Ít ai biết, một trong những cuốn sách nổi tiếng nhất về chế độ Khmer Đỏ là “When Broken Glass Floats” từng nói Việt Nam là “một kẻ thù truyền kiếp”. Cũng trong cuốn sách đó, đã không ít lần, nói rằng Việt Nam đã từng và sẽ luôn lợi dụng Campuchia vì các mục đích chính trị và quan trọng hơn hết, hình mẫu Việt Nam - trong cuốn sách, được miêu tả như những kẻ xâm lược khát máu và bạo quyền.
Tháng 07/2014, tờ Phnom Penh Post đăng tải bài viết “Trong số 20 người bạn của tôi, có tới 17 người ghét Việt Nam”. Bài viết này nhanh chóng gây rúng động dư luận Campuchia và cả Việt Nam nữa. Bài viết này cho rằng những người Việt Nam đang có mặt tại Campuchia nhằm xâm lược Campuchia giống như quân đội Việt Nam đã đến đây vào năm 1979, nhằm đánh đuổi Khmer Đỏ và ở lại tận mười năm. Và dĩ nhiên, bài viết này, cũng như trong cuốn sách “When Broken Glass Floats”, đều có những ám chỉ rõ ràng rằng: “Việt Nam xâm lược Campuchia”.
Cuối năm 2019 và đầu năm 2020, trên ứng dụng Tiktok xuất hiện trào lưu cà khịa, nếu muốn nói là sỉ nhục Việt Nam của một bộ phận giới trẻ Campuchia. Nói cà khịa và một bộ phận là còn nhẹ, vì những clip đó thể hiện nội dung bài Việt Nam, hạ nhục Việt Nam và chúng thu hút hàng triệu lượt xem, thậm chí còn được đề xuất lên xu hướng của Tiktok. Nhằm phản pháo lại trào lưu ấy, cư dân mạng Việt Nam cũng cho “ra lò” những clip tương tự, bên cạnh đó, cư dân mạng Việt Nam còn “dạy lịch sử” khi có những clip tóm tắt về cuộc chiến chống lại Khmer Đỏ, chia sẻ những clip cắt từ phim First They Killed My Father hay No Escape - những bộ phim nói về tính chính nghĩa của cuộc chiến chống Khmer Đỏ và giúp đỡ nhân dân Campuchia.
Nguồn gốc sâu xa mà nhiều người Campuchia thù ghét người Việt có lẽ khởi nguồn từ tận những năm tháng vào thế kỷ 15 khi mà đế quốc Khmer bị diệt vong. Người Campuchia rất tự hào về thời hoàng kim của đế quốc Khmer - một trong những đế quốc vĩ đại nhất lịch sử châu Á. Từng có thời điểm, vùng đất mà đế quốc Khmer sở hữu rộng tới hơn 1 triệu cây số vuông, tức là gấp 3 lần diện tích Việt Nam hiện nay. Đế quốc Khmer rơi vào thời gian thoái trào và sụp đổ là thời cơ để các quốc gia láng giềng tiến hành mở rộng lãnh thổ, trong đó có Việt Nam. Từ thế kỷ 15 đến thế kỷ 18, Việt Nam tiến hành mở rộng lãnh thổ mạnh mẽ về phía Nam, đưa các vùng đất Đông Nam Bộ, Tây Nam Bộ vào lãnh thổ Việt Nam. Tờ Phnom Penh Post viết rằng vào thời vua Minh Mạng, Việt Nam từng xâm lược Campuchia, chiếm Phnom Penh, mãi đến khi Pháp xâm lược Việt Nam, Campuchia mới giành lại được quyền tự quyết của họ.
