其實,澳洲也曾經審議類似美國《Magnitsky Act》的法案,名叫International Human Rights and Corruption (Magnitsky Sanctions) Bill,可惜在四月胎死腹中。現在正是好時機,促請澳洲的國會議員再度提案,與美國的《HKHRDA》並駕齊驅,將中國和香港的人權犯一網打盡。以下就是請願信的範本,大家可以填上你當區的國會議員和自己的名字,列印出來以郵寄方式寄送他們的辦公室,促請他們納入議程,讓澳洲議會加入捍衛人權的抗共行列。
Your Name
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Dear Sir/Madam
I am a constituent of your electorate. As an Australian and Hong Konger, I am writing to you as I hold grave concerns over the rapidly deteriorating conditions in Hong Kong.
Since the start of June, millions of Hong Konger have marched on the street and conducted largely peaceful demonstrations on many occasions to voice their opposition to the proposed The Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019 (known simply as the Extradition Bill) by the Hong Kong Government, which would establish an official extradition mechanism between Hong Kong and China for the first time in history.
The bill has been criticized by the Hong Kong Bar Association as “a step backward” and failing to offer sufficient protections for the accused. The majority of Hong Kong people are in uproar as they harbor deep mistrust towards the Chinese judicial system known for its corruption, disregard for procedural justice, and towing of the official party line.
Oblivious to the depth of animosity, Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive, and the Hong Kong Government ignored the protestors’ demands and ordered the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) to violently crackdown on the protestors. This is what led to the stunning and horrifying footages of police brutality — indiscriminate use of tear gas in crowded residential areas, aiming rubber bullets at the protestors’ face, violently shoving journalists who are just doing their jobs, and arresting seemingly innocent bystanders based on the colour of their clothing or age. To date, over 1200 people have been arrested with many denied the right to be accompanied by their lawyer for unreasonable period of time and subjected to questionable negotiation tactics during their detention.
As the legislative and executive arm of the Hong Kong government show its true allegiance to China and its willingness to sacrifice human rights over economic growth, the people of Hong Kong desperately need assistance from the international community.
What is happening in Hong Kong is of critical importance to Australia. There are currently 100,000 Australian dual citizens currently living in the city. Regardless of their political opinion on the ongoing situation, their safety is at risk due to the disproportionately excessive force and indiscriminate arrests that are being deployed by the HKPF to suppress the protest.
Hong Kong’s instability will negatively impact on Australia’s economy. Hong Kong is one of Australia’s most important trading partner and home to many Australian companies’ regional headquarter in Asia. It also acts as the middleman for many transactions between Chinese and Australian businesses.
The relationship between Hong Kong and Australia are intricate and mutually beneficial. Given the dire situation in Hong Kong, I would like you to consider to following measures to protect the people of Hong Kong, which would ultimately benefit Australia:
1.Introduce the International Human Rights and Corruption (Magnitsky Sanctions) Bill to the parliament. The previous attempt lapsed at the dissolution of parliament at April 11, 2019. The bill is based on precedents from the United States and the United Kingdom and it would give powers to relevant ministers to make Australia a safer place that values universal liberal values.
2.Include human rights protection clauses in the final ratified version of the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and Hong Kong.
3.Consider offering special permanent protection for people from Hong Kong who currently resides or studies in Australia. Many Hong Kongers are highly educated and value western liberal values. This group would be a fine addition to Australia.
4.Vet all visa and immigration applications from Hong Kong and China more thoroughly for the necessity of protecting the integrity of Australia’s national security as some applicants could have active contributed or complicit in the violation of human rights as part of the police force, HKSAR Government, or private companies (for example, Cathay Pacific’s management, which is terminating the contract of staffs whom have expressed sympathy or support towards the protest movement). Recent clashes on university campuses over the Hong Kong protests have also demonstrated that some foreign students neither understand nor value some basic rights we Australians cherish.
I appreciate your time and I look forward to hearing back from you about your position on my proposals.
