NYDeTour週末何處去:2/4-2/5 (Sat & Sun)
*2/4 (Sat) 走春迎神『雞』~~2017法拉盛農曆新年遊行
地點:Main St. bet. Sanford st and 39th Ave, Flushing
時間:2/4 (Sat) 10:30am-1:30pm
*2/5 (Sun) 沒參加到Flushing的農曆新年遊行也沒關係,星期天在曼哈頓中國城有第18屆新年遊行活動,規模也非常盛大!
地點:Chinatown, Manhattan (Suggested viewing locations: East Broadway or by Grand Street / Sara Roosevelt Park.)
時間:2/5 (Sun) 1pm-4:30pm
*2/4-2/5 (Sat & Sun) Lunar New Year Celebration at Queens Zoo
慶祝雞年到來Queens Zoo週末兩天有偶戲,書法表演和手工藝製作等多項活動,適合帶小朋友參與的慶祝農曆新年活動。
地點:Queens Zoo, 53-51 111th Street, Corona, New York
時間:2/4-2/5 (Sat & Sun) 11am-4pm
*2/4 (Sat) red envelope show 2
想看看不一樣的紅包設計嗎?從2/4到2/19在Brooklyn有一個由100位藝術工作者設計製作的紅包展。2/4星期六 7pm-10pm是活動的opening reception,9pm還有舞獅表演。
地點:82 Bond Street, Brooklyn
時間:Opening Reception: 2/4 (Sat) 7pm-10pm
*2/4 (Sat) Grand Opening of Quimby's Bookstore NYC
在實體書店紛紛結束營業之際,來自芝加哥的獨立書點Quimby's Bookstore卻在這週末來布魯克林設點!星期六晚上有開幕慶祝活動。想找各種另類書籍或小報雜誌也可以來這裡看看。
地點:536 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn
時間:2/4 (Sat) 7pm-10pm
*2/4 (Sat) Apollo Theater Open House
慶祝二月Black History Month世界知名的Apollo Theater將在這星期六舉辦Open House活動讓民眾免費入內參觀這美國音樂發展歷史的聖地之一。
地點:Apollo Theater, 253 W. 125th St, Harlem
時間:2/4 (Sat) 2pm-6pm
*2/4 (Sat) Comic Con at Rego Park
皇后區也有自己的Comic Con的!星期六在Rego Park的Queens Library有第一屆Comic Con,有興趣的朋友可以來看看。
地點:Queens Library at Rego Park, 91-41 63rd Drive, Rego Park
時間:2/4 (Sat) 10am-4pm
*2/4-2/5 (Sat & Sun) MAS NYC walking tour:Tour 34
由The Municipal Art Society of New York 和 34th Street Partnership合作舉辦免費的步行導覽活動,每個週末將有專人導覽從Penn Station沿著34街走到Empire State Building介紹當地歷史。
活動免費但是需要事先登記: Tours @ MAS.ORG
Have a nice weekend, my friends!
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過373萬的網紅Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Thanks to ExpressVPN for the sponsorship; go to https://expressvpn.com/xiaomanyc and find out how you can get 3 months free! Today I went to NYC’s Bro...
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NYDeTour週末何處去 2/24-2/25 (Sat & Sun)
*2/24 (Sat) Lunar New Year Festival at The MET
地點:The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 5th Avenue, New York, NY
時間:2/23 (Sat) 11am-5pm
*2/24 (Sat) Stop N' Swap at Saint Peter's Church
如果家中有乾淨,狀況不錯,並且可以攜帶但已經不需要的物件如衣服,小家電,玩具或書籍,可以到Lexington Avenue上的Saint Peter's Church以物易物。
地點:Saint Peter's Church, 619 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY (at E. 54th St)
時間:2/24 (Sat) 11am-2pm
*2/24-2/25 (Sat & Sun) 25th Annual BOOK SALE at Park Slope United Methodist Church
星期六和星期日兩天在Park Slope的United Methodist Church有地25屆的書展。有數萬件的新舊書籍,CDs, DVDs和唱片等待著有緣人去尋寶帶回家。
地點:Park Slope United Methodist Church, 410 6th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
時間:2/24 (Sat) 9:30am-5:30pm; 2/25 (Sun) 12:30pm-5:30pm
*2/24-2/25 (Sat & Sun) BOWIE Photography Exhibition & Sale
大衛鮑伊也許已經離開我們,但他的音樂,他的精神卻永遠長存。這星期四開始到3/23在Soho的Morrison Hotel Galley將大衛鮑伊本人為素材的攝影展,也可以購買。大衛鮑伊迷可以利用週末時間去看看!