Người Campuchia vẫn ghi nhận rằng người Việt đã có những đóng góp to lớn vào việc giúp người Campuchia độc lập từ người Pháp. Nhưng cũng chỉ trích rằng Việt Nam đã “lợi dụng” đất đai của người Campuchia vào công cuộc chống Mỹ tại miền Nam Việt Nam. Họ cũng biết ơn người Việt Nam vì đã cứu họ khỏi Khmer Đỏ, nhưng cũng ghét ra mặt khi ở lại tận chục năm sau. Nhưng đến tận thời gian gần đây, hành động đánh Khmer Đỏ, cứu nguy cho người dân Campuchia dần dần bị một bộ phận người dân Campuchia, đặc biệt là giới trẻ Campuchia “tẩy trắng”. Cũng chính tờ Phnom Penh Post, cho rằng “Việt Nam không xứng đáng được hoan nghênh”, và rất nhiều người Campuchia, cho rằng Khmer Đỏ chỉ là “công cụ tuyên truyền nhằm hợp pháp hóa việc xâm lược Campuchia của Việt Nam”.
Bên cạnh những lý do về lịch sử, còn có những lý do khác ở những khía cạnh kinh tế, chính trị. Như Thủ tướng Hunsen - vị thủ tướng lâu nhất trong lịch sử Campuchia bị tố rằng “thân Việt Nam”, hay như Đảng Nhân dân cách mạng Campuchia - chính đảng lớn nhất Campuchia cũng được lập ra nhờ công của những người Việt Nam. Bên cạnh đó, doanh nghiệp Việt ở Campuchia rất nhiều, các doanh nghiệp Việt thường có xu hướng sử dụng lao động Việt Nam. Bên cạnh đó, người gốc Việt ở Campuchia rất nhiều, trực tiếp cạnh tranh với người Campuchia.
Ít ai biết, tại Campuchia từng có một chính đảng chống Việt Nam ra mặt, đó là Đảng Cứu quốc Campuchia. Luận điệu của Đảng này nhắm vào việc chống đối Việt Nam, kích động lòng yêu nước cực đoan, kêu gọi tẩy chay các doanh nghiệp Việt Nam tại Campuchia, bài người Campuchia gốc Việt, kiện Việt Nam nhằm đòi lại chủ quyền của Phú Quốc, quần đảo Nam Du và các tỉnh Tây Nam Bộ, đòi xét xử Việt Nam vì Việt Nam đã xâm lược Campuchia tiêu diệt Khmer Đỏ.
Năm 2014, cộng đồng Khmer Krom tiến hành biểu tình tại Phnom Penh nhằm mục đích kêu gọi chính phủ Campuchia cắt đứt quan hệ ngoại giao với Việt Nam, tẩy chay hàng hóa Việt Nam và kiện Việt Nam ra tòa, đòi lại các vùng đất thuộc chủ quyền của người Khmer Krom, vẽ lại bản đồ phân định biên giới giữa Việt Nam và Campuchia. Cũng vào những năm 2012 - 2014, khu vực biên giới phía Tây Nam Tổ Quốc bị nhiều người Campuchia kéo đến kích động, phá rối. Mục đích của nhóm người này là đòi lại vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long.
Nhưng trong lịch sử, khu vực đồng bằng sông Cửu Long từng là một vùng đất của ruồi muỗi, hoang hóa, ngập lụt và gần như rất khó để sinh sống. Nửa sau thế kỷ 17, nhân dân và các tướng lãnh của chúa Nguyễn tiến hành khai phá vùng đất này và đến năm 1698, chúa Nguyễn tuyên bố vùng đất này thuộc chủ quyền của Việt Nam. Về vùng đất Hà Tiên, do một quan lại cũ của triều Minh là Mạc Cửu khai hoang, sau đó thần phục chúa Nguyễn. Con của Mạc Cửu nhiều lần cứu giá vua Khmer và được ban thưởng nhiều vùng đất đai. Năm 1759, toàn bộ vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long hiện tại được quy về lãnh thổ của chúa Nguyễn. Tuy nhiên, sau khi Pháp đô hộ Đông Dương, có tiến hành cắt đất ở Hà Tiên về lại Campuchia, nay là tỉnh Takeo và Kampot.
