根據《彭博社》發布的全球新冠疫情防疫韌性排名(The Covid Resilience Ranking),台灣從去年11月一度高居第2、後面幾個月掉到第5,如今掉到第15,主因正是近期疫情升溫以及僅0.6%的疫苗接種率,甚至已經落後疫苗大幅接種後上升至第13名的美國,儼然淪為 #龜兔賽跑。
疫情失控的主要原因,在於我們習慣了防堵成功的安逸,過去一年台灣的防疫重心幾乎放在邊境管制上,對於境內的後備動員與調度卻沒有相對應的準備。現在破口出現、病毒殺進來了,大家才發現,我們沒想過怎麼打 #登陸戰。
現在隔離病房數已經嚴重不足,許多輕症確診病患只能在家休養,也因此出現幾例因在家病情突然惡化,救治不及而不幸死亡之案例發生。且為確保第一線的醫護人員安全,以及避免醫院陷入院內感染,造成醫療機構癱瘓的危機,政府應以「高頻率低敏性快篩方式」對專責醫院之醫護人員進行每日快篩或甚至定期做PCR檢測。根據Michael J. Mina等學者研究研究,若以密集、簡單具立即性的實施快篩,雖然敏感度較低,但對比以低頻率做昂貴而須專家判讀的較高敏感度檢驗模式,反而較能在病毒有傳染力期間,篩出受感染的群眾。虹安要建議對專責醫院或是長照機構、快篩站等較具感染風險場域的工作人員定期實施低敏感度但高頻率的篩檢,以確保他們不會因為實施檢測的間隔過長,錯過及早察覺群聚感染的徵兆,而造成醫療能量的損耗。
1.〈The Covid Resilience Ranking:U.S., Europe Rise in Best Places to Be in Covid; Asia Suffers〉
2.〈專家:普遍施打疫苗前,拉大檢測量能針對高風險族群進行「廣篩」有其必要性〉,20210524, https://www.commonhealth.com.tw/article/84263
3. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations
4.Daniel B. Larremore and others, 〈Test sensitivity is secondary to frequency and turnaround time for COVID-19 surveillance〉, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7325181/
匯流新聞網--新冠疫苗施打率低 高虹安:推估需6年才能達到施打75%群體保護
聯合報--台灣防疫韌性跌出前段班 高虹安點出三大危機
中時新聞網--抗疫韌性排行台灣跌到15名 高虹安提出三大危機
中央廣播電台--立委指防疫三大危機 籲加速疫苗施打、篩檢判讀
中國廣播公司--篩檢大塞車釀破口 高虹安怒轟「校正回歸」越歸越遠
同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The Philadelphia 76ers played more like a playoff team than one mired in a miserable stretch of basketball. Thaddeus Young had 26 points and 14 rebou...
「turnaround time」的推薦目錄:
- 關於turnaround time 在 高虹安 Facebook
- 關於turnaround time 在 Dwagie大支 Facebook
- 關於turnaround time 在 傭仔日記 Maid's diary Facebook
- 關於turnaround time 在 pennyccw Youtube
- 關於turnaround time 在 pennyccw Youtube
- 關於turnaround time 在 pennyccw Youtube
- 關於turnaround time 在 Round Robin Scheduling (Turnaround Time & Waiting Time) 的評價
turnaround time 在 Dwagie大支 Facebook 八卦
大支“途中相見” feat. 柯泯薰
詞:大支 曲:大支/J.Wu 編曲:J.Wu
副歌改編自 六世達賴喇嘛‧倉央嘉措‧情詩
有個年輕美麗女孩出身豪門世家 多才多藝
A beautiful young girl coming from a prestigious family, gifted and talented,
Not a man isn’t eager to meet her
媒婆每天追著問 但她沒遇到對的人
The matchmaker goes after her everyday but nobody seems right to her
她一天一天的等 似乎越來越沒可能
Day after day the wait seems endless
直到某天廟會裡面 她看到一個身影
Until one day at a temple festival, she sees that one person
She firmly believes this is the man she’s been waiting for
她努力想靠近一點 但是卻陷入困境
She tries to get closer to him, but falls short
廟會太擁擠 只能看他消失在人群
The festival is too crowded, she can only see him disappears in the sea of people
從此女孩四處尋找 打探男人名號 會在哪停靠
Since then the girl starts search everywhere, looking for anywhere the man would stop
But the man never leaves any signs and traces
她每ㄧ天 祈禱許願 再見那男人一遍
She prays everyday, wishes to see the man once more
終於佛祖聽見 現身在光裡面
Finally the Buddha hears it, reveals himself in the light
那一天 我閉目在經殿 香霧裡面
On that day, I have my eyes closed in the temple surrounded by incense smokes
只為 耳裡聽見 跟你一樣的真言;
Just so my ear can hear the same scriptures as you do
那一月, 我將所有的經輪 轉一遍
In that month, I turn all the scripture wheels around
只為觸摸 你的指尖;
Just to touch the tip of your finger
那一年, 五體大拜在佛前,
In that year, I lay on my all four in front of the Buddha,
Not to make a wish, just to be close to your warmth.
