Yubico 贊助香港抗爭者世上最強網上保安鎖匙Yubikey
我們八月的時候聯絡瑞典網上保安科技公司 Yubico,解釋香港警察侵犯被捕者及抗爭者私隱的問題,希望他們可以贊助香港抗爭者五百條Yubikey。想不到會收到Yubico回覆,在核實我們身份後,非常慷慨地向我們寄出了五百條Yubikey。
甚麼是Yubikey?它可能是全球最有名的硬件二部認證(hardware 2-step authentication)方式。即是說,很多支援二部認證的軟件或操作系統(如最普及的Facebook﹑Google﹑Instagram﹑macOS﹑Microsoft等)都可以用Yubikey加強保安。簡單來說,它就是一條安全金鑰,當你用browser登入戶口時,在輸入密碼時要再插入「手指」才可進入戶口。任何人沒有這條手指都進不了你的戶口,別說黑警,連專業hacker都爆不入。
現在我們正準備將五百條Yubikey循不同渠道發放給民間記者及抗爭者。贊助的Yubikey是Security Key by Yubico型號,不支援NFC,但有齊基本二部認證功能。假如大家負擔得起,又有需要,可以去www.yubico.com買更高端的Yubikey,最貴那條好像也不過60美元。
Swedish Online Security Company Yubico sponsors Hong Kong protesters with Yubikey, the world's strongest online security key
Amidst grave concern over the online security of protesters in face of aggravating police abuse of power, we contacted Yubico in August, hoping that they would kindly sponsor Hong Kong protesters with their feature product: Yubikey. It was to our surprise that Yubico swiftly responded and mailed us 500 Yubikey in no time.
So, what is Yubikey? Yubikey is probably the best form of hardware authentication device that offers extra security with 2-step authentication. In other words, OS or software that support 2-step authentication (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, macOS, Microsoft, Google) can be made even more secure with Yubikey. When you access your account on your browser, you will be prompted to enter your password, and then your Yubikey. No one without the key is able to break into your account, not even professional hackers, let alone HKPF.
Can Yubikey really secure your laptop? Many tech experts call it "unhackable", and it is probably the best way of online security in the world. Google also requires its 85,000+ employees to use Yubikey in place of OTP (one-time password) and or one-time codes, for physical security keys are just this much harder for hackers to bypass.
We are now planning to disseminate the keys through different channels to journalists and protesters. The model sponsored is "Security Key by Yubico", a budget Yubikey with all basic 2-step authentication features. You may see other affordable options on www.yubico.com.
Last but not least - Thanks Yubico for your kind sponsorship! We wish you all the best!
同時也有668部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過89萬的網紅PAPAYA 電腦教室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,► 內容綱要 (影片有提供 CC 中文字幕喔) 00:00 開場白 00:58 建立 Access 表格 02:14 主索引鍵設置 03:46 匯入 Excel 到 Access 05:51 查閱精靈 06:27 啟用資料完整性 08:46 資料庫關聯圖 10:20 表單設計 14:21 導覽按鈕設...
access microsoft 在 Scholarship for Vietnamese students Facebook 八卦
Hôm trước, có một bên phỏng vấn về HannahEd, chị Hoa Dinh có ngồi viết lại profile của mình nên share luôn cho các bạn đang muốn biết thêm về profile của chị, đồng thời cũng sẽ trực tiếp dạy các bạn trong lớp tìm và học bổng HannahEd nhé.
Ngoài chị ra thì lớp Phd/Research cũng là một anh cực giỏi với học bổng trao đổi Đức, Master Westminster UK, Phd NUS trường top Singapore (đã từng được offer Phd Mỹ), Postdoc Thụy Sỹ và hàng loạt các Mentors khác với profile khủng trong Mentorship program.
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- Các hoạt động ngoại khoá/cộng đồng như: Japan Environmental Education Forum (JEEF) - Denso Youth for Earth Action Program, Asia Pacific Youth on Rio+20, Volunteer for peace, Southeast Asia Leadership Network Org, Tổ chức Startup weekend, Singapore Red Cross.