Năm 2013 Sam Rainsy - một lãnh đạo của Đảng Cứu quốc Campuchia liên tục dùng từ “Yoen” (Youn) trong các bài diễn văn nhằm mục đích đả kích người Việt và bài trừ Việt Nam, kích động tư tưởng chống đối Việt Nam từ một bộ phận người dân Campuchia. Đến nay, từ này đã trở thành một từ mang màu sắc chính trị nhằm mục đích hạ nhục, phân biệt người Việt, người gốc Việt tại Campuchia. Bản chất của từ “Yoen” (Youn) không mang hàm ý phân biệt, nhưng cũng giống như những từ ngữ như Bắc Kỳ, dân Thanh Hóa… những người nói đã cố tình làm cho những từ ngữ này bị sai nghĩa đi vì những mục đích phân biệt rác rưởi.
Thậm chí, từng có một thuyết âm mưu không hề nhẹ diễn ra khi phía Campuchia tiến hành bắn đại bác trong những ngày lễ lớn. Các hàng đại bác được hướng về phía Đông - tức là phía Việt Nam. Nhiều người Campuchia cho rằng, tâm lý chống Việt Nam vẫn luôn âm ỉ trong xã hội Campuchia, mặc cho những gì mà người Việt Nam vì người dân Campuchia. Thậm chí, nhiều người Việt đã bỏ cả mạng sống, chịu bao nhiêu khổ cực, bao nhiêu chỉ trích của cộng đồng quốc tế.
Năm 2019, Thủ tướng Lý Hiển Long đã viết trên trang cá nhân cho rằng “Việt Nam xâm lược Campuchia” và “đe dọa hòa bình Đông Nam Á”. Tuyên bố này khiến cho phía Campuchia, cụ thể là Thủ tướng Hunsen, Bộ trưởng Bộ Quốc phòng Tea Banh “sốc nặng” và phải lên tiếng cải chính ngay rằng Việt Nam không hề xâm lược hay chiếm đóng Campuchia. Tuy nhiên, phát biểu của Thủ tướng Lý Hiển Long lại được những người Campuchia mang tâm tưởng chống đối Việt Nam tôn vinh, coi là “lí lẽ của sự thực”.
Sự thực là gì? Là việc Việt Nam đã dẹp yên Khmer Đỏ, chấm dứt nạn diệt chủng mặc cho đã bị gần như tất cả các quốc gia trên thế giới quay lưng. Là việc đã, đang và sẽ đứng chung trong cái tên "Đông Dương".
Và quan trọng hết, sự thực là mỗi người Việt hay người Campuchia, phải học cách chung sống hòa bình, vượt lên trên định kiến và gạt bỏ hiềm khích dân tộc.
「broken glass」的推薦目錄:
broken glass 在 Aa_Perawatch Facebook 八卦
👉🏼เอาละวันนี้ กูจะมาตอบปัญหาคาใจนี้ให้สว่างกันไปเลย แบบ สไตล์ กู นะ พวก นักประวัตศาสตร์ความรู้ลึกซึ้ง ไม่ใช้ สไตล์ กูนะ เชิญมึงออกไป กูจะอธิบาย แบบง่ายๆแบบกู แบบความคิดของกู ช่างแม่งงานวิจัย กูโง่ กู อ่านไม่ออก และ คน สุภาพ อ่อนหวาน รับคำหยาบไม่ได้ ก็ เชิญมึงออกไป กูจะเป็น ของกูแบบนี้รับได้ก็รับ รับไม่ได้ก็ออกไปดูทีวีเอา
✔️ปัญหาพุงล่างกูว่าทุกคนมี กูก็มี เมื่อก่อนก็ไม่รู้มัน คืออะไร แต่ตอนนี้ พระเจ้าแม่งชี้ทางให้ กูละ กูรู้และ มันคือ ฮอร์โมน ความเครียด ที่ชื่อว่า คอร์ติซอล(cortisol
✔️คอร์ติซอล ปรกติ มันก็หลั่งออกมาอยู่แล้ว แต่อยู่ในปริมาาณ ที่ร่างกายรับ ได้ ในตอนเช้า กลางวัน และ เย็น เพื่อให้ ร่างกาย เตรียมพร้อมกับดำเนินชีวิต
✔️แต่ถ้าเมื่อไหร่ มึงเครียด ชีวิตโดนทำร้าย มันจะหลั่งค้างแบบในปริมาณที่สุง เช่น เครียดจากการ นอน เครียดจากพ่อแม่ด่า เครียดจาก แฟนทิ้ง
✔️ถ้ามึงเครียดจะทำให้มึงมีพุงทันที เพราะความเครียดจะทำให้ ร่างกายตกใจ คิดว่าเราตกอยู่ใน สภาวะ อะไร หรือปล่าว เช่น ต้องการที่จะต่อ สู้กับอะไรบ้างอย่าง หรือปล่าว ร่างกายจะ ไปหาพลังงานมา พลังงานที่หาง่ายที่สุดคือนำ้ตาล แล้วมันจะไปหามาจากไหน ?
