Hong Kong Independence?
…all you need to know about recent Hong Kong in 15 minutes
↓↓Transcript (as requested)↓↓
So previously we talked about Hong Kong and China having vastly a different system
Hong Kong is a quasi-democratic society while China is dominated by the Chinese Communist Party
…so we don’t want people to get confused between the two
But the story doesn’t end here
Next year 2017, it would be 20 years since Hong Kong’s turnover to China
You would’ve thought that during this time, Hong Kong and China would’ve grown closer to one another
But it has not been so.
If anything, we’ve grown to be more and more apart.
沒錯 在過去20年
Yes it is true that during the last two decades
中國從一個發展中國家 發展成現時最大經濟體系之一
China has gone from being a developing country to what is now one of the largest, if not the largest economy in the world
人民收入增加 生活質素提升 有些中國人也躋身全球富豪榜
…which means rising income for Chinese citizens, better quality of life and China has some of the richest people in the world
If anything, Hong Kong people should be a proud China man!
我還記得2008北京奧運 那個開幕典禮實在是精妙絕倫
I still remember seeing the Beijing Olympics in 2008; that opening ceremony was outrageously amazing
花了很多心機 很好看
…it was beautifully done and such a joy to watch
It was one of those rare moments where Hong Kong people share the same sense of pride as the rest of China
不過 現實歸現實
But the Olympics is one thing, and reality is another
The truth is there have been a lot of conflicts between Hong Kong and China since the handover
Hong Kong has largely opened up to China where we get a huge number of Chinese tourists every day
While tourism shouldn’t be a problem in itself, we have witnessed a lot of issues with these Chinese tourists
例如不懂得在迪士尼樂園排隊 和隨地小便
There had been reports of uncivilized behavior such as not knowing how to queue in Disneyland and… pissing on the street.
我必須強調 不是所有中國遊客都會這樣做 只有一部份會這樣做
And I can’t emphasize enough, not every Chinese tourists do it, it’s just some that does it
但由於香港每天都有大量的中國遊客 這成為了一個逼切的問題
…but because Hong Kong gets so many of them, that becomes a daily problem for people living in Hong Kong.
And it’s not just that, we see the rise in luxury shops and pharmacies in Hong Kong to tailor the need of Chinese tourists
If you go to a street in Sheung Shui, which is a place very close to the mainland border
I used to go there a lot - you see streets full of pharmacies
…and I don’t even know why they are called pharmacies
…because mainly they don’t sell medicine, they sell baby milk formula and diapers.
事實上 大陸人不相信中國製的貨品
The thing is, mainland Chinese don’t trust their own stuff
因為在中國任何東西都有可能是假的 那裡沒有質量管制或食物安全
…because you can get fake everything in China; there’s no quality control or food safety
所以很多中國人都會來香港買日用品 如奶粉
So many Chinese come to Hong Kong to buy daily stuff and one product that has always been in high demand is baby milk formulas
It has got to a point where the supply became so tight that there is a shortage of milk formulas in some areas of Hong Kong
If you are living in the Europe or the US, this might sound really hard to believe
Milk formula and diapers, but it’s true, it is what’s happening in Hong Kong.
I can go on about other stuff as well such as the number of Mainland pregnant women who come to Hong Kong
In fact, in 2010, as much as 37% of all babies born in Hong Kong have neither parents being a permanent Hong Kong resident
基於這些中港矛盾的問題 香港出現越來越嚴重的反中情緒
Basically because of all these things, this has led to an increasingly serious anti-Chinese hype in Hong Kong
很多香港人都不歡迎中國人 只想他們離開
Many local people are furious and just want them to go away
但對我來說 問題永遠出於制度
But to me, the real problem always lies in the system
Conceptually, I hate to put my frustration upon the Chinese people
Because it’s not their fault that they have to buy things from Hong Kong to ensure that they are safe
But what about the system?
There’s a lot I can say about this system, but for now I will just simplify it as follows
At the top of the system we have the Chinese Communist Party, then we have the Hong Kong government and the pro-establishment camp in our Legislative council
In short, this system has been trying to turn Hong Kong into just another city of China
…and damaging the core principle of “One Country, Two Systems”
For a long time, Hong Kong people have been advocating for full democracy
That means universal suffrage with the right to nominate and elect our own leader, which in Hong Kong is called the Chief Executive
According to the Basic Law, we have a legal right to universal suffrage.
