{{ 貳. 談談電吉他相關 }}_08
[二. 電吉他相關器材研討]_06
上一週我以主觀的經驗認知,將『破音類』效果器做了五種分類,以及擺放順序的說明;但那終究只是一種非常粗淺的示意,如果試著要認真分析各種實務操作經驗上應該注意的細節 … 單靠文章、文字的解釋,恐怕只會落個掛一漏萬的境況。不過,還是有幾個主要的大原則,可以在這個專頁裡野人獻曝一下:
1. 各區段破音的頻率 (EQ) 值設定:在這種『破音堆疊』(Drive Stacking) 的運用方式上,除了先前提到過『越厚重的破音擺放位置越後面』的基本概念之外,通常放在越前面、破音程度越低的效果器,我會習慣將它的 EQ (Tone) 調得比後面的器材『稍微』亮一點,這樣的設定,可以讓前面一顆破音啓動去『推擠』後面區段破音時,得到音色上明顯的變化。而且能夠有一種『Open』的色彩感。
這也是為什麼在最一開始你在調整你的『音色搭載平台』(Amp Clean Channel) 時,應該盡量讓整體基本音色在比較適中而可能缺乏一點個性的原因:如果你主要的破音都來自效果器,而你用了好幾顆效果器來『合成』你最後的音色形狀,你就會需要在『平台』這個最後端,留下足夠的『可 EQ 空間』(也許可以視為另外一種【Headroom】吧?),來讓最後整體的頻率不會太過刺耳。
事實上,許多的破音效果器,在增加 Gain 值時,整體的頻率也會跟著改變 (而且不乏變化得非常戲劇化的),因此,我會習慣將最後一顆破音 (通常是 Distortion ) 的 EQ 設定得非常中性,來用前面一個或兩個區段的破音推擠出最後這顆破音的亮度;而如果在音樂需求上我只要用到這顆相對來說沒那麼明亮、但 Drive 濃度夠,可是又需要比踏板原始設定上再明亮一點的音色,我就會用串接在後端的 EQ 效果器來修飾它。你很可能常常看到各類型吉他手在彈奏過程中,不斷彎下身去調整腳下的效果器盤,但因為我很不希望自己分心去做這種即時性的調整,所以我選擇用後端的 EQ 來協助我需要的頻率補正 --- 這也是我習慣用數位式效果器的另一個理由:因為,我可以在同一個 Preset 裡設定好幾種不同的 EQ 效果器,來因應不同情況的頻率需求。
2. 各區段破音的音量設定:我猜想每一位上台演出的吉他手,在初期階段,當進行 Sound Check 的工作時,一定都聽過外場的 PA 工程人員對你叫嚷過:『你的破音比 Clean Tone 大太多了』!當你很委屈地試著減小效果器的音量時,你會很驚恐地發現,要達到外場 PA 工程人員滿意的音量比,你會覺得破音的音量幾乎是小到無法適應的!
為什麼呢?因為你在家裡調整你的破音音色時,幾乎不可能是用演出的工作方式來調整 --- 也就是架起麥克風,將你的訊號收進麥克風,再經過訊號放大工程,放到一個夠巨的外場喇叭來監聽,也因此,你很難理解『麥克風收音』對於破音放大的敏感程度到底有多敏感 --- 我只能很認真地說:它真的非常敏感!
