#反送中一週年 [The first anniversary of anti-extradition bill movement]
Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of our anti-extradition bill movement since June. Over the past year, Hongkongers and the world have been bearing witness to the deteriorating situation in Hong Kong, with Beijing tightening its grip over the city’s liberties. Step by step, Beijing is putting this global business centre under its direct control, from suppressing dissents’ voices with excessive police forces, scrapping the One Country Two Countries framework to guarantee supervisory power to China’s Liaison Office, to proposing a CCP-led secret police intelligence agency under the ill-defined national security law. Similar to how it treats dissidents in Mainland China, Beijing is staging the biggest crackdown in the city after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, in a silent but violent manner.
Without legislative scrutiny and public consultation, Beijing is now unilaterally imposing its authoritarian regime on Hong Kong against the will of the people. Even for pro-Beijing side, about 30% of the pro-government supporters oppose a law without legislative scrutiny, according to a recent poll. For any institutional factors that contribute to the success of this international city, from free flow of information, press freedom, freedoms of speech, and human rights protection, China reads them in its tyrannical mindset and views them as a threat to its autocratic control.
The law may raise the costs in the future protests, but Hongkongers will not step down, just like those who fight for freedoms and political reforms under authoritarian rules and places before democratization. The atrocity ahead only makes our democratic crusades inevitable.
Since the freedoms and human rights of our generations are not values that we can compromise, Hongkongers have no way back. Just like the recent Tiananmen candlelight vigil, law and barricades will not put an end to the city’s spirit of resistance. I have strong confidence in Hongkongers that we will have ways to resist and defy. Moreover, I hope the world can stand with Hong Kong and protect the city from falling.
同時也有64部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過83萬的網紅serpentza,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The best way to understand how scams work, is to be scammed! I go get scammed so that you don't have to! The google maps link to the scam house: http...
tiananmen 在 Tina Jittaleela Facebook 八卦
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tiananmen 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
今天是天安門廣場大屠殺32週年。該廣場以附近的「天安門」命名,但卻已成為中華人民共和國政府於1989 年採取的殘暴行動的同義詞,此暴行將爭取在政府中擁有發言權與行使人權和基本自由的數以萬計人民噤聲。
這些人有一個崇高而簡單的要求:承認並尊重我們的人權,而這些權利早已銘載於《世界人權宣言》。中國當局沒有以尊嚴和公開辯論的方式回應此一要求,而是以暴力回應。 那些在六四當天肩並肩的勇者所展現出的勇氣提醒我們,絕不應停止探詢6月4日當天的真相,包括對所有遇難者、被拘禁者或失蹤者的全面數量估算。天安門示威活動也呼應著香港爭取民主與自由的聲音,但紀念天安門大屠殺的守夜活動也同樣被香港當局禁止。
美國將持續與要求中國政府尊重普世人權的中國人民站在一起。我們向 32 年前遇難者所做的犧牲、以及今天在中國政府持續壓迫下仍努力不懈的勇敢活動家致敬。
On the 32nd Anniversary of Tiananmen Square
Tomorrow marks the 32nd anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Named after the nearby Gate of Heavenly Peace, the square is instead synonymous with the brutal actions by the Government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1989 to silence tens of thousands of individuals advocating to have a say in their government and exercise their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
These individuals had a noble and simple request: Recognize and respect our human rights, which are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Instead of meeting this request with dignity and open debate, PRC authorities responded with violence. The courage of the brave individuals who stood shoulder-to-shoulder on June 4 reminds us that we must never stop seeking transparency on the events of that day, including a full accounting of all those killed, detained, or missing. The Tiananmen demonstrations are echoed in the struggle for democracy and freedom in Hong Kong, where a planned vigil to commemorate the massacre in Tiananmen Square was banned by local authorities.
The United States will continue to stand with the people of China as they demand that their government respect universal human rights. We honor the sacrifices of those killed 32 years ago, and the brave activists who carry on their efforts today in the face of ongoing government repression.
See the statement: https://bit.ly/3ceEe7A
tiananmen 在 serpentza Youtube 的評價
The best way to understand how scams work, is to be scammed! I go get scammed so that you don't have to!