In the past 20 years, the Chinese government has assured Hong Kong several times that we are going to get universal suffrage
But they have been pushing back the date for it
…and kept saying Hong Kong wasn’t ready, so we didn’t get it in 2007 and 2012
But the Chinese has set a timeline for it, and they said Hong Kong would eventually get universal suffrage by 2017
And guess what, on 31st August 2014, the Chinese said
Alright you are going to get your universal suffrage, but we are going to have to impose some conditions
First the Chief Executive must be someone who is patriotic to China
第二,候選人需要先得到現有的行政長官選舉委員會的提名 (絕大部分都是親中代表)
Secondly candidates are going to be nominated by the current Election Committee, which consists (mostly) of 1200 pro-Beijing representatives
Lastly, whoever wins the popular election must be appointed by the Chinese government
So basically they are saying, alright you can get your vote but we reserve the right to screen out anyone that we dislike
After this was announced by the Chinese officials, we were bloody furious
So we began a series of protests demanding for “true universal suffrage”
For years we have always thought universal suffrage means just that
The right to vote in a democratic and open election
But the CCP managed to create something that is completely contrary to that
As a result, university students like myself began boycotting classes
…and attended gathering outside the Hong Kong government headquarters in Admiralty to protest
This has then turned into a 79-days long widespread occupy movement in streets of Admiralty, Causeway Bay and Mongkok
During this time, police has used tear gas and pepper spray to try to get rid of us and we used umbrellas as shield
That’s why this is called the Umbrella Movement or Umbrella Revolution
Personally I don’t like to call it a revolution, because revolution is often associated with some sort of radical change
But for us, after 79-days of occupying the streets, nothing has changed.
So to this day, the status quo remains – there is no universal suffrage for our Chief Executive election
But why do we want universal suffrage so much?
Well you have to understand that our governmental system has always been institutionally flawed
Usually when we talk about the Separation of Powers, we have the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary
They are meant to act as checks and balances of each other so no one gets too much power
…because as Lord Acton famously said,
“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
我們不但行政長官是經由1200人的小圈子挑選 當中大部份為親中人士
Not only is our leader of the executive selected by a small-group of 1,200 voters – the majority of whom are pro-Beijing
We also don’t get to vote entirely for our Legislative Council
In fact, only half of our legislators get directly elected by us
The other half are elected through the so-called Functional Constituencies
There are 28 different functional constituencies, representing different seats in our Legislative council
Originally this meant to provide different professions across Hong Kong to have a say in government politics
But there’s a huge problem – this system is fundamentally flawed
Most controversially, it allows companies and professional bodies to register as voters
So this creates a loophole where big business can hold multiple votes at the same time
Consider the catering constituency, big restaurant companies can register each of their outlets as voters
So big food chain like Café De Carol
Nope, it is not a French restaurant – it’s a fast food Chinese restaurant
Something like that can register up to a hundred votes if they like
Also there is a huge discrepancy between different functional constituencies
For example, in the Health Services sector, there are 37,000 registered voters, whereas in Insurance, there are only 130 registered voters
這個差異根本不合邏輯 為甚麼有些行業會得到更廣泛的代表?
There is really no logical explanation for it – why are some industry represented more fairly while others are not
In fact, almost half of the functional constituencies are uncontested and most of the seats are dominated by the pro-establishment camp.
But what is the actual significance?
You see, when individual legislators propose bills and motions, we have a split-voting system
…meaning that to be able to pass the bill
It requires a majority vote in both the geographical constituency – those directly elected by us – and the functional constituency
So we can have a bill that is supported by the majority of the legislators
But fails nonetheless because it did not pass the functional constituency
So in effect, you only need half of the votes within the Functional Constituency to reject all bills and motions put forward by individual legislators.