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Bạn nào có ý định xin học bổng, hoặc xin chưa mà chưa đậu, hoặc muốn xin thêm nữa, chị xin mời các bạn tham gia khoá học HannahEd kéo dài 10 buổi, 5 tuần, mỗi bài học từ 1.5-2h. Các bạn tham gia sẽ được FREE Mock Interview và Review hồ sơ (Review hồ sơ FREE có kèm 1 số qui định nhỏ về thời gian gửi bài trước deadline và số lần).
-- Lớp tháng 9/2020 dự kiến lịch t7CN ngày 12/09/2020 học 8pm. LỚP HỌC T7CN TUẦN SAU RỒI VÀ CÒN 1 SỐ SLOTS THÔI NHÉ.
-- Lớp tháng 10/2020 dự kiến lịch t7CN ngày 24/10.
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access microsoft 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
第一天的活動中,AIT也邀請到三位數位創意領袖—宜蘭花蓮數位機會中心須文蔚主任、擊樂家張幼欣小姐以及「媽咪愛社群電商平台暨My83 保險網」創辦人張瑜珊小姐,和大家分享她們的專業和熱情。另外要感謝微軟台灣AI研發中心張仁炯執行長為大家介紹 AI 新視野。明天我們會分享更多精采內容和活動照片喔!
The 2020 Girls Tech Bootcamp kicked off TODAY! 60 high school girl students from across Taiwan embarked on a three-day program at National Dong Hwa University. The campers will learn STEM English, Minecraft programming, Artificial Intelligence and women’s leadership. In his opening remarks, AIT Director Brent Christensen mentioned “shared values form the foundation of the U.S.-Taiwan partnership. Among those shared values are our dedication to academic freedom and the belief that persons of all genders should have equal access to professional and educational opportunities. Additionally, the United States and Taiwan believe that our democratic values are best served by informed and robust civic participation. We hope that this program will advance these shared values.”
On the first day, in addition to STEM English and coding classes, three encouraging mentors -- Dr. Shiu, Wen-wei, the Director of the Digital Opportunity Center in Yilan and Hualien, Ms. Alice Chang, Founder of MamiLove and My83, and Ms. Sayun Chang, a Musician -- explained to the campers their backgrounds, careers, and passions. We also want to thank Mr. Michael Chang, Directror-General of Microsoft AI R&D Center for giving an overview of new trends in AI. Stay tuned for more from the camp! #GirlsTechBootcamp #AIT程式少女特訓營 #AI
access microsoft 在 PAPAYA 電腦教室 Youtube 的評價
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access microsoft 在 電腦學習園地 Youtube 的評價
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【illustrator CC AI基礎教學】
【PowerPoint PPT教學】
【Microsoft Excel教學】
【Excel VBA程式設計教學】
【Micorsoft Word教學】
【會聲會影X9 影片剪輯教學】
#電腦教學 #軟體教學 #教學影片

access microsoft 在 Microsoft Access - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 的相關結果
Microsoft Office Access(前名Microsoft Access)是由微軟發佈的關聯式資料庫管理系統。它結合了Microsoft Jet Database Engine和圖形使用者介面兩項特點, ... ... <看更多>
access microsoft 在 當Excel不夠用時,如何利用Access進行資料分析? 的相關結果
Access ,全稱“Microsoft Office Access”,是微軟OFFICE中的一個成員, 由微軟發佈的關聯式資料庫管理系統。它結合了Microsoft Jet Database Engine 和圖形化使用者介面 ... ... <看更多>
access microsoft 在 Microsoft Access - 資料庫軟體及應用程式 的相關結果
Access 是易於使用的工具,讓您透過範本或從頭開始建立商務應用程式。Access 內含豐富且直覺的設計工具,可以幫助您在極短的時間內建立有吸引力且功能強大的應用程式。 ... <看更多>