✔️มันก็ไปหาจากในร่างกายมึงนั้นละ เช่นนำ้ตาลในกล้ามเนื้อ ไปหามาจากตับที่สะสมนำ้ตาลไว้ และถ้ามันหาไม่ได้จริงๆ มันจะสลายกล้ามเนื้อเรามาช่วยทันที ชิบหายเลยนะ การสลายกล้ามเนื้อคือการสลายเตาเผาทำให้ Fat เราขึ้นทันที . แล้ว Fat ชึ้นจะขึ้นทีไหนก่อนละ ก็ท้องไงโดยเฉพาะท้องล่าง
✔️รู้ได้ไงว่ารา เครียด คือ เราจะหิวนำ้ตาล อยากกินของหวาน เป็นพิเศษ นี้คือ ร่างกายเครียดมากแล้วคนที่นอน น้อย ก็จะเจอ สถานการณ์นี้ จะหิวนำ้ตาล มากกว่าปรกติ ใครเคยเป็นบ้าง?
❌ยิ่งออกกำลังกายยิ่งแย่ถ้าเครียดมาก ทำไม?
ในกรณี ที่มึง ออกกำลังกายร่วมด้วย มันจะอยู่ในจุดที่ over train คือ ยิ่งออกกำลังกายยิ่งตัว เหลว ยิ่งออกกำลังกายยิ่งมีพุง เคยเป็นมะ? ทำไมรู้มะ?
เพราะร่างกายจะเอา กล้ามเนื้อมาสลาย เป็นนำ้ตาลช่วย ในการออกแรง เลยทำให้ เรามีพุง เพราะกล้ามเนื้อ มันสลาย พอกล้ามเนื้อเราสลายระบบเผาพลาญ เราจะค่อยๆพัง ทำให้ กินอะไรก็อ้วนง่าย คราวนี้ไปกันใหญ่ กลัวมะ? แต่ไม่ต้องกลัวกูมีวิธีแก้ให้ พวกมึง
✔️1. ลดความเครียด
✔️2 ถ้าวันนี้นอนน้อย กลับไปนอนอย่ามาออกกำลังกายกลางคืน เพื่อ อดนอนอีก
✔️3 ถ้ารู้ว่าตัวเอง เครียดกินอาหารหลักให้ถึง ถ้ากินไม่ถึงจริงๆอาจจำเป็นต้อง กินนำ้หวาน สักแก้ว ช่วยสำคัญมาก แล้วมาออกกำลังกาย เพราะการมาออกกำลังกายจะทำให้ คุณ ผ่อนคลายความเครียดได้ และการกินนำ้หวาน สักแก้ว จะกันการเสียกล้ามเนื้อได้
✔️4 พยามยิ้มเยอะๆ การยิ้มทำให้ ฮอร์โมนคอร์ติซอล ลด
📌สรุป ชีวิตทุกอย่างมีทางแก้ไข อย่านอนจมกับความทุกข์ ลุกขึ้นมาสู้กับปัญหา ชนกับแม่งให้ชนะ ถ้ามึงไม่ยอมแพ้ มึงจะไม่แพ้ อย่าปล่อยให้ มึงอยู่ใต้ตีนไอ้ปัญหามัน ยิ้มละต่อสู้กับมันแบบมีสติ แค่นี้ ฮอร์โมนคอร์ติซอล ก็ทำร้ายมึงไม่ได้ละ
อ่อนนักก็แพ้ไปคนที่ไหวถึงจะมี 6 แพค
▪️ running and weights are up to the lower belly. What is it from?
