Toyzeroplus X Paradise 新年活動 第三彈!!!
這隻PP BABY在某個種滿桔子的村裡面長大,每逢春節就是最豐收的時候,人們都忙著採摘果實,趕在新年前拿去市集售賣,淘氣的PP BABY最愛就是一邊幫忙,一邊偷吃藤籃裡的桔子~ 有時候還會悄悄地把幾顆放入口袋,拿去跟其他小朋友和動物分享!
PP BABY(新春版本)-紅和橙黃等的暖色系,低調散發新年的感覺,也是帶有一點懷舊風格的作品;每一套配上火精靈「火火大廈」和可愛的小桔子,祝各位粉絲新年大吉,大吉大利!🍊
Toyzeroplus X Paradise 新年活動
#PP BABY(2021新春版本)🍊
配件:火火大廈 x 1+桔子 x 2(款式隨機配送)
發售時間:年初五 2/16(二) 14:00
PS. 謝絕以物品佔位行為, 若有排隊情事請留意排隊時身旁鄰人, 如離位時間過長經投訴確認後將取消排隊資格
PS. 為加快結帳速度,本商品販售期間僅接受現金付款。
PP BABY grew up in a village full of mandarins. Spring Festival is the harvest time, where people are busy picking the fruits and selling them in the market before the new year. This naughty PP BABY loves to help and secretly eat the mandarins at the same time. Sometimes, he would also steal a few pieces, putting them in his pockets and sharing with other children and animals! 🍊
PP BABY (New year edition) - With warm colors like red, orange and yellow, it creates a new year atmosphere, also working with a little nostalgic style. Each set is equipped with “Horu Horu” the fire elf and of course, the cute mandarins. Wishing our fans a Happy Chinese New Year!
🧧 Limited to 100 sets, available in @Paradise New Year Event!
📣There will be additionally 10 sets on TOYZEROPLUS website after the event. Stay tuned.
PP BABY (New year edition)🍊
Accessories: Horu Horu x 1 + Mandarin x 2 (Styles will be given away randomly)
Price: TWD$1,900
Sales platform: Paradise New Year Event
Release Date: February 16, 2021, 14:00(GMT+8)
First-come, first-served.
steal pp 在 FOODTRAVELBABE Facebook 八卦
🇭🇰 Vday Special: Fatty tuna melting in our 🤤! Found a good restaurant at @kura.hongkong in Causeway Bay that serves excellent Japanese food. HK$490+pp for Vday lunch from now till 14 Feb. What a steal. Dinner menu is available too.
Our body temperature was taken by the @kura.hongkong staff before we entered the restaurant. Good job on taking the additional safety precautions. 📍@kura.hongkong, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
#FeedThisBabe @ 藏 Kura
steal pp 在 香港新浪網- 字典- steal 的相關結果
steal KK: [ ] · 偷,巧取,侵佔,偷偷地做. 偷東西,溜偷竊 · steal · 現在式(Present Tense):steal 過去式(Past Tense):stole 過去分詞(Past Participle):stolen · steal DJ: ... ... <看更多>
steal pp 在 1. steal偷,竊取 過去式: stole... - 英典美語/英典英語EDEN ... 的相關結果
1. steal[stil]偷,竊取◎過去式: stole 過去分詞: stolen 現在… ... 有任何商品問題麻煩私訊及傳送照片!感謝!。 ... 蜂和木專門供應最優質的養蜂器具,養蜂用具,養蜂工具, ... ... <看更多>
steal pp 在 steal - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 的相關結果
stolen. KK[ˋstolən]; DJ[ˋstəulən]. 美式. steal的動詞過去分詞. Dr.eye 譯典通. stolen. IPA[ˈstəʊlən]. 美式. 英式. pp. ▷steal ... ... <看更多>