Perhaps indifference is just a result of everyone being busy tending their own wounds.
我們與惡的距離 (The World Between Us), 2019
CATCHPLAY ON DEMAND頭兩集免費看:http://bit.ly/2UWxjp3
這次我們想要推薦的並不是電影,而是公視與CATCHPLAY、HBO Asia合作的旗艦劇《我們與惡的距離》《The World Between Us》。這部劇集不僅中文名字很引人省思,它的英文翻譯更是留下了許多解讀的空間。『The World』可以解讀成『人與人之間的隔閡』,這個隔閡不僅是一段距離,反而可能大到是一個世界,使得我們成為了分屬不同世界的人。這也更深一步地去揭露出,《我們與惡的距離》其實是來自 『人與人之間的隔閡』。
同時也有30部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過80萬的網紅展榮展瑞 K.R Bros,也在其Youtube影片中提到,數位收聽 🎧 https://krbro.lnk.to/SummerBreezeAY 📌 榮瑞說 夏夜的晚風吹著,如此的舒服,吹在我們每個人生活中、愛情裡,吹走許多我們的惆悵與感慨,沒有好或不好,沒有鼓勵沒有批判的陪伴,也陪伴著每一個還在等待的愛,一年四季吹著的晚風,對你來說,你是否也正在等待著⋯...
busy中文 在 張哲生 Facebook 八卦
2020.3.6 17:57 更新:
原尋人文章以英文書寫,發文者是 Chung Phụng Anh,以下的中文內容為網友 Borcheng Hsu 代為翻譯。
我的媽媽是潮州人,1959年生,從小住在柬埔寨,15歲被帶到紅色高棉集中營,與一位名叫 Que Chinh的女孩成為好友。
1979-1980年間,她們被釋放,逃到越南,也因為她們兩位的父親都慘遭毒手,所以感情特別好。後來Que Chinh的哥哥將她申請到台灣。
Guan Shin & Co
Chung Shan Rd, section 1
225 Alley, Chang Chua, Taiwan
Đài Loan, R.O.C.
我的媽媽現在62歲,目前住在美國波士頓,很想念 Que Chinh,希望能找到她。
媽媽的名字是李寶珊(Lý Bửu Sang)
媽媽朋友的名字是方惠清(Que Chinh)
Chung Phụng Anh shared her first post.
Aching Endeavor of Family Search
(some of the names have been translated into English by phonic sounds and might not be accurate, and my mom and I don’t know how to use Chinese keystrokes on computers).
My mom was a Chinese (Teochow) living in Cambodia, and a survivor of the Pol pot Khmer Rouge genocide. In the labour camp of the Khmer Rouge, a friendship was born between her and another lady who eventually settled in Taiwan. Now, my mom is living in Boston, MA, United States, and wishes to look for her endearing friend.
My mom’s name translated into Vietnamese is Lý Bửu Sang, her Chinese name is written on top of her teenage passport photo here. She was 15 when she was brought from Nong Phenh to the Khmer Rough labour camp, named something sound like Clok-By-Cam-Pot. There, she and her family made friends with a girl a year or so older than her, named Que Chinh, and her family. My grandpa and Ms. Que Chinh’s father was made to carry heavy loads of human feces for fertilization. He eventually died of inhuman condition in the camp, and Ms. Que Chinh’s father was killed off.
In1979-1980, my mom and Ms. Que Chinh were released and ran to Saigon, Vietnam. They met up regularly in Chợ Lớn (which means literally, Big Market) where gathered a large population of Chinese Vietnamese. The orphaned girls were as close as sisters.
Eventually, Ms. Que Chinh’s brother sponsored her to go to Taiwan. She initially lived with her uncle, who had a small shopping selling treats. They exchanged letters a few times at Mr. Que Chinh’s uncle’s address attached here (not sure if it's in the correct format):
Guan Shin & Co
Chung Shan Rd, section 1
225 Alley, Chang Chua, Taiwan
Ms. Que Chinh sent my mom three letters in which she attached her three photos here with the scenes in Taiwan, one of which was with her younger sister in the hats. The girl who turns around with the background of the mountain skyline is Ms. Que Chinh, and so is the girl with the background of the pagoda.
After that, my mom gave birth to 4 kids and became very busy at first. Then, when she finally had time and wrote to Ms. Que Chinh at the same address, the mail was returned.
To anyone who lives in Taiwan or knows anyone in Taiwan, please kindly help pass the words to Ms. Que Chinh. My mom misses her very much.
Thank you for your kind read...
busy中文 在 那些電影教我的事 - Lessons from Movies Facebook 八卦
We often neglect the most important things in life when we are busy living.
