"Salah saya... memang saya xambil serious pasal kepentingan asid folik ni... sebab sy igt org2 dulu tak makan pun dpt lahirkan kita ni elok... tapi tak sangka jadi pada saya... kpd yg nk pregnant & dh pregnant tolonglah makan.... tolonglah ambil tahu perkara yg boleh & tak boleh utk pregnant =( "
...Continue Reading#terkini
" it's my fault... I'm really serious about the importance of this acid acid... because I remember that people who didn't eat before we were able to give birth to us... but didn't expect it to happen to me... to those who want to get pregnant & pregnant Please eat.... please know the things that can & cannot be pregnant =("
Questions & answers about #asidfolik.
Failure to eat #asidfolik before & when pregnant can cause the possibility of a baby in the content to face the risk of #kurangupaya on the nerve of the creek and his brain of 75 %.
💊 actually what is this acid acid?
A very important supplement taken before and during pregnancy.
Have you ever heard of a baby born without a shell? Baby Bonjol on the neck? Bonjolan on the back of a baby like a tail?
Most of the cases recorded are caused by the lack of baby acid that works to help formation of new cells (babies). Say that if you don't consume this acid acid, and the neural tube is not well formed, then the flaws on the nerves of the creek & Brain (neural tube defects - ntd).
💊 What's in the acid acid until it's so important?
Check out our diet patterns. How much are the vegetables, fruits, Bijiran & milk that we drink a day?
Do you know, a pills acid pill that is yellow & Small 5 mg isn't it.. together with a bowl of spinach, 1 OKRA, 1 Cups of asparagus, 1 Cups of black beans beans & Papaya. (budget).
So, do we eat all these types of vegetables every day?
Because we can't eat all of these every day maybe because we're busy working, so this acid acid is made a replacement.
💊 why do you have to eat 3 months before pregnant?
O & g expert experts encourage this baby acid to be eaten 3 months before pregnancy aims to help formation of new cells in the body (fetus).
According to study, pregnant mothers can avoid the risk of the baby being affected by 75 %. Besides, the content of this baby acid is actually ' Mencntikkan Rahim ', that's why she took 3 months before pregnant.
💊 how to know 3 more months to get pregnant?
Many husbands and wives make mistakes when they don't plan to get pregnant. There are people who follow their provisions... "if pregnant is a conceived".
Actually & it should be a couple of husband and wife to plan. Make a 'meeting' with a partner & discuss when you are targeted to have a child, so that the future mother will know when the date is before pregnant.
💊 if you've planned but what's the most ' babas '?
My advice, whether we are planning to get pregnant or not, our diet needs to be taken care of. Junk Food & fast food among you need to avoid & practice healthy diet all the time & not just to plan for pregnancy.
In this condition mommy don't panic. After knowing pregnant, quickly start intake of baby acid 4 mg once a day and practice healthy diet.
Don't take acid acid before pregnancy doesn't mean our body has no acid acid at all. Allah has created this human body like a complete machine =)
Baby acid is only eaten before 3 MONTHS BEFORE PREGNANT UNTIL 3 months old content. Entering 4 months of age mommy's content can already eat obimin (Multivitamin) that contains calcium.. Iodine.. B12 etc...
✔ it is necessary for the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus as well as setting the mineral rate in the body.
✔ Important for growth especially baby bones and teeth.
✔ it prevents muscle from being weak other than being involved in arranging heart beats.
🍇 Iron (Iron)
✔ an important role in oxygen transportation from lungs to tissue cells.
✔ Not only in mother's body, even it also plays the same role as the baby in the content.
✔ It joins oxygen in the lungs and releases oxygen to the tissues in need.
✔ it is also used in the production of anaemia (Red blood cells).
✔ If the lack of iron, it will cause pregnant mothers to get tired quickly and the possibilities of anemia (Red blood cells lack) will increase.
🍇 Vitamin C
✔ due to the human body system cannot produce vitamin C, it must be obtained through food or in the form of supplement medications.
✔ this type of vitamin is an antioxidant and helps to increase resilience to infection and healing wounds. It can also increase the absorption of iron in food to prevent anemia.
🍇 Vitamin B12
✔ helps the development of brain, nerves, and blood vessels. It can also improve the energy level, mood and stress level during the is of these two.
🍇 Iodine
It is very important to keep the function of thyroid gland during pregnancy. The lack of iodine can cause cancelled physical growth, severe mental disability and deafness other than can cause miscarriage and birth.
💊 don't you have any side effects to eat this supplement?
✔ This is one of the most 'famous' mistakes among women. Many people remember that taking supplement supplement is excessive, it doesn't harm health and they think it's good.