地點:Morrison Hotel Gallery, 116 Prince Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY
時間:2/24 (Sat): 11am-7pm; 2/25 (Sun): 12pm-6pm
*2/24-2/25 (Sat & Sun) Brooklyn Flea *mini* Record Fair
星期六與星期日兩天在Industry City的Brooklyn Flea有一項小型唱片特賣會,約15家紐約市知名的黑膠唱片業者會在Brooklyn Flea市集裡展示銷售他們的收集。想挖寶的朋友可以來看看。
地點:Brooklyn Flea, 241 37th Street, Brooklyn, NY
時間:2/24-2/25 (Sat & Sun) 10am-5pm
*2/25 (Sun) 19th Annual New York City Lunar New Year Parade and Festival
上週末是Flushing的農曆新年遊行,這星期天則輪到Manhattan Chinatown來慶祝新年!除了遊行外還有許多中國傳統文化表演,東方美食攤位等。可以把握機會去感染一下新年的氣氛。
地點:Sara D. Roosevelt Park, Grand Street & Forsyth Street.
時間:2/25 (Sun) 1pm-4pm
*2/25 (Sun) Antiques & Collectibles Bazaar at Grand Bazaar NYC
喜歡逛跳蚤市場的朋友不要錯過星期天在曼哈頓上西城的Grand Bazaar的古董,收集品市集。有古董相機,手錶,家具,郵票,硬幣和其他手工藝品等。Grand Bazaar是紐約最大的跳蚤市場,不論是來紐約玩或是本地的紐約客,這裡都是星期天很好打發時間的地方。
地點:Grand Bazaar NYC, 100 W. 77th Street, New York, NY
時間:2/25 (Sun): 10am-5:30pm
Have a great weekend, my friends!
brooklyn chinatown lunar new year 在 NYDeTour Facebook 八卦
NYDeTour週末何處去:2/16-2/17 (Sat & Sun)
*2/16 (Sat) Super Saturday Lion Dance Parades
元宵節還沒到都還算是過年期間,曼哈頓中國城星期六有一場舞獅鬧街活動。有多個醒獅團會在Mulberry Street以東,Elizabeth Street以西,Worth Street以北,Grand Street以南的區域舞獅拜訪店家討紅包利是。想體驗節慶氣氛的朋友別錯過了。
地點:Chinatown, Manhattan
時間:2/16 (Sat) 11am-6pm
*2/16 (Sat) NYC Record & CD Show
星期六在midtown West的The Watson Hotel有CD和黑膠唱片特賣會,各種類型音樂,樂團海報,相關小物等收藏品銷售。有興趣的朋友別錯過。入場費 $3.00
地點:The Watson Hotel, 440 W. 57th Street, New York, NY
時間:2/16 (Sat) 10am-4pm
*2/16 (Sat) Bring Your Own Photo
喜歡攝影的朋友,這星期六又是Bushwick Community Darkroom的Bring Your Own Photo的活動。可以帶一張自己的攝影作品到現場展示,與其他攝影愛好者喝喝啤酒,聊天交流。很有趣的活動。
地點:Bushwick Community Darkroom, 110 Troutman Street, Brooklyn, NY
時間:2/16 (Sat) 7pm-10pm
*2/16 (Sat) The Future of Food Exhibition Reception
現在到3/2在DUMBO的Usagi Gallery有一項The Future of Food藝展,展出22位藝術家結合科學與文化的面相以食物為主題做創作。星期六下午5pm-7pm是reception活動。如果來這裡也可以同時去看看台灣是動畫藝術家劉旻正在Media Center的個展Tangible (https://nymediacenter.com/events/event/…)
地點:Usagi Gallery, 163 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn.
時間:2/16 (Sat) 5pm-7pm
星期天在曼哈頓中國城還有一項規模盛大的慶祝農曆新年花車遊行活動。遊行路線是沿著Mott Street到East Broadway再到Forsyth Street。有興趣的朋友可以前往觀看。開車的朋友就避開Chinatown路段。
地點:Chinatown, Manhattan
時間:2/17 (Sun) 1pm
*2/17 (Sun) Darwin Day Lecture: Rise and Fall of Scientific Authority
星期天在Brooklyn Commons Café有一項特別的哲學講座,請來Stony Brook University的哲學系主任來針對他的新書”The Workshop and The World”做導讀討論。對科學哲學有興趣的朋友別錯過!
