去年年底的時候, 親愛的老婆的弟弟及弟妹從台灣搬到美國來工作。 那時候為了幫助他們安定下來, 我們回想了一下什麼建議是我們希望剛來美國的時候會想知道的,整理了一些清單分享給他們,後來我想到之前有讀者也有問我類似的問題, 所以想說把這份清單也分享給大家, 同時也看看有沒有讀者有建議讓我這個清單可以更完善。
(以下許多連結是我的推薦連結, 如果你使用的話我會得到推薦獎勵, 如果你願意使用的話我會很感激,如果不用的話也可以參考, 再找朋友幫你推薦)
在美國,駕照就像是身分證一樣的重要證件,而且除非你是住在紐約或是在大城市中很中心的部分, 不然在美國出門大部分都是開車比較方便。 如果在台灣已經有汽車駕照了,在美國很多州都可以不需要考試, 直接換當地的駕照。 相比於美國各地 DMV 要線上預約等待筆試、路考,常常有的時間至少要 1、2 個月後, 可以直接換駕照開車省下超多美國時間呢!目前台灣駕照可以在美國面試換照的州及細節可以參考這個文件列表。
在美國看病可以是很驚心動魄的, 不是說看病的環境,而是看完病收到帳單後的情況, 如果不清楚的讀者可以看看我上一篇文章 "美國住院住院兩晚: 天價醫療帳單及後續帳單協商" 提到的經驗。 我們的心得是如果能力許可的話, 買當下可以買到最好的醫療保險,這樣在遭遇到比較大的醫療事件,有時候可能僅是急診或是住院個一兩天,自己需要付的錢才不會無法負荷。
如果有一些個人病史的話, 在台灣可以先準備醫療報告英文版,必要時可以在美國和醫生討論, 省下重做不必要的檢查的時間及金錢。
我們在美國買東西大部分都是線上購物, 不僅方便比價找最便宜的 deal,Amazon 購物如果是 Prime 的商品, 大部分都可以 2 天寄到, 而且在很多都會區熱門商品現在還可以 1 天就送到。 如果是家人或是很親的朋友的話, 可以在同一個 famiy plan 分享 Prime 會員。 如果你還沒有 Prime 的話, 歡迎試用看看, 我認識幾乎所有在美國的人都有 Amazon Prime, 而買東西大部分都很直覺直接打開 Amazon 來搜尋。Amazon Prime 除了 2 天送到貨的福利之外, 還有像是 Amazon Video, Music 等附贈的資源。
https://amzn.to/2SvLm4Y (Amazon Prime 我的推薦連結)
一個線上網站紀錄 Amazon 上商品的過往的價錢,可以看到商品售價的走勢, 我如果不是特別急迫要買的商品的話, 就會設定 price alert , 當價錢低於目標價錢的時候就會得到通知, 算是可以幫助我省錢的網站,現在也有 Chrome Extension, 方便在 Amazon 商品頁面看到價錢資訊。
一個線上 cash back 的網站, 除了信用卡的回饋, 可以多賺的現金回饋的方式, 不時特定網站還有比較高的現金回饋, 有時候可能可以到 10% 或更高。 以往都要先從 Rakuten 網站搜尋要買的網站, 再從那裡連過去, 現在有 Chrome Extension , 讓整個使用者經驗變得很好, 不論在什麼購物網站,都可能有額外的回饋,像我們用 Priceline, Expedia 買機票或是訂旅館,都會用 Rakuten 來賺取額外的回饋,線上課程 Udemy 也有回饋,不時連 Amazon 也有 cashback, 有 Chrome Extension 後到開啟購物網站都會得到提醒, 按一下就可以累積回饋,超方便!
