Poche, pochissime erano le foto in casa di Henri Cartier-Bresson; una, forse due. Una, per cui il grande fotografo aveva una vera e propria ammirazione, era “Three Boys at Lake Tanganika” di Martin Munkácsi. Tre ragazzini immortalati di spalle che sprigionano un’incontenibile vitalità mentre corrono verso le acque del lago. Perché Cartier-Bresson amava quella fotografia? Perché, come ha detto lui stesso: “Ho capito improvvisamente che la fotografia può fissare l’eternità in un momento”. Osservando la fotografia “Flying Boys” di Dimpy Bhalotia, e con la quale si è aggiudicato il Female in Focus Award 2020 del British Journal of Photography, sembra che i tre ragazzini di Munkácsi siano tornati dopo un viaggio lungo novant’anni. Di più, pare che siano tornati per spiccare il volo e catturati nel preciso momento in cui occhio, cuore e mente del fotografo sono perfettamente allineati come una costellazione lontana. C’è, nelle fotografie della giovane indiana di Londra, qualcosa che arriva da una precisa tradizione fotografica e che àncora saldamente la composizione a quelle tre fondamentali componenti cui si faceva cenno, orientandola verso la ricerca del momento in cui un episodio umano – e non solo – ha la capacità di espletare il suo senso. Irripetibilmente. I riferimenti non mancano, e sono segno di una solida cultura visiva. Quanto guardiamo nelle fotografie di Dimpy Bhalotia sembra fuoriuscire da un racconto riscritto con nuove parole, nuovi cenni ma fermamente determinato a essere interpretato attraverso un lessico che costringe a sostare nello spazio citazionista giusto il tempo che occorre prima di assumere una vita propria. E questa sottile e aggraziata visione delle cose che plana sugli avvenimenti, ha quel respiro che sta dentro in una visione poetica della vita, perché per scattare fotografie che sappiano restituire la bellezza d’un gesto occorre amare la vita e i suoi interpreti. Ecco che uomini e animali, colti singolarmente o al crocevia della reciproca interazione, ci appaiono come soggetti appena involontariamente dialoganti ma che, a ben guardare, sono catturati nell’esatto momento di un dialogo segreto. La forza delle fotografie di Dimpy Bhalotia viene da lontano e dunque è ben strutturata. E si vede soprattutto nell’azzardo di forme, nella scommessa formale giocata sul corpo dei soggetti animali, da cui, in altre circostanze, cogliamo una felice traccia surrealista, un terreno ideale nel quale risolvere talune spericolatezze compositive. Il lavoro di Dimpy Bhalotia sosta alla confluenza di due differenti correnti fotografiche: l’umanesimo e il surrealismo (lo stesso Cartier-Bresson sperimentò un delicatissimo surrealismo prima di fondare la Magnum), maneggiati entrambi con disinvoltura e sicurezza. La sua è una voce limpidissima, minimale. Le composizioni obbediscono al comandamento d’essere rigidamente impostate su un registro essenziale, al limite del calligrafico, ma la sobrietà ci convince del risultato. Il solco della tradizione è tracciato, ma seguirne il percorso senza aggiungere le proprie impronte è come non averci camminato. La fotografia è un libro che non finisce mai di essere scritto, a patto d’avere qualcosa da dire. Come in questo caso.