👉 well, today, I will answer this problem. Let's be bright in my style. You people. Deep knowledge, no style. Please go out. I will explain it easily like my mind. My research is stupid. I can't read. and sweet polite person can't accept cuss. Then invite you out. I will be mine like this. If you can't accept it, go watch TV.
✔️ lower belly problem. I think everyone has me. I don't know what it is. But now God is showing me the way. I know and it's a stress hormone called cortisol (cortisol
✔️ Cortisol usually shed, but in the prism that the body can accept in the morning, day and evening so that the body can be prepared for life.
✔️ but when you are stressed, your life is hurt, it will be like a stress from sleeping. Stressed from parents. Stressed from your boyfriend.
✔️ if you are stressed, you will make you have belly immediately because stress will scare your body. Do you think we are in? Like want to fight with something? The body will find energy. Energy that you can't find. The oldest is sugar. Where will they find this?
✔️ it's found from your body. Such as sugar in the muscles. Find it from the liver that accumulated sugar. and if it can't find it will break our muscles. We will help immediately. Muscle break the muscle is breaking the furnace. Make our fat up right away. Where is fat going to go first? I'm pregnant. Especially the lower stomach.
❌ how do you know that I'm stressed?
✔️ how do you know that I'm stressed? I'm going to be hungry. I want to eat extra dessert. This is my body is very stressed. and those who sleep less will find this situation will be more hungry than usual. Who has been?
❌ the more you exercise, the worse. If you are so stressed. Why
In Case you exercise, it will be at the point where over train is, the more you exercise, the more you exercise, the more you exercise, the more belly has been? Why do you know?
Because my body will break the muscles into sugar. It helps to work hard. It makes us have belly because the muscles are broken. It's enough. Our metabolism is broken. We will slowly break. It makes you eat anything easy to get fat. This time, let's go big. Are you afraid What are you doing? But don't be afraid. I have a solution for you guys.
How to solve it
✔️ 1. Reduce stress
✔️ 2 if you sleep less today, go back to sleep, don't exercise at night to sleep again.
✔️ 3 if you know that you are stressed, eat the main food. If you can't eat it, you may need to eat a glass of sweet juice. It's very important. Then exercise because exercise will relax, stress and eating sweet. One glass can prevent muscle loss
✔️ 4 try to smile a lot. Smiling makes hormone cortisol reduce.
In conclusion, every life has a solution. Don't sleep in suffering. Get up and fight with the problem. Hit the fuck to win. If you don't give up, you won't lose. Don't let you stay under your feet. The problem is smiling. Fight it consciously. Mon cortisol can't hurt you
If you are weak, you will lose. The one who can handle it. Even if i have 6Translated
broken glass 在 wongnai.com Facebook 八卦
ในยุคที่ข้าวยาก หมากแพง หมู ไก่ ก็ขึ้นราคาชนิดที่ว่าแทบจะหันไปกินมังฯ แต่เชื่อเถอะค่ะว่าในความโหดร้ายของราคาวัตถุดิบนั้น ยังมีร้านคู่บุญคู่กรรมดิฉันอย่าง “ไก่ทอดเจ๊ภัทร”ร้านไก่ทอดที่มาปังสุดแรงในช่วงโควิดที่ผ่านมา เพราะด้วยรสชาติ และราคาที่ลูกค้าต่างพูดเป็นเสียงเดียวกันว่า เกินคุ้ม! 💥
อ่านบทความเต็ม ๆ ได้ที่ 👉🏻 https://www.wongnai.com/news/che-phat
“จริง ๆ เราลองผิดลองถูกมานานแล้ว ตระเวนขายไปทั่วเลย เราก็ให้เยอะแบบนี้มาแต่แรกนะ แต่มันติดที่รสชาติเราไม่อร่อย เมื่อก่อนขายทั...
