就是 #台灣 貢獻 #國際社會
剛好最近 TaiwanICDF財團法人國際合作發展基金會
第1站🇳🇷 #諾魯 社區營養衛教巡迴活動
台灣技術團努力向當地民眾說明慢性病是如何造成、示範蔬菜的烹煮方式🥬🍆🍅 以及發放菜苗及堆肥等...
第2站🇮🇩 #印尼 中蘇拉威西WASH供水與衛生支援計畫
大家還記得去年9月在 #中蘇拉威西 發生的大地震嗎❓
台灣國合會與 #美慈組織 共同合作 🤝
第3站🇵🇾 #巴拉圭 醫療資訊管理效能提升計畫
協助建立 #醫務管理系統 👨🏻⚕️👩🏻⚕️
提升當地 #醫療照護 與 #服務品質 的美麗成果吧~
請由此進👉 https://s.yam.com/nWFTj
同場加映👉 https://youtu.be/q_qcwsUGH04
#真誠的朋友 ❤️
Taiwan’s International Cooperation and Development Fund technical missions have seen great results cooperating with local shareholders all around the world, from Southeast Asia, to the South Pacific and even in South America:
- Taiwan’s technical and medical team in #Nauru held a "Seedling Giving and Cooking Workshop" on October 12 at Meneng Hall. More than 30 people took part and H.E. President Aingimea and H.E. Ambassador Wang were there to cheer on the participants.
- #TaiwanICDF responded to #Indonesia’s call for international aid in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Sulawesi by launching a WASH project with Mercy Corps this February. The project came to an end recently with a joint handover ceremony on October 16 in Sigi Regent, one of the areas with the most casualties. Among some 165 attendees, deputy representative Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Indonesia Peter Lan, Irwin Lapata, head of Sigi regent and Mr. Ade Soekadis, Executive Director, Mercy Corps Indonesia gave speeches to mark the fruitful project that benefited at least 1,000 affected households.
- Taiwan has been working on a Health Information Management Efficiency Enhancement Project in #Paraguay since 2016, aimed at increasing efficiency, which has successfully reduced patient waiting times.
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過667萬的網紅Travel Thirsty,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Indonesian style roast pig (babi guling), from start to finish. Entire pigs slow roasted for hours until tender, fall off the bone, perfection. For Pa...
sulawesi 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 八卦
When the Indonesian 🇲🇨 island of Sulawesi was hit by an earthquake and a tsunami, causing deaths and injuries, MOFA Minister Joseph Wu received the head of the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office to Taipei, Didi Sumedi, on behalf of President #TsaiIngWen and the Taiwanese people 🇹🇼, to express their condolences to the government and the people of Indonesia and to offer assistance in disaster relief and in the rebuilding 🚜 process, so that those affected can return to their normal lives as soon as possible.
Menteri Luar Negeri Joseph Wu menerima kunjungan Kepala KDEI Taipei Didi Sumedi pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2018. Dalam kesempatan ini, Menlu Joseph Wu menyampaikan rasa belasungakwa serta keprihatinan dari Presiden Tsai Ing-wen, atas bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami yang telah menelan korban jiwa dan mengakibatkan kerusakan serius.
Setelah gempa bumi terjadi, Presiden Tsai segera meminta Kementerian Luar Negeri (MOFA) untuk menyelidiki hal-hal yang dibutuhkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia dalam melakukan upaya penyelamatan. Presiden Tsai telah menyampaikan ucapan dukacita melalui akun Twitter dan Istana Kepresidenan juga telah mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi bahwa Taiwan siap membantu. Perdana Menteri ROC William Lai sudah menginstruksikan Kementerian Tenaga Kerja (MOL) untuk mengirim pesan pendek (SMS) kepada para pekerja migran Indonesia di Taiwan. Pesan pendek tersebut berisi tentang informasi terkini di Indonesia, dan prosedur ijin cuti jika timbul kebutuhan darurat yang diakibatkan oleh bencana ini dan harus kembali ke Indonesia. Taiwan telah menyiapkan berbagai bantuan darurat (termasuk makanan instan bersertifikat halal) dan tim profesional untuk diterbangkan ke daerah bencana.
Indonesia adalah mitra dan sahabat Taiwan, pemerintah telah menyiagakan semua petugas untuk menyampaikan rasa persahabatan dan kepedulian dari masyarakat Taiwan.