Giuseppe Cicozzetti
foto Dimpy Bhalotia
Few, very few were the photos in Henri Cartier-Bresson's house; one, maybe two. One, for which the great photographer had a real admiration, was Martin Munkácsi's “Three Boys at Lake Tanganika”. Three kids immortalized from behind who release an irrepressible vitality as they run towards the waters of the lake. Why did Cartier-Bresson love that photograph? Because, as he himself said: "I suddenly understood that photography can fix eternity in a moment". Looking at Dimpy Bhalotia's “Flying Boys” photograph, and with which she won the British Journal of Photography's Female in Focus Award 2020, it seems that the three kids from Munkácsi are back after a 90-year journey. What's more, they seem to have returned to take flight and captured at the precise moment when the photographer's eye, heart and mind are perfectly aligned like a distant constellation. There is, in the photographs of the young Indian woman based in London, something that comes from a precise photographic tradition and that firmly anchors the composition to those three fundamental components mentioned, orienting it towards the search for the moment in which a human episode - and not alone - has the ability to carry out its meaning. Unrepeatable. There’s no shortage of references, and they are a sign of a solid visual culture. What we look at in Dimpy Bhalotia's photographs seems to come out of a story rewritten with new words, new hints but firmly determined to be interpreted through a lexicon that forces us to pause in the quotationist space just the time it takes before taking on a life of its own. And this subtle and graceful vision of things that hovers over events, has that breath that lies within a poetic vision of life, because to take photographs that are able to restore the beauty of a gesture, you need to love life and its interpreters. Here men and animals, caught individually or at the crossroads of mutual interaction, appear to us as subjects that are barely involuntary in dialogue but who, on closer inspection, are captured in the exact moment of a secret dialogue. The strength of Dimpy Bhalotia's photographs comes from afar and therefore is well structured. And it is seen above all in the balancing of forms, in the formal bet played on the body of animal subjects, from which, in other circumstances, we grasp a happy surrealist trace, an ideal terrain in which to resolve certain compositional recklessness. Dimpy Bhalotia's work stops at the confluence of two different photographic currents: humanism and surrealism (Cartier-Bresson himself experienced a very delicate surrealism before founding Magnum), both handled with ease and confidence. Her is a very clear, minimal voice. The compositions obey the commandment to be rigidly set on an essential register, bordering on calligraphic, but the sobriety convinces us of the result. The groove of tradition is traced, but following its path without adding one's footprints is like not having walked through it. Photography is a book that never stops being written, as long as you have something to say. As in this case.
Giuseppe Cicozzetti
ph. Dimpy Bhalotia
being indian book 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 八卦
《玳瑚師父的看見(四)》(English version below)
在十五前,吾常光顧一間叫「翡翠上海小籠包」的中餐館。它的正對面開有一家,在日本赫赫有名的POKKA CAFE。吾,玳瑚師父,是一位懂得吃的人。而真正懂得吃的人,不會侷限於某一種菜色。中餐、西餐、日本餐、義大利餐、韓國餐、泰國餐、越南餐、印度餐等等,吾一律接納。喔!這麼多的美食當前,衣服與地上,沒有半點痕跡,可見吾的內力,著實不淺啊!(一笑)後來爲了吾的客人,有較安靜以及較舒適的環境,吾才開始踏入日本POKKA CAFE。
每個人的善惡,每個人的動機,每個人的未來走勢,都已「寫」在其臉上。懂得看的人,才是能稱得上察顏觀色的高手。也算是他她心通了。人的臉就好比氣象局,當一個人悲傷欲流淚之時,其臉必是陰天。當一個人要捉狂發怒時,其臉必呈現狂風暴雨、或龍捲風、或落上風、或雷霆萬軍之相。(一笑)當一個人開心快活時,其臉必是晴天,甚至是豔陽高照。當一個人在密運中,其臉必是春天。當一個人事業有成、生意賺錢之時,其臉必是夏天。當一個人滿懷心事時,其臉必是秋天。當一個人困難重重、身體有恙之時,其臉必是冬天。那位POKKA CAFE 的經理,臉色已入秋冬,因此吾狠批他即將被裁退。那位較特別的女傭,臉色呈晴天,因此吾囑咐女老闆,將她留在自己身邊。若你妳有用人之惑,玳瑚師父是你的首選。
I used to frequent a Chinese restaurant named Crystal Jade Shanghai Xiao Long Bao about 15 years ago. Opposite this restaurant was another eatery, Pokka Cafe, a renowned restaurant in Japan. I, Master Dai Hu, am someone who knows how to eat. A person who truly knows how to eat will not restrict himself/herself to one particular cuisine. I accept all types of cuisine: Chinese, Western, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, etc. Wow! With such a huge spread of cuisine in front of me, yet there isn't any trace of saliva on my shirt or on the floor, this shows how strong my inner strength is! (laughs) Out of consideration for my clients, that they may have a more serene and comfortable environment, I started to patronise the Pokka Cafe of Japan.
