Saya baru tegas sedikit & release 1 video pembohongan beliau dan beliau terus blok saya. Tak berkasar pun cuma tegas.
Apabila golongan ateis & pelampau liberal menyindir dan menjadikan Islam sebagai momokan, mereka mengatakan itu kebebasan bersuara. Apabila kita menggunakan prinsip kebebasan bersuara membalas mereka dengan tegas, kita pula dituduh ekstrimis dan ada yg hati tisu terus blok.
Di manakah kebebasan bersuara & perbincangan intelektual yang dilaungkan selama ini? Kalau sahabat semua perasan, ramai ateis dan pelampau liberal ini akan blok sesiapa yang berbeza & mampu menjawab hujah songsang mereka.
Jangan ada sesiapa yang menuduh kononnya ateis ini tidak berprinsip. Sebenarnya ateis ini berprinsip & prinsip ateis adalah;
1. Tukar topik bila tak boleh jawab
2. Blok bila kena expose
3. Play victim bila kena expose
4. Burden of proof ke atas org yg dituduh bukan org yg menuduh.
Saya mahu berdakwah dan mengajak orang menyembah Pencipta tetapi dakwah & secara dasarnya digunakan kelembutan & keramahan. Namun dakwah bukan sekadar lembut tetapi dakwah memerlukan ketegasan.
Takkan kita membiarkan mereka memperolok-olokkan Islam. Kita tidak akan melakukan sesuatu di luar batasan agama tetapi kita akan bertegas tidak berkasar dengan mereka.
Adakalanya kita perlu bertegas dan menayangkan pembohongan dan pembodohan mereka agar masyarakat tidak terjebak dengan mereka. Mereka sering menggambarkan Islam mundur, tidak logikal dan tak open minded namun hakikatnya, ramai mereka yang close minded.
Semoga Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala kekalkan & peliharan iman kita semua. Allahuma Ameen..
burden of proof 在 Facebook 八卦
I feel sad that my friend Syed Azmi is being viciously cyber-bullied. I have worked with Mi on some cases and he's been very diligent and patient with my late night calls and has been a great mentor helping me with Humarap and the work I do with single mothers and babies.
When MoM and Humarap set up a Kitafund last year to help the vulnerable communities and children in Sabah, I set the fundraiser to RM20,000. The moment I shared it, he rang and asked for more info. It wasn't too long before PUAKPayong, an NGO that he spearheads, transferred the total amount. I then raised it to RM50K and with the help of other kindred souls, we hit the target and more.
Reading some of the nasty and unconstructive comments with regards to #JusticeForBella makes me ponder about the actual intention of some individuals. The word JUSTICE has strayed from the main concern in ensuring the best interest of the teen, is safeguarded.
He may have overlooked, he may have been seen as not being persistent enough, but I can assure you, he is NEVER malicious and I know this for a fact.
He has helped many, many people. I've been privy to some of the sensitive cases he has to deal with and as an observer from the side taking notes whilst he conducts these one on ones, I see compassion and perseverance in standing up for the most needful in the society.
Picking up from a conversation with another friend who knows Mi personally too, I echo her sentiments.
"He did what he did, said what he thought, without even insinuating anyone when there were many times he could have, even now. When he attempted to share his side of story, not just he was unfairly adjudicated, bits and pieces were extracted and used against him with no mercy, without looking at those excerpts in totality."
Azmi has newly acquired knowledge in criminal justice, so he spoke with greater caution than before, not mentioning names, not giving minute details as all these may have negative repercussions on the investigation process.
Let's hope Bella's assailants will be successfully prosecuted because too much have been out in the media which may be detrimental to the case - potential witness statements out in the public; documents and evidence likewise.
"People forget, burden of proof in a criminal case is beyond reasonable doubt. Chain of evidence must be absolutely intact to secure conviction."
And that is why I hope the dialogue for wanting justice can progress into something that will help. Let's encourage other witnesses to have the courage to tell their stories with accuracy to strengthen the case. Let us mount pressure to not just get legal procedures done swiftly, but to also ensure other caretakers of shelter homes do what they were entrusted to do - to take care of the being of the residents of their home...and more.
burden of proof 在 葉丙成 Benson Facebook 八卦
昨天在台大管理論叢 25 週年做專題演講前,楊泮池校長也到場開幕致詞。在開幕前,我向楊校長詢問日前報上提到頂新對臺大食科所針對性裁員的事情。
校長還特地轉一封曾在美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)任職官員的朋友信件給我。這位 FDA 前官員跟校長說,法律上無罪推定的原則,不該適用於食品還有藥物等受管制的行業。不應該是 FDA 事後去舉證食品、藥物安全與否,而是食品、藥物業者要先證明他們的東西合格無虞才對。(詳見下附之信)
就無罪推定的原則來說,法官按照現在的法律做這樣的判決可以理解。但真正的關鍵,就如同信中 FDA 前官員跟楊校長所提的,無罪推定的原則是否適用於食品跟藥物等受管制的行業?如果台灣未來食品、藥物相關的法律不改變,黑心食品的問題必然還是會層出不窮...
昨天分享 FDA 專家的信,週日承蒙幾位法律界朋友的指教。對於整個問題有比較完整的了解。
FDA 專家的信,一開始看不出來信中指的是刑法還是民法/行政法的部分。若以刑事責任來說,無罪推定是必要的,因為事關人權。要判一個人有罪抓進去關,舉證是檢察官需舉證的。所以無罪推定是刑事訴訟所必要的原則。
<(_ _)>
FDA 前官員信件:
寄件人: Chen's Gmail
日期: 2015年12月3日 GMT+8 14:12:16
收件人: Pan-Chyr Yang
標題: Re: 頂新案
Another issue is the argument by the judges that "there is no evidence that the source from Vietnam is bad". They should know that the burden of proof for safety is on the industry to show the source is good, not for the regulator or prosecutor to show that the material is bad. This is similar to drugs, that the industry need to show the new drug is safe, not for FDA to show the drug is dangerous.
They apparently apply the legal principle of assuming innocence before proving guilty. But that is not the correct approach in the regulatory business. History has plenty of lessons that all, esp. in food and medicine, merchants must be presumed "黑心" until proven otherwise.
burden of proof 在 Burden of Proof | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute 的相關結果
There are different standards in different circumstances. For example, in criminal cases, the burden of proving the defendant's guilt is on the prosecution, and ... ... <看更多>
burden of proof 在 THE BURDEN OF PROOF在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 的相關結果
the burden of proof的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the responsibility for proving something 2. the responsibility for proving something 3. law the… ... <看更多>
burden of proof 在 Burden of proof (law) - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Burden of proof refers most generally to the obligation of a party to prove its allegations at trial. In a civil case, the plaintiff sets forth its allegations ... ... <看更多>