#快訊 美國 3 名參議員明抵臺 總統蔡英文將於空軍松山基地接見
美國在臺協會 AIT 宣布三位參議員明(6)日將抵臺訪問,分別是來自軍事委員會的 Ladda Tammy Duckworth(達克沃絲)、Daniel Scott Sullivan(蘇利文)及來自外交委員會、《台灣保證法》(Taiwan Assurance Act)及《台北法》(TAIPEI Act)的共同提案人 Christopher Andrew Coons(昆斯)。這是美國參議院軍事委員會疫情後首次訪問團,臺灣為訪問印太地區的其中一站。
達克沃絲為民主黨,曾是國民警衛隊黑鷹直升機飛行員,在伊拉克執行任務時失去雙腿,獲得紫心勳章,以中校退伍,曾擔任歐巴馬政府的退伍軍人事務部助理部長。蘇利文為共和黨,海軍陸戰隊退伍,曾經擔任阿拉斯加州總檢察長。昆斯也為民主黨,曾經擔任 New Castle County(新堡郡)的郡長及議會議長。
外交部說明,訪團約 10 人,將與我國就臺美關係、區域安全交換意見。訪問我國展現美國國會跨黨派對臺美關係的堅定支持,這也是總統蔡英文首次在空軍松山基地接見外賓。
同時也有257部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過50萬的網紅LoganDBeck 小貝,也在其Youtube影片中提到,美國家庭最喜歡台北哪裡?? 士林夜市臭豆腐到底多臭? 跟小貝的美國家庭一起逛台北!Travel Taipei!! 爬山象山!逛士林夜市!STINKY TOFU!! Subscribe! 訂閱吧 ---- :https://goo.gl/jYvsF6 Facebook/FB ---- :https:...
「taipei county」的推薦目錄:
taipei county 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
「我出生於台灣,十歲時跟著家人移民到美國,並在加州橘郡落腳。我先在加州州立大學富勒頓分校主修傳播媒體,後來在波莫納加州州立理工大學附屬的飯店幫忙洗碗盤,一路打拼之後終於到加州帕薩迪納的藍帶廚藝學院進修,並在加州知名的 L'Orangerie 餐廳當學徒,開啟了我的頂級料理之旅。在這趟旅程中,我從洛杉磯啟程,接著在拉斯維加斯的 Joël Robuchon 星級餐廳歷練三年,隨後前往紐約,再回到拉斯維加斯和洛杉磯。」
「歷經了十五年後,我來到了人生的十字路口,當時我覺得自己開餐廳的時機到了,我決定在拉斯維加斯、橘郡和台灣之中選擇下一個落腳的地方。Impromptu 餐廳的 #板前精神(counter dining) 是我一直想嘗試的概念,只是需要一個能夠實踐的地方。在美國,表達自己很容易,但同時我也看到台灣的餐飲市場持續演進,過去五到七年來,台灣的餐飲市場迅速成長,以前到處都是牛排館,現在有愈來愈多創意料理和樂於嘗鮮的饕客,尤其受到年輕一代的青睞。當時我也做了市場比較,台北的消費力強,以中產階級為主,如果我訂價正確,應該是可以做得起來;再加上,台灣人懂得品味,但不拘形式,所以我認為 #板前精神 的用餐體驗非常適合台北。至於餐廳的定位,我不希望被定調成法式、義式或其他,這是屬於我的料理,我希望能忠於自己。」— Impromptu主廚李皞
⭐️ 李皞是一位國際知名的主廚,他於於2018年8月在台北創立 Impromptu by Paul Lee,僅花了八個多月就摘到了米其林一星。他的菜無論在食材、烹飪手法或味道的呈現方式都抱有很大的開放態度,#Impromptu 傳達不受任何菜系、手法與表現方式限制的精神。
💕Why I chose Taiwan #12 - Chef Paul Lee's culinary journey
“I was born in Taiwan, and our family immigrated to the United States when I was ten, so I grew up in Orange County, California. I went to Cal State-Fullerton to study communications, then I started as a dishwasher at the school-run hotel at Cal Poly Pomona. I worked my way up and eventually went to culinary school at the Cordon Bleu in Pasadena. During school, I was working at a restaurant called l’Orangerie, which started the fine dining journey for me. I started in LA, then I worked at Joël Robuchon for three years in Las Vegas, then I moved to New York, back to Vegas, back to LA. After 15 years, I was at a crossroads. I felt like it was time for me to open my own restaurant. And then the choice became very clear: Vegas, Orange County, or Taiwan. This concept, impromptu’s ‘counter dining’ was already built in my mind. I just needed a place to execute it. In the States it’s easier to express yourself. But I could see the Taiwan culinary scene was on the rise. Like big time. The past five, six. seven years, the culinary scene [in Taiwan] just grew exponentially. Before, it was all steakhouses. Now you can be a little bit more creative and people will accept it, especially the younger generation. I also started to compare markets. The spending power in Taipei is good. The middle class is huge. And I thought if I set the price right, I think the business would be fine. Plus, people in Taiwan have an appreciation for great cuisine but not formality, so I thought my ‘counter dining’ concept would fit very well in Taipei. As for the restaurant’s style, I was trained in French cooking techniques, but I don’t want to be categorized as French cuisine or Italian or anything else. This
is my cuisine and I want to be true to myself.”
⭐️ Chef/owner Paul Lee is an internationally acclaimed chef. He opened his restaurant in Taipei Impromptu by Paul Lee in August of 2018, and only eight months later, his restaurant earned a Michelin star in 2019. He believed that a restaurant should not be limited by cuisine, technique or presentation, and the word #impromptu perfectly captured this sense of freedom.
taipei county 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
🎉 狂賀來自屏東的「滯留島舞蹈劇場」及台北「雙子二重奏」獲選參與美國國務院第六季Center Stage計畫!這兩組表藝團隊將於2022-2023年度受邀至美國巡迴演出一個月。誠摯恭喜!
Center Stage 暨美國國務院教育文化事務局交流專案計畫 Exchange Programs - U.S. Department of State,與美國在台協會、美國駐阿根廷大使館及美國駐亞美尼亞大使館,很榮幸在此共同宣布入選第六季Center Stage計畫、來自台灣、阿根廷與亞美尼亞的六組團體:
⭐ 滯留島舞蹈劇場 Resident Island Dance Theatre – 台灣 屏東
⭐ Twincussion Duo 雙子二重奏 – 台灣 台北
⭐ Cachitas Now! 樂團 Cachitas Now! - 阿根廷 拉普拉塔
⭐ Fémina 樂團 Fémina- 阿根廷 布宜諾斯艾利斯
⭐ MVF Band 樂團 MVF Band - 亞美尼亞 葉里溫
⭐ The Naghash Ensemble 樂團 The Naghash Ensemble - 亞美尼亞 葉里溫
更多關於入選團隊的介紹: https://bit.ly/3ipFbxr
本資訊新聞稿請見美國在台協會網站: https://bit.ly/3im17JI
Congratulations to Taiwan’s Resident Island Dance Theatre from Pingtung County, and the Twincussion musical ensemble from Taipei for being chosen to participate in the 6th Season of Center Stage. These two groups will tour the United States during the 2022-2023 performance season!
Center Stage and State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in partnership with AIT, Embajada de Estados Unidos en Argentina, and U.S. Embassy Yerevan, are thrilled to announce the Center Stage Season 6 ensembles from Taiwan, Argentina and Armenia.
⭐滯留島舞蹈劇場 Resident Island Dance Theatre - Pingtung County, Taiwan
⭐Twincussion Duo 雙子二重奏 – Taipei, Taiwan
⭐Cachitas Now! - La Plata, Argentina
⭐Fémina - Buenos Aires, Argentina
⭐MVF Band - Yerevan, Armenia
⭐The Naghash Ensemble - Yerevan, Armenia
#CenterStageUS #ExchangeOurWorld
Read more information: https://bit.ly/3ipFbxr
Read the press release: https://bit.ly/3im17JI
taipei county 在 LoganDBeck 小貝 Youtube 的評價
美國家庭最喜歡台北哪裡?? 士林夜市臭豆腐到底多臭?
跟小貝的美國家庭一起逛台北!Travel Taipei!!
爬山象山!逛士林夜市!STINKY TOFU!!
Subscribe! 訂閱吧 ---- :https://goo.gl/jYvsF6
Facebook/FB ---- :https://goo.gl/fpY1yh
Instagram/IG ---- : https://goo.gl/Q5uAm1
米漿衣服 Mi Jiang Apparel/Merchandise
買米漿衣服 -- 加入VIP米漿隊 -- 您可以在 Instagram 上獲得對 @TeamMiJiang 的特別訪問權限(直播,幕後花絮,額外影片,Q / A,直接聯繫等等!)
台灣 - 台北 - 象山 - 士林夜市
送給我信吧!Send me something fun in the mail!
Box 23-141, Changhua, Changhua County, Taiwan 500 R.O.C.
Music 音樂:
Song: x50 - Summer Dawn (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/DhB2l3NSdsY
Song: Joakim Karud - Enjoy (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/AkJ-mIYzThc
小貝 米漿 老外逛台灣 台灣美食 台灣海鮮 台北夜市 美國家庭逛台北 臭豆腐