✔ the truth is, anything that is taken over and does not hold on will harm the health.
✔ Take care! Intake of extra supplements can not be replaced with balanced food. It is just an additional source that is not supposed to be taken as the only source of food that the body needs or is made a replacement.
This is not even 1 % preparation of getting children.... there are many more pregnancy & birth knowledge that mommy needs to know before being called Mom & Dad is great for children. Refer to the book #9 bulan10hari... lots of pregnancy knowledge.. Birth... Confinement & nursing in dlmnya.
Where can I get this folic acid?
- can buy at pharmacy for as low as 1.30 cents depending on the brand.
- if you get it at the health clinic / government hospitals free...
💊 like, share & tag this info so that many parents will be alert about acid acid.
💊 COPYRIGHT@NAZIRA NAZIR ONLY MADE 9 bulan10hari not allowed to copy paste!Translated
同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過32萬的網紅タイショウ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🎤 日本語に聞こえますが、全て英語です。 Lyrics - Some Skill My temp’s not high but, just in case I’ll take the cold meds Go to the KOTATSU, heads You can’t get out ...
anemia 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 八卦
Punca Sebenar Bibir Kering Bukan Kerana Kurang Minum Air Masak Sebenarnya..
Bibir yang halus kemerahan menjadi idaman setiap wanita dan menjadi kegilaan setiap lelaki bila wanita berbibir cantik tetapi agak malang jika bibir kita kekeringan. Tahukah anda bibir kering mengelupas bukan disebabkan kerana kekurangan air.
Mata kering : Kurang vitamin A, karotin
Bau mulut : Kurang vitamin B6, zinc
Gigi tidak kuat : Kurang vitamin A, kalsium, zat besi
Bibir kering atau mengelupas : Kurang vitamin A, vitamin B2
Anemia, tangan atau kaki dingin : Kurang vitamin B6, asam folat
Mudah lelah dan tidak bersemangat : Kurang vitamin B1, B2, B6
Keguguran atau masalah rambut : vitamin A, vitamin B6, zinc, kalsium
Jom kita baca kepetingan vitamin dan zat-zat dalam badan kita supaya kita boleh elak dari sebarang penyakit terutama bibir kering mengelupas.
1. Ulser dan radang mulut : Kurang vitamin B2
Ulser atau radang biasanya disebabkan kerana dalam tubuh kekurangan vitamin B2 yang dapat membantu penyembuhan luka.
Vitamin B2 sangat penting peranannya bagi kesihatan kulit & rambut, namun ia tidak boleh tersimpan di dalam tubuh dengan sendirinya, oleh kerana itu diperlukan makanan yang bergizi atau suplemen untuk melengkapinya dengan sempurna.
Sumber : Setiap hari setidaknya minum 250cc susu, makanan seperti kacang tanah, dll.
2. Tubuh lemah : Kurangan zink
Ciri-ciri : Kekebalan tubuh menurun, kehilangan nafsu makan, pertumbuhan lembab, rambut gugur, fungsi alat perasa akan menurun.
Jika kamu terasa kurang selera atau tidak lalu makan kemungkinan badan kamu kekurangan zinc.
Sumber : Daging lembu atau kambing kaya akan kandungan zinc, nak senang pi makan steak.hehehe
3. Penyakit mata : Kurang vitamin A
Vitamin A bukan hanya faktor penting yang dapat menjaga kesihatan mata, namun ia juga penting bagi sistem pencernaan dan pernafasan. Vitamin A mampu mencegah bakteria atau virus yang membahayakan tubuh kita.
Oleh kerna itu apabila kamu kekurangan vitamin A, selain dari mata kamu ada perubahan yang teruk,ia juga mampu membahayakan sistem pernafasan dan pencernaan.
Sumber : Setiap hari makan sedikit kerang, sayur sawi atau makan hati 1-2 kali setiap minggu.
4. Mudah emosi : Kurang zat besi
Kekurangan zat besi bukan hanya dapat menyebabkan anemia, namunia juga bisa membuat emosi kamu sangat tidak stabil dan mudah marah serta naik angin tidak menentu.
Zat besi sangat penting untuk membantu tubuh kita memproses sel darah merah, khusus bagi perempuan yang sedang datang bulan, zat besi akan semakin penting untuk menambah kesegaran tubuh dan mencegah emosi yang tidak stabil serta menyebabkan kamu terus dalam keadaan down atau suram.
Sumber : Daging merah seperti daging lembu atau kambing, telur ayam, kacang, sayur hijau, selain itu kamu juga harus perbanyak makan vitamin C yang baik untuk penyerapan zat besi.
5. Kaki bengkak : Kurang kalium
Kalium sangat penting untung mengatur keseimbangan darah dan air di dalam tubuh.