The google maps link to the scam house:
My 2016 Beijing Scams video:
Conquering Northern China: http://www.vimeo.com/ondemand/conqueringnorthernchina
Conquering Southern China:
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tiananmen 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的評價
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00:13 徠卡廣告影射六四?
01:01 坦克人照片的背後故事
02:17 爆發六四事件的歷史背景
04:01 天安門事件事發經過
05:58 六四事件的影響
07:19 六四事件在今天的中國
08:18 我們的觀點
10:30 提問時間
11:00 爆掛bonus
【 製作團隊 】
|剪輯後製:Neko Ta
【 本集參考資料 】
→ 德國相機:萊卡Leica- The Hunt(中文字幕)捕獵 記錄歷史(Beijing,1989,64)坦克人 _ 宣傳廣告片:https://bit.ly/2WHJcTY
→ 六四維基:https://bit.ly/2wxeA93
→ 維基百科:對於六四事件的反應:https://bit.ly/2IdOT2x
→ 維基百科:六四事件人物:https://bit.ly/2ELTrfx
→ 維基百科:中華人民共和國最高領導人:https://bit.ly/2WGBFEL
→ 維基百科:中國共產黨中央委員會總書記:https://bit.ly/2Z4S0k2
→ 維基百科:八六學潮:https://bit.ly/2Z1xW25
→ 維基百科:六四事件:https://bit.ly/2XvKHS4
→ 六四30週年特輯之二:廣場博弈 絶食抗爭:https://bbc.in/2KsccIV
→ 六四30週年特輯之一:八九之春 學潮乍起:https://bbc.in/2YZgPxO
→ 胡耀邦逝世30年:官方的沉默和網友自發悼念:https://bbc.in/2Ipp2Hn
→ 胡耀邦逝世30年和六四:一位中共領導人的離世如何點燃八九學運:https://bbc.in/2IB6Rhg
→ 六四30週年:「寒冬」前中國記者最自由的三天:https://bbc.in/2EPuwIa
→ 「六四」 29週年:真相、遺忘與分化:https://bbc.in/2XkMwkJ
→ 英國解密「六四」鎮壓細節 稱一萬人死亡:https://bbc.in/2HRCh2k
→ 六四30年》隔年「野百合學運」爆發 曾建元:目睹天安門悲劇,台灣領導人避免重蹈覆轍:https://bit.ly/2IjtDbB
→ 六四29週年 北京木樨地:有人掩蓋 有人等待:https://bit.ly/2ELXcSk
→ 1978年世界各国GDP数据:https://bit.ly/2Mt8bX8
→ 1989年政治风波:https://bit.ly/2WcOP88
→ 关于制止动乱和平息反革命暴乱的情况报告:https://bit.ly/2Xou8aN
→ 「坦克人」照片背後故事 攝影師:中共應公布六四死者名單:https://bit.ly/2XkNrBH
→ 獨立特派員 第100集 (天安門母親證言):https://bit.ly/2MqigUA
→ 坦克人照片鐵證!中共如何否認六四天安門事件?|新唐人亞太電視|20190526:https://bit.ly/2JVrkyX
→ 中國六四與台灣野百合、學生都訴求與當局對話,下場為何大不同?:https://bit.ly/2Ksek3n
→ 1989: Man vs. Chinese tank Tiananmen square:https://bit.ly/2MnZj55
→ 維基文庫:北京市公安局搜捕「高自聯」在逃分子通緝令:https://bit.ly/2KlOa21
→ 維基百科:天安門母親運動:https://bit.ly/2WO7An3
→ 維基百科:王維林:https://bit.ly/2WERUCs
→ Tiananmen Square Massacre: Black Night In June (2019):https://bit.ly/2K94Yt4
【 延伸閱讀 】
→ 六四後21名被通緝學生領袖今何在?:https://nyti.ms/315WOrd
→ 1989年春夏之交的政治風暴:https://bit.ly/315RdBq
→ 中國臨“六四”敏感期 多名NGO負責人被抓:https://bit.ly/2IiUpBf
→ 【六四30】吾爾開希:台灣未來和平與民主 須明確向北京說不:https://bit.ly/2IiWcWT
→ 六四.30.凝視:https://bit.ly/2WMU7vK