At this cafe, I enjoyed their high-quality Hawaiian spaghetti dish and my favourite milk tea. These two dishes always have me going back for more. As such, the professional assistant captain would straightaway know my order when she saw me. When I was not meeting clients, I would dine there alone. The assistant captain and her staff would seize the chance and come over to chat. Soon, we got on more familiar terms. She then told me about the restaurant manager whom she said was not living up to his title. Despite being a manager, he did not set a good example. He failed to lead his staff and mange the restaurant well. Instead, he would come to work late, leave early, and often disappeared during the restaurant’s peak period. He also enjoyed telling dirty jokes to young pretty female staff, etc. After listening to her, I asked if the boss knew about it. She replied that it was not the culture of a Japanese company to dismiss its employees. I saw that she was not recognised for her contribution despite being a responsible and hardworking staff. Therefore I use the prowess of my sight and took a glance at the restaurant manager. Thereafter, I told the staff that the manager would soon be made redundant. The truth is, not long after my prediction, the restaurant manager indeed got the sack from the company.
I was invited to a flat unit situated in the North-eastern part of our country, to provide divination service. The session was not meant for the lady owner of the house, but for a lady friend whom she had known for many years. I was seated on the sofa, and chatting with the lady owner while waiting for her friend to arrive. We waited for some time before her friend finally came. The lady owner was the boss of a maid agency, and that explained the many maids undergoing training in her house.
When the session with her friend ended, I spotted one particularly “extraordinary” maid among the group smiling slightly at me. Because of her "extraordinariness", I immediately advised the lady owner to keep this maid by her side always and not refer her to others. Naturally, she asked me why. I remembered telling her, " This maid would be of help to you in time to come." Many years later, misfortune struck and this lady boss was left with only $40 in her possession. This maid not only stayed with her but also bought meals for the lady boss with her own money. The lady boss recounted this incident to me and was grateful for my advice. She finally understood the reason for my advice to keep this “extraordinary” maid by her side.
Our every deed, virtuous or non-virtuous, our every motive and future development, are all clearly “written” on our faces. One who knows how to read these signs can be regarded as an accomplished face reading expert. This ability is also known as having the penetrating knowledge of the mind. A human's face is like a weather station. When a person is grieving, the face shows a gloomy day. When a person is enraged, the face is stormy with hurricanes or roaring with thunder. (laughs) When When he is happy and joyful, the face will show a clear day, with even the sun riding high in the sky. When he is in a romance, the face will show signs of Spring. When he is successful in his career and his business raking in the profits, it is summer time on the face. When he is pensive and worrisome, the face becomes autumn-like. And when he is fraught with challenges and stricken by ailments, the face will manifest the winter season. The face of the Pokka Cafe’s manager was showing auras of Autumn and Winter. That was why I boldly predicted that he would lose his job soon. On the other hand, the face of the “extraordinary” maid was showing a clear day. Hence I advised the lady boss to hold on to her. Should you have doubts on who to employ, I, Master Dai Hu, am your first choice for advice!
《向善向上 2》Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment 2
30則真人真事的度眾故事 30 real-life deliverance stories of Master Dai Hu
全彩色的漫畫 Comics in full colour illustration
中英文翻譯 In both English & Mandarin
192頁 192 pages
此書將於2018年11月底印刷完畢,目前開放預購,預計12月15日之前以Smartpac寄出 (本地郵寄),屆時也會在台灣金石堂書局同步上架。價格大眾化,包涵全球運送,無需再付郵資。
The mind can create Heaven. It can also create Hell.
Transformation of your destiny begins from your mind.
Transformation of your luck begins from taking action.
My new book should reach the shores of Singapore in 1st week of December 2018. Pre-order is now open and the books are estimated to be mailed out through Smartpac, by 15 December. At the same time, it will be on the shelves of Taiwan KingStone bookshops.
The economical price includes global delivery (Smartpac mailing for Singapore addressees, registered mail for overseas mailing).
Looking forward to your enthusiastic support! May everybody has a copy and gift copies of this virtuous book to your family and friends and together, embrace a beautiful future!
being indian book 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 八卦
《米桶發財法》(English version below)
When I was still a youth, one day, I suddenly realized that I was perhaps too thin and it was time to beef up my physique. Firstly, I would be able to protect the people around me, and also look better and healthier on the whole. Thus, I increased my food intake, borrowed a pair of 9kg dumbbells from my classmate, diligently did push-ups and sit-ups, as well as used other exercising equipment. These were my indoor exercises. As for my outdoor activities, I mostly and frequently did swimming. My favorite strokes in the pool then were breast-stroke and the butterfly stroke. After every lap, I liked to get onto dry land and do sit-ups and push-ups. I dare not say how great my body was, however I did received praises from other men and women. At the very least, I did not have excess fat hanging off me.