Continue ReadingIn an era where rice is difficult, pork, chicken has raised the price. The kind that you almost turn to eat. But believe me, in the cruelty of the price of raw materials, there is a merit-making restaurant like ′′ fried chicken, Jae Phat ′′ fried chicken restaurant. The source is very popular in the past Covid. Because with the taste and price that customers say, it's worth the same noise! 💥
Read the full article at 👉🏻 https://www.wongnai.com/news/che-phat
′′ In fact, we tried it wrong. I have tried it right for a long time. I sold it all over the place. We gave a lot like this from the beginning. But it's stuck in our taste. It wasn't delicious. I sold it all day. I got a few kilograms. I Until we start asking customers whether to adjust or not. We have to change anything. We have adjusted the formula to fit. We have started to come. We know that we can't give a lot of money. It's delicious. If these two things go together. Will come back to buy again ′′ 🤩
It took a long time to adjust the formula. It's starting to be known. But it's so popular that the market is broken. It's called where to sell. It happens because of ′′ giving ′′ without expecting a return. 🥰
′′ In fact, we don't sell well during the covids. But we still have enough. So we took my own money to do it. Give away as much as we sell. The result is expected. When we give away, we don't think about anything. I just want many people to survive together. But it's human. It's said that it's very cheap and delicious. Fried chicken. This restaurant is good. It's cheap. It's good. It's good to save one pack. Eat with kids comfortably while people save money. Think of our shop. Then the queue keeps getting longer. From frying 2 pans per day. It's frying and frying until we can't count the pan. Just a moment, we will go to 300 kg. ′′ ✨
And even though the stuff is expensive at the shop, it's only 2 Baht per pack. The true happiness of making a shop may be just sharing and seeing people feel full. ❤️
′′ We have profit for 2 Baht per pack. But we have been difficult. We understand that the happiness of those who don't have is just full. That's all. It's the happiness that we can give to others. We can let customers live. I can live with that. Doing what we love. Just the customer is waiting for the queue and said that we are delicious. That's enough. We don't forget when I sit and see if the customer will come. Will it be sold out? Today we can do what we dream of. The rest is just want to We are enough ′′ 🥰
Traditionally, our shop has to sneak in line and wait for queue because we know how long each queue takes. OMG! When the sun is so hot, none of our customers give up. Everyone has been waiting for the queue for hours. We found that there are 2 types of sticky rice here is ′′ sticky rice ′′ and ′′ black sticky rice. ′′ It's so soft that it's unique that the shop sells at the same price. Not positive. Black sticky rice price. 👍🏻
You can order 1 things. Sell for 20 Baht. If you want to have a lot of fun, it's 2 things for 25 Baht. There will be ′′ fried chicken ′′ at crispy, soft, cool without having. Dipping sauce ′′ fried liver ′′ big liver. No smell. Fried fishy. It's good. It's delicious. It's very well-seasoned. ′′ glass pork ′′ that is freshly fried and crispy. Let me tell you that you don't miss it 💥
By the boom here, honestly, sticky rice is the price. Because it's so tight. The more I put pork and chicken in it, I can't wrap it. I can't share it for two meals. 😋
Sister Phat fried chicken restaurant is another example that if we give good things to others, someday the result will come back to the shop. This nickname is ′′ Chicken Tong, handsome, wrapped in Tung ′′ that I want. Let's eat once 😍
But I have to say that this shop has long queue. There is no part to breathe. If you want to try, just order LINE MAN. ✨ Sit and wait at home. Sticky rice. This tung is ready to deliver to your place.