http://bit.ly/2SeLuXL (我的推薦連結, 使用註冊可以得到 $10 獎勵)
我在 2013 年寫了一篇租房子的介紹, 第一次在美國租屋 ”找房子"就上手- Renting a house for dummies!“ 雖然已經時間有點久, 但是大部分的概念都還是沒有變的。
在美國吃飯大家都會把手機上的 Yelp 打開來看附近的餐廳評價, 雖然說對於亞洲菜的評價不一定準確, 但從人氣的留言評價還是可以看出餐廳是否熱門。 如果生活上有其他找商家的需求,像是找理髮店、汽車修車廠、按摩等等, 也都可以在 Yelp 上來搜尋。
我之前寫的 “閱讀 I will teach you to be rich 心得, 平凡人的理財方法” 提到正確使用銀行的帳戶方面。 一般人會大家都有 checking account 及 saving account。 checking 是讓你可以開支票的帳戶,幾乎沒有利息, saving 是利息比較高的帳戶,鼓勵大家存錢, 許多 saving 帳戶也有像是一個月最多只能轉出 6 次的限制。
書中很不推薦大家在常聽到的大銀行像是 Bank of America、Wells Fargo 開戶 (怎麼我都有 XD)。 原因是這些銀行常常有許多條件, 常常一不小心就要扣你各種費用。 雖然好像在各地都有分行很方便, 但是有許多網上銀行也可以提供同樣的服務。
目前我最推薦的 checking 帳戶是 Sofi Money, 它是 Checking account,但有比較高的利率,目前有 1.6% 的利率, 水準接近很多 saving account 。 另外最大的優勢就是全世界任何 ATM 提款都免手續費 (手續費會退回), 平時不需要特別找自己銀行的 ATM 領錢, 出國旅遊也可以在異國領當地貨幣, 目前我皮包就是放 Sofi Money 這張卡片來領錢。之前它推出開戶放 $100 得 $25 的佛心開戶獎勵,讓我認識超多朋友大家都前仆後繼的開了它的帳戶!
http://bit.ly/32jt4YV (我的推薦連結,開戶有 2 次 $500 的 direct deposit 就可以得到 $75 的開戶獎勵)
http://bit.ly/37KSdNz (親愛的推薦連結,開戶有 2 次 $500 的 direct deposit 就可以得到 $75 的開戶獎勵)
在美國做很多事情都會需要看信用分數。 不論是租房子, 買車買房子的貸款,好的信用分數可以得到比較好的利率,更好的機會得到貸款。 累積信用分數的方式,可以從一些入門的信用卡開始辦。
Discover it
開戶消費有 $50 開戶獎勵。每一季有一個 Category 5% cash back (1-3 月目前是 Grocery Stores, Walgreens and CVS)。 信用分數要求很低, 沒有年費,幾乎是人手一張的卡。 首年 cash back 最後結算會再雙倍給你 , 比如說你第一年賺了 $500 cash back , 第 12 個月結算後會再給你 $500。除了我一開始有的 secured credit card (需要有押金的 credit card), 這是我第一張信用卡。建議一開始一個人先申請, 幫另一個人辦副卡, 兩人一起刷最大化可以 double 的第一年 cashback, 第二年在由原本的持卡者推薦另一人開戶, 賺開戶推薦獎勵,並且還有第二年一整年可以 double cashback。
http://bit.ly/2H5jxuL (我的推薦連結)
Chase Freedom and Chase Freedom Unlimited
Chase Freedom 開戶獎勵花 $500 得 $200。 每一季有一個 Category 5% cash back (1-3 月目前是 Gas stations, internet, cable & phone services)。信用分數要求很低, 沒有年費,是人手一張的卡,因為 5% category 常常會和 Discover 不同,大家通常都會和 Discover 搭配使用 。 Freedom Unlimited 是所有類別有 1.5% cash back,方便在沒有任何其他更高的回饋類別信用卡使用。
http://bit.ly/3bpyC8s (我的推薦連結 )
http://bit.ly/38alKB6 (親愛的老婆推薦連結)
America Express Blue Cash Everyday
開戶前 3 個月花 $1000 賺 $150,沒有年費。超市購物有 3% cashback,加油及百貨公司有 2%。 我和親愛的老婆都有一張。一開始我們信用分數還沒有太高的時候, 這張就是我們超市的買菜卡。
http://bit.ly/2w4cGzJ (我的推薦連結 )
http://bit.ly/2tHGSzP (親愛的老婆推薦連結)
America Express Business Plus
前 3 個月花 $3000 有 10,000 MR 點數,沒有年費, 所有的消費都是 2x 點數累積。 我們如果消費沒有特別比較高的回饋、並且可以使用 Amex 的話就會用這張 (如果不行的話,就會用 Chase Freedom Unlimited)。
http://bit.ly/3bpFPFy (我的推薦連結 )
http://bit.ly/37arFos (親愛的老婆推薦連結)
如果信用分數開始變高之後, 可以考慮其他的卡片, 像是 Chase Sapphire Preferred, 之前的介紹文章在 “最省腦力的換機票方法” 或是很紅的 American Express Gold (吃飯及超市 4 倍回饋,現在是我們買菜的主力卡), 介紹文在 “用最少的錢換美國亞洲來回機票- 信用卡換機票之小小心得”。
