香港消防處徽 (1868-1997)
Badges of Hong Kong Fire Services Department (1868-1997)
由成立起至1997年這129年間,隨着不同時期,消防處 (隊)的徽章亦更改了幾次。
1868-1947 (香港消防隊)
1947-1961 (香港消防隊)
第二代徽章,在傳統的「斧頭加火把」外加上了麥穗和飄帶,使其結構更為緊密完整。飄帶寫上 ”HKFB",即 "Hong Kong Fire Brigade”,頂部再加上了「皇冠」,令其更添貴氣。
1961-1997 (香港消防處)
第三代徽章,同樣是「皇冠、麥穗加飄帶」的結構,但飄帶加大並改為向下彎曲,飄帶寫上 “HONG KONG”。而最大不同是此徽章主體圖案併棄了傳統的「斧頭加火把」或與消防有關的圖案,而是用了「香港盾徽」上手執「東方之珠」的小獅,與當時的香港盾徽相呼應。寫上 “Fire Service” 的圓形圍繞着小獅,使其重心更為明確。第三代徽章可說是幾代徽章中,結構最緊密、形態最優美的徽章。
"It shall be lawful for the Governor to select from the Police and any others volunteering for the duty a force to whom shall be entrusted the duty of extinguishing fire and protecting lives and properties in case of fire within this colony and to furnish the said force with such fire engines, hoses, accoutrements, tools and complements may be necessary for complete equipment for the said force or conducive to the efficient performance of their duties. The Force of Firemen established under this ordinance shall be called the Hong Kong Fire Brigade and shall be under the command of an officer to be called the Superintendent of the Hong Kong Fire Brigade …"
1960年,副布政司戴麟趾 (David Trench) (後出任香港總督) 奉命研究消防隊的各種問題。他聯同當時的副消防總長覺士 (Ronald G. Cox) 撰寫了戴麟趾報告,消防隊因此徹底改組,並改稱為香港消防事務處 (Hong Kong Fire Services Department) (在1983年7月中文名稱改為香港消防處)。該報告建議進行一項10年的分期發展計劃,包括加設小型消防局,務求以6分鐘內抵達現場為準則。報告上亦建議大量增加人手和消防車,以及縮減負責行動的消防員工作時數。
Source: 香港消防處
badges中文 在 InkSundae Facebook 八卦
Taiwan pineapple is really delicious. Highly recommended!
How about having afternoon tea made with Taiwan pineapple? :)
China suspended imports of Taiwan pineapples suddenly. (Please see Q&A below)
Please try Taiwan fruits!😀
Q: Why did China suspend imports of Taiwan pineapple?
A: China said there were various types of mealy bugs found in several batches of fresh pineapples shipped from Taiwan in 2020.
Q: How many times did mealy bugs were found?
A: In 6200 badges last year, mealy bugs were found in 13 badges. The pass rate is 99.79%.
Q: How to solve the problem of bugs?
A: The standard international practice is to accept the batches after they've undergone fumigation. It is solved already in 2020.
Q: How much will be affected by the halt?
A: Total produce per year is around 430,000 tonne. Around 12% were exported, while 91% within went to China. From the data last year, it involved 41661 tonne, which had a value of NT$1.49 billion (US$53.39 million). In other words, the halt affects around 10% of Taiwan total produce.
Q: Other than pineapple, what kinds of fruit were mainly exported to China?
A: Betel nut, wax apple, custard apple, grapefruit and orange. Over 90% of export went to China.
Source: @cnanews_tw
“Local officials lament China's halt of Taiwan pineapple imports”, Focus Taiwan, 02/26/2021 21:52
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