整個關鍵在於,當你在 On/Off 你的破音效果器,你在家裡練習時就必須讓這兩者的音量差別遠遠小於你的習慣 --- 當你踩下破音時,應該讓你的音量像是沒有被改變、而只有音色上的差異而已。如果你是用 Drive Stacking 的方式,你所疊加的破音,應該只有『濃度』的差別,而不致於有太誇張的音量差距,這也是我會把『EQ』值放在第一點來討論的原因,因為在實務操作上,『頻率』會比『音量』,在改變破音色彩上,來得更有效率。
另外一個重點,其實是因為你大多數的時間都不是用 Clean Tone 來練習你的基本功,因此,當使用到 Clean Tone 時,你會下意識地彈奏得比較輕,或迫不及待地趕快切換到破音,來獲取一種安全感;久而久之,你對於 Clean Tone 與 Drive Tone 的音量感知,就無法建立起一種相對客觀的正確習慣。我只能再一次強調:『如果想要得到真正的進步,你就必須面對自己的弱點、正面去挑戰它』!而我覺得最有效率的基本練習方式,應該是用更多的時間、用更偏向 Clean Tone 的微破音色去彈奏 (當然要聽著 Click),才是正解。
而我們在整個破音串接的最後一顆、用來推動 Solo 音量的 Clean Booster,當你在進行外場 Sound Check 時,只需要告知 PA 工程人員:『現在是 Solo 時的音量』,然後再啓動它;你的 PA 工程人員會知道這是他在控台上關於你的這一軌樂器所可能會呈現的最大音量,他就能相對合理地給予你整體音量的伸縮範圍,你們就可以共同完成一種『專業』的工作表現。
3. 單線圈/雙線圈 Pick-up 對於破音的差異:如果你習慣用這兩種不同款式 Pick-up 的琴來練習或工作,你應該已經發現,如果我用了雙線圈所調整出來的各區段破音,在頻率與音量都很理想的狀態下,立刻換一把單線圈的琴來彈奏,在 Clean Tone 的狀態下音量會顯得比較小、而 Drive Tone 的音量會爆增許多。在我的經驗裡,單線圈對於破音的反應敏感度其實是大過雙線圈,也因此,你幾乎無法以同一種音色的調整參數,期望兩款不同拾音器種類的琴都能表現得同樣『順暢』。如果你並不是一位調整參數非常快速的吉他手,我會建議針對兩款不同拾音器種類的琴,你可能要有兩組不同的『破音群』;或者說,如果你只能準備一組破音群,那麼你針對演出工作所準備的第二把『備用琴』,請盡量選擇與主要工作琴相同款式拾音器的配置,以免當你必須更換第二把琴時,你的整組破音與 Clean Tone,又會發生讓 PA 工程人員措手不及的慘劇。
4. C/P 值:我覺得大多數吉他手的共同悲劇,就是沒有足夠的錢可以把全世界所有的、包括隨時隨地會冒出來的各種破音全部都買回來玩耍 --- 反過來說,你如果夠幸運,可以不斷添購新玩具來嘗鮮,你也必須有足夠的時間,才能讓這些玩具有存在的意義。
到底什麼才是我們應該購買、而且價格/性能的比值是最好的選擇策略呢?我的確有幾顆還算是夢幻逸品的破音,而且也都價格不菲;但在我整個音樂工作歷程裡,它們實際的功能貢獻,是遠遠小於其他可能不到這些夢幻逸品價格十分之一的同類產品,所以,到底誰比較『有用』、而表現了更好的 C/P 值呢?
對於整體電吉他器材組合的購買順序考量,我想再次建議:你需要先選擇好你的琴,然後以『箱體優先』的概念去選擇音箱頭/箱體的組合,然後在大量資訊研究後去選擇幾款『基本必備』的破音效果器,然後~開始去講究你的真空管後級、講究你的線材,然後可以開始認真思考你需要的前級種類 --- 因為真正優秀的破音,還是來自好的前級 (到這個階段,你的音樂屬性也應該已經成形、定型了!),然後才是你可以放縱自己去挑選那些奢侈而很少實際用到的玩具的時候 --- 前提是你的確已經在這個階段之前,靠自己與你的吉他成功地養活了自己與家人,而且生活無虞。
而我大膽預言:到了最後,你只會需要一把好的琴、一組非常優秀的音箱頭/箱體,以及一顆棒透了的 Fuzz pedal,用超好的訊號線把它們連接起來,接上充沛而乾淨的電源,你的音色就 --- 肯定宇宙無敵!
後記. 關於『堆疊破音』,這一篇來自網路商店『Reverb』的重點介紹,我覺得非常值得一讀:https://reverb.com/news/a-beginners-guide-to-stacking-drive-pedals 。
而各類型破音擺放順序所造成的『音色形狀』的差異,這個由效果器品牌『Wampler』老闆所做的示範,可以給你一點實際的體驗:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmDC065i2Cs 。
至於我覺得真的很優秀的音箱頭/箱體組合,這個品牌算是『還在人間』的作品:http://kingsleyamplifiers.com/ 。我會建議可以點進他們的產品看一下實際示範,感受一下這位吉他手身份的老闆,是如何因為追求『表現自己的彈奏手感』而研製出的聲音平台。
* 刊頭相片取材自 Simon Gotthelf 2017 pedalboard (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJDxShDoWmk )
同時也有119部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過220萬的網紅ALPACO,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Pokemon Card | Charisma of the Wrecked Sky | Booster BOX Opening! This pokemon tcg is japanese pokemon center limited edition. ► Amazon : https://amz...