有著像是社交網路一般的小額手機轉帳服務, 發生的交易都可以設定公開的模式, 讓朋友間付款有跡可循, 因為社交的特性, 讓 Venmo 很受年輕人歡迎, Paypal 後來就買下來了。 因為出去吃飯可以掃描 Venmo 的條碼, 讓就算不是朋友的轉帳也很方便。
Facebook Pay:
美國的 Facebook 可以在 Messenger 設定銀行的 debit card, 用法其實和 Venmo 一樣, 因為可以快速找到自己的 Facebook 朋友, 比 Venmo 來說很多時候更方便一些。
從 2019 年年底開始,許多公司都提供 $0 fee trading,現在投資股票、ETF、基金都很方便, 看你公司股票放在哪個券商, 可以就在那裡投資方便管理。 另外有幾個我自己用的券商推薦。
Sofi Invest:
開戶放 $1,000 賺 $100 股票獎勵, 股票獎勵得到後可以立刻賣掉。 帳戶的特點像是股票交易免手續費、可買 fractional share,解決每次買 ETF 都會剩下零碎現金的問題。 $100 的開戶獎勵可以選擇各知名公司股票 (Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Disney, Tesla 等等) , 也可以選擇 ETF。其實我這個帳戶是開戶完賺完開戶獎勵 1 個多月後就把錢領出了,XD。
http://bit.ly/2O9y9MS (我的推薦連結, 開戶放 $5,000 賺 $100 股票獎勵)
http://bit.ly/32K0nmy (親愛的老婆推薦連結, 開戶放 $5,000 賺 $100 股票獎勵)
幾年前首開股票交易免手續費的公司。 手機 App 介面做的不錯,很好用, 算是一個好上手投資的平台。 因為比較容易操作,我放一點小錢, 方便有時候想到要買個小投資。使用推薦連結開戶可以得到免費的股票,目前最多有可能可得到 $211.5 的股票 ( 看運氣得不同公司的股票)。
http://bit.ly/2UBsEvj (我的推薦連結, 抽最高 $210 的股票)
美國路上有許多專門賣床的店, 最好進去實際躺躺看, 一般來說, 美國大部分的床都很軟,所以我們都是直接看店內最硬的幾張床來考慮。 決定好之後,可以網上查詢有沒有同樣型號更便宜的價錢, 通常店家為的得到生意都會 match 網上的價錢。
Ride sharing:
台灣有 Uber 沒有 Lyft, 其實兩家在美國都差不多方便。 Lyft 是 Uber 的競爭對手, 我們每次叫車都會把 2 個 app 打開比價, 選擇比較便宜的來叫車。
https://lft.to/3bl9C2e (Lyft 我的推薦連結)
在美國常常要開 10 ~20 分鐘以上的車程才有辦法到餐廳, 距離可能至少都要 10 幾公里以上, 在台北的話大概是超過從西門町到內湖的距離。 因為沒有那麼方便, 有時候也是很依賴外賣送食物到家裏。 我們常用的外賣平台有 Doordash 及 Uber Eats。 Doordash 的選擇很多, 介面也做的很棒, 而 Uber Eats 在我們這區選擇稍少, 但因為所有的交易都是線上信用卡付款, 就不用擔心還要準備現金給送貨員小費。
http://bit.ly/2SylMfE (DoorDash 我的推薦連結, 前 3 次點餐,每次可以折抵 $5, 總共 $15 優惠)
http://bit.ly/39mBtxa (UberEat 我的推薦 code 是 eats-6uy7k , 第一次點餐可以折抵 $7)
如果我們要進到舊金山城市裡, 我們通常會用 Spot Hero 來先找好預約停車的地方, 不僅不怕到時候沒有位,先預約通常都有比較好的價錢呢。
以上是我們想到可能會對剛來美國要安頓下來有幫助的資訊。你有什麼推薦沒有在以上的名單中嗎? 歡迎留言分享。
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅ふたりぱぱ FutariPapa,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Let's board a night train with the first class sleeper coach from Luleå to Stockholm, the capital of Sweden! This 900km journey is totally comfortable...
「amazon share price」的推薦目錄:
- 關於amazon share price 在 半路出家軟體工程師在矽谷 Facebook
- 關於amazon share price 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook
- 關於amazon share price 在 Facebook
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- 關於amazon share price 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube
- 關於amazon share price 在 This Amazon investor breaks down her view on the stock's ... 的評價
amazon share price 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 八卦
There is Always More for You!