那一世, 十萬大山翻遍,
In that lifetime, I walked through thousands of mountains,
Not for the deed of next life, but just to encounter you on the way
The Buddha says you need to practice for 500 years in exchange to see him once
Then the girl becomes a flower on the Buddha altar to fulfill her wish
花開花謝男人那一世 終於又出現
The flower blossoms and withers for that lifetime, the man finally appears
但他凝視 佛像後眨眼剎那就不見
But he stares at the Buddha and then disappear in the next moment
The girl isn’t satisfied with this encounter
The Buddha says then it will take another 500 years of practice
This time the girl turns into the white smoke of burning incense
人來人往更迷惘 內心更糾結
People come and go, the mist thickens and the heart tangles
無數次滿懷希望 看人走近後希望破滅
Countless hopes time after time again shatter when people walk near
Finally the man shows up again, he brings his hands together and prays
Thousand years of longing cannot be poured on him,
The girl can only surround the man with incense smoke
男人誦經完起立 聽不到女孩說別走
The man recites the scriptures and stands up, cannot hear the girl’s calling “don’t go!”
看了眼燃香便離去 頭再也沒有回過
He looks at the incense and leaves, never turns his head back
那一天 我閉目在經殿 香霧裡面
On that day, I have my eyes closed in the temple surrounded by incense smokes
只為 耳裡聽見 跟你一樣的真言;
Just so my ear can hear the same scriptures as you do
那一月, 我將所有的經輪 轉一遍
In that month, I turn all the scripture wheels around
只為觸摸 你的指尖;
Just to touch the tip of your finger
那一年, 五體大拜在佛前,
In that year, I lay on my all four in front of the Buddha,
Not to make a wish, just to be close to your warmth.
那一世, 十萬大山翻遍,
In that lifetime, I walked through thousands of mountains,
Not for the deed of next life, but just to encounter you on the way
The Buddha reappears and asks the girl what’s her next wish
是否想修煉夫妻姻緣 是否仍堅定信念
Does she still wants to practice to make marriage comes true, if she is still firm in her faith
女孩問祂:現任妻子是否也跟我等一樣久 ?
The girl asks, Did his wife had to wait just as long?
Did she suffer just as much yet didn’t let go?
佛祖點頭 :他們等候 彼此更久
The Buddha nods, they waited for each other for even longer time
前世五百次回眸 才換今世擦身過
500 times of turnaround in the previous life, just to exchange for a brief encounter in this lifetime
女孩似乎不再疑慮 想通了這一題
The girl seems enlightened, clears her mind on this question
女孩:我該珍惜當下 執著放下 讓他離去
She says I should treasure the present, let it go, let him go
這時佛祖鬆了一口氣 女孩摸不著頭緒
At this time the Buddha is relieved, the girl doesn’t understand
The girl asks, may I ask if Buddha was worrying?
佛祖:有個男孩可以少等幾百年了 為了見妳一面 他已經修煉了一千年了
The Buddha replies, A boy can now save himself a few hundred years. In exchange to see you, he’s been practicing for a thousand years.
