Thanks for inviting me on campus of Academy of Film HKBU last night to kick of the Global University Film Awards. Student film-makers from nearly 100 countries and regions participated this year. Look forward to the award presentation on Friday. #film #hkbu #gufa2018 #全球大學生電影獎
wardrobe: @maisonvalentino
hair styling: @alexso_theattic
make up: @mon_c.c
pc: @amanachiu
valentinofw1819 在 Pupupepe 浿機 Facebook 八卦
第一次坐在 Valentino 夢寐以求的第一排看秀,有種願望實現的不可思議感。
valentinofw1819 在 Pupupepe 浿機 Facebook 八卦
仙女降臨般的 Valentino,看完這場秀有巴黎時裝週的圓夢感😊
這場秀遇到了好多人,先放上與Karlie Kloss 的最萌身高差合照😂
Thank you Valentino for having me again, the show really stole my ♥️
Being romantic and strong as the only way to be unique x