“I am Yahweh, your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. But my people didn’t listen to my voice. Israel desired none of me. So I let them go after the stubbornness of their hearts, that they might walk in their own counsels. Oh that my people would listen to me, that Israel would walk in my ways! I would soon subdue their enemies, and turn my hand against their adversaries. The haters of Yahweh would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever. But he would have also fed them with the finest of the wheat. I will satisfy you with honey out of the rock.”” (Psalms 81:10-16 WEB)
Keep feeding on God’s word as if you don’t know anything because there is always a deeper level that God can show you.
Open your mouth wide and He will fill it. Like a picture of an eagle feeding her young. As long as you want more, you can keep having more.
However, if you say “I already know,” then the supply stops because you are satisfied, just like when God multiplied the loaves & fishes through Jesus. The food stopped multiplying when the people were satisfied (Matthew 15:37).
In the Old Testament, when a widow had a debt that she could not repay, God performed a miracle for her through the prophet Elisha. He multiplied oil as long as she kept bringing more containers. Once there were no more containers, the oil stopped flowing (2 Kings 4:6).
Never settle—there is always more for you. You can have more “containers” in your heart to receive God’s supply.
See what God said in our main passage above: “He would have also fed them with the finest of the wheat. I will satisfy you with honey out of the rock.”
Besides being pictures of abundant natural provision, the “wheat” is a picture of Jesus as the Bread of Life (John 6:35), and the “rock” is also a picture of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4).
God will keep supplying you with the finest and sweetest revelations of Jesus Christ that thoroughly satisfy your soul. He will also give you victory over all your enemies as you feast on His words!
(Price increasing soon) In my book, “Silencing the Serpent”, I share about how to destroy Satanic strongholds caused by the devil’s deceptions, the mighty weapons you already have access to, how to use the full armor of God and much more.
If you are trapped in sinful habits and hating it, it is time to receive a fresh revelation of Christ in the area of spiritual warfare, and be set free by the power of the Holy Spirit!