But the same does not apply to government bills
For government bills, you only need to get a majority from all the legislators as a whole
So sometimes we have bills that are opposed by the majority of those legislators directly elected by us
…but nonetheless get through because of the functional constituency
The major problem of this is that it creates an incentive for the Government and big business players to side with each other
On one hand with the help of functional constituency, the Government has an effective veto over all motions in the Legislative council
…while on the other hand businesses can reject motions that are contrary to their interests such as minimum wage and standard working hours
Because of this, the executive has a lot of control over our Legislative Council
And they often make decisions that are contrary to public opinions
And because of the fundamental flaws in our electoral systems, there is no way we could hold our executive accountable in any shape or form
你也必須明白 香港政府和和中國政府之間的關係
Conceptually you also have to understand the relationship between our executive and the Chinese government
It’s easy to say, well the Hong Kong government is separate from the Chinese government because of the principle of one country two systems
And we can implement our own policies so it’s not the fault of the Chinese government but of our own government
That is partly true, but remember we have a system as such where our Chief Executive is guaranteed to be pro-Beijing
That’s why it has an incentive to side with the Chinese government
以現任行政長官梁振英為例 他自上任以來都在替北京擦鞋
For example, our current Chief Executive, CY Leung, he has been keen to please Beijing wherever possible
There are lots of policies where he appeared to have put Mainland’s interest above Hong Kong’s interest
For example, in 2012, the government tried to introduce mandatory National Education classes
…so that students can strengthen their national identity about China
This was met with huge public protests as many fear that it would simply be a brainwashing curriculum biased towards the Chinese Communist Party
There are also other instances such as the rejection of HKTV, CY Leung’s $50 million corrupt scandal – etc
Basically, we are extremely unsatisfied with our current Government
The system itself allows for our government to potentially be arbitrary and self-serving
And there’s no way we could hold our government accountable in any shape or forms
That’s why we want universal suffrage so much – so that we can choose our own leader
Yes it won’t solve everything but it will be a start to a more democratic and fair system
The Umbrella Movement was a first of its kind
It started off extremely peacefully
With an emphasis on being non-violent, rational, love and peace and all that
But as it went on, the CY Leung’s government managed to remain unresponsive
Two months into occupying the streets, people simply didn’t know what to do
And the relationship between the protesters and the police got worse by days
There was alleged police violence
Seven police officers took a protester to a dark corner and beat him up
Inevitably the movement turned into something more violent with protesters clashing with the police – people were beaten up and arrested.
Since the Umbrella Movement, the society has been hugely divided
Police confidence has gone to an all-time low
On one hand, we realize peaceful protest no longer does a damn thing,
…while on the other hand, people are finding ways to counter police force – essentially resorting to more radical actions
It also led to an ideological separation within the pro-democracy camp
Traditionally pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong felt it was their duty to build a democratic China
If anything they are more patriotic to China than anyone
They are the people who felt most strongly about stuff like Tiananmen Square
But for the last 20 years, democracy has not been advanced for Hong Kong nor does it look likely for China
That’s why new advocates are saying,
Well there’s no real possibility of so-called building a democratic China
We need to start rescuing ourselves first
So, there emerges the idea of localism and Hong Kong independence because people are simply losing faith in the so-called One Country Two Systems.
All this social unrest has led to what happened earlier this year in Mongkok
It was the first day into Chinese Lunar New Year;
There were some street hawkers selling street food
They are unlicensed but that’s what they have always done in the first few days of Chinese New Year, just trying to make a few extra bucks
It’s like a little local tradition in Hong Kong.