🍗: Fried chicken. Sister Phat.
📍: Greenvelt market, Rama 2 in front of Big C Rama 2 Bangkok.
📞: call 061-128-4612
⏰: Open everyday 14.30-18.00 hrs.
🛵: Order LINE MAN here! 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/33OHXph
⭐️: See more location and reviews 👉🏻 https://www.wongnai.com/restaurants/600443yw
#Wongnai #WongnaiBacktoLife
Start your new normal life together with Wongnai. Find restaurant information from all over the country and share your review at Wongnai app ▶️ Free download here>> http://bit.ly/2U0bdn See LessTranslated
broken glass 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
Just as Kobe Bryant said they would, the Los Angeles Lakers have dealt the Philadelphia 76ers the injury they could not overcome. They cut their heart out.
The Lakers moved within one win of repeating as NBA champions with a convincing 100-86 victory over the 76ers, whose once-proud pulse can barely be heard.
Shaquille O'Neal mauled his way to 34 points and 14 rebounds and a suffocating defense -- often obscured by glamour and glitz -- made sure there was no comeback by the Sixers, who again went down early and played uphill virtually the entire game.
"I'm on a mission," O'Neal said. "I'm very focused."
"He makes the game very simple," Bryant said.
As Bryant left the First Union Center after Sunday's Game Three win, he told an onlooker, "We're going to cut their hearts out." The Philadelphia native did his share of slashing, mostly with drives through the defense, and finished with 19 points.
Bryant also added 10 rebounds and nine assists in an outstanding all-around game. He has been the key in this series as the Lakers have won whenever he has played well.
No one stuck in the dagger deeper than the reserves for the Lakers, who played perfectly off O'Neal with a flurry of 3-pointers in the second and fourth quarters. Robert Horry, Brian Shaw, Ron Harper and Tyronn Lue all struck at least once from the arc. Los Angeles was 10-of-19 from long range.
"The second unit that came in the form of Horry and Shaw and Tyronn really saw the game to the end," Jackson said.
"I think our bench gets motivated by people saying we don't have a bench," Bryant said. "They come in and do an excellent job for us."
O'Neal took his forceful game right to Defensive Player of the Year Dikembe Mutombo, who finally appeared to back down a bit. O'Neal made 13-of-25 shots and had five dunks, including one that stopped another inevitable fourth-quarter surge by the Sixers.
"Nobody ever said that Mutombo's gonna step on the floor and Shaq is not gonna get his dunk," Mutombo said. "The way he's playing, he's going to get his dunk."
After a pair of dunks in the first quarter, O'Neal shot a glance at his father in the stands.
"He taught me everything I know," O'Neal said. "He taught me my ferocity. He taught me how to play the game. He taught me what to do tonight. He's like my Sega joystick up there."
"He was very aggressive," Jackson said. "I thought that he played hard."
The 7-1, 330-pound O'Neal also played smart, collecting five assists and staying out of foul trouble.
"I think you've heard me for three games," Sixers coach Larry Brown said. "The guy's the best. He's playing against a hell of a player in Dikembe. But he's phenomenal."
"Whole lot of Shaquille O'Neal," Sixers superstar Allen Iverson said. "That's all it was, a whole lot of Shaquille O'Neal. ... You got somebody that big sitting in the middle of the lane, I mean, what can you do?" There has been plenty of talk about the heart of the Sixers but they would have served themselves better by playing with their heads. With poor shot selection and botched fast breaks, they made dozens of poor decisions, many by superstar Allen Iverson.
Iverson scored 35 points but made just 12-of-30 shots. For the first time in the playoffs, the NBA Most Valuable Player could not carry Philadelphia to victory in a must-win game.
"It's been a long, tough year," said Iverson, whose defiance wavered for the first time in this series.