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sound booster 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 八卦
餐會前,有參與者送上聖誕卡與花束,祝賀師父佳節愉快。餐會後亦有出席者拿玳瑚師父的新書《向善向上2 - 漫畫版》請師父簽名。
(A)平安三部曲 - 內心的平安
(B)平安三部曲 - 屋子的平安
(C)平安三部曲 - 自身的平安
十九、精神 - 「精」與「神」的關聯
Do you have the resolve to change your destiny?
However, do you know how to respect others and yourself? Or do you think that if something is available for free, you would be a fool for not grabbing it?
On the night of Christmas Eve, 24 December 2018, Master Dai Hu conducted the much anticipated 46th Learning Session, A Wonderful Christmas.
Before it commenced, a participant gave Master a bouquet of lilies and a Christmas card, wishing him happy holidays. At the end of it, there were also participants who sought Master's autograph for his new comic book, Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment.
Master Dai Hu had never charged a single cent for his learning sessions. They were always conducted to repay his loyal fans, who dutifully read his FB posts and tapped Like for every single one of them. However, there will be still applicants, who neither read nor tap like for the posts, wanting to attend the free Learning Sessions and benefit from Master Dai Hu's Chinese Metaphysics knowledge.
One rejected applicant texted, "I will bear the consequences of my own karma."
Another applicant angrily asked, "Is it logical that you expect people to read so many of your posts?!"
Actually, there is no expectation. It is already clearly stated in the FB notice: the Learning Sessions are meant to benefit Master Dai Hu's devoted readers and fans, who read his FB posts and tapped Like for every single one of them.
There are sensible life truths in Master Dai Hu's posts. If you do not read them, you can't be considered as a person who treat yourself with benevolence. In this case, how will you have the good fortune to receive the help of Master Dai Hu?
If you did not invest any effort, and do not support Master Dai Hu's writings, yet you still wish to get his help for free, how is that reasonable and logical?
One participant was blacklisted by Master Dai Hu previously. He was due to attend one session in the summer of 2017. Before that, he requested for an early notification, so that he could inform his mother not to cook dinner for him. However, he still arrived late and was denied entry.
His reason for his lateness was him wanting to save money. He ate dinner at home and took the bus, despite running late and having the financial ability to take a taxi. He sent a late notice and did not personally apologise to Master Dai Hu for his tardiness.
Before Master Dai Hu reached the venue, he had already informed his assistant that this gentleman would be late by choice as he was a miser, and hence, chose not to spend when necessary. Master Dai Hu remarked that a man of such caliber made a poor candidate for destiny transformation, and preempted the assistant to turn him away when he would text later.
Master Dai Hu's prerequisite to all participants has always been:
* Have the tenacity to turn your destiny around
* be able to respect others
Therefore, good manners and punctuality are definitely traits that one should have.
1.5 year later, Master Dai Hu gave permission for this gentleman to attend the Christmas Eve's Learning Session. Reason being, he had been trying to contact Master Dai Hu for quite some time, and it was time to give him a chance. Secondly, the meeting would also validate Master Dai Hu's accuracy in reading his facial features.
True indeed, when the gentleman saw Master Dai Hu, he failed to take any initiative to introduce himself, greet Master, or offered his apology. He had to be reminded by Master's disciple before doing it.
When we are passively guarding a tree-stump, waiting for a benefactor to stroll by, don't forget that the same benefactor is also pursued by many other people, who bother to show the initiative. Nobody is obligated to help anybody.
Learning Session Highlights:
1. Master Dai Hu invited everybody to share what being safe and sound meant to them
2. Master Dai Hu explained the term 平常心 (a calm mind):
- Everything function in an appropriate order
- No excessive coveting and wishful thinking
- Live within your means and you will achieve stability
- Do not fight with others, do not contend with others
- Do not harbour evil intentions.
- Do not take advantage of others.
3. We must learn the ways the Universe operate. Why do flowers bloom in Spring, fruits are borne in Summer, the leaves wilt in Autumn, and hibernation take place in Winter?
4. Why does everything begin from our bodies?
5. To have a discriminating heart is to have enemies. In the heart of Master Dai Hu, there is nobody that he dislikes. He always choose to accept, because there is only love in his heart and no enmity.