But somehow this time the police decided to confront them – which has led to protesters confronting the police
Suddenly it has turned into a huge unrest, or riot, depending which side you are on
There were fire on the street, people picking up bricks and bottles throwing at the police
Two shots were fired in the air for crowd control
It was violence on a scale that has never been seen in Hong Kong for the last 20 years
的確 暴力的程度與本身的小販問題根本完全不相稱
In no way was the violence proportional to the whole street food and street hawker issue
But you have to be able to understand it in the light of the whole circumstances
The sort of anger that has been accumulated since the Umbrella Movement
Social unrest is now at its highest point
Things have gotten from bad to worse for Hong Kong since the Umbrella Movement. Beijing has tighten up control of Hong Kong
Our once enjoyed freedom has been put to some serious doubt
Five Hong Kong booksellers who sell sensitive stuff about the Chinese Communist Party went missing last year
There were no record of them going out of Hong Kong, and they just disappeared
For a while no-one really knows where they went, and then…
Like magic, there they are in Mainland China appearing on TV, confessing their guilt
Other stuff such as the ICAC, an anti-corruption body that we have always been proud of, has also been involved in some major shake-ups
More recently, six candidates have been disqualified from running the Legislative Council election
They have been disqualified because they advocate for Hong Kong Independence
There is nothing in the law that allows the administrative to screen out candidates running for the legislative council for political reason
That’s just simply grossly against freedom of speech
And remember, four years ago, Hong Kong independence was not even an idea to start with
Now it has turned into a whole serious social movement – more and more people are turning to Hong Kong independence
And the reason behind that?
A while back there was a post asking people to write sad stories in six words, and someone wrote this:
“One Country, Two Systems, Just kidding.”
And that pretty much sums it up for Hong Kong.
When Hong Kong got handed back over to China, we were guaranteed of all these things:
...the freedom of speech, the freedom of press and the rule of law
But these things have been undermined hugely
The message from China is clear:
You want your high degree of autonomy and you want to feel special right?
But you are only as free as we allow you to be
We gave you that stuff so shut up if we want to take them back. Period.
But the truth is China didn’t give us freedom of speech\
You didn’t give us any of our fundamental rights. Period.
The way I understand it?
Well Hong Kong independence is reactive rather than proactive
It’s a response to the Chinese government for increasingly tightening up control of Hong Kong
We’ve completely lost faith in One Country Two systems
As a counteractive response we are demanding for more autonomy
We want to be able to grasp hold of our own fate
So this is where things are right now in Hong Kong
It’s in a complete deadlock
We either accept for one country one system or we have to fight in a more radical manner
On Sunday, it will be our next Legislative Council election – the first since the Umbrella Movement
God knows what’s going to happen
But I do urge you to vote, and to think about your vote
Because in a perfect world
…if things can get done in the Legislative Council, then people wouldn’t need to take to the street and to resort to any kind of violence
We desperately need a balance of power right now – and your vote can contribute to that
We need more voice in our Legislative council – we need people to look for different possibility
Phew, so that’s it.
Whether you are from Hong Kong, or from outside of Hong Kong,
This video and the last video is important to me, and to a lot of people in Hong Kong
This is probably a lot to take in if you’re new to this, but don’t just take my words for it
Keep reading the news; keep talking to people about it; go research about this, it’s all over the internet
And lastly, thanks for watching.
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Rainbow choir unites Korea’s
With an international 129-person choir the Rainbow Music Tour has experienced that indeed nothing is impossible. The very first group of this size to ever visit the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) crossed the uncrossable Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea with a popular Korean folklore song about a lovers’ reunion.
This 2015 Rainbow Music Tour to the DPRK from September 14th-21st was an extraordinary success. In an unprecedented event, the choir from 17 nations – 64 Dutch nationals and 65 internationals including USA citizens – travelled for eight days to various parts of the DPRK. This historic trip was the first of its kind.
We, the Rainbow Team leadership, share a passionate desire to engage with the world around us, and build bridges between nations. For many years it has been our dream to connect with the DPRK, whose isolation from the world community is unsurpassed.
In 2012 this dream became true when a small Rainbow delegation travelled to the DPRK. This life-changing trip opened our eyes in many ways. We saw first-hand the treasures of this seemingly forgotten land, and we quickly recognised our many misconceptions about the DPRK. Because of its disconnect with the rest of the world, we expected to be met with disdain and bitterness but instead we were welcomed with open arms. We could see that the spirit of the people of the DPRK is strong and resilient, and we realised that there is a greater story to be told than mainstream public opinion. Our hearts were moved forever for this nation and her people.
So, from this 2012 visit, we have been yearning to bring a large group of people from many nations to the DPRK to see and experience its splendour, substantially connect with its people and share with the whole wide world the untold stories of this beautiful nation. This is how the Rainbow Music Tour was conceived.