那一天 我閉目在經殿 香霧裡面
On that day, I have my eyes closed in the temple surrounded by incense smokes
只為 耳裡聽見 跟你一樣的真言;
Just so my ear can hear the same scriptures as you do
那一月, 我將所有的經輪 轉一遍
In that month, I turn all the scripture wheels around
只為觸摸 你的指尖;
Just to touch the tip of your finger
那一年, 五體大拜在佛前,
In that year, I lay on my all four in front of the Buddha,
Not to make a wish, just to be close to your warmth.
那一世, 十萬大山翻遍,
In that lifetime, I walked through thousands of mountains,
Not for the deed of next life, but just to encounter you on the way
turnaround time 在 傭仔日記 Maid's diary Facebook 八卦
三年半前,那是我剛轉行,飛了兩個多月便開了這個Facebook專頁,用插畫形式把工作的趣事記錄下來。才開page不久,就受到有人在HX & UO Secrets上的攻擊,內容大概是:「他只是剛剛出來飛,有什麼資格談crew life?」
話說茄子航空有個mentorship的program,program是讓一些乘務長帶著一些剛剛在training school出來的新人,operate頭幾班航班,幫助他們熟習online的工作。在我出書後不久,突然有一天,我在專頁收到一個inbox message,有一個之前告訴我他考進了茄子航空的讀者,他說他訓練完出來飛了。他說他跟的那個mentor經常在他面前抹黑我,叫他不要仿效傭仔,要踏踏實實,不要只懂得去跟公司擦鞋,諸如此類。他還說那個mentor很討厭我,說將來如果做同一班機,一定要hard time我。
後來,在某個月的更表上,我在crew list上看到他的名字,我終於跟他飛了。那時的我,心裡真的很害怕。那是一班Bangkok的turnaround,我試過把這班機swap走,但失敗。我想了很久,我到底要不要請病假,不要去飛那班機?後來我又想,我又沒有做錯,我只是畫畫,為何那麼罪大惡極,我為什麼要怕他?
最後我還是飛了那些班,真不好運,我被編了跟那個乘務長同在business class galley工作,他是galley in-charge。這個阿哥不知道我背後知道他不喜歡我,我成班機都小心翼翼,為免犯錯被他捉到痛腳。那班曼谷機中間有一個的long transit,跟我同rank的另一個business class crew,她問了那個阿哥,她想出去買點東西,又怕來不及ground preparation。那時候,那個乘務長就指著我說:「畀哂佢做咪得囉!佢咁叻~做到咁多嘢~」我便微笑著,對著那個crew:「我搞掂得㗎喇!你放心啦!」於是,我便一個人把回程的所有ground preparation做好,那個乘務長就在business class的座位上睡覺,直到準備boarding。
在被人「不喜愛」的時候,我仍然利用我的annual leave,閉關去完成我的月曆、年宵產品、新書……
曾經那個被說沒有資格寫crew life的
turnaround time 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
The Philadelphia 76ers played more like a playoff team than one mired in a miserable stretch of basketball.
Thaddeus Young had 26 points and 14 rebounds, Allen Iverson scored 20 points and the 76ers snapped a 12-game losing streak with a 117-101 victory over the Golden State Warriors on Monday night.
Iverson was a rookie the last time the Sixers lost 13 straight in the 1996-97 season. He played the best game of his four-game second stint in Philadelphia to help avoid another unlucky 13-game skid on his resume.
The Sixers had all five starters and two reserves score in double digits.
"We felt like once we did get a win, it was going to be extremely hard, one of the hardest games to win," Iverson said. "It was totally opposite."
Iverson hit the 20-point mark for the second straight game a day after his having his left knee drained of fluid. Young was sensational, using an 11-of-15 effort in the first half to give the Sixers a rare comfortable lead and easy win.
"It's been working for us, but we just couldn't get the win," Young said. "It really worked tonight."
Looking for a spark, 76ers coach Eddie Jordan benched power forward Elton Brand and paired rookie Jrue Holiday in the backcourt with Iverson. Jordan's move worked: Holiday had 15 points, seven rebounds and six assists.
