ใครดูแม่กชขูดมะพร้าวบ้างคะ 😆😆 #แม่กชลืมใส่ซาบีน่า 😅 #เจ้าหญิงเม็ดทราย **ดูย้อนหลัง EP.9 ได้ที่ 👉 http://tv.line.me/v/9927706
Who looks at Mother Khch scraping coconut? 😆😆 #Mother Khun Sabina 😅 #Princess Sand ** Watch back EP. 9 at 👉 http://tv.line.me/v/9927706Translated
同時也有39部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過304萬的網紅MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,We wanted to make this tart after seeing this pie on the Tastemade Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BbvsPiwHkze/ The filling is transparent, but...
scraping 在 Lowcostcosplay Facebook 八卦
Scraping, howling, cement.
scraping 在 肥媽 Maria cordero Facebook 八卦
🍏🍏蘋果膠 購買Link 🔗🔗🔗
英文: https://bit.ly/3nPMAGZ
2020年10月31號 Live 食譜 Recipes
📌長紅色辣椒🌶️ 切粒和長條
📌花蛤 clams
📌米 2杯至2 1/2半 (不一定要用
📌香葉bay leaf 1片
📌甜椒粉Paprika 1 茶匙
1. 加橄欖油入熱鑊中,首先爆香洋葱. 同隻鑊的另一邊煎香一面的雞肉至金黃先才可以反轉另一面煎. 爆香一邊雞肉後加入些鹽,香葉和黑胡椒粉
2. 加入蒜頭爆香至雞肉兩面都至金黃色便可炒勻. 另加入蕃茄粒再炒勻, 再加入葡國臘腸粒,炒香再加紅甜椒粒, 炒幾下先加入蕃茄膏繼續炒下加入魷魚再炒幾下然後加入龍蝦湯及浸了水的蕃紅花炒勻
3. 放入沒有冼的生米以十字形灑在(2)上面慢慢將米按入湯中便會均勻分佈再加入2匙鹽及1茶匙甜椒粉煮一陣⚠️注意不用撈勻住
4. 加入黑橄欖粒入(3), 蓋上鑊蓋, 轉中火繼續煮十分鐘(不用全程用猛火). 中途煮了5分鐘左右後加入枝豆上蓋
5. 落完枝豆2分鐘後放青口入飯面後上蓋, 過1-2分鐘後把蝦和花哈平均放在飯面. 再灑入蔥頭,紅長椒條, 紅椒粒蓋上鑊蓋轉細火煮多3分鐘左右或至收曬水. 西班牙海鮮飯完成👏🏻😋
YouTube Live – October 31, 2020 Recipe English Version
Seafood Paella
(YouTube video starts at 0:23.)
Rice - of your choice about 2 ½ cups (450ml) (uncooked and unwashed to retain its outer starch for sticky texture when cooked)
Chicken thighs/legs - chopped
Portuguese sausage - sliced (optional to replace with Italian salami or any sausage of your choice for meat flavor)
White onion - chopped
Garlic - chopped
Cuttlefish - sliced (must be added first with uncooked rice to bring out the seafood aroma)
Mussels - (to be added last)
Shrimps - (to be added last)
Clams - (to be added last)
Tomato - diced
Red bell pepper - diced and sliced
Edamame - (or regular green peas)
Olive oil - (MUST use olive oil)
Black pepper
Bay leaf
Tomato paste
Lobster stock - (or replace with chicken stock or just plain water is good enough)
Saffron Threads - a pinch (must use) (soak in a half small bowl of water to bring out the aroma)
Paprika - about 1 tsp (must use)
Black olives - sliced
Shallots - sliced
Red long chili - diced
White wine - optional
1. In a heated wok, add in olive oil, onion, and chicken pieces. Add salt, black pepper, and bay leaf to the chicken, fry until golden brown and fragrant, then flip to the other side. Avoid moving the chicken too much when frying.
2. Add in garlic, tomato, Portuguese sausage slices, diced red bell pepper, tomato paste, cuttlefish, and stir fry until fragrant. Add in lobster stock to cover all ingredients and pour in saffron threads water, including the saffron threads, and mix well.