Yours sincerely,
Your name
澳港聯Australia-Hong Kong Link已開了Senate Petition,早在推動Magnitsky-style Sanction,並成功接洽綠黨領袖Di Natale,將於10月將Petition舉上參院,奈何未夠多人簽署,懇請大家幫手推動:
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅一二三渡辺,也在其Youtube影片中提到,原寸研究所が復活させた、 ママ号~ アドレス君、 きれいになりました、 前に白いラインも、後ろに三角マーク、 スズキ・アドレス(Address)とは、スズキが製造販売しているスクータータイプのオートバイである。排気量やエンジン形式ごとに様々なモデルが存在する。 Sea bass addr...
street address example 在 作者 Facebook 八卦
澳洲總理莫里森下令徹查中共滲透政界一事,打蛇隨棍上,麻煩大家再推一次,致函澳洲議員促請國會通過人權法International Human Rights and Corruption (Magnitsky Sanctions) Bill制裁中共。今次鬧大的主要原因,是證據指明中共在澳洲殺叛諜:
//根據澳洲世紀報(The Age)報導,中國情報單位透過陳姓墨爾本商人(Brian Chen),給予澳洲自由黨黨員、墨爾本豪車經銷商趙博(音譯,Bo “Nick” Zhao)100萬澳幣,要他投入議會選舉,趙波1年前向「澳洲安全情報組織」(ASIO)坦承此事。然而,趙波今年3月在墨爾本一間旅店內離奇死亡,目前警方仍未查出趙波的死因。//
這個陳春生野心不小,他的任務是替中共入侵澳洲的藥業竊取機密。初創公司Imunexus在深圳的生物技術比賽中獲得亞軍後,陳春生及其香港公司Prospect Time就在2017年6月接觸這間公司,覬覦它正研發抗體,揭示中國所舉辦的創科大賽就是共諜揀蟀的實驗場。
《悉尼晨鋒報》指陳春生利用一帶一路作掩飾進行間諜工作,他的香港公司Prospect Time International Investments(德鴻國際投資有限公司)與中國兵器工業集團有來往,並做極多國際生意:
//2017年5月,陳春生與泰國前總理英祿、泰國前首相頌猜會面,並與多名政商人士討論合作。隨後,他又前往馬爾代夫,與該國副總統Abdulla Jihad討論一帶一路計劃。2017年7月底,陳春生帶領著一支精英團隊訪問了太平洋島國帕勞,商討價值1.5億澳元的酒店開發項目。2018年5月,他也在菲律賓宣傳基建項目。//
Prospect Time的聯席董事王振海,被指與中共統戰部有關聯,還大打高球外交:
//2018年,王振海被拍到在一場活動當中,向維州州長Daniel Andrews的高級顧問Marty Mei,授予中國商人高爾夫球協會會員資格。在那場活動當中,王振海還被墨爾本華商Tommy Jiang任命為澳洲國際高爾夫球協會主席。《悉尼晨鋒報》報導稱,Tommy Jiang被認為有中國共產黨的支持。//
Your Name
Your Address
Your Suburb State Postcode
Name of MP
Office Address
Office Suburb State Postcode
Dear Sir/Madam
I am a constituent of your electorate. As an Australian and Hong Konger, I am writing to you as I hold grave concerns over the rapidly deteriorating conditions in Hong Kong.
Since the start of June, millions of Hong Konger have marched on the street and conducted largely peaceful demonstrations on many occasions to voice their opposition to the proposed The Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019 (known simply as the Extradition Bill) by the Hong Kong Government, which would establish an official extradition mechanism between Hong Kong and China for the first time in history.
The bill has been criticized by the Hong Kong Bar Association as “a step backward” and failing to offer sufficient protections for the accused. The majority of Hong Kong people are in uproar as they harbor deep mistrust towards the Chinese judicial system known for its corruption, disregard for procedural justice, and towing of the official party line.
Oblivious to the depth of animosity, Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive, and the Hong Kong Government ignored the protestors’ demands and ordered the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) to violently crackdown on the protestors. This is what led to the stunning and horrifying footages of police brutality — indiscriminate use of tear gas in crowded residential areas, aiming rubber bullets at the protestors’ face, violently shoving journalists who are just doing their jobs, and arresting seemingly innocent bystanders based on the colour of their clothing or age. To date, over 1200 people have been arrested with many denied the right to be accompanied by their lawyer for unreasonable period of time and subjected to questionable negotiation tactics during their detention.