Besides those indoor and outdoor body-building activities, I also had a special training method: carry rice sacks. Yes, you heard it correct. My father was an intelligent but strict disciplinarian, and I was often afraid yet in awe of him. One day, I summoned my courage and told him that I would like to help buy rice for the household. He agreed with a slight smile. Ever since my birth into this Samsara world, this was my first time experiencing the weight of lifting 10kg rice, with my left and right hands carrying 5kg respectively. Coupled with the journey to and fro, a famous Chinese poem seemed to sing from my heart:
Neath the midday sun he hoes his crops
His sweat moistens the soil between the stalks
Of food on the table who recalls
Each grain is produced through bitter toil
This experience was indeed something! As I got home, my dad still greeted me with a slight smile. Although my first experience of buying rice was refreshing and tough, I did not have any thought of backing off. I considered it as a good opportunity to repay my parents, and to strengthen my physique at the same time.
Master Dai Hu sincerely wish that everyone would gain wisdom and discern the true from the false, destroy evil speech and dishonest practices, not have fear and deranged delusions, have bliss and freedom and finally leave the realm of sufferings. There are many people who place a huge self-importance on their physical appearance. To have a graceful figure so as to reach the level of being one with their clothing, (laughs), they would burn their boats and forsake eating rice, all in the name of beauty. This is especially common among the ladies. The fact is that these ladies do not understand the benefits of eating rice for the human body.
The rice grain is birthed from the dew of Heaven and the spiritual qi of earth. It is an important source of survival energy for humans. It can serve as an antidote to poison, for removal and transformation of vile energies, consecration, curing of illnesses, beauty care, skincare, etc. After losing weight successfully, many ladies get stricken with ailments. Although there are several reasons to this, it is not far from not consuming rice. The city of Chao Zhou is famed for producing beauties, renowned for their distinctive elegant and almond-shaped eyes and porcelain skins. Why is that so? Because rice porridge and steamed food are staple foods of the people in Chao Zhou. The rice minerals prevalent in rice are vital minerals that the human body needs.
There are numerous types of rice, with the commonly seen grains like the pearl rice, Indian basmati rice, the Thai jasmine rice, brown rice, glutinous rice, etc. These various grains each have their own elemental types. If you are very clear about your favourable elements in your Bazi, you can purchase the suitable grain type, to gain prosperity everyday through your daily consumption. This is the first technique to striking great wealth. It is simple yet brings practical benefits. I pity the misbelieving men and women, who spent huge money only to act ignorantly, get drained of energy, and at the end, brought nothing but trouble to themselves and their families.
Today, I, Master Dai Hu, impart this method out of compassion for the sentient beings, and hope that those who benefits pay it forward to accumulate more hidden merits. After purchasing the right type of grains, store it in a wooden rice bin, and paste a paper, with the Chinese character "滿" written on it, onto the bin exterior. This is the second technique to more riches.
If you wish to place the rice bin on top of a cabinet, please place it away from the window, even better if it is at a spot that can accumulate Qi. This is the third step to greater wealth. This method of striking riches with your rice bin is applicable for everyone and every household. Get ready to welcome the days of great harvest and rice clothing!
《向善向上 2》Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment 2
30則真人真事的度眾故事 30 real-life deliverance stories of Master Dai Hu
全彩色的漫畫 Comics in full colour illustration
中英文翻譯 In both English & Mandarin
約200頁 About 200 pages
此書將於2018年11月底抵達新加坡,目前開放預購,預計11月30日之前以Smartpac寄出 (本地郵寄),屆時也會在台灣金石堂書局同步上架。價格大眾化,包涵全球運送,無需再付郵資。
This book will reach the shores of Singapore in end-November 2018. Right now, the pre-order is open and the books are estimated to be mailed out through Smartpac, by 30 November. At the same time, it will be on the shelves of Taiwan KingStone bookshop.
The economical price includes global delivery (Smartpac mailing for Singapore addressees, registered mail for overseas mailing).