Kekurangan kalium dalam jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan aritmia, keadaan saraf yang tidak normal, seperti ketika kamu kekurangan air setelah bersukan. Kekurangan kalium juga boleh menyebabkan mudah kram, dalam jangka panjang boleh menyebabkan bagian tubuh bengkak, terutama di bahagian kaki.
Sumber : Kita boleh menambah kalium dari pisang setelah bersukan untuk mencegah kram, selain itu buah-buahan dan sayuran juga boleh menambah kalium bagi tubuh.
6. Badan pegal-pegal/sakit : Kurang vitamin D
Orang yang kurang terkena sinar matahari dan kekurangan vitamin D akan lebih mudah mengalami sakit badan atau sengal. Vitamin D nutrisi tubuh yang tidak dapat disintesis, jadi sangat penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya.
Vitamin D juga penting untuk pertumbuhan tulang dan gigi.
Sumber : Mengonsumsi ikan berminyak 2 kali seminggu seperti ikan salmon atau sardin, selain itu kamu juga harus berjemur di bawah sinar matahari untuk dapat vitamin D, ada sesetengah pakar cahaya matahari sebelum jam 10 pagi waktu sesuai.
anemia 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 八卦
Sebelum tidur jom minum air halba
Walaupun halba ni murah
Tapi kelebihannya mengalahkan EMAS....
Rasulullah saw bersabda:
Sekiranya umatku tahu akan kelebihan Halba nescaya mereka sanggup tukarkannya dengan sebanyak timbangan emas.
Pada suatu hari Rasulullah saw menziarahi sahabat Saad Bin Abi Waqqas yang sedang sakit. Rasulullah saw menyuruh dipanggil tabib. Al Harith Ibn Qaldah datang merawat Saad Bin ABu Waqqas. Beliau mengesyorkan agar Saad makan Halba dan Korma Ajwa'. Dengan izin Allah Saad pun sembuh dari sakitnya. Rasulullah saw kemudiannya bersabda:
'Gunakanlah Halba sebagai ubat' (Qamus Al-Tibb)
Kegunaan Halba:
1. Diminum sebagai teh untuk:
- Melancarkan haid
- Menghilangkan kembung, sebu dan senak
- Pencuci perut
- Menguatkan jantung
- Menghilangkan lendir tekak
- Melegakan sakit kepala/migraine
- Membuang angin
- Menyembuhkan buasir
- Sengugut
- Meransang rahim
- Kegemukan
- Kurang berat badan
- Mengawal kencing manis
- Radang kulit dan bisul
2. Teh Halba + Madu
- Kurangkan ketagihan merokok dan dadah
- Anemia
3. Untuk anak2 yg baliqh
- Kecergasan
- Kekuatan badan
- Tumbesaran
4. Untuk ibu menyusu🍼🍼🍼
- Banyakkan air 🥛🥛🥛
5. Halba juga adalah ramuan tradisi menambah nafsu 👨🏻dan 👩🏻
6. Memanaskan buah pinggang dan organ pembiakan.
7. Menjadi amalan kuno tabib China untuk rawatan mati pucuk.
Halba merupakan antara ubatan yg tertua di dunia dan digunakan oleh Al-Abqirad iaitu bapa perubatan Yunani.
Kredit : Azlin Mohamed
anemia 在 タイショウ Youtube 的評價
🎤 日本語に聞こえますが、全て英語です。
Lyrics - Some Skill
My temp’s not high but, just in case
I’ll take the cold meds
Go to the KOTATSU, heads
You can’t get out but, warming
The cat turns round. How about the dog?
I know next to nothing about it
Winter’s too chill
I roll up my sleeves, and my arms are too chill
My limbs are getting stiff
Winter’s too freezin
I roll up my sleeves, and my arms are too freezin
I was shiverin
YOU***E has too many thumbnails like this, so
there’s too many and even this video’s like this, so…
Winter’s too chill
I roll up my sleeves, and my arms are too chill
My limbs are getting stiff
Winter’s too freezin
I roll up my sleeves, and my arms are too freezin
I was shiverin
Exchanging the blanket cover is too much work
It’s too much work so, someone do something about that
There isn’t anything more I want to say, to ask, no more
No I do
My family is an organization in the scale of three thousand
We lick knives every day, so we’re less prone to anemia
We’re never absent, we love being healthy, we don’t do dangerous things
I’ve never insulted anyone, never will, never have
I have before
I don’t want to lie
I rap like that
Wrap my feelings with transparency
Act like I don’t know
Refrigerate then microwave
An unheated heart
My temp’s not high but, just in case
I’ll take the cold meds
Go to the KOTATSU, heads
You can’t get out but, warming
I rap like that
Wrap my feelings with transparency
Act like I don’t know
Refrigerate then microwave
An unheated heart
My temp’s not high but, just in case
I’ll take the cold meds
What I need is your breath
That’s the only thing that’ll keep me from freezing
Music / Lyrics / Vocal - Taisyou
Video - Taisyou
Translate - LA friend
anemia 在 TranTheTV Youtube 的評價
Rescue puppy Scared and Shaking..