The name Rainbow carries deep significance: it is a promise of hope. All rainbow stripes reflect their own specific lights in different shades, and yet together they join into one unified, beautiful arc in the sky. As such the rainbow represents also love, friendship, redemption, and unity.
With Rainbow Music Tours we want to promote these same values. Through the universal language of music, we aim to connect people across cultures. Moreover, our rainbow logo highlights a dove, the symbol of peace. We believe that as we come together in peace, honouring our differences and valuing everyone, that nothing is impossible!
On this most recent trip in September 2015 our team of singers from around the world experienced the amazing country of DPRK and its people. The following are just a few highlights from our unforgettable week.
Building relationships with the beautiful people of this nation was one of the most important aspects of our journey in the DPRK. Our friendly and knowledgeable guides presented us with a wealth of information and insight into the daily lives of the people of this great nation. As we shared moments of life with our new Korean friends, our hearts were connected in ways that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives.
Not only did we visit the magnificent capital Pyongyang with its spectacular architecture and impressive monuments, we also experienced the provincial flavour of the city of Kaesong and the beautiful port city of Wonsan. In an event that touched all of us all deeply, we were invited to sing Amazing Grace at the highest point of Mount Taehwa, at the DPRK's newest and premier ski resort Masikryong.
Additionally, we were privileged to attend on Sunday a local church gathering where the choral music was angelic and the service profound.
Our hosts had every detail of this tour perfectly arranged. The accommodations were of the highest quality, and every meal took us on a delicious food journey. However, as we have experienced these amazing sights and sounds, the awareness that the Korean peninsula is a divided country is never far from our thoughts.
Demilitarized zone
Scars of war have been keeping many thousands of families separated without any contact or interaction for almost seven decades. Escorted by military staff, we had the honour to visit the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that splits the peninsula into North and South Korea.
As we stood on a veranda, overlooking the divide that no person can cross, we sang this Korean folk tune Arirang, loved on both parts of the DMZ. The sound of hundred and twenty nine voices from seventeen nations united in this song crossed the uncrossable divide. A hush of hope fell upon us, as we stood together believing for a reunified Korea. The weight of the moment enveloped us, and there was silence. The only remaining sound was the wind rustling through the rainbow-colored flags that we had raised as a sign of hope and respect. It was a profound moment in time. Tears stained our eyes, and we left that spot forever changed. Nothing is impossible!
Rainbow Forest
As western visitors invited into this country, we had to come to terms with the role of many of our nations in shaping the history of the DPRK. Millions of innocent people in this nation suffer, as sanctions imposed by the West affect their everyday lives in unimaginable ways. One such effect is an on-going fuel shortage throughout the nation. This leaves many people freezing during the harsh months of winter.
In order to survive, many people began to cut down trees to burn the wood for heat. Due to this the natural landscape in many places of the DPRK changed drastically. In fact, some areas are left completely without any trees.
So, as a goodwill gesture and a prophetic sign of greater things that we expect to come in the DPRK, we have committed ourselves to plant 3,000 trees in what will be known as the Rainbow Forest. This forest is a living, lasting representation of friendship, life and hope.
There are stories upon stories of what we didn't realize or understand about the DPRK, but now that we know, we are responsible. Our hope is that many more people from many more nations would come with us to personally experience the reality of life in the DPRK. As we connect, person to person, face to face, and heart to heart, we will continue to find that nothing is impossible!
For more information on future Rainbow Music Tours visit www.rainbowtravelcompany.com. For more information on how to sponsor a tree in the Rainbow Forest go to: www.rainbowforest-nk.com.
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"Why is sleeping child in the hands of beggars? Have you ever wondered ... "
This article I read a few months ago. Who is the author of, I don't know.
Please read…..
""Near the metro station sits a woman of uncertain age.
Women’s hair
is confused and dirty, her head bowed in grief.
The woman sits on the dirty floor and next to her lies a bag. In that bag
people throw money. On the hands of a woman, asleep, is a two year old baby. He's in a dirty hat and dirty clothes.
“Madonna with baby” - numerous passers-by will donate money. The people of our kind- we always feel sorry for less fortunate. We are ready to give unfortunate people the last shirt, the last penny out of your pocket and never think another issue.