地點:Brooklyn Commons Café, 388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
時間:2/17 (Sun) 2pm-4pm
*2/17 (Sun) Chinese New Year Temple Bazaar
也是一項慶祝農曆新年活動。星期天在Flushing Town Hall有一項慶祝廟會。除了有多項表演外還有燈籠製作,工藝手作等其他活動。分為兩個時段,入場費 $ 5.00
地點:Flushing Town Hall, 137-35 Northern Blvd, Flushing, NY
時間:2/17 (Sun) 11am & 2pm
*2/16-2/17 (Sat & Sun) 40th Edition of Antiquarian Brook Fair
星期六雨星期天在Greenwich Village的PS3 Charrette School有兩天的書展活動。愛看書的朋友這是一個為今年購買新書的好機會。門票:$ 10.00可以到連結網站點進50% off就變成 $ 5.00
地點:PS3 Charrette School, 490 Hudson Street, New York
時間:2/16 (Sat) 11am-6pm; 2/17 (Sun) 11am-5pm
*2/16-2/17 (Sat & Sun) THNK1994 Retrospective at THNK1994 Museum
這週末最有趣的活動可能是這個pop-up museum的臨時展覽。THNK1994 (Tonya Harding Nancy Kerrigan) 1994回顧展。以多個在1994發生的事件為主題展出。Tonya和Nancy當年是美國滑冰界的翹楚,後來發生Tonya攻擊Nancy的著名事件。還有在社群媒體沒有出現的「網紅」The Olsen Twins (歐森姐妹),以及其他那個年代的事件。
地點:Blue Building, 222 E. 46th Street, NY
時間:2/16-2/17 (Sat & Sun) 11am-7pm
Have a great weekend, my friends!
brooklyn chinatown lunar new year 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的評價
Thanks to ExpressVPN for the sponsorship; go to https://expressvpn.com/xiaomanyc and find out how you can get 3 months free! Today I went to NYC’s Brooklyn Chinatown as a clueless white guy and ordered food in the rare Chinese dialect of Fuzhounese. The other patrons in the restaurant were completely shocked!!!
It was a really fun prank and social experiment to see Chinese people’s reactions — both the waiters and the other patrons in Sunset Park were totally shocked! Then we walked around in the Chinese New Year parade and chatted with vendors and other people in Fuzhounese and Mandarin; their reactions were hilarious as well!
Thanks everyone for supporting me on my language learning journey — part 2 of these Fuzhounese videos coming up very soon! And also Happy Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year!!!
Want to learn fluent Chinese like me?
Sign up for my free newsletter and discover how you can pick up Chinese quickly using my weird but effective method: http://bit.ly/37gTpLc
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If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xiaomanyc
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brooklyn chinatown lunar new year 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的評價
The first 1000 people to click the link will get a free trial of Skillshare’s Premium Membership: https://skl.sh/xiaomanyc11201 So this week I tipped $5,000 at some of my absolute favorite Chinese takeout spots in New York City. The whole restaurant industry in New York City has been devastated by COVID and Chinese restaurants have been particularly hard-hit. So I wanted to give them a nice tip to show them how much we love and support them here at Xiaomanyc! Especially because it's Chinese New Year and it's a perfect time to give these restaurants some nice red envelopes. If you would like to get out there and support these NYC restaurants yourself, here are links to their pages on Yelp. Most are located in NYC’s Manhattan Chinatown. They are all awesome and highly recommended!
Spicy Village for utterly delicious spicy noodles: https://www.yelp.com/biz/spicy-village-new-york
S Wan Cafe for the best Cantonese / Hong Kong breakfast food in town: https://www.yelp.com/biz/s-wan-cafe-%E6%B4%8B%E7%B4%AB%E8%8D%86-new-york
Lucky House Kitchen for some seriously good old school Chinese American food: https://www.yelp.com/biz/lucky-house-kitchen-brooklyn
Teado for the best bubble milk tea and other drinks in Chinatown (and that’s saying a lot): https://www.yelp.com/biz/teado-tea-shop-new-york-6
Chang Lai Cheong Fun Cart for some superior Cantonese rice roll street food: https://www.yelp.com/biz/chang-lai-fishballs-and-noodles-new-york-5
Want to learn fluent Chinese like me? Sign up for my free newsletter and discover how you can pick up Chinese or other languages quickly using my weird but effective method: http://bit.ly/37gTpLc
Check out my Chinese course: http://bit.ly/3tgq4d8
Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLNoXf8gq6vhwsrYp-l0J-Q?sub_confirmation=1
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xiaomanyc/
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xiaomanyc/
If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xiaomanyc
brooklyn chinatown lunar new year 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的評價
Today I went to NYC’s Brooklyn Chinatown as a clueless white guy and got food and chatted with locals in the rare Chinese dialect of Fuzhounese. They were totally stunned!!! This is Part 2 of our Fuzhounese adventure in NYC’s Brooklyn Chinatown of Sunset Park (8th Avenue).
It was a really fun prank and social experiment to see Chinese people’s reactions — both the waiters and the other patrons in Sunset Park were totally shocked! Then we walked around in the Chinese New Year parade and chatted with vendors and other people in Fuzhounese and Mandarin; their reactions were hilarious as well!
Want to learn fluent Chinese like me?
Check out my new beginner course and learn Chinese exactly how I wish I'd learned it: http://bit.ly/3tgq4d8
Happy Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year!!!
If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xiaomanyc