3. Add in uncooked rice by pouring in the wok in a cross design. Using a spatula, spread uncooked rice evenly around the wok. DO NOT mix. Sprinkle in salt and paprika to taste. Add in black olives, edamame, cover wok with lid, and cook on MEDIUM heat for 10 minutes.
4. After 10 minutes, add the mussels to the wok by sticking into the rice. Arrange the shrimps, and clams on top of the rice, sprinkle in shallots, red long chili, red bell peppers slices, cover lid, and cook for further 3 minutes on LOW heat or until all liquid has absorbed. Serve.
📌 無鹽牛油 50克
📌 白色棉花糖 150克
📌 紅莓乾 50克
📌 開心果 70克
📌 奶粉 100克
📌 食用米紙 適量
1. 牛油落鑊,用細火煮溶,之後放入棉花糖,慢慢煮溶,直至成糖漿。
2. 放入奶粉攪均,之後熄火。
3. 倒入開心果,紅梅乾,再攪均。
4. 準備平底長方形鐵盤,鋪上食用米紙,之後倒入步驟3已攪均的棉花糖漿,再用刮刀壓平,之後利用刮刀整成長方形,高度按自己喜歡,之後再推向盤邊,令長方形形狀更出。之後放入雪櫃冷藏大約15-20分鐘。
5. 取出已雪凍的鳥結糖,切條,再切成長方形粒狀,上碟,即成。(或者可以用食用米紙包成糖果)
(YouTube starts at 43:12.)
Unsalted Butter - 50g
Marshmallows - 150g
Milk powder - 100g
Pistachio - 70g
Dried cranberries - 50g
Edible glutinous/sticky rice paper
1. In a heated pan, add in butter and melt it completely on LOW heat.
2. Add in marshmallows and melt them completely. TURN OFF heat.
3. Add in milk powder, pistachio, dried cranberries, and mix well.
4. Transfer to a tray lined with parchment paper. Flatten it smooth, and freeze it. Once cooled, cut into nougat sizes, and wrap each one with edible glutinous rice paper. Serve.
薑粒 大約1湯羮
豆腐 1磚
蟹粉 3湯羹
上湯 2罐
粟粉 2茶匙
陳醋 1湯羹
麻油 1茶匙
蔥花 小許
1. 紅蘿蔔用匙刮成蓉
2. 鑊燒至微熱下油(大約兩湯匙),倒入紅蘿蔔茸,略炒,加入姜茸,繼續用慢火炒香
3. 加入蟹粉,再炒一會,然後倒入上湯(留少許稍後開粟粉水用),此時可調高火力。
4. 豆腐切大粒,加入煲內,再加少許胡椒粉,陳醋,麻油拌勻。
5. 粟粉用預留的上湯開成粉漿,加入煲內,倒入時要輕輕攪拌。湯滾後加入蔥花,關火即成。
English Version
Shanghai Hairy Crab Paste Tofu Soup
(YouTube starts at 29:36.)
Shanghai hairy crab paste - a container (if unavailable, substitute with carrot bits by scraping a carrot with a spoon)
Ginger - minced
Chicken stock
Tofu - (pat very dry with paper towel and cut into cubes)
Green onion - shredded
White pepper - to taste
Chinese mature vinegar - to taste
Sesame oil - to taste
Corn starch and water - to thicken soup
Egg white
1. In a clay pot, add in oil and carrot bits. Cook on low heat until you get the consistency and appearance of crab paste. Add in minced ginger, Shanghai hairy crab paste, chicken stock, and tofu cubes.
2. Add in white pepper, Chinese mature vinegar, and sesame oil to taste. Stir in cornstarch and water mixture to thicken soup.
3. Sprinkle in edamame, green onion, and add in egg white. Serve.
scraping 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的評價
We wanted to make this tart after seeing this pie on the Tastemade Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BbvsPiwHkze/
The filling is transparent, but tastes exactly like a milk tea tart! We mixed matcha powder into the base, and used Suntory Tennensui Premium Morning Tea Milk Flavor for the filling because it is clear, but has the perfect milk tea flavor.
This stuff is amazing! It's like magic!
