最衰都係你地班香港留學生同「Simon單嘢」,教壞咗個中國同學仔,搞到人地受死亡恐嚇,仲要推到上《The Times》。
今日泰晤士報導,「Simon單嘢」之後Edinburgh University有個中國留學生因為著住件「五大訴求」「反警暴」之類嘅T-Shirt參加遊行(邊個比佢㗎?邊個毒害佢嘅思想吖?)。
//“Brothers from Chengdu, beat him to death.”//
嗰位中國留學生接受《The Times》訪問,話
“Most of the horror stories you have heard about China are true."(「你地聽聞嗰啲恐怖嘢係真㗎」)
前蘇格蘭事務大臣Alistair Carmichael知道之後就表示,
"The way that China has reacted to protests in Hong Kong has been heavy handed and authoritarian and for this behaviour to extend its tendrils into Scotland is beyond the pale.”
而蘇格蘭最年經嘅議員Ross Greer就話,
"the Scottish Government realise that China policy based on ‘trade-based diplomacy’ and ‘exporting Scottish values’ of democracy and freedom has been a comprehensive failure.”
不過最欣賞係Edinburgh University中國同學會會長Z姓嘅同學,佢話「譴責任何暴力」不過要尊重中國留學生嘅言論同表達自由("respect freedom of speech and recognise the right of the Chinese student to express his ideas.")
simon diplomacy 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 八卦
最衰都係你地班香港留學生同「Simon單嘢」,教壞咗個中國同學仔,搞到人地受死亡恐嚇,仲要推到上《The Times》。
今日泰晤士報導,「Simon單嘢」之後Edinburgh University有個中國留學生因為著住件「五大訴求」「反警暴」之類嘅T-Shirt參加遊行(邊個比佢㗎?邊個毒害佢嘅思想吖?)。
//“Brothers from Chengdu, beat him to death.”//
嗰位中國留學生接受《The Times》訪問,話
“Most of the horror stories you have heard about China are true."(「你地聽聞嗰啲恐怖嘢係真㗎」)
前蘇格蘭事務大臣Alistair Carmichael知道之後就表示,
"The way that China has reacted to protests in Hong Kong has been heavy handed and authoritarian and for this behaviour to extend its tendrils into Scotland is beyond the pale.”
而蘇格蘭最年經嘅議員Ross Greer就話,
"the Scottish Government realise that China policy based on ‘trade-based diplomacy’ and ‘exporting Scottish values’ of democracy and freedom has been a comprehensive failure.”
不過最欣賞係Edinburgh University中國同學會會長Z姓嘅同學,佢話「譴責任何暴力」不過要尊重中國留學生嘅言論同表達自由("respect freedom of speech and recognise the right of the Chinese student to express his ideas.")
simon diplomacy 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 八卦
英國《The Times》泰晤士報今日(11月21號)主要社評(三個放中間嗰編)評論Simon單嘢。
標題好容易明:"Bully Boys"(流氓)
//Beijing dealings with Britain have taken an ugly turn. //
然後就報導外交大臣因為Simon單嘢傳召駐英大使,而星期一大使就公開指責英國支持「極端份子」(“extremists”),又叫廢國好好咁顧掂自己國家先(乜咁似平時响呢個page見到嗰啲留言嘅?)。因為前英國殖民地嘅暴力情況去賴其他國家,泰晤士報形容係亂黎(flurry)嘅刻薄外交手段(hard-nosed diplomacy)。
//This was clearly a hostile act. Mr Cheng has a British national (overseas) passport and was working for a British consular mission on behalf of the British government. The question is how to respond. The US Senate has shown the way with a Hong Kong human rights act that allows the president to impose sanctions on those responsible for arbitrary detention.//
//Britain, too, needs to react strongly, while acknowledging its power and influence is considerably less than that of the United States. Beijing is making a mockery the Sino-British declaration and is in breach of international law.//
P.S. 「聽住先啦,英國佬始終信唔過,得個講字。」
simon diplomacy 在 'Window for diplomacy is closing' in Ukraine - YouTube 的八卦
Simon Fraser, former head of the Foreign Office, says that Putin wants to rewrite the European security structure and reintegrate Ukraine ... ... <看更多>