注:以下係節錄,在「無國界醫生」的臉書及其網站都找不到,Google 也找不到,如果是真,他們也算是終於為香港做了應做的事。
「An MSF emergency team arrived in Hong Kong at the end of January to start a new project. Their focus is community engagement with vulnerable people, for example those more at risk of developing severe infection such as the elderly. It also includes those who are less likely to have access to important medical information, such as the socio-economically disadvantaged. This activity is similar to the services MSF provided in Hong Kong during the SARS outbreak in 2003.
Our teams have already conducted sessions with street cleaners, refugees and asylum seekers, and the visually impaired in recent weeks. Through face-to-face sessions, our team is able to share up-to-date, evidence-based medical information, but are also there to listen and answer the many questions people may have. We are also providing psychological first aid with simple coping mechanisms that can help manage the stress and anxiety a new outbreak brings. You may have seen that global supplies of medical protective equipment are stretched thin. MSF is sending one tonne of Personal Protective Equipment to Hong Kong St. John Ambulance. The staff are transporting high-risk cases, and therefore, it is important to ensure that they have the specialised protection they need to work safely.
MSF is also shipping specialised medical protective equipment to Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital in the capital city of Hubei province in mainland China, the epicentre of the outbreak. Weighing 3.5 tonnes, these supplies are being dispatched from MSF Supply in Brussels, Belgium through the Hubei Charity Federation to reach the hospital where they are very much needed.」
您可以按此進入我們的網頁,瀏覽有關防疫措施的影片和 COVID-19 的醫學資訊。我們將在這個專頁定期更新我們的應對工作,以及實用的健康教育資訊。我們希望這些資訊有助您在這段期間,照顧好自己和摯親好友。
於是我上他們的 Facebook 看看,中文版的專頁,十一月以來就沒有更新。再訪其網站,見到這篇文章: https://www.msf.org/msf-update-2019-ncov-coronavirus-outbre…
有呢段: An MSF team is being sent to Hong Kong with an initial focus on health education for vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and other at-risk groups. (無國界醫生的一支隊伍,正被派往香港,最初的工作重點,是為弱社群,如老人和其他高風險的人士,提供健康教育。)
其實而家香港醫護及社區,最需要個人防護物資,唔係對高危人士的健康教育講座。醫療連 PPE 都無,但都唔見 MSF 有乜嘢行動,只係提及 2003 年,捐咗四十箱醫療保護物資畀醫管局。2003 年,2003 年,2003 年⋯⋯
要強調,捐款畀 NGO,唔係交易,唔係買賣,更唔等同買保險,你捐咗款,唔代表對方要為你做事情。
但想一下,從去年到今天,香港人以前幫過嘅國際大型 NGO,又有幾多會喺香港危難之際,對香港伸出援手,而唔係單純當你係提款機?
注:呢張相,係 MSF 喺 2003 年影嘅,佢哋 2003 年時,送咗 40 盒醫療物資畀醫管局,來自佢哋個網站。
st john supplies 在 Keith Foo Facebook 八卦
Thanks for the feature Serembanonline!
One of the kindest gifts we can give to each other is our blood.
No matter what culture, creed, colour or religion you come from, we all rely on that red fluid that runs through our bodies, delivering nutrients and oxygen to our cells 24 hours a day, keeping us alive.
St John Ambulance Malaysia, Negeri Sembilan are organising a pre-Ramadhan Blood donation drive on 3rd-5th May, 10am-4pm at Seremban Prima and are urging Malaysians to donate.
State Commander of SJAM NS, Dr. (Mr.) Mahadevan Deva Tata said that it is important for the National Blood Centre to collect as many blood supplies before the Ramadhan festive season as the blood bank undergoes a large drop-off of donors during this period.
Supply of blood in hospitals at this time drops below the safety level of 3,000 bags per day and it is crucial to urge anyone that can donate blood, to do so. You will save someones life, be it an accident victim or a cancer patient.
Celebrity Keith Foo will be at the blood and CPR booth this year and will assist with enquiries and encourage you to learn CPR, another simple act that can save someones life, perhaps one of your loved ones.
“Donating blood takes just a few minutes – and a single donation can save up to three lives. We appeal to the public to come forward and donate blood at Seremban Prima on 3 – 5 May” said Dr. Mahadevan.
st john supplies 在 鍾溥敏 Mandy Chung Facebook 八卦
記得入場撐我地:上半場11am 、下半場2:30pm開始
《榮拳館 新星賽》
全日約25場賽事,分上下兩節時間進行,憑門票還可以即場參加抽獎,獎品包括澳洲2013南方星空系列-孔雀星精鑄銀幣(價值$1,500) 及其他禮品等。
日期:2016年9月25日 (星期日)
地點: 灣仔Bomber Gym (灣仔莊士敦道194號灣仔商業中心2樓)
第二節13場賽事: 2:30pm開始
票價: $100 *門票收益扣除成本將全數撥捐予「#香港聖約翰救護機構 」
1. 門票適用於比賽當日第一節及第二節全日的賽事
2. 門票如有遺失,恕不補發
3. 門票於9月1日起發售,不設即場購買門票
4. 門票不設劃位,售完即止
5. 如有任何查詢或訂購門票,可致電2892-8885
WUnique Nova Cup has 2 sessions of total 25 bouts. 1 golden coin ($1,500) and some special gifts will be given out by Lucky Draw.
Details of Nova Cup:
Date: 2016/9/25 (Sun)
Venue: Wan Chai Bomber Gym (2/F, Wan Chai Commercial Centre, 194 Johnston Road, Wanchai)
12 bouts in Session 1: starts at 11:00am
13 bouts in Session 2: starts at 2:30pm
Tickets price: HKD$100 *All the profit will donate to [#HONG KONG ST. JOHN AMBULANCE]
1. Ticket holders may enjoy 2 sessions of competition on that day of purchase.
2. In case of loss or damage, the ticket will not be re-issued.
3. Ticket will be available on 1st, Sept. No tickets will be sold on site.
4. Free Seating Tickets are limited, available while supplies last.
5. if there is any enquiry please contact 2892-8885.
st john supplies 在 How to Use your First Aid Kit & Contents - St John Ambulance 的八卦
A St John Ambulance trainer explains the essentials of a first aid kit. In an emergency situation, it's important to be familiar with your ... ... <看更多>