Here is a 5-star customer review about the book: “I am fully blessed by this book. My heart has has been filled with peace and joy since I read it. Wrong beliefs and strongholds are loosing their hold on me.” - Loise from United States
For this new launch period, you can get “Silencing the Serpent” as a Kindle ebook on Amazon for only $2.99. If you don’t have a Kindle eBook reader, no worries because you can download the free app to read the book. Get the ebook here before the price is raised soon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NYGWV7P/
amazon share price 在 Facebook 八卦
2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1600人訂! 畀年費仲有85折
1. 雖然好多嘢寫,但都寫埋呢單先。話Amazon會拆股,今次業績就會公佈。咁今次業績係幾時?係美股星期四收市後,即係香港星期五天光之前。
2. 呢單都幾神奇,早幾日由狐狸台記者Charles Gasparino獨家爆料。冇乜詳情,只係引述消息人士,話會令到光頭佬Jeff Bezos拋離 Tesla嘅Elon Musk,更加鞏固首富地位云云。因為拆股就會令Amazon成為道指成份股。出完個 tweet後,股價即時彈咗2%,當然股票唔會話你知點解升。實情股票一年250個交易,有大新聞嘅可能得20日?
3. 會定唔會?好快你就知。不過即使Amazon冇拆股,記者亦可以堅持話「因為我篤爆咗佢先縮沙」,量子力學咁,觀測者改變埋個結果(嚴格嚟講:觀測者唔應該評論啦,你做實驗睇光子都唔會吹氣),難以驗證。
4. 呢個猜測一直都有,而近年大家知,蘋果拆過股,Tesla亦都拆過。Amazon會跟亦唔奇,而如果係做嘅,公佈業績時做埋亦好合理。
5. 更重要嘅係,Amazon之前亦都拆過三次股,分別係1997年,同1999年(一年拆兩次)。不過,亦都要問,對上一次拆股超過20年前,做乜過去咁多年唔做,而家忽然改變主意?
6. 先講記者答案:為咗有得入道指,進一步拋離Elon Musk.呢度就可以講多少少。冇錯,Amazon並唔係道指成份股。FAAMG之中,只有蘋果同Microsoft 係道指成份股,Facebook Amazon Google 都唔係。原因?我都唔知,你去問班委員,透明度好低的。
7. 肯定嘅係,雖然全部係「道瓊斯工業平均指數」,但並唔一定要工業股先入選。
8. 不過有一個問題,之前都講過(懶搵舊文),道指係十分古老嘅東西,清朝(冇呃你!)產物,差不多140年歷史。咁當年計算工具同而家爭好遠,所以佢啲嘢十分求其(下面會詳細講),亦因為顧及計算方便(*)。之但係,為咗傳統,就咁多年都冇改,就出現好多問題了。
9. 有名你叫,道瓊斯工業平均指數,就真係30隻嘅平均。點平均法?最初就係30隻嘅股價,加埋佢,咪指數咯。易計嘛!清朝咋大佬,將就下啦。
10. 後來都差不多,只係多咗Divisor,你加埋晒30隻成份股嘅股價,再除返呢個Divisor.而家嘅Divisor大約係0.152(聰明嘅你可以諗下,點解會細過1,附注會答)(**)。咁你問,點計呢個Divisor?可以寫多幾千字講,但實務上,Google 或者搵 Wikipedia啦!仲清朝咩!
11. 都話,撇除咗個Divisor影響,道指就係30隻嘅股價加埋一齊。咁戇居都得?就係咁戇居!有乜戇居?好簡單,你諗下兩隻份股,如果一隻而家500蚊,另一隻1蚊,咁有乜後果?即係1蚊嗰隻,基本上升幾倍或跌九成都唔會有影響。500蚊嗰隻?我升1%,對個指數等於你1蚊嗰隻升5倍!亦即係話,股價大嘅公司,對指數嘅影響力就大好多!