6. When the house is right, the Feng Shui is right, your mood will naturally be great and so will your income level.
7. Which 5 types of buildings are the beginning of your nightmares?
8. How does the front view of our main door decide the safety and soundness of our money future?
9. A participant, Mr Lee Cheng Xiu, shared his live testimony:
Between 2017 and 2018, he attended 14 of Master Dai Hu's free learning sessions. Master Dai Hu decided to give him a helping hand, upon seeing how young he was. In 2018's prayers to the Supreme Jade Emperor, Master Dai Hu gave Mr Lee an offering from the prayer session and asked, "I bestow great fortune to you. Do you want it?"
Mr Lee Cheng Xiu nodded his head and said he wanted, before receiving the offering with both hands and saying thank you. He received countless Feng Shui advice and self luck booster suggestions, and diligently implemented Master's advice. His ecommerce revenue increased dramatically from almost zero sales to a shocking figure this year.
10. Question: Can strong willpower surmount the influence of a bad Feng Shui?
Master Dai Hu's reply: It is impossible for a mere mortal to have this ability. Man has many problems and a complicated mind. These produce many negative energies. Only an accomplished spiritual cultivator is able to triumph the effects of a bad Feng Shui. Hence, when you are unable to do it, you should seek the help of a Master who can do it.
11. Question: When your main door faces the main door of another household, is it ideal?
12. Why does Master Dai Hu discourage the use of crystals in destiny transformation?
13. The correlation between our homes and our health
14. How to choose a dining table most suitable for ourselves
15. If you are unable to engage a good Feng Shui master, how can you choose a suitable house?
16. In 2019, how do you activate the store of wealth in your home?
17. Master Dai Hu analysed the facial auras of participants.
18. How does sexual misconduct affect the prosperity of men?
19. The Chinese term 精神 - the correlation between 精 and 神
20. When you have the money, do not eat it all by yourself. When you strike it rich, you must help others.
21. How do you tell that this man has plans but lack the drive and boldness to carry them through?
22. Why is a great ambition defeated by lousy bedroom Feng Shui?
23. So this is how the application of the five elements determine our victories and defeats!
24. A house formation like this is like a live battlefield - daily quarrels, lack of money, Yin afflictions.
Our age will only increase year by year, and not the other way. Feng Shui has the ability to transform a single opportunity into a hundred more. Master Dai Hu is not encouraging everybody to be greedy, but in this world of form, it is impossible to live without money. Master Dai Hu cracked a joke with the participants, "I hope for everyone to have a comfortable life, so that you won't end up having to borrow money from me."
Master Dai Hu also reminded the male participants: When a man introduces himself, there must be strength in his words and never to speak weakly or softly. But bear in mind that a man is deemed impressive when he is capable and competent, not when he uses his strength to beat a woman or bully the fairer sex.
The definition of 平安 (being safe and sound) lies in your state of mind. We must be able to accept everybody, and think of their good points. The moment we can open up our hearts will be when we can truly receive 平安 .
【開放預購#2】PRE-ORDER #2 OPEN
《向善向上 2》Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment 2
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The mind can create Heaven. It can also create Hell.
Transformation of your destiny begins from your mind.
Transformation of your luck begins from taking action.
The economical price includes global delivery (Smartpac mailing for Singapore addressees, registered mail for overseas mailing).
Looking forward to your enthusiastic support! May everybody has a copy and gift copies of this virtuous book to your family and friends and together, embrace a beautiful future!
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Shipment to arrive in 2nd week of January, 2019.
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三民書局 Sanmin - http://www.sanmin.com.tw/Product/index/007024661
博客來 - https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010808087
誠品書局 Eslite - http://www.eslite.com/product.aspx…
金石堂 Kingstone - https://www.kingstone.com.tw/basics/basics.asp?kmcode=2012000020405&lid=search&actid=wise
sound booster 在 ALPACO Youtube 的評價
Pokemon Card | Charisma of the Wrecked Sky | Booster BOX Opening!
This pokemon tcg is japanese pokemon center limited edition.
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sound booster 在 ALPACO Youtube 的評價
Pokemon Kids Booster Box Opening 4Edition "Alola" "VS Tapu Koko" "I Choose YOU!" "Solgaleo"
Opening 4 boxes of Pokemon Kids booster boxes.
"Pokemon Kids" is a popular figures from a long time ago where Pokemon was deformed.
- Alola Edition
- VS Tapu Koko Edition
- I Choose YOU! Edition
- Solgaleo Edition
Pokemon Kids
Which one do you choose?
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Music from Epidemic Sound: https://goo.gl/gUKsxi
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Jul 22, 2020 - Explore Franco Vella's board "sound booster" on Pinterest. See more ideas about iphone speaker, sound booster, passive speaker. ... <看更多>