命運好好玩 (Click), 2006
我是一個在外縣市讀書的大學生,爸爸擔任國小校長,媽媽則是另個學校的主任,平常只有父母兩人在家。爸爸的學校因為少子化的關係,面臨被裁併校的壓力,因此學校積極想留住村裡的學生。爸爸自願幫忙 ,不管是上學放學晚上或假日,總是比別人早出門,卻又更晚回家,甚至還會自掏腰包幫忙學校。
相對於爸爸,媽媽的學校沒有這樣的壓力,總是能準時上下班,常常她煮完晚飯,卻接到爸爸電話說不回家吃飯,或是吃飽了又馬上出門接送學校小孩,假日也是一樣的情形,家裡大大小小的事幾乎都是媽媽在負責,他們因為這樣常常吵架。我總是想勸爸爸家人才是一輩子的,但他不太可能聽進我說的話…謝謝水某水ㄤ花時間看完我們家的問題 想請問你們有沒有推薦什麼電影是跟工作家庭衝突有相關的能讓我參考,謝謝你們!』
為了要成為公司的合夥人,Michael總是辛勤工作,甚至為了滿足老闆與客戶的需求犧牲了許多與家人相處的寶貴時光。但即便如此,Michael還是覺得時間不夠用,直到有一天他無意間得到了一個可以控制真實生活的遙控器 。一開始他覺得能夠跳過自己不喜歡的時光實在是太棒了,但他並不知道,遙控器會記錄他的習慣,根據他的喜好自動跳過一些事件,例如與老婆爭吵、生病、還有人生中的各種等待。
busy中文 在 展榮展瑞 K.R Bros Youtube 的評價
數位收聽 🎧 https://krbro.lnk.to/SummerBreezeAY
📌 榮瑞說
#展榮展瑞 #夏夜晚風
■ 詞曲:伍佰 WU BAI
夏夜裡的晚風 吹拂著妳在我懷中
妳的秀髮蓬鬆 纏繞著我隨風擺動
月亮掛在星空 牽絆著妳訴情衷
有妳味道的風 就是我還在等待的愛
燈火閃著餘波 隨著妳的呼吸移動
妳說妳想入夢 我的臂窩有妳的夢
將妳輕輕捧起 讓妳在我耳邊細語
夏夜的風有妳 就是我還在等待的愛
詞Lyricsist|伍佰 WU BAI
曲Composer|伍佰WU BAI
製作人Producer: 蕭賀碩Shuo Hsiao
編曲Arranger:張晁毓Dato Chang/林易祺LNiCH
弦樂Strings:曜爆甘音樂工作室Just Busy Music Studio
第一小提琴First Violin:蔡曜宇 Shuon Tsai
第二小提琴Second Violin:駱思云 SsuYun Lo
中提琴Viola:甘威鵬 Weapon Gan
大提琴Cello:劉涵隱分子 Hang Liu
合聲編寫Backing Vocal Arranger:蕭賀碩Shuo Hsiao
錄音工程師& 錄音室Recording Engineer& Studio:陳以霖 Yi-Lin Chen@大小眼錄音室Twin Eyes Studio(vocal)/單為明 Link Shan@Lights Up Studio(strings)/伊勗賢Edward Yee(edit)
錄音助理Assistant Engineer:于世政 Yu Shih Cheng@Lights Up Studio
混音工程師& 錄音室Mixing Engineer& Studio:林正忠Jerry Lin@Robot Studio
製作公司 Production|鳥兒映像製作有限公司 Birdy Productions.
導演 Director|邱柏昶 Birdy Nio
導演助理 Director Assistant|蔡幸伶 Hsing Lin Tsai、賴禹諾Yukuo
製片團隊Production Team|其它映像工作室Other Films
製片 Producer|石芳綺 Kiki Shih
執行製片Line Producer|洪家翎Charlene Hung
生活製片Catering & Craft Service|胡尹姍Hu Yin Shan、許桓溱Amber Hsu
美術指導 Art Director|石尚瑋 Wei Shih
美術協力Art Cooperation|古又如Yu Ru Ku、蔡佩蓉Pei Jung Tsai
造型指導Costume Designer|郭芳慈 Dafa Kuo
造型執行Assistant Costume Designer|謝睿玄Jacob Xie
攝影指導Director of Photography|莊竣瑋Kevin Chuang
攝影師 Additional Camera|陳趾麟 Joe Chen
攝影大助 Focus Puller|馬崇智Chris Ma
攝影二助 2st Assistant Camera|簡靖宗Ching Tsung Chien
攝影組 Assistant Camera|傅明德 Ted Fu
攝影器材 Camera Equipment|鏡頭銀行Lens Bank
燈光師 Gaffer|粘峻嘉 Chun Chia Nieh
燈光組 Lighting Crews|林晏均Yan Chun Lin、潘哲偉 Jhe Wei Pan
燈光器材Lighting Equipment|妄想機影音製作 Mirager Production House
剪接師 Editor、調光師 Colorist|賴禹諾Yukuo
標準字設計Font Design|盧冠瑾 Gwen Lu
錄音室混音師 Recording Engineer | 林傳智 Lin Chuan Chih
錄音工作室 Recording Studio|家裡錄音
特別感謝Special Thanks|墾丁國家公園、屏東縣政府影視協拍、阿比
造型 Stylist|張佳媛 Beryl Chang@我沒空有限公司
化妝 Make up|Yumi
髮型Hair Stylist|ricky_linnn
攝影 Photographer| kuan
藝人經紀公司Artist Management Company:
藝人經紀Artist Management|飛碟娛樂有限公司 UFO Entertainment Co., Ltd.