12. 冇錯,任何股票指數,都會有啲權重(equal weights嘅例外)(***),weights,加權平均數,我年代中四定中五數學要學。咁你每隻成份股佔幾多比重,就各司各法了。
13. 一般現世做嘅,都係market cap weighted,頂多有啲調整。恒指係咁,標普指數係咁。但道指因為係清朝嘅嘢,就用stock price嚟做weight
14. 咁有乜問題?因為個「股價」per se,係冇意義的嘛!A公司股價高過B公司,不等於佢大過B公司喎。我升1蚊可能係100%,佢升一蚊係0.1%,點可以放埋一齊比?
15. 所以,之前蘋果咪有呢啲咁搞笑嘅嘢,原本在道指嘅比重大約係12%,一拆四之後呢,變咗比重係4%,係咪夠低能?
16. 講咗咁耐,咁同Amazon有乜關係?關係就大。一般相信,Amazon同Google,入唔到道指,就係因為個「股價」太大。我懶慢慢計,但而家道指最重磅嘅係United Health,股價4舊水,佔比重已經7% — 咁我放隻3500蚊嘅Amazon入去,加埋隻2400蚊嘅Google,其實係咪睇呢兩隻得了?
17. 冇錯,道指是一個很低能嘅指數,所以真係「專業」嘅都會講標普指數,例如你見比較啲股市表現呀,都應該用標普。唯獨咩情況會用道指?你見啲要做到好耐data嘅就會,因為標普指數係1957年嘅產物,戰後嘅事。
18. 而媒體照報道指,只係因為習慣,亦因為傳統。扯開少少,同樣地,恒指都係麻麻地,但當然已經後生過道指好多,所以冇呢啲問題。但你見「機構投資者」,好多都睇MSCI 香港指數—咁所以,你話港股咁多年冇寸進嘅,睇你睇乜指數啫。
19. 好啦,講咗咁多,如果Amazon想入道指,應該就一定要拆股啦(雖然拆左亦不代表一定入到)。之但係,有冇諗一個問題:入嚟做乜?又或者,搞咗咁多年都冇入,離埋婚拆多份畀前妻上埋富豪榜,都仲係首富,做乜仲要理咩入道指?
20. 記者講法話,可以令佢身家進一步拋離Elon Musk,我就唔知個邏輯在邊。即管當光頭佬會care,但點解入道指就會身家升?入道指股價就會升?似乎唔係好站得住腳吧。有都只係暫時,同基本因素冇乜關。仲要根本追蹤標指嘅基金大過道指好多。
21. 記住,David Webb(唔係講廣東話嗰個)提過好傳神嘅比喻:你個pizza切多幾切,唔會多咗啲(嚴格嚟講少咗添,餅碎又冇咗啲,把刀又痴實一啲)。
22. 你拆股,拆幾多次都得,但點會影響股價?呢個亦係我見親啲人話煤氣「送紅股」嘅搞笑。屌你,送紅股咪即係拆股!
23. 咁至於點解啲公司咁鍾意拆股?官方答案話,提高流動性。即係可能一手長實定騰訊定港交所 十幾廿萬(冇check),太貴,散戶買唔起咁。當然實際上,就同點解啲公司供股用埋啲仆街比較一樣,點解要咩13供5呀咁,咪會有大量碎股,咪可以搵鳩你笨收埋你。間間都係咁玩,包括匯控渣打。
24. 之但係,喂,美股係冇一手手架嘛!所以根本冇呢回事。咁點解仲要拆細?可能就真係為咗降低入場費:但,你問我,一股Amazon都係三萬蚊港紙有找,一股都買唔起嘅,不如都係專心讀書返工?
25. 但但但,時代唔同嘛,而家YOLO嘛,鬼佬連登仔嘛,咁你三千幾蚊美金一股,可能啲網友就真係冇乜動力咯。所以,講到尾,可能都真係吸到多啲散戶?