→ 六四30年 英劇《Chimerica》坦克人照片故事勇挑中國神經:https://bit.ly/2QGlWQT
→ 習近平與江澤民在「六四」問題上態度對立:https://bit.ly/2JPcZE0
→ 他們的30年:https://bit.ly/2Z3IdLa
→ 余英時:中共不會接受民主 要它平反六四是笑話[影]:https://bit.ly/2XvMB5a
→ 邊緣化的六四論述:八九春夏,其實發生的是「兩場運動」:https://bit.ly/2Wl8xnh
→ 多重曝光:十個鏡頭前後的八九六四:https://bit.ly/2WJyoo4
→ 專訪吳國光:八九毀滅中國知識分子之後,如何繼續「韌性的戰鬥」?:https://bit.ly/2Id2sPJ
→ 被圍困的六四論述,需重新對接後冷戰的時代光譜:https://bit.ly/2WoJheT
→ 這兩千張照片他藏了30年,最後還是決定公諸於世:我一定要讓孩子們知道六四:https://bit.ly/2HTnZ17
→ 五四運動百年》余英時:台灣人若單純以為大陸是可以賺錢的地方,相當危險:https://bit.ly/2WbJiin
→ 台灣人為什麼要關注六四?王軍濤:否則30年內,北京天安門的坦克將開到台北自由廣場上:https://bit.ly/2IiWs8j
→ 六四30週年:巨型充氣「坦克人」現身台北:https://bbc.in/2WnhkVR
→ 六四30週年:八九民運21名學生領袖的30年:https://bbc.in/2Kntpmy
→ 六四30週年:天安門大屠殺記錄者 — 吳仁華:https://bbc.in/2XoAVRR
→ 六四30週年:通向自由香港的「黃雀行動」:https://bbc.in/2W9pYqV
→ 六四30週年:美國外交官的「艱難抉擇」:https://bbc.in/2MpJxqe
→ 六四30週年特輯之三:兵戎相見 戒嚴之都:https://bbc.in/2EP9FEW
→ 六四30週年特輯之四:開槍鎮壓 喋血長安街:https://bbc.in/2IhizvD
→ 六四30週年特輯之五:民運爆發八九 偶然中的必然:https://bbc.in/2Wl4RBM
→ 六四30週年特輯之六:大學生 不成熟的八九民運主體:https://bbc.in/2HTBON7
→ 六四30週年特輯之七:知識精英 患軟骨病的「黑手」:https://bbc.in/2JUKpRC
→ 六四30週年特輯之八:中國百姓 同情多於行動的旁觀者:https://bbc.in/2EPaGwP
→ 六四30週年特輯之九:八九香港 讓北京落下心病的自由角落:https://bbc.in/2IdvGhF
→ 六四30週年特輯之十:八九民運給當代中國留下的政治遺產:https://bbc.in/2QFE65a
→ 敏感時刻六四領袖封從德在香港機場被帶走 下落不明:https://bit.ly/2MFcaAb
→ 六四30週年 天安門鮮血帶給共產世界的勇氣:https://bit.ly/2MnP54C
→ 六四事件30周年 受害者及軍人談屠殺!(公共電視 - 有話好說):https://youtu.be/n7kHCCa-pVk
tiananmen 在 眼球中央電視台 Youtube 的評價
#六四天安門事件 #六四30週年 #坦克人 #tiananmen
#韓國瑜 #郭台銘 #柯文哲 #蔡英文 #天安門事件 #六四事件 #六四
tiananmen 在 Tiananmen Square incident | Summary, Details, & Facts 的相關結果
Tiananmen Square incident, a series of protests and demonstrations in China in spring 1989 that culminated on June 3–4 with a government ... ... <看更多>
tiananmen 在 Tiananmen Square - The New York Times 的相關結果
News about Tiananmen Square, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times. ... <看更多>
tiananmen 在 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre - Wikipedia 的相關結果
The Tiananmen Square protests, known as the June Fourth Incident in China, were student-led demonstrations held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing during 1989. ... <看更多>