也屬於一直以來支持我們的玩家朋友們,在此特別感謝鄭炯文館長、王德威教授、馬小鶴主任及陳也東先生的邀請與協助。
Hello, we are Red Candle Games.
This February, the Harvard-Yenching Library at Harvard University officially added both of our titles '返校 Detention' and '還願 Devotion' to its collection. It is an incredible honour which belongs to not only Red Candle but also our supporters/players worldwide. Special thank to the invitation from Harvard-Yenching Library and the assistance from James Cheng, Prof. David Der-wei Wang, Xiao-he Ma, and Yedong Chen for making it possible.
Harvard-Yenching Library, formally founded in 1928, is known as the largest Eastern Asian library maintained by any American university. As game designers, never have we thought that our works could one day be added to its prestige collection. While we truly appreciate the recognition, we had also taken this opportunity to rethink the possibilities that our games could achieve.
For the past one year, we are sorry for making our community worried. Although the current status might not be ideal, we are still here and that nothing has changed - we are and will always develop games with the same passion.
Last but not the least, we’d like to express our gratitude toward our partners, friends and families, especially a big thank you to all fans who still believe in Red Candle Games. It’s a tough year for many of us, but we will keep going, and hopefully in the future we could share more works with you all.』
[爆卦] 赤燭遊戲進哈佛大學圖書館 https://disp.cc/b/163-c7lo
by invitation only中文 在 時代力量 New Power Party Facebook 八卦
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I’m glad to have this opportunity to share some thoughts with you in Geneva. My name is Freddy Lim, I’m a parliamentarian from Taiwan, and I’m a member of the New Power Party which was founded only about one year ago. The NPP has a lot of support from the young people in Taiwan, and is currently the third largest party in the parliament and represents a new, rising political force. Here, we would like to express our voices to you, hoping that more people around the world would become strong partner and friends of Taiwan to support our efforts in join international organizations, so that we may contribute to the world.
Despite being a country that still has a hard time joining the UN, Taiwan is the 26th largest economy in the world by GDP, and it’s ranked the 16th in terms of total trade amount. We have our own territories, people, elected government, and president. Last Friday, we had our third rotation of power, showing that Taiwan’s democracy is both stable and reliable.
As an important trade partner around the world, Taiwan strives to establish closer business relations with the world under the WTO framework. We’re also actively boosting human rights standards domestically, by not only passing the two UN human rights covenants, but also providing information, skills, funding, and humanitarian aids to the international community with no reserves. Taiwan has a mature public health and national health insurance system, an outstanding biotech industry, as well as rich experiences in researching and developing medicines and vaccines. We believe that, through multilateral medical cooperation, participating in the global epidemic control and becoming an official member of the WHO, we will absolutely contribute in the global fight against diseases.
The complicated history of Taiwan surfaced with the rare mention of UN Resolution 2758 in the WHA invitation to Taiwan. After World War II, the Chiang Kai-shek regime who had nowhere to go after losing the Chinese Civil War was sent to Taiwan by the Allies, where it started a prolonged authoritarian rule. Along with the regime, the international community also threw the “one China” problem to Taiwan. In 1971, the UN passed resolution 2758 to expel the Chiang Kai-shek regime occupied the seat for China. However, Chiang’s regime was not only unrepresentative of China, it did not represent the people of Taiwan either. Taiwan has finally become a young democracy following decades of activism and reforms. Now that the Taiwanese people are extending their efforts to contribute to and participate in different aspects in the world, we sincerely hope that Taiwan would engage in more positive and respectable exchanges with the world as a normal country, to fulfill its obligations as a global citizen.
Like all of you, we firmly stands behind the universal values of freedom, democracy, and human rights, and continuously work for these values. I believe that, based on our shared values, and with your support, Taiwan would absolutely become a reliable and friendly partner. I would like to sincerely thank you for attending the press conference. Let’s stay closer to work for a better world.
Thank you for your time, have a good day.
各位先生、女士,大家好,很高興能夠在日內瓦跟各位分享一些看法。我的名字是Freddy Lim,是台灣的立法委員,屬於台灣僅成立一年的新政黨New Power Party。NPP在台灣獲得年輕人很大的支持,目前在國會是第三大黨,是台灣政治一股新興的力量。在此希望能傳達我們的心聲給各位,並期盼國際上更多友人做台灣堅強的夥伴,支持我們參與國際組織,為世界貢獻一己之力。
這次WHA的邀請函,罕見的提到2758決議文,讓台灣複雜的歷史再次浮上檯面。二戰後,在中國內戰敗退的蔣介石政權無處可去,被同盟國送來了台灣,進行獨裁統治。國際就這樣把「一個中國」的歷史問題丟給了台灣。到了1971年,聯合國做了2758決議,將佔據中國席位的蔣介石政權逐出聯合國。然而,蔣政權不只不能代表中國人民,其獨裁統治更無法代表台灣人民。台灣人民透過數十年的抗爭與改革,終於成為了一個年輕的民主政體。現在,如同台灣人民在國際的各行各業都力求貢獻、熱心參與,我們真誠的期盼,台灣,能以一個正常的國家身分,與世界進行更多正面以及有尊嚴(respect)的交流與合作,履行作為全球公民(Global citizen)一份子的義務與責任。
☞ 講稿全文:https://goo.gl/WwzqT1
by invitation only中文 在 lifeintaiwan Youtube 的評價
I was invited by PX Mart and their charity Sunmake Cultures Foundation to take part in a very special cultural event for Lantern Festival where I could learn all about the Begging Turtle Culture and how being able to repay those who looked after you is so important in this culture.
Not only was it lots of fun as well as educational, but I also had the chance to be interviewed in Chinese, in public...on TV! It was an incredibly memorable experience and made me think about how I could possibly ever repay Taiwan for the way the country has looked after me.
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