"He just put us in a good rhythm tonight and had us flowing," Iverson said.
Brand, who was previously benched in some fourth quarters, said it was hard to complain about his role after a victory. He just can't believe he's considered a bench player early in the second year of an $80 million, five-year deal.
"When you look around at other teams, yeah," Brand said. "It's like, no disrespect, but [Golden State's] Mikki Moore gets the start and I don't. Not that he's not a good player, but, definitely."
Andre Iguodala left briefly with bruised ribs and scored 14 points on brutal 4-of-20 shooting. He's day-to-day and was not expected to practice Tuesday.
Corey Maggette led the Warriors with 24 points and Anthony Randolph had 15. Golden State lost its third straight in the finale of a five-game trip that started Dec. 7.
"You can't make excuses about a long trip," Maggette said.
Iverson's return generated a short burst of excitement, but not wins. His box office appeal is already lukewarm with only 12,795 fans listed to watch a slumping Sixers team.
Iverson joked at shootaround that after his ill-fated stint with Memphis, he sat home "trying to get fat." He wasn't in game shape and the Sixers came in with a bloated 18 losses.
He teamed with Young to make eight of 11 shots in the first quarter to help build a 12-point lead. Young really got rolling in the second quarter. He kept close to the basket and used a flurry of layups to score 14 points. He did hit a nice turnaround jumper that stretched the lead to 15.
Iverson capped the half by drawing a midair foul with 1 second left, hitting two free throws to make it 71-57.
Philadelphia won for only the third time in 19 games and its 12-game losing streak was the longest since 2006. Iverson was around for the start of that one three years ago before he was traded and the end of this one after his return.
Iverson acknowledges the years of banging down the lane and crashing the court have taken a severe toll on his 34-year-old frame. He's limited at shootarounds and practices -- by coaches decision, not complaint -- and no longer has the quickest first step in the league.
"I've been dealing with that the last 5, 6 years I've been playing," Iverson said. "I understand that when I fall or hit something that it flares up or gets irritated a lot faster than it used to. That comes from getting older."
By the time the fourth quarter rolled around, Iverson could rest. Willie Green's 3-pointer with 9:10 left in the fourth gave the Sixers 102 points, meaning free food at a fast-food restaurant for the few fans who bought tickets.
turnaround time 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
Griffin wins are usually just a pointer, a guide to something better to come somewhere off in the distance but the here and now was frighteningly good when Tony Cruz-trained Pakistan Star produced one of the performances of the season to win his debut on Friday.
A HK$6 million buy in March at the Jockey Club’s international sale, despite a few issues with his breeze-up, Pakistan Star (Matthew Chadwick) did a nice impression of another son of Shamardal, Able Friend, in a breathtaking performance that saw him post a finishing sprint of 21.2 seconds, seven-tenths of a second faster than the next best all day and one of only two horses to crack 22 seconds.
As he had done in his barrier trials, German-bred Pakistan Star began very slowly to be conspicuously last after 100 metres but it only got worse from there, as he struggled to stay in touch with the field and drifted to some five or six lengths behind the second-last horse at the 800m mark.
Tickets might have been torn up and some bad language used at that stage of the race but the turnaround was titanic – Pakistan Star tacked on to the stragglers getting to the home straight,then unleashed a stunning final 400m to win going away by almost two lengths, with Chadwick sitting up on the line.
“I don’t think he beat anything special, the griffin races haven’t been that impressive so I did say to the owners that I thought he had a blowout chance today,” said Chadwick. “Today was about his ability more than where he’s at mentally.”
The first blow to Pakistan Star’s chance came on declaration day when he came up with gate 14 of 14 but Chadwick said that he almost saw that as a plus.
“In these griffin races, with so many inexperienced horses, you never know if they’ll go fast or slow. So from the outside, if he was slow out as I expected, I thought at least he’ll have some room,” Chadwick explained. “From an inside gate, if he missed the jump, he could get cooped up inside. He’s very quirky, he looks after himself a bit. Mentally, he’s not there, which we’ve known ever since his breeze-up before the sale, but he is making progress in trackwork and learning all the time.”
turnaround time 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
Whether it be regular season, playoffs or the All-Star Game, you can take Tim Duncan to the bank.
