德國籍、常住紐約的香水設計師Ulrich Lang以去年夏天在歐洲度過暑假時的發想所獲得的靈感為起點,設計出這款APSU。
Finally, there is a summer Perfume not sweet.
Do you also have the same Obsession that you would like to feel the freshness of summer; however, the most perfumes we get in the market taste always so sweet that we worry about if we wear one of them all bees and butterflies will follow us all way long.
Ulrich Lang, a German nationality lives in New York, a fragrance designer who created his newest summer collection, APSU that his last summer experience inspired him.
Follow the link to read the article and know more about its taste.
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Tina 開 史上還原度最高 青草味香水,讓嗅覺洗一個森林浴
Ulrich Lang “APSU”
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apsu香水 在 星期日開箱 Boxing Sunday Facebook 八卦
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瞬間提升造型:Maison Michel Doris帶綴飾羅緞髮帶 https://goo.gl/dxE23Q
時尚、環保、寧靜、穩固:SHHHOWERCAP Belle印花浴帽 https://goo.gl/icaxQb
乍暖還寒:Weekend Max Mara 人手刺繡針織上衣 https://goo.gl/yot5JV
可愛系列:TheCoopidea Beans x Little Twin Stars無線耳機 https://goo.gl/KQVW43
服務貼服耳朵的貼心設計:點睛品內向式耳針大圈耳環 https://goo.gl/YuHR6Y
簡約華麗、自動機芯:Mont Blanc Star Classique Automatic Diamonds https://goo.gl/NQfC6j
小滋味:Nespresso Cantuccini 意大利杏仁餅 + 咖啡 https://goo.gl/EWSm8g
還原度最高:APSU青草味香水 https://goo.gl/eUrcCa
入得睡房、出得奧斯卡:La Perla男裝系列 - 內衣、睡衣、抓毛絨晨褸、ROYAL THEATRE 藍色紀念章圖案絲綢提花smoking jacket