印尼蘇拉威西島因為強震和海嘯造成嚴重的傷亡,外交部吳部長今(2)日早上代表總統 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen,接見印尼駐臺代表蘇孟帝 (Didi Sumedi),傳達臺灣的慰問和關懷~ Taiwan is ready to help!🤗
地震發生後,蔡總統立刻指示外交部瞭解印尼政府的救災需求,並用印尼文在推特表達關切,總統府也正式聲明臺灣已準備好提供人道援助🤝! 中華民國行政院 賴清德院長則指示 勞動部發簡訊💌給在臺工作的印尼移工,提供倘有災害需要請假返國的程序與相關權益等資訊,也呼籲雇主讓他們可以安心請假返鄉。
吳部長說,政府已經迅速盤點救災物資 (包含「清真認證」🕌的乾糧)跟人力,也整合慈善團體的力量,一定會用最快的速度把愛心送到災區~ 除此之外, 衛生福利部也將迅速整合民間的捐助窗口,以便國人捐款;待緊急救援行動告一段落後,行政院災害防救辦公室也將依據過去經驗,進一步提供印尼重建物資的建議清單📝。
臺灣經常遭受自然災害🏞️,對於印尼遭逢強震海嘯感同身受~ 印尼是臺灣非常重要的朋友,兩國人民往來密切,政府已經全面動員,就是要在這個關鍵時刻伸出援手🙋♀️🙋♂️,讓印尼民眾能夠感受到來自臺灣的關懷與友誼!
更多新聞 https://goo.gl/i4VPrA
勞動部臉書 https://goo.gl/sXVF5o
sulawesi 在 中央社新聞粉絲團 Facebook 八卦
sulawesi 在 Travel Thirsty Youtube 的評價
Indonesian style roast pig (babi guling), from start to finish. Entire pigs slow roasted for hours until tender, fall off the bone, perfection. For Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1sVGaq8veU
In Indonesia, a pig roast is called babi guling, babi panggang or babi bakar; however it is rarely found in Indonesia, except in non-Muslim majority provinces, such as Hindu Bali and Christian Batak lands in North Sumatra, Minahasa people of North Sulawesi, Toraja in South Sulawesi, Papua, and also among Chinese Indonesians. In Bali, babi guling usually served with lawar and steamed rice; it is a popular dish in Balinese restaurants and warungs. In Batak people's tradition, babi guling is a prerequisite in wedding offerings for the bride's family. In Papua, pigs and yams are roasted in heated stones placed in a hole dug in the ground and covered with leaves; this cooking method is called bakar batu (burning the stone), and it is an important cultural and social event among Papuan people.
In various Chinese communities (especially in Southern China), a pig roast known as siu yuk is purchased for the sake of special family affairs, business openings, or as a ritualistic spiritual offering. For example, a tradition is to offer one or several whole roast pigs to the Jade Emperor to celebrate a Chinese film's opening with a roast pig; the pig is sacrificed to ward off evils in return to pray for the film's success. One garnish used to make the dish look more appealing is a circular slice of pineapple and cherry and is often placed in a red box for luck.
A pig roast or hog roast is an event or gathering which involves the barbecuing of a whole hog. Pig roasts in the mainland Deep South of the United States are often referred to as a pig pickin', although roasts are also a common occurrence in Puerto Rico and Cuba as well as the non-mainland US state of Hawaii (a luau), with roasts being done in the mainland states by descendants of other areas. A Pig roast is traditional meal in Serbia and Montenegro, often prepared for celebration events and family fests, and it can be usually find on the menu of traditional taverns and bars - kafana.
The tradition of the pig roast goes back millennia and is found in many cultures. There are numerous ways to roast pork, including open fire rotisserie style roasting, and "caja china" style box grilling. Many families traditionally have a pig roast for Thanksgiving or Christmas. In Miami and other areas with large Cuban, Puerto Rican, Honduran or other Caribbean populations pig roasts are often held on Christmas Eve by families and friends whereas families from Hawaii often hold a roast on memorial day.
Pig roast (lechon asado) is a part of Puerto Rico's national dish and is usually served with arroz con gandules. In Puerto Rico, pig roasts occur year round, but happen in greater frequency as part of New Year's Eve celebrations and especially Christmas. In the Dominican Republic, "puerco a la puya" is a traditional part of the Christmas Eve meal.
In the Philippines, the roasted pig is referred to as lechon baboy. It is traditionally prepared for Christmas celebrations but is also commonplace at birthday parties, weddings, debuts, and family reunions.
In the UK, the tradition of pig roasting, which is more commonly known in the UK as a Hog Roast, is popular on many occasions, particularly parties and celebrations.
In Spain, the locals call this a suckling pig or a "lechon asado". Hog roasts are becoming more popular across Spain and more so in Southern Spain due to the ex-pat community .
In a Hawaii-style pig roast, a large pit is typically dug into the ground and lined with banana leaves, as lava rocks are heated over an open flame until they are very hot. The heated rocks are placed into the pit, and a seasoned pig is placed inside and covered with additional banana leaves, which serve as insulation and for flavor.
In an American Cuban-style pig roast, the "caja china" is the most commercially popular method by which to roast a whole pig. In its more traditional form, a roasting box is commonly fashioned above ground out of concrete blocks and steel mesh. Another popular method is to use a pig roasting box, the oldest and best known brand of which is "La Caja China." It usually takes four to eight hours to cook the pig completely; the pig is often started "meat-side" down, and then is flipped one time once the hog has stopped dripping rendered fat. When the cooking is complete, the meat should ideally be tender to the point of falling off of the bone.