26. 又然後,美股雖然冇一手手,但如果啲股票一路唔拆,升到幾萬美金一股,咁咪變咗又係入場費好高?不過其實而家可以買Fractional share的(****)
27. 無論如何,你睇到篇文時,應該已經有答案。你話睇咗咁多對你賺錢有冇幫助?冇乜,但咪識多啲嘢。況且,Patreon一早寫咗啲對你賺錢有幫助嘅嘢啦
2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1600人訂! 畀年費仲有85折
(*)正如有一段好長嘅時間(講緊我睇銀行股時都仲係咁!),中國加息減息係要0.27 0.36咁去的,十分低能。點解唔係0.25?因為 0.27 0.36 之類畀9除得盡,易計啲。咁你話9/365 咪又係一堆混吉?錯,佢地用360的。
(***)冇錯係有equal weight嘅指數,美股都幾常用。但,equal weight咪即係全部權重都係1,一樣有。正如唔選擇都係一種選擇。
(****)呢度真係要搞清楚,有人話Fractional share係碎股,完全錯。Odd lot 先係碎股。香港要一手手買,咁唔足一手嘅咪odd lot,你可以買1股港交所。咁你話,有乜分別?我可以買0.1股 Google,有乜分別?—分別就大啦。你渣住1股港交所,就係股東,你可以入場媽叉李小加或者歐冠昇,1股都係股東,根據我理解佢不能唔畀你入場。之但係,你渣0.1股Google,你就應該冇得入場媽叉皮猜。我唔100%肯定,但就我理解,渣住0.1股嘅唔係股東。法律上最低單位就係1股。你可以去試下。咁你話你唔使媽叉人唔使食西餅嘅,有乜分別?應該冇乜嘅。之但係,美股一股都買唔起嘅,我勸你都係專心返工讀書吧啦。
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Let's board a night train with the first class sleeper coach from Luleå to Stockholm, the capital of Sweden! This 900km journey is totally comfortable in the private compartment with the own bathroom with shower.
When you hear that it's first class, it sounds super expensive or not affordable, but it is surprisingly profitable! Have a look the price and facilities in the video!
【Sleeping compartment 1 Class Summery】
The compartment has two beds. Pillow, pillowcase, bottom sheet, duvet cover and duvet included. No one else can be booked in the same compartment. The compartment has shower/WC equipped with towels and soap. Breakfast is provided for passengers arriving between 6.30 and 9.00. Passengers travelling on trains with an open bistro may remain on the train while breakfast is served. Passengers travelling on trains where the bistro is closed will be provided with breakfast in a local eatery on presentation of the 1st class ticket. Breakfast is not provided for passengers who disembark before 6.30. 1st class travel also includes access to SJ Lounge in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, before and after the journey.
(ref. SJ https://www.sj.se/en/about/about-sj/our-trains/sj-night-train.html)
🕑 Nordgreen
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Hey! Thanks for visiting our YouTube channel "FUTARIPAPA".
FUTARIPAPA means "Two-dads" in Japanese.
We are Swedish x Japanese couple with a boy 👨👨👦living in Sweden, would love to share some loving moments of our life. Don't forget subscribe us!
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amazon share price 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube 的評價
Some people love petai beans which are simply known as petai or pete, in Indonesia, but some really dislike it because of its odious smell. For those who enjoy petai, I have good news to share with you-- petai has a high nutritional content, and has a lot of health benefits for our bodies. Woohooz!
Here are 30 scientific health benefits of petai according to Mr Google:
- Relieves depression
- Helps overcome with PMS disorders
- Prevents the occurrence of anemia
- Lowers high blood pressure
- Improves cognitive abilities
- Eliminates the feeling of tightness due to glut
- Eliminates itching due to mosquito bites
- Prevents obesity
- Good for gastric health
- High Vitamin A & C
- Reduces cholesterol
- Treats heart disease
- Can lower body temperature
- Prevents stroke
- Helps stop smoking
- Contains antioxidants
- Overcomes digestive disorders
- Clears constipation
- Helps manage diarrhoea
- Helps those with difficulty to defecate or take a pee
- Eases Abdominal pain
- Resolves Heartburn
Refer to the ingredient list below or go to our website here http://spicenpans.com/sambal-petai/ for your easy reference.
