英文常用字根 –scribe=to write
1. prescribe: v. 規定(pre-+-scribe=to write before,之前就要寫下來,所以是規定)
2. describe: v. 描述(de-+-scribe=to write down)
3. subscribe: v. 訂閱(sub-+-scribe=to write under)
4. transcribe: v. 抄寫(trans-+-scribe=to write across)
5. inscribe: v. 銘刻(in-+-scribe=to write into)
❝ 有用就按讚,看過就分享 ❞
❃ ❂ ❁ ❀ ✿ ✾ ✽ ❃ ❂ ❁ ❀ ✿ ✾ ✽ ❃ ❂ ❁ ❀
✰ 複習「理財的正道-穩賺安全的十大法則」
✰ 賀「財務管家」成為「神韻晚會」合作伙伴
風靡全球,神韻,即將來台! http://goodshow.tw/
英文常用字根 –scribe=to write
1. prescribe: v. 規定(pre-+-scribe=to write before,之前就要寫下來,所以是規定)
2. describe: v. 描述(de-+-scribe=to write down)
3. subscribe: v. 訂閱(sub-+-scribe=to write under)
4. transcribe: v. 抄寫(trans-+-scribe=to write across)
5. inscribe: v. 銘刻(in-+-scribe=to write into)
A. Taipei Times當日讀報班(免費試聽一次)
B. 社會新聞系統學習課程
C. 政治新聞系統學習課程
trans- 字根 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 八卦
<3 俐媽英文教室:鴉片篇
<3 opium (n.) 鴉片
cf. opinion (n.) 意見/ onion (n.) 洋蔥
<3 monopoly (n.) 壟斷;獨賣
衍:Monopoly 大富翁(遊戲)
字首:mono-: one (e.g. monogamy, monarch, monotonous, monologue, monograph...)
<3 latex (n.) (植物)乳汁∕膠
<3 obtain (v.) 獲得
字根:tain-: keep, hold (e.g. abstain, attain, contain, detain, entertain, retain, maintain, sustain, tenacious, tenant, tenure...)
<3 unripened (a.) 未成熟的
原:ripe (a.) (果實)成熟的
<3 opium poppy (n.) 罌粟花
<3 anesthetic (n.) 麻醉藥;(a.) 麻醉的
衍:anesthetize (v.) 使麻醉
cf. aesthetic (a.) 美學的
<3 narcotic (n.) 麻醉藥;(a.) 麻醉的
<3 classify (v.) 分類
片:classified ad 分類廣告
cf. clarify (v.) 釐清
<3 distribute (v.) 分佈/配
衍:distribution (n.) 分佈/配/ distributor (n.) 經銷商
cf. tribute (n.) 貢品/ contribute (v.) 貢獻/ retribution (n.) 報應;懲罰
<3 temperate (a.) 溫帶的
衍:temperature (n.) 溫度
<3 subtropical (a.) 亞熱帶的
原:tropical (a.) 熱帶的
字首:sub-: under
<3 region (n.) 區域
衍:regional (a.) 區域的;地方的
<3 Laos (n.) 寮國
<3 Myanmar (n.) 緬甸
<3 border (n.) 國界
<3 be derived from (ph.) 源自於
cf. deride (v.) 嘲弄
<3 transform (v.) 變形
衍:transformation (n.) 變形
字首:trans-: through, across
字根:-form: form, shape (e.g. inform, conform, deform, reform, formal, uniform, perform, formula...)
trans- 字根 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 八卦
<3 俐媽英文教室:紫斑蝶簡介
<3 yield to N (ph.) 讓步
原:yield (v.) 讓步;讓座;結(果實);產生(結果)
<3 characteristic (n.) 特色;(a.) 特色的
cf. character (n.) 個性;角色
<3 forewing (n.) 前翼
字首:fore-: before (e.g. forecast, foretell, foresee, forefather, foremost, foreshadow, foresight, forward...)
<3 flap (v.) 拍動
<3 scale (n.) 鱗片;天秤;規模;音階;刻度
衍:large-scale (a.) 大規模的
<3 depend on (ph.) 取決於;依賴
衍:dependence (n.) 依賴/ dependable (a.) 可信賴的/ dependent (a.) 依賴的/ independent (a.) 獨立的
字根:-pend: hang (e.g. appendage, appendix, expend, impending, perpendicular, suspend, pension...)
<3 major (a.) 主要的;(v.) 主修(+ in + 科目);(n.) 主修
衍:majority (n.) 大多數
字根:-maj-: big (e.g. majestic, maxim, maximum..)
<3 gathering (n.) 聚集;聚會
<3 valley (n.) 山谷
<3 transit (n.) 運輸;通行
MRT = Mass Rapid Transit
字首:trans-: across (e.g. transport, transfer, translate, transaction, transcend, transgress, transfusion, transmit, transcribe...)
字根:-it: go (e.g. ambition, circuit, initiate, itinerary, perish, transitory...)
<3 damage (n.)(v.) 損害
片:do damage to N 對...造成損害
<3 conduct (v.) 進行;指揮;(n.) 行為
衍:conductor (n.) 列車長;指揮家/ misconduct (n.) 不良行為
字首:con-: together (e.g. conclude, concord, condemn, condense, condescend, confiscate, confront, consent, contaminate, contemplate...)