After losing the opener at home, the Lakers have outclassed the Sixers three straight times and are one win from completing the best postseason run in NBA history. They can do it in Game Five on Friday.
"I know this is going to be an animated place on Friday night," Jackson said. "The game won't be anything like it was tonight. It will be a totally different ballgame."
"I'm not gonna give up and I don't expect my team will give up," Brown said.
That may not matter anymore. LA improved to 7-0 on the road in the playoffs, tying the single-season mark for consecutive road wins set by the 1995 Houston Rockets.
"It's remarkable that we've won as many games that we've won in the playoff situation on the road this year," Jackson said. "I think it says something about the character of this team."
Derek Fisher chipped in 10 points for the Lakers, who shot 50 percent (36-of-72), held a 43-37 edge on the glass and led by as many as 22 points.
Mutombo had 19 points and nine rebounds for the Sixers, who shot 43 percent (33-of-77), including 1-of-6 from the arc.
Bryant's three-point play and breakaway dunk gave the Lakers their largest lead at 70-48 with 3:34 left in the third period. The Sixers still trailed by 20 points until Tyrone Hill closed the quarter with a layup.
That triggered a 13-0 burst that had the First Union Center crowd rocking for the first time. Aaron McKie's free throw cut it to 77-70 with just under nine minutes to go as Jackson -- who already had called one timeout -- refused to call another.
"It gives them a sense of being able to survive tough situations," Jackson said. "I like my teams to have a head about themselves on the floor, a collective head. We can cover a lot of things. We can jerk things around. Ultimately, they have to make the decisions on the court."
"He's not gonna call a timeout," O'Neal said. "We're just gonna have to work through that. We've been working through that all year. Phil's a great coach in that sense."
The Lakers responded like champions. O'Neal's final dunk was followed by 3-pointers by Shaw, Lue and Horry, rebuilding the lead to 88-71 with 6:40 to play. The crowd was heading for the exits shortly thereafter.
"We dig such deep holes for ourselves and we always find ourselves in the situation where you've got to fight back so long and so hard that it takes so much out of you," said McKie, who scored just five points on 1-of-9 shooting.
It could have been a lot worse as the Lakers played the opening of the first two quarters in a fog. In both periods, it took them nearly four minutes to make a basket.
However, once they got going, there was little stopping them. O'Neal hammered consecutive dunks over Mutombo and Fisher went in alone for a steal, capping an 11-0 surge that made it 14-6 with 4:21 left in the first quarter.
Sixers forward George Lynch made his first appearance of the series less than 30 seconds later and was entirely ineffective on his broken left foot. When Bryant followed in a miss by O'Neal with 1:42 to go, the Sixers were down 10 -- 20-10 -- for the fourth straight game.
Philadelphia went to a trap at the outset of the second quarter and pulled within 26-22 before LA regrouped. Harper had five straight Lakers points before 3-pointers by Horry, Harper and Lue made it 46-29 with 3:31 remaining before halftime.
At the worst possible time, the Sixers played their worst half of the series. They trailed 51-37 after shooting 34 percent (12-of-35), missing six free throws and getting pounded on the boards, 26-15.
"I don't think the first half we played too intelligently," Brown said. "They had a lot to do with that."
The frustration continued in the third quarter. Philadelphia began with a turnover and could not score out of its set offense as Los Angeles cut off passing lanes and blocked shots. Iverson was hit with a technical foul with 8:23 to go.

broken glass 在 Rinozawa Youtube 的評價
2011年9月4日/2歳3ヶ月 Rino eats fried rice with dad.
Rino moves surreptitiously the fried rice to one's plate not to be found by dad.
Then father moves the fried rice from a plate of Rino, too.
Two people were absorbed in the repetition.
Her elbow hit the glass and the glass fell from the table and has been broken.

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May 6, 2019 - Explore Donna Schultz's board "Broken Glass", followed by 199 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about shattered glass, broken glass, glass. ... <看更多>