sulawesi 在 Travel Thirsty Youtube 的評價
Indonesian style roast pig (babi guling), from start to finish. Entire pigs slow roasted for hours until tender, fall off the bone, perfection. For Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhnGtWAYl38
In Indonesia, a pig roast is called babi guling, babi panggang or babi bakar; however it is rarely found in Indonesia, except in non-Muslim majority provinces, such as Hindu Bali and Christian Batak lands in North Sumatra, Minahasa people of North Sulawesi, Toraja in South Sulawesi, Papua, and also among Chinese Indonesians. In Bali, babi guling usually served with lawar and steamed rice; it is a popular dish in Balinese restaurants and warungs. In Batak people's tradition, babi guling is a prerequisite in wedding offerings for the bride's family. In Papua, pigs and yams are roasted in heated stones placed in a hole dug in the ground and covered with leaves; this cooking method is called bakar batu (burning the stone), and it is an important cultural and social event among Papuan people.
In various Chinese communities (especially in Southern China), a pig roast known as siu yuk is purchased for the sake of special family affairs, business openings, or as a ritualistic spiritual offering. For example, a tradition is to offer one or several whole roast pigs to the Jade Emperor to celebrate a Chinese film's opening with a roast pig; the pig is sacrificed to ward off evils in return to pray for the film's success. One garnish used to make the dish look more appealing is a circular slice of pineapple and cherry and is often placed in a red box for luck.
A pig roast or hog roast is an event or gathering which involves the barbecuing of a whole hog. Pig roasts in the mainland Deep South of the United States are often referred to as a pig pickin', although roasts are also a common occurrence in Puerto Rico and Cuba as well as the non-mainland US state of Hawaii (a luau), with roasts being done in the mainland states by descendants of other areas. A Pig roast is traditional meal in Serbia and Montenegro, often prepared for celebration events and family fests, and it can be usually find on the menu of traditional taverns and bars - kafana.
The tradition of the pig roast goes back millennia and is found in many cultures. There are numerous ways to roast pork, including open fire rotisserie style roasting, and "caja china" style box grilling. Many families traditionally have a pig roast for Thanksgiving or Christmas. In Miami and other areas with large Cuban, Puerto Rican, Honduran or other Caribbean populations pig roasts are often held on Christmas Eve by families and friends whereas families from Hawaii often hold a roast on memorial day.
Pig roast (lechon asado) is a part of Puerto Rico's national dish and is usually served with arroz con gandules. In Puerto Rico, pig roasts occur year round, but happen in greater frequency as part of New Year's Eve celebrations and especially Christmas. In the Dominican Republic, "puerco a la puya" is a traditional part of the Christmas Eve meal.
In the Philippines, the roasted pig is referred to as lechon baboy. It is traditionally prepared for Christmas celebrations but is also commonplace at birthday parties, weddings, debuts, and family reunions.
In the UK, the tradition of pig roasting, which is more commonly known in the UK as a Hog Roast, is popular on many occasions, particularly parties and celebrations.
In Spain, the locals call this a suckling pig or a "lechon asado". Hog roasts are becoming more popular across Spain and more so in Southern Spain due to the ex-pat community .
In a Hawaii-style pig roast, a large pit is typically dug into the ground and lined with banana leaves, as lava rocks are heated over an open flame until they are very hot. The heated rocks are placed into the pit, and a seasoned pig is placed inside and covered with additional banana leaves, which serve as insulation and for flavor.
In an American Cuban-style pig roast, the "caja china" is the most commercially popular method by which to roast a whole pig. In its more traditional form, a roasting box is commonly fashioned above ground out of concrete blocks and steel mesh. Another popular method is to use a pig roasting box, the oldest and best known brand of which is "La Caja China." It usually takes four to eight hours to cook the pig completely; the pig is often started "meat-side" down, and then is flipped one time once the hog has stopped dripping rendered fat. When the cooking is complete, the meat should ideally be tender to the point of falling off of the bone.

sulawesi 在 Sulawesi - Wikitravel 的相關結果
Sulawesi (formerly Celebes) is one of the main islands of Indonesia, and the 11th largest island in the world. With four spindly arms spinning outward, ... ... <看更多>
sulawesi 在 South Sulawesi | province, Indonesia | Britannica 的相關結果
South Sulawesi, propinsi (or provinsi; province), central and southwestern Celebes (Sulawesi), Indonesia. It is bounded by the provinces of Central Sulawesi ... ... <看更多>
sulawesi 在 Sulawesi - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Sulawesi also known as Celebes is one of the four Greater Sunda Islands. It is governed by Indonesia. The world's eleventh-largest island, it is situated ... ... <看更多>