Duncan's patented bank shot with 26 seconds left provided the final lead change of a seesaw fourth quarter and helped the Western Conference to a 136-132 victory over the Eastern Conference at the Staples Center.
With flashy performances from hometown heroes Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal, the West won for the third straight time. But with the game in the balance, West coach Flip Saunders went to Duncan, the superstar forward of the NBA champion San Antonio Spurs.
Working against New Orleans Hornets center Jamaal Magloire, Duncan buried a turnaround bank shot to give the West a 133-132 edge, the sixth lead change of the final period.
"It was a play that Flip drew up a couple of options to it," Duncan said. "I was kind of the third one."
"Timmy is one of those guys, he makes big plays," Saunders said.
The East had two more chances, but Orlando's Tracy McGrady threw away a lob pass and - after Seattle's Ray Allen made two free throws - Milwaukee's Michael Redd missed a potential tying 3-pointer.
Duncan, who shared All-Star MVP honors with O'Neal in 2000, sank a free throw to seal it. He had a highly characteristic 14 points and 13 rebounds as part of a balanced attack that was tilted in the West's favor by Lakers teammates O'Neal and Bryant.
"My game doesn't change from a regular game to an All-Star Game," Duncan said. "I wish I could be involved in the high-flying stuff, but that's just not what I do."
O'Neal had 24 points, 11 rebounds, a handful of thunderous dunks and several comedic moments as he captured his second All-Star MVP award.
"I'm not one really known known to be taking over an All-Star Game," O'Neal said. "I said to myself if it's going good, nobody is really shining, I'm going to go ahead and go for it."
Bryant, who arrived late to the arena, had 20 points and five steals. He heard some boos from the crowd when he opted for a layup rather than a dunk on a breakaway in the third quarter.
"I just didn't have the momentum so I just laid it in," he said.
For the third time in four years, the midseason showcase came down to the closing moments. A free throw by Duncan tied it at 127-127 with 2:40 to go, but McGrady, who scored 13 points, sank a long jumper. O'Neal tied it again as he hurtled down the lane for a powerful dunk at the 1:57 mark as New Jersey Nets guard Jason Kidd ran for cover.
"I just went in and took it and took 2.9 steps and threw it down," O'Neal said.
"You've got to think about your family," Kidd said. "I don't know if he has an anti-lock brake system but I was just going to get out of the way."
McGrady made a nifty lefthanded drive and Bryant drilled a long jumper before McGrady gave the East its last lead at 132-131 by splitting a pair of free throws with 37 seconds left.
"It was a nail-biter at the end," Bryant said. "It was a good show."
The West had seven players in double figures, as did the East. Allen and Houston center Yao Ming scored 16 points each for the West, while Magloire and New Jersey Nets forward Kenyon Martin- each playing in his first All-Star Game - came off the bench to score 19 and 17 points, respectively.
O'Neal was highly entertaining. He took a couple of spins at point guard in the first half, having his drive swatted out of bounds by Magloire. He later responded by pounding a shot by Magloire into the seats.
"I had a lot of fun," O'Neal said. "A couple of people told me if I get it, there's an opening, they want me to go coast to coast."
In the third quarter, O'Neal scored 10 points on the court and countless points off it. One of his dunks rocked the backboard stanchion so severely it prompted referee Steve Javie to ask if there was an extra one in the building. Seconds later, he scored on a post move, grabbed a fan's video camera and turned it on himself, wiping his brow for effect.
NBA scoring leader Allen Iverson of Philadelphia, who came in with the highest average in All-Star Game history, became a passer, handing out 11 assists with just three points. He had a pair of long lobs that Toronto's Vince Carter turned into jaw-dropping dunks in the first quarter, which ended with the East holding a 33-31 lead.
turnaround time 在 Round Robin Scheduling (Turnaround Time & Waiting Time) 的八卦
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