As the legislative and executive arm of the Hong Kong government show its true allegiance to China and its willingness to sacrifice human rights over economic growth, the people of Hong Kong desperately need assistance from the international community.
What is happening in Hong Kong is of critical importance to Australia. There are currently 100,000 Australian dual citizens currently living in the city. Regardless of their political opinion on the ongoing situation, their safety is at risk due to the disproportionately excessive force and indiscriminate arrests that are being deployed by the HKPF to suppress the protest.
Hong Kong’s instability will negatively impact on Australia’s economy. Hong Kong is one of Australia’s most important trading partner and home to many Australian companies’ regional headquarter in Asia. It also acts as the middleman for many transactions between Chinese and Australian businesses.
The relationship between Hong Kong and Australia are intricate and mutually beneficial. Given the dire situation in Hong Kong, I would like you to consider to following measures to protect the people of Hong Kong, which would ultimately benefit Australia:
1.Introduce the International Human Rights and Corruption (Magnitsky Sanctions) Bill to the parliament. The previous attempt lapsed at the dissolution of parliament at April 11, 2019. The bill is based on precedents from the United States and the United Kingdom and it would give powers to relevant ministers to make Australia a safer place that values universal liberal values.
2.Include human rights protection clauses in the final ratified version of the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and Hong Kong.
3.Consider offering special permanent protection for people from Hong Kong who currently resides or studies in Australia. Many Hong Kongers are highly educated and value western liberal values. This group would be a fine addition to Australia.
4.Vet all visa and immigration applications from Hong Kong and China more thoroughly for the necessity of protecting the integrity of Australia’s national security as some applicants could have active contributed or complicit in the violation of human rights as part of the police force, HKSAR Government, or private companies (for example, Cathay Pacific’s management, which is terminating the contract of staffs whom have expressed sympathy or support towards the protest movement). Recent clashes on university campuses over the Hong Kong protests have also demonstrated that some foreign students neither understand nor value some basic rights we Australians cherish.
I appreciate your time and I look forward to hearing back from you about your position on my proposals.
Yours sincerely,
Your name
street address example 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
NowThis Interview Transcript
April 18
Host: Can you tell us a little bit about what the Umbrella Protest or UmbrellaMovement is? And why is it important?
Joshua: Before the handover of HK, China promised HK to achieve universal suffrage - let every Hongkonger have one person one vote. However, since1997 until now, we have waited 19 years already. We have realised that it was a fake promise, that’s why two years ago when the Communist party of China ignored our demand, our request on having a universal suffrage, we tried to throw demonstrations, assembly and finally civil disobedience and occupying action to show our disagreement and demand on universal suffrage, and hope to let the world know that Hong Kong people wants real election.
Host: That time in 2014, was there any result came from the Umbrella Movement?
Joshua: Luckily we can let the world know that Hong Kong is not only a global financial centre, Hong Kong is a city in which many people live, and we hope to have better human rights and achieve the universal value. Unfortunately, although we have 200 thousands of people occupying the road for 79 days, Beijing still did not accept our demand.
Host: At what point did you realise that the movement was going to be huge? It’s hard to anticipate that millions of people were going to come…
Joshua: Actually before the Umbrella Movement, I didn’t expect we would occupy the road and show the persistence to voice out our demand of democracy by civil obedience and such a large scale movement. We believe that Hongkongers have created history and we let the world know our persistence. Everything is out of expectation, including the attitude of the Communist Party. However, I would like to let the people in America know that even two years ago during the Occupying Movement, we couldn’t force the government to let us regain universal suffrage. We are still committed to movements, Hong Kong is the place where we live and we love, and we will still try our best to commit to movements, despite of the price we need to pay, until we can get direct election, one person one vote.
Host: I don’t think that everyone is familiar with maybe the differences, what’s happening in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Would you be able to explain how life is different in those two places, especially for young people?
Joshua: Hong Kong is different from Mainland China, because we have rule of law, judicial independence. We can still have freedom of speech and free access to different websites, for example, people cannot visit Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Google websites in Mainland China. Hong Kong is one of the special administrative regions under the rule of People’s Republic of China, that’s why we still have rule of law. However, the core value in Hong Kong has been eroded continuously by Beijing.