Helping, seems like. “Good job done”...
I walked past a beggar for a month. Did not give any money, as I knew that this is a gang operated scam and money collected by the beggar will be given to whoever controls beggars in the area. Those people own numerous luxury properties and cars.
Oh and beggar also gets something, of course “ A bottle of vodka in the evening and a döner kebab”.
A month later, walking past the beggars, as shock, it suddenly
hit me….
I'm staying at a busy crossing, stared at the baby, dressed as always- dirty track suit. I realized that it
seemed "wrong", finding a child in a dirty underground station from morning to evening.
The baby slept. Never sobbed or screamed, always asleep, burying his face in the knee of a woman who was his MUM.
Do any of you, dear readers, have children? Remember how often they
slept at the age of 1-2-3 years? Hour two, maximum three (not consecutive)
afternoon nap, and again – movement. For the whole month, every day of my
walking in the underground, I've never seen a child awake! I looked
at the tiny little man, with his face buried in the knee of his mother, then at the beggar, and my
suspicion was gradually formed.
– Why he sleeps all the time? I asked, staring at the baby.
The beggar pretended not to hear me. She lowered her eyes and
hid her face in the collar of her shabby jacket. I repeated the question. The woman again
looked up. She looked somewhere behind my back, tired with utter irritation. Her look was similar to the creatures from a different planet.
-F **k off ... her lips murmured.
-Why is he asleep?! I almost cried ...
Behind me someone put his hand on my shoulder. I looked back. A some old man was looking at me disapprovingly:
– What do you want from her? Can’t you see how hard she’s got it in her life… Eh …
He gets some coins from his pocket and throws them in the beggar’s bag.
Beggar made a hand wave of a cross, portraying the face of humility and universal
grief. The guy removed his hand from my shoulder and strolled out of the underground station.
I bet, at home, he will tell how he defended poor, distraught woman from a soulless man in a tube station.
Next day I called a friend. It was a funny man with eyes like olives Romanian nationality. He only managed to complete three and a half years of education. The complete lack of education does not prevent him from moving around the
City streets on very expensive foreign cars and live in a “small” house with countless number of windows and balconies. From my friend I managed to find out that this business, despite the apparent
spontaneity, clearly organized. Its supervised by begging organized crime rings. The children used are in "rent"
from families of alcoholics, or simply stolen.
I needed to get the answer to the question – why is the baby sleeping? And I received it. My friend Gypsy said the phrase, completely ordinary with calm voice that twisted me in shock, just like he was talking about weather report:
-They are on heroin, or vodka ...
I was dumbfounded. "Who is on heroin? Whom – under vodka?! "
He answered
-The Child, so he doesn’t scream. The women will be sitting whole day with him, imagine how he might get bored?
In order to make the baby slept the whole day, it pumped up with vodka or drugs. Of course, children's bodies are not able to cope with such a shock. And children often die. The most terrible thing – sometimes children die
during the "working day". And imaginary mother must hold another dead child on her hands until the evening. These are the rules. And the by passers-by will throw some money in the bag, and believe that they are moral. Helping
"mother alone" …
… The next day I was walking near the same underground station. I stocked up journalistic identity, and was ready for a serious conversation. But the conversation didn't work out. But turned out the following ...
A woman was sitting on the floor and in her hands she was holding a child. I asked her a question about the documents on the child, and, most importantly, where was yesterday's kid, which she simply ignored.
My questions were not ignored by passers-by. I was told that I was out of my mind screaming at poor beggar with a child. All in all, I was escorted out of the tube station in disgrace. One thing remained was to call the police. When police arrived, beggar with the baby disappeared. I stood with a full sense of - “I'm trying to fight windmills”.
When you see in the subway, on the street whether women with children,
begging, think before your hand climb for money. Think about that, if it wasn't for your hundreds of thousands of handouts, the business like this would have died. The business would die and not the children-inflated with vodka or
drugs. Do not look at the sleeping child with affection. See horror… Since you're reading this article, you know now- why the child is sleeping in beggars hands.
If you copy this article on your wall or just click "Share", your friends will read it too.