字根:-duct-: lead (e.g. abduct, deduct, induct, product...)
<3 construction (n.) 建設;建築物
原:construct (v.) 建造/ constructive (a.) 有建設性的
片:be under construction 建造中/ construction site 工地
字根:-struct-: build (e.g. destruction, instruct, obstruct, structure, infrastructure...)
<3 sustainable (a.) 永續的
原:sustain (v.) 支撐/ sustainability (n.) 永續性
字根:-tain-: keep (e.g. attain, abstain, contain, detain, entertain, maintain, retain, obtain, pertain..)
<3 beware of (ph.) 留意
<3 ecological (a.) 生態的
原:ecology (n.) 生態/ ecosystem (n.) 生態系統/ eco-friendly (a.) 環保的
<3 interchange (n.) 交流道
字首:inter-: between, among (e.g. intersection, intercourse, intercept, interfere, intermingle, interpose, interrupt, interval, intellectual...)
<3 lane (n.) 車道;小巷弄
<3 peak (n.) 高峰;頂峰(= summit)
<3 annual (a.) 年度的
字根:-ann-: year (e.g. anniversary, centennial, perennial...)
<3 ramp (n.) 斜坡;坡道
<3 loop (n.) 環;圈
<3 trim (v.) 修剪
<3 multifunctional (a.) 多功能的
原:function (n.) 功能
字首:multi-: many (e.g. multilingual, multicultural, multimedia, multiply, multitude...)
<3 corridor (n.) 走廊;前廊
<3 complete (v.) 完成;(a.) 完整的
衍:completion (n.) 完成;完整
字根:-plet-: fill (e.g. deplete, implement, replenish, replete, supple, supplement...)
<3 extend (n.) 延伸;延長
衍:extension (n.) 延伸;分機/ extensive (a.) 廣泛的
字根:-tend-: stretch (e.g. attend, contend, distend, intend, intensify, pretend, superintendent, tend...)
<3 instead of (ph.) 而不是
trans- 字根 在 用conference 學三個字根首尾! - 語言板 | Dcard 的八卦
有趣的字源故事: fer 這個字根是「carry」的意思,carry 有「攜帶」的 ... 名詞字尾fess 「說話」 bi 「二」 gress 「走路」 -ile 形容詞字尾trans- ... ... <看更多>
trans- 字根 在 [字彙] 字首字根最新系列: 從15單字延伸到 ... - 批踢踢實業坊 的八卦
第二輪的影片來了: (120 mins)
預告片: (15單字講解)
希望有一天, 全台灣都可以了解這套背單字的方法
dismiss (v.) 解散
= dis (影片介紹) + miss (影片介紹)
= away (分離) + send (送)
= to discharge or to remove
inaudible (adj.) 聽不見
= in (影片介紹) + aud (影片介紹)
= not (不) + hear (聽見)
= incapable of being heard
inspect (v.) 檢查
= in (影片介紹) + spect (影片介紹)
= in (進入) + look (看)
= to look carefully at
predict (v.) 預測
= pre (影片介紹) + dict (影片介紹)
= before (預前) + speak (說)
= to foretell the future
transport (v.) 運輸
= trans (影片介紹) + port (影片介紹)
= across (穿過) + carry (傳送)
= to carry from one place to another
destruction (n.) 毀滅
= de (影片介紹) + struct (影片介紹)
= away (分離) + build (建)
= reduction of an object to useless fragments
unsubscribe (v.) 取消訂閱
= un (影片介紹) + sub (影片介紹) + scrib (影片介紹)
= not (不) + under (在下面) + write (寫)
= to remove a subscriber from an publication or mailing list
epilogue (n.) 結語, 尾聲, 收場白
= epi (影片介紹) + logue (影片介紹)
= upon (在...之上) + speak (說)
= the concluding added to a speech
remit (v.) 寬恕, 免除, 赦免
= re (影片介紹) + mit (影片介紹)
= again (再次) + send (送)
= to send back money back to the person you owe it to
intermediate (adj.) 中間的
= inter (影片介紹) + medi (影片介紹)
= between (在...之間) + middle (中間)
= situated between two things
encounter (n.) 遇見
= en (影片介紹) + counter (影片介紹)
= inside (使成為) + against (反對)
= to meet with difficulties
antigen (n.) 抗原
= anti (影片介紹) + gen (影片介紹)
= against (反) + to produce (出生)
= a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies
empathy (n.) 同感
= en (影片介紹) + path (影片介紹)
= inside (內在) + feeling (感覺)
= the identification of the feelings of another
offer (v.) 提供
= of (影片介紹) + fer (影片介紹)
= to, against (朝, 反對) + bring, carry (帶來)
= to present for acceptance or rejection
superimpose (v.) 疊加
= super (影片介紹) + in (影片介紹) + pos (影片介紹)
= over (在...之上) + into (進入) + place (放置)
= to place over something
之前的分享: 影片用 Youtube Playlist串起來了
字首字根簡介: (1 hr. 8 clips)
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