Host: Could you explain the power of the young people in this movement? It seems that a lot of political parties even now started by young people including yourself. So tell us a little bit about the power of youth in this movement.
Joshua: Most of the youth think that politics is the thing that belongs to people after graduating from universities and that 30 to 40 years old is the starting point of people to be involved in politics. However, the situation we face in Hong Kong is different - teenagers join student strikes at 13 years old, they join civil disobedience at 14, they hold slogans, wear masks and face pepper spray and tear gas at the age of 15, but they will still commit by direct actions, even in the future they may political prosecution. Actually I am now forming a political party named as Demosistō, in which “Demo” means the people, “sistō” means persistence and resistance. We hope to show the people’s resistance towards the ruler of China, so we form the party and demand for self-determination.
Host: You were saying how young people were facing pepper spray and things like that. I know that’s a fact that faced by you personally as well, can you talk about any prosecution you are currently facing?
Joshua: I am facing the inciting of unauthorised assembly, contempt of court and obstructing police officer. Some of the trials have started already, and the most serious one is inciting an unauthorised assembly, because even we enjoy freedom of speech in Hong Kong, we don’t have the rights to freely organise assembly, as we only have approximation of freedom and things seem to be moving backward. The trial of inciting an unauthorised assembly will end in June, meaning that I will know whether I am convicted or not, and the penalty after two months. The maximum penalty of that is to put into prison for five years. I don’t know what would be the trial result, but despite of the price that I need to pay, I still hope the world know that Hongkongers are still committed to fighting for democracy and self-determination. It is not easy for us, but we will try our best until we get the things that originally belong to us.
Host: That’s the age that… you know most of us got to go to college and do all these things…
Joshua: I am still a year 2 university student studying Politics…
Host: So are you scared and how do you feel about potentially having to face prison time until you are 24?
Joshua: It is not easy - my number, my address and other personal information are public on the internet, and I can’t enter Mainland China. Last year when a non-governmental organisation from Malaysia invited me to give a speech, the immigration department told me that I had to return to Hong Kong when I arrived at the Malaysia airport. The Malaysian official claimed that they rejected me to enter because I would affect their country’s relationship with Mainland China. It’s ridiculous and in no sense that my visit would affect its relationship with China. So I think it’s never an easy thing for us, to form a political party, to face trials, it’s really a long-term battle for us. However, what we concern the most is the future of Hong Kong, because we still have rule of law and judicial independence under One Country Two Systems. The problem is, after the expiry date of the Sino-British Joint Declaration in 2047, after the end of Basic Law, after the end of One Country Two Systems, will Hong Kong suddenly change to One Country One System? Will Hong Kong become a normal city in China like Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai? The new generation are worried about the rule of law and judicial independence being continuously eroded by Beijing. We still hope to maintain the uniqueness of Hong Kong which differentiates us from China.
Host: There’s been some criticism from students from Mainland China, and there’s some general criticism about street activism as an approach, do you have any comments on street activism versus political? I know you are doing both now…
Joshua: I think I will emphasis on two points. Firstly, if Hongkongers could successfully achieve democracy just through negotiations, dialogues and meetings, maybe while I was just a primary school student in around 2007 to 2008, we could have universal suffrage and choose our chief executive by one person one vote in our city. However, history has proven that negotiations and private, closed-door meetings are not effective. That’s why, from assembly to rally, and to civil disobedience and direct actions - that’s the trend for us to upgrade as progressive actions. Another point is people may criticise me as starting off from street protesting and question my reason to enter the legislature by running in the election. I can’t enter the election because the minimum age to run in the election in Hong Kong is 21, and I am just 19. People also ask why I form the political party - because I realise that the road to democracy is really a long-term battle, the challenges we have to face may come after 30 years, like what I have mentioned, after the expiry date of One Country Two Systems. That’s why we hope to ensure that Hong Kong can get the right of self-determination, we hope we can throw a referendum to decide the future of the city, no matter it’s One Country One System, to maintain the self- governance and autonomy under One Country Two Systems, or even independence. We hope to determine the future of Hong Kong through referendum instead of relying on the Communist Party.