As we know some of you will be asking us where to get the food processor we used in the video, the brand is Magimix. It's made in France. Click here to see its selling price on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2WggyXP
We would like to give special thanks to Greenpan for letting us try out their high quality non-stick pan in the video. If you like to buy them, you can go to any of the major department stores in Singapore such as Isetan, Robinsons, Takashimaya, BHG, OG, Metro or Tangs.
Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home. Thanks for dropping by our channel.
Please subscribe to stay tuned to our home cooking videos.
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Thanks for watching! See you soon.
on behalf of Spice N’ Pans
Serves 4
Making the sambal paste
Group A - blend altogether
2 tablespoons of dried shrimp (soaked in 1/2 cup of water -- use the water as well)
10 pieces of shallots
5 pieces of dried chilli
10 pieces of fresh red chilli
Group B - fry
2 tablespoons of oil
Blended chilli paste (from Group A)
25g of belachan - dry roasted over low heat
1 teaspoon of sugar
Ingredients for stir-frying
1 red onion - sliced
150g of petai
Half of the sambal paste
1 tablespoon of water
Looking for some of the things or ingredients we used in this video but not residing in Singapore? We welcome you for a vacation in Singapore or simply click one of these links to see similar or substitute products on Amazon. Happy shopping!
Granite Wok Pan: https://amzn.to/2yblXGJ
Sambal Chilli: https://amzn.to/2ycGFpx
Dried shrimps: https://amzn.to/2sZd3Hq
Dried chilli: https://amzn.to/2JH3jf2
Belachan: https://amzn.to/2JFa415
If you like this recipe, you might like these too:
Egg Tofu with Crispy Sweet Radish 自制蛋豆腐
Sembawang White Beehoon 三巴旺白米粉
Teochew Bak Kut Teh 潮州肉骨茶 Peppery Pork Rib Soup
Spice N' Pans is not related to these products and cannot guarantee the quality of the products in the links provided. Links are provided here for your convenience. We can only stand by the brands of the products we used in the video and we highly recommend you to buy them. Even then, preference can be subjective. Please buy at your own risk. Some of the links provided here may be affiliated. These links are important as they help to fund this channel so that we can continue to give you more recipes. Cheers!
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Roland's sambal chilli for this nasi lemak was also almost perfect for us but don't take my word for it - try it and let me know what you think.
Last but not least, what's nasi lemak if we don't have eggs and anchovies. Whether you're a fan of sunny side or hard-boiled egg - make it your own way to suit your preference. Also, do make sure your anchovies are super crispy when you serve them.
As we know some of you will be asking us where to get the food processor we used in the video, the brand is Magimix. It's made in France. Click here to see its selling price on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2WggyXP
Hope you liked our video. Give it a thumbs up and also share this with your friends so that they can try making this wonderful and delicious dish at home too.
I've listed all the ingredients used in this recipe below for your easy reference. Remember to get yourself a pack of Knorr Salted Egg Yolk Powder from our major supermarkets when you're here in Singapore, k. Happy cooking!
Nasi Lemak Sambal Chilli
Ingredients (A) - blend into a fine paste
25 pieces of dried chilli - rehydrated
1 stalk of lemongrass (use only the white stem)
1 whole red onion
8 pieces of shallots
4 cloves of garlic
20g of dried shrimps - rehydrated
10g of dried anchovies (dried fried to crispy)
Some cooking oil
Ingredients (B)
1/2 cup (125ml) of oil
20g of belacan - dry roasted
1 teaspoon of tamarind paste
40g of palm sugar (can use white or brown sugar)
2/3 cup (170ml) of dried shrimp soaking liquid
Note: you can either use 2/3 cup or 1 cup of tap water to soak the dried shrimp.
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