《The Washington Post》:https://wapo.st/2WYGbNc
Hong Kong watchdog absolves police over protest crackdown, dimming prospects of accountability(淡化責任)
//“Everywhere you go, the problem isn’t necessarily that the police do things wrong. They do things wrong everywhere,” said Clifford Stott//
(辭職唔做報告嘅國際專家Clifford Stott話「無論邊個角度睇,問題唔一定係警察做錯啲嘢嘢,重點係佢地做乜都係錯。」)
Hong Kong’s Police Watchdog Largely Exonerates Officers (為警察開脫)and Blames Protesters
//It also repeatedly blamed the protesters for instigating the police response, almost appearing to suggest the demonstrators were also an organized entity trusted with the power to use lethal force to uphold the law.//
《The Telegrpah》:https://bit.ly/3bI1ckF
Hong Kong police probe defends officers right to use force
//A long-awaited watchdog report investigating complaints against the Hong Kong police on Friday largely exonnerated officers’ use of force during last year’s turbulent pro-democracy protests and concluded that the Chinese-ruled city appeared to be getting dragged into an “era of terrorism.”//
《The Guardian》:https://bit.ly/2LxSIBL
Anger as Hong Kong watchdog clears police over protest response
//Stott also posted a George Orwell quote to Twitter and said: “it would seem the release of the IPCC report is part of a wider set of coordinated announcements designed to deliver the new ‘truth’.”//
Hong Kong protests: Police watchdog clears officers over crackdown
//The IPCC did not address allegations of misconduct against individual officers during months of unrest, during which more than 8,000 protestors were arrested.//
《DW News》:https://bit.ly/2zHdkoF
Hong Kong protests: Watchdog clears police of wrongdoing
//Legitimacy in question
Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam described the report as "objective" and "fact-based" during a press conference...However, even before the report's release, experts had cast doubt on its neutrality.//
《AL Jazeera》:https://bit.ly/2LynOsY
Hong Kong police watchdog to release report on protest response
//Credibility questioned:
Anthony Neoh, head of the police watchdog, has said the report did not investigate allegations of misconduct against individual officers.
The credibility of the investigation was dealt a blow in December when a panel of five foreign experts quit from advisory roles to the watchdog because of doubts about its "independent investigative capability".//
《France 24》(引述』法新社):https://bit.ly/3fSQ4Vm
Hong Kong police watchdog clears force over protest response
(唔洗譯,自己參透,好L多" "例如"TRUTH"「直相」)
//Speaking in front of a backdrop filled with pictures of violent protests alongside the slogan "The Truth About Hong Kong" on Friday afternoon, Lam described the report as "comprehensive, objective, fact-based and very heavy-weighted".//
P.S. 咁扭曲嘅新聞要分咁多個報導睇咁L多次,仲要揾出撮要同大家分享,係咪覺得本人EQ好高,抗嘔能力好強呢?
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅MADCOUPLE,也在其Youtube影片中提到,未系呢到同大家報喜tim~! 我缷貨了! 乳名司華力腸既B囡,宜家大家要改口叫佢做Claire啦~ 多謝甘多位朋友的祝福! Claire bb 5月23日2018年 岀生 6磅9重?? 我地呢個月都忙住湊囡,未有新片岀住~ 同大家回顧下4月搞既baby Shower先啦! 睇反都有d掛住大肚既日子...
backdrop設計 在 陳琪 Facebook 八卦
❤多謝蒙娜麗莎幫我哋一家影咗輯靚相、幫爸爸設計好有型嘅invitation card
❤多謝The Legend 大師Andrew設計好靚嘅場地佈置及遊戲攤位,爸爸媽媽好鍾意2個backdrop同好多朋友一齊打卞,賓客大人同小朋友玩攤位遊戲好投入,氣氛超好
❤多謝Boutique Party planner姐姐亞Yan為我地細心打點
❤多謝CAKE 2 嘅Kelvin哥哥幫爸爸設計咁特別嘅70生日蛋糕
❤多謝尚尚簽•蜜蜜簽 電子簽到服務 - CP Photobooth 嘅Terry設計,我睇番D files見到D親友都影得好開心
❤多謝Smokey Ice 嘅Nero哥哥為大家準備咗又好食又好玩嘅雪糕
❤ 多謝Yolanda Cookie 為我哋準備超好食嘅回禮禮物
❤多謝Eaton Hotel喺場地及餐飲方面嘅配合
❤多謝ee 幫手訂咗咁多靚嘅公仔, 陪我去買咗咁多禮物送俾各位出席嘅大小朋友
❤❤真心推薦以上專家好友比大家,#婚禮 #生日會 #百日宴 #壽宴 ~ 搵佢地幫手啦
#精明靚太消費情報 #公公70大壽
backdrop設計 在 Gregory 河國榮 Facebook 八卦
河國榮 31.31 Dare to Dream 音樂會 2018
Promotion, sponsorship: Anna Leung, OctoberFaces
Producer: Chan CC
Music director / band leader: 伍敬彬 King Pan NG
FM: Shuk Yi
表演嘉賓:古巨基先生、J.Arie 雷深如小姐
Kakato, Satami, HKber
852 Tailor House, Number 8 Hair Salon
天使和音:Gloria Tang 歌莉雅
Synth 佬: Tracy Cheuk
Bass 教父: Rudy ‘GodFather’ Balbuena @rudy.balbuena.3
Drums: ‘鼓能怪怪’ Steve Cheung
Guitar:神童 @suntone
編舞: Jerry Deng
Dancers: Cola Ho, KY Cheung
舞台 Backdrop 設計:阿邦
海報、門票、廣告 設計:Sixsense Creative <www.sixsense-creative.com>
海報攝影:Tom K Lee,
西裝:852 Tailor House
化妝:Chris Lam
梳頭:Alex @ Number 8 Hair Salon
- 錄影:Tony So
- 攝影:Freeman Wong
- 攝影:Dennis Law
- 攝影:Fannie Cheung
#dareToDream #敢於追夢 #夢想成真
backdrop設計 在 MADCOUPLE Youtube 的評價
Claire bb 5月23日2018年 岀生 6磅9重??
同大家回顧下4月搞既baby Shower先啦!
今次既Party Benefit 係場地deco、禮物都幫左我好大既忙丫!個設計岀到黎甘靚,當中辛苦哂benefit- chau & 兩位契媽Minnie & Homei 同我不斷諗,先夾到我心目中完美既Baby Shower Party! Thank you甘多位!
Venue Backdrop decoration sponsorship: Benefit Cosmetics Hong Kong
& Lovely gift sets including:
*GALifornia blusher* & *Matte Rescue*
感謝 My Garden 提供埸地
social medias:
▲facebook page//
backdrop設計 在 hktuto 設計教學 Youtube 的評價
最近幫了個朋友"G大調"的網台節目"從心出發"設計了一個新的 Logo Type 和動畫Backdrop, 今次的教學會教大家如何用 Photoshop 和 After Effect 做那個動畫 Backdrop!
先下載教學用素材: http://wp.me/p2NavH-WM
想睇更多有關ai, ps, flash, after effect, cinema 4d 的教學請到 : http://hktuto.com
backdrop設計 在 水泥花牆婚禮(國賓飯店) @ 小殼手作設計Shellisa Design 的八卦
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