Host: So why did you decide to move to the political sphere before you know you could even necessarily be a face of it?
Joshua: It’s not an easy decision and the price that I need to pay is high. The reason for me to commit and even form the party is that…I think that..If organising a student organisation is not able for me to be ready, to prepare for self-determination movement in the coming ten years, the only suitable form of organisation is a political party. If we claim that we need to fight in the next ten years and achieve the demand for self-determination, hoping to get the general public’s support from Hong Kong, and more importantly, the international community endorsing the right to self-determination of HongKongers, forming a political party is the only way for us to prepare for the long-term battle.
Host: Right…So you have been on this journey since you were 17…
Joshua: 14 actually…
Host: 14?
Joshua: I founded student organisation Scholarism when I was 14 years old.
Host: So throughout this journey of protest, arrests and lawsuits, what has been the most rewarding part of the process for you and why do you keep fighting?
Joshua: The most unforgettable scene of participating in social movements in the past five years is how we change the impossibles to possibles. I think it’s the most significant part that gives me the motivation to commit and continue moving forward to fight for democracy and freedom. What I mean is, two years ago, before the Umbrella Movement just started, I was arrested and had to stay in police station for 46 hours. During the period, thousands of Hongkongers went to the Cental Government Offices to support students, they were not afraid of the pepper spray and tear gas. The activist still persist on non-violent means to show their disagreement towards the government and the police. After I was released by the police, I walked out of the door of the police station, and realised that everything in the city had changed, Hong Kong had changed. In the past, people might o
street address example 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的評價
Sea bass address (Address) is a motorcycle of the scooter type that the sea bass is doing the manufacturing sales. Various models exist in the displacement and each engine type.
Because the origin of Address that was the car name was a model who had appeared when Mettoinscutar was epoch-making in the one that dress of the meaning add of the meaning "Added" and "Clothes" was unified, and oneself was able to be produced by putting clothes in personal space in various places, this name was applied.
AddressV100 was put on the market in 1991. The design of the body sets the sales price to 199,900 yen based on AddressV50Tune, and : as a commuting usage in the city outskirts as neither taking turning nor garrisoned circle space with a small, light body the agility of the above the performance and the engine of two strokes 100cc and on the same side of the street as an original applying a kind is taken from the other companies this type because it takes an active part at that time. It was called the commuter express from the user, and became a hit car at once.
Afterwards, the dullness of the acceleration immediately after an unpopular start improving and partially of "Adoption of concentrated key cylinder" and the central stand lock mechanism and the engine surroundings is improved by the clutch change. This improvement type clutch comes to be equipped with class model AddressV100 type S after the high-mount stoplamp is added, to be put on the market, and to be standardized to all models afterwards.
Address110 was not sold to do a lot of changes in the improvement of the muffler etc. repeatedly, and to oppose this type of the other companies, the special edition of V100 was sold once every several years, and only restyling was done. However, there are two (BD-CE11A and BD-CE13A) as a form, and it is necessary to note a part of parts because it is not compatible.
Sale..time..exterior..equipment..keep..at first..sales..price..attain..sell..Japan..scooter..past..example..see..history..build..environmental control..stroke..engine..use..difficult..become..succession..model..succeed..finally..May..final..type..type..production..end..June..end..manufacturer..lineup..remove.It lowered a curtain in the history of 14 years along with it.
Still ..the end of a new car sales in Japan.., it changes to the drum type of the reception desk brake from the disk type based on V100 in Chinese Ken from the Daisz machine car industry (Taiwan SUZUKI) it, and the vehicle "Canecaneca 100" (AG100KUA) ..reception desk fender.. is sold from the all-in-one design by the new car ..another figure and wanting do...
In AddressV100, the number of the total domestic sale in 14 years until ending production was 210,000. The genre so-called "Two-kind Sc" (two kind of original applying scooter) was left at a firm position, and it built up, and two-wheel industry AddressV100 that furthermore surprised the user left a big name for the history of a Japanese motorcycle according to the above-mentioned sales price and the number etc. of the total domestic sale.
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