taipei county 在 LoganDBeck 小貝 Youtube 的評價
Come with Mom and I to travel up in the mountains North of Taipei to the mystical Jiufen Old Street and then over to the majestic Yehliu Geo Park! Such a fun day!
Subscribe! 訂閱吧 ---- :https://goo.gl/jYvsF6
Facebook/FB ---- :https://goo.gl/fpY1yh
Instagram/IG ---- : https://goo.gl/Q5uAm1
送給我心吧!Send me something fun in the mail!
Box 23-141, Changhua, Changhua County, Taiwan 500 R.O.C.
Song: Dizaro - To U (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/lCBZywL6vCs
Song: Sappheiros - Dawn (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/5xaJUMmE8Qo
Song: Ikson - Skyline (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/GLJMavlgr70

taipei county 在 LoganDBeck 小貝 Youtube 的評價
BEST Taiwan Boba Tea!! 台灣黑糖珍珠鮮奶茶 AMAZING!
Subscribe! 訂閱吧 ---- :https://goo.gl/jYvsF6
Facebook/FB ---- :https://goo.gl/fpY1yh
Instagram/IG ---- : https://goo.gl/Q5uAm1
送給我心吧!Send me something fun in the mail!
Box 23-141, Changhua, Changhua County, Taiwan 500 R.O.C.
米漿衣服 Mi Jiang Apparel/Merchandise
買米漿衣服 -- 加入VIP米漿隊 -- 您可以在 Instagram 上獲得對 @TeamMiJiang 的特別訪問權限(直播,幕後花絮,額外影片,Q / A,直接聯繫等等!)
台灣 台北 永康街
Taiwan, Taipei, Yong Kang Street
康青龍 KQTea
Song: IIkson - Early Hours (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/9aoCm97hpeM
Song: Ikson - Perfect (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/jiDsR8eCi5k
Song: NOWË - Heartbeat (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/f7MZimRLUpc

taipei county 在 Fun Taiwan - TAIPEI COUNTY - YouTube 的八卦
Taipei country travel # Taiwan travel and lifestyle. ... Fun Taiwan - TAIPEI COUNTY. 77K views 10 years ago. Taiwanholiday. Taiwanholiday. ... <看更多>