And when you decide again to open your wallet to throw a coin to a beggar, remember that this
charity could cost another child's life."
Varun Malhotra
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希望有機會參加AGT Celine爸爸-著名聲樂教練Steve Tam的特別流行曲精英班嗎?
learn to sing online - Whether you are in Hong Kong, the Mainland or overseas, and stay at home, you can now enjoy AGT Celine Tam's Father Vocal Coach, Steve Tam’s online singing lessons.
Celine Daddy Steve Tam 譚芷昀爸爸(唱歌老師)在線學唱歌 無論你在香港,內地或海外,安在家中,現在可以享受Celine 爸爸的唱歌教學
Book an Online Vocal Class by Steve Tam
Whatapps +852 96981248
Wechat: singandyoumusic
Advance Tailor-Make Singing Course (Online/Classroom)
Online Singing Class Video For Reference:
Commercial & Oversea Business Partnership:
Dr. Steve Master Class in Your City or in Your Company
Steve Tam在您所在城市或公司的大師班
Support Us, Please Go to Patreon
Some of the Best Students trained by Dr. Steve (AGT Celine TAM's Father)
1. Bring Me To Life COVERED by SAYMusic Joanna https://youtu.be/JM9hD1ZfUr8
2. 天亮了 COVERED by SAYMusic Cherry https://youtu.be/UTrzr504N-8
3. Original Song - Forever Love COVERED by SAYMUsic Farrah https://youtu.be/CQ3oMdfb4mE
4. How Am I Suppose To Live Without You COVERED by SAYMusic Ysabel https://youtu.be/Q2E2W_AQ5d8
5. 白金升降機 COVERED by SAYMusic Charlotte https://youtu.be/lqGrPAy15qc
6. She Used To Be Mine COVERED by SAYMusic Kathyhttps://youtu.be/29lTt1vXY50
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Over 280 Students Singing Music Videos https://www.youtube.com/user/singandyou
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Steve Tam Duet & Solo Singing Music Video list:
1. A Million Dreams (Duet) https://youtu.be/8i7eVbRpmIg
2. A Million Dreams (Solo) https://youtu.be/eNgcDb2jBSI
3. Fight Song (Duet) https://youtu.be/8Z6gB_CjqnE
4. Never Enough (Duet) https://youtu.be/vDR1aPOKOZw
5. 愛如潮水 Love is like a Tide (Duet) https://youtu.be/fv_P8oHRBB8
6. Ed Sheeran "Perfect" (Duet) https://youtu.be/U6BPStQ1j6o
7. Westlife - Better Man (Duet) https://youtu.be/Jy2H_Ab_qDQ
8. Westlife - Better Man (Solo) https://youtu.be/DCBHuaJaPHI
9. Fight Song (Solo) https://youtu.be/lC40hEmDPwg
10. A Whole New World (Solo) https://youtu.be/l3C6-kuLXJk
11. A Whole New World (Duet) https://youtu.be/ZPC7nqcONDc
12. 夢醒時分 (Solo) https://youtu.be/QRigxB6ZlY0
13. Always Remember Us This Way (Duet) https://youtu.be/nqRjMXPFo04
14. Let It Be The Beatles (Duet) https://youtu.be/GLc0QROzjaM
15. 夢醒時分 (Duet) https://youtu.be/D2lfoZtjuak
16. Speechless (Duet) https://youtu.be/PgfNwzhTsJY
17. Always Remember Us This Way (Solo ) https://youtu.be/F1odOtsuML8
18. Even Now (Duet) https://youtu.be/4X9c5CjN7cE
Global Whatapps+852 96981248
wechat: singandyoumusic
Existing Students from China, Hong Kong, United States, England, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Canada.....

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Thank you Clarins for sponsoring this video. Check out the Double Serum, here: https://www.inflcr.co/SH5te . Multi Active Day Cream, here: https://www.inflcr.co/SH5tg .
Hi everyone,
Who else feels like they aged 5 times faster from 2020? I am now 34 years old. I am a whole 13 years older than when I first started to make videos. It’s crazy how quick time flies. Not only have I changed, my skin is evolving with me along with my skincare and makeup regimen. There is beauty in growing older. I love the woman that I am and becoming everyday. We cannot stop ourselves from ageing but there are certain tools we can use in our toolbox and choices we make in our lifestyle that can slow down degeneration. We may grow older but our souls can stay young.