Abandoned Dog falling off Cliff. We will post her entire story as soon as she’s completely recovered and will be up for adoption. But until then we wanted to share with you this sweet moment when little realizes life can be good too.
She was found severely ill, malnourished, suffering from anemia and skin infections. She was traumatized and trembling with fear every time someone tried to pet her.
She is receiving medical care and has made significant progress already, but her journey to recovery will be a long one.
anemia 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube 的評價
Some people love petai beans which are simply known as petai or pete, in Indonesia, but some really dislike it because of its odious smell. For those who enjoy petai, I have good news to share with you-- petai has a high nutritional content, and has a lot of health benefits for our bodies. Woohooz!
Here are 30 scientific health benefits of petai according to Mr Google:
- Relieves depression
- Helps overcome with PMS disorders
- Prevents the occurrence of anemia
- Lowers high blood pressure
- Improves cognitive abilities
- Eliminates the feeling of tightness due to glut
- Eliminates itching due to mosquito bites
- Prevents obesity
- Good for gastric health
- High Vitamin A & C
- Reduces cholesterol
- Treats heart disease
- Can lower body temperature
- Prevents stroke
- Helps stop smoking
- Contains antioxidants
- Overcomes digestive disorders
- Clears constipation
- Helps manage diarrhoea
- Helps those with difficulty to defecate or take a pee
- Eases Abdominal pain
- Resolves Heartburn
Refer to the ingredient list below or go to our website here http://spicenpans.com/sambal-petai/ for your easy reference.
As we know some of you will be asking us where to get the food processor we used in the video, the brand is Magimix. It's made in France. Click here to see its selling price on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2WggyXP
We would like to give special thanks to Greenpan for letting us try out their high quality non-stick pan in the video. If you like to buy them, you can go to any of the major department stores in Singapore such as Isetan, Robinsons, Takashimaya, BHG, OG, Metro or Tangs.
Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home. Thanks for dropping by our channel.
Please subscribe to stay tuned to our home cooking videos.
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Thanks for watching! See you soon.
on behalf of Spice N’ Pans
Serves 4
Making the sambal paste
Group A - blend altogether
2 tablespoons of dried shrimp (soaked in 1/2 cup of water -- use the water as well)
10 pieces of shallots
5 pieces of dried chilli
10 pieces of fresh red chilli
Group B - fry
2 tablespoons of oil
Blended chilli paste (from Group A)
25g of belachan - dry roasted over low heat
1 teaspoon of sugar
Ingredients for stir-frying
1 red onion - sliced
150g of petai
Half of the sambal paste
1 tablespoon of water
Looking for some of the things or ingredients we used in this video but not residing in Singapore? We welcome you for a vacation in Singapore or simply click one of these links to see similar or substitute products on Amazon. Happy shopping!
Granite Wok Pan: https://amzn.to/2yblXGJ
Sambal Chilli: https://amzn.to/2ycGFpx
Dried shrimps: https://amzn.to/2sZd3Hq
Dried chilli: https://amzn.to/2JH3jf2
Belachan: https://amzn.to/2JFa415
If you like this recipe, you might like these too:
Egg Tofu with Crispy Sweet Radish 自制蛋豆腐
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Teochew Bak Kut Teh 潮州肉骨茶 Peppery Pork Rib Soup
Spice N' Pans is not related to these products and cannot guarantee the quality of the products in the links provided. Links are provided here for your convenience. We can only stand by the brands of the products we used in the video and we highly recommend you to buy them. Even then, preference can be subjective. Please buy at your own risk. Some of the links provided here may be affiliated. These links are important as they help to fund this channel so that we can continue to give you more recipes. Cheers!
anemia 在 Anemia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments - WebMD 的相關結果
Anemia is defined as a low number of red blood cells. In a routine blood test, anemia is reported as a low hemoglobin or hematocrit. ... <看更多>
anemia 在 Anemia - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Anemia, also spelled anaemia and sometimes called erythrocytopenia, is a decrease in the total amount of red blood cells (RBCs) or hemoglobin in the blood ... ... <看更多>
anemia 在 Anemia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic 的相關結果
Anemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body's tissues. Having anemia ... ... <看更多>