執行長 Chief Executive Officer |劉柏均 Bruce Liu
行政管理 Administration|王建棟 Jason
藝人助理Artist Assistant|林振皓 Jeffrey
■ 更多 展榮展瑞 相關消息:
展榮展瑞 官方 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/KeelongRays
展榮 官方 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/keelongxu/
展瑞 官方 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/monday_rays/
展榮 官方 Tiktok:https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJdxwHuj/
展瑞 官方 Tiktok:https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJdQL9hf/
busy中文 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的評價
2020 update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgJ-at7sAAA
Afrikaans | 00:03
English | 00:29
Français | 00:55
한국말 | 01:48
日本語 | 02:58
中文 | 04:26
Tiếng Việt | 06:21
Bahasa Indonesia | 07:02
07:38 | العربية
हिंदी | 07:57
Ending: 08:23
The first video on my channel was a polyglot video I made in 2013, and 4 years later, the time has come for me to update. Some of my languages have improved, some have not, and some new ones have come along. I hope this inspires you on your language journey - I would love to hear what you're learning and how you learn!
I do not claim to be fluent in any of these languages: language learning is a lifelong journey and fluency is a construct. I just wish to share my love of languages with the world and I also make videos in various languages to track my progress over the years. I know I may have made some mistakes, so please correct me so we can all learn together! Enjoy and feel free to like and subscribe if you want to see more! Love you all!
2013년에 처음으로 외국어를 많이 하는 영상을 올렸는데, 실력이 많이 달라졌어요 (좋아진 언어 있는 만큼 못하게 된 언어도 많아요!). 4년후에, 드디어 새로운 "폴리글롯" 영상 올릴 시간이 됐네요. 이 10개 국어를 유창하게 하지 못하지만, 다 배우고 있어요. 실수 있으면 부담 없이 고쳐주세요! 여러분은 외국어를 어떻게 부담없이 궁금해서, 꼭 댓글 남겨 주세요! 이 영상 좋아하시면 구독해주셨으면 감사하겠습니다! 모두 사랑해요!!
Ek wil nou regtig nie in elke taal die selfde tipe inleiding skryf nie, maar dit is seker belangrik om my husitaal ook hier te hê. Afrikaanse mense, ek sien julle!! :D
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Welcome to my channel! My name is Lindie and I share my love for languages through my polyglot progress and language learning tips here. South African by birth, I spent most of my life in France, Pakistan, the UAE and Japan. Now I work as a UI/UX designer in Singapore. I'm a Christian and strive to shine God’s light in all I do. May this channel inspire you to reach your language goals!
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Japanese for Busy People on Amazon → https://geni.us/JapaneseForBusy1
Advanced Japanese for Busy People → https://geni.us/JapaneseForBusy3
Korean Grammar in Use Intermediate → https://geni.us/KoreanGrammarUse
Korean TOPIK exam prep → https://geni.us/TOPIK2prep
Short Stories in Spanish → https://geni.us/spanishshortstories
Camera → https://geni.us/CanonPowerShotG7
Mic → https://geni.us/RodeSmartLavMicr
Tripod → https://geni.us/ManfrottoTravel
Some links are affiliate links, and a percentage goes towards supporting my channel.
Collabs & partnerships: hello@lindiebotes.com
busy中文 在 Jordan Tseng Youtube 的評價
This is Jordan Tseng,it's been a while since last video.
I'm glad to share this animation work to you guys,
it takes me 2 months,about 1700 pictures
I want to make a Iron man stop motion from long time ago,
finally,here it is.
But you can see this vid is short and is not finish yet,
I'm working on a school club movie project,it makes me very busy by now.
Will I finish this Iron man story someday?
Actually I don't know,I can't promise,it depends on how many views this video will get.
I still got a lot things to learn,so leave your comment,I will try my best to improve the weak point of my video.
thanks for reading patiently.
Thanks for watching.
-Regards Jordan Tseng
幕後花絮Behind the scenes ▶ http://jordantseng.blogspot.tw/2013/10/iron-man-fight-transformers-brawl-stop.html
花了2個月 總共拍了約1700張照片
這部片其實不算拍完 才正要開始就結束了
stop motion線上課程開課中 ▶ https://bit.ly/2MsieJ8
Instagram ▶ https://bit.ly/2BhAiDC
Facebook fan page ▶ https://bit.ly/30h70z8
中文Facebook粉絲專頁 ▶ https://bit.ly/367GrgU
Twitter ▶ https://bit.ly/3deNpmd
busy中文 在 【Hololive中文】面對兔建這幫人大空警察真滴會忙死 ... 的八卦
【Hololive/Eng Sub】Usaken's employees will make Oozora Police super busy【Shishiro Botan/Amane Kanata】. 30 ... ... <看更多>