Today I share how I keep my skin and soul young along with a brightening and lifting makeup tutorial. We have a lot to go through so grab a beverage and enjoy!!
Products mentioned:
Clarins Double Serum
Clarins Multi Active Moisturiser
Becca Undereye Brightening Corrector
Beauty Blender Sponge
CyberColors Black Label UV Essence Foundation
Innisfree Mineral Stick Concealer
IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Pores Powder
Shu Uemura Hard Formula Pencil in Walnut Brown
IT Cosmetics Universal Brow Pencil
MAC Soba Eyeshadow
Innisfree Matte Deep Brown Eyeshadow
Banila & Co Style Eye Liner in Deep Brown
Leanani Eyeliner in Black
Charlotte Tilbury Eyes to Mesmorise in Jean
DUP Volume Extension Mascara
Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk Medium Lipliner
Colourpop Lux Lip Oil in Playa Vista
Innisfree Real Hair Jelly Makeup
Sleep & Glow Pillow
Bio Cultures Complex
Inessa Multivitamins
Omega 3 Pure Fish Oil
Cordiceps Capsules
Music by Clueless Kit - rain - https://thmatc.co/?l=C2696279 Music by Ryan Farish - Honey - https://thmatc.co/?l=7BB8BBEA
‘Shine’ and ‘Ready’ by MJ Lee: https://mjleedot.com/
All my love, Bubz xo
Hi, I'm Lindy! Welcome to the Bubz family. I am a beauty, lifestyle and mom vlogger. I make daily vlogs I call daily doses of happiness! Join me as I navigate this journey we call life and keep up with my little adventures. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE so I can continue to put a smile on your face. Do make new friends with fellow Bubscribers. I promise you they are the sweetest bunch ever! If you enjoyed today’s vlog, don’t forget to give it a LIKE.
Disclaimer: So sorry but it looks like Youtube has still got my comment section disabled. Bear with me, guys!
Subscribe to my Vlog channel for daily doses of HAPPINESS!
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SHOP my Soul Happy Phone Cover here: https://shorturl.me/yp5CV
Shop my Soul Happy Apple Watch band here: https://shorturl.me/ZolAVB

universal life whole life 在 豐富 Youtube 的評價
節目直播時間:週五 14點
⏭ 章節:
00:00 頻道片頭
00:07 開場
00:29 節目片頭
00:47 拿保險當投資好嗎?
14:04 Q&A:早投資和晚投資的分別
21:04 請繼續提問:你活著不是為了工作,祝大家早日達到財務自由
23:16 節目片尾
📝 名詞補充:
1.Term Life Insurance:定期壽險
2.Whole Life Insurance:終身壽險
3.Cash Value:現金值
4.Long Term Care Insurance:長期看顧保險
5.Universal Life Insurance:綜合性人壽保險
6.Durable power of attorney:持久授權書
7.Inflation adjusted annuity:通貨膨漲年金
8.Rule of 72:72法則,幾年投資可以翻倍
9.ROTH IRA:羅斯個人退休金計劃
📚 參考書訊:《財務自由的人生:跟著首席分析師楊應超學華爾街的投資技巧和工作效率,40歲就過FIRE的優質生活》 https://eslite.me/w24ad
#楊應超 #財務自由的FIRE #保險與投資

universal life whole life 在 Whole life vs. universal life insurance | Protective Life 的相關結果
Whole life and universal life insurance are both considered permanent policies. That means they're designed to last your entire life and won't expire after a ... ... <看更多>
universal life whole life 在 Compare Universal and Whole Life Insurance | Guardian 的相關結果
Both permanent products are life insurance policies that can last your whole life, and in addition to the insurance coverage, both can build a cash value, 1 ... ... <看更多>
universal life whole life 在 Whole Life vs. Universal Life Insurance - Investopedia 的相關結果
Whole life and universal life insurance are both types of permanent life insurance. · Whole life insurance offers consistent premiums and guaranteed cash value ... ... <看更多>