*Recipe* (makes six 8.5cm tarts, or one 18cm tart)
Making the tart base
1. Mix 50g of unsalted butter in a bowl at room temperature.
2. Add 30g of sugar and mix with butter by scraping the mixture against the bottom of the bowl.
3. Add one egg yolk and mix.
4. In a separate bowl, mix 3g of matcha powder and 20g of almond powder into 97g of weak flour.
5. Sift the flour from step 4 into the mixture from step 3 and mix gently.
6. Shape the mixture into one clump and wrap it in cellophane. Then, let it sit in the refrigerator for at least one hour.
7. Separate the mixture from step 6 into six parts (about 38g each), and bake in Vitantonio tart pans. Alternatively, you can spread the entire mixture in an 18cm tart pan and bake it.
8. Once it has cooled slightly, put it in the refrigerator to chill.
Making the filling (with half leftover)
9. Put 50g of sugar and 200g of Suntory Tennensui Premium Morning Tea Milk Flavor in a small pan and heat.
10. Let the sugar melt, and remove it from the heat just before it boils.
11. Add 10g of powder gelatin to the mixture from step 9, and allow to melt.
12. Mix in 300g of Suntory Tennensui Premium Morning Tea Milk Flavor at normal temperature.
13. Separate a little bit of the mixture from step 12.
14. Paint some of the mixture from step 12 onto the fully chilled tart bases from step 8, in order to coat the surface and fill in holes.
15. Cool in the refrigerator.
16. Put the mixture from step 12 into the tart bases from step 15.
17. Cool in the refrigerator.
18. Enjoy with fresh cream to taste. The perfect milk tea flavor! How surprising!
This recipe is difficult. The filling is liquid when you pour it into the tart bases, so take care that no holes (from air bubbles, etc.) appear in the bases when they are baking. If there are big holes, the filling will run out of them, making for a laborious cleanup. This time, we painted the liquid jelly on using a brush. However, there were also methods where once we poured it into the tart base, it immediately burst open (be sure to do it before the tart base loses strength). In any case, fully coating the base with the jelly liquid is essential. Half of the filling will be leftover. You can either let it solidify and enjoy it as jelly, or halve the recipe when making it.
TastemadeのInstagramでパイを見て https://www.instagram.com/p/BbvsPiwHkze/ 作りたくなったこのタルト。
透明フィリングだけど、味はちゃんとミルクティータルトです。タルト台には、紅茶パウダーを混ぜ込み、フィリングには透明だけど味は完全ミルクティーのサントリー 天然水 プレミアムモーニングティーミルクを使ってます。
*レシピ*(8.5センチのタルト型 6個分、または18センチのタルト型 1個分)
1.ボウルに室温に戻した無塩バター 50gを混ぜる。
2.砂糖 30gを入れすり混ぜる。
3.卵黄 1個分を入れ混ぜる。
4.薄力粉 97gに紅茶パウダー 3g、アーモンドパウダー 20gを混ぜる。
9.小鍋に砂糖 50gとサントリー 天然水 プレミアムモーニングティーミルク200gを入れ火にかける。
11.9に粉ゼラチン 10gを入れ溶かす。
12.常温のサントリー 天然水 プレミアムモーニングティーミルク300gを混ぜ入れる。
#音フェチ #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #MilkTea #Tart #Recipe

scraping 在 えっちゃんねる/悦子 Youtube 的評價
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scraping 在 ASMR BlueKatie Youtube 的評價
Listen to my ASMR audio on background with Spotify! → https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ilBnMW62Nt42yIqSlbaJ7
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どうも!けいとです。お久しぶりの耳かき動画です!?少しでもリラックスして貰えたら嬉しいです。ご視聴ありがとうございました!!リクエストなどあったら是非教えてね。高評価、チャンネル登録、通知、ツイッター&インスタフォローよろしくおねがいします^^励みになります!みんないつもありがとう おやすみ??
Hi my blue kitties! Katie here:) Today's video is a ear cleaning video since ive not done it for a while and many where asking me to make one! The previous SR3D broke, and the service of the company is just terrible, they've scammed me for another product and also they dont reply to any of my emails... bruh Anyways! thats why i bought a 3dio and i almost cried during checkout cause shit is expensive yallllll
I hope you enjoy though! Thank u so much for watching! Please follow my twitter, instagram and subscribe&like? love u guys and have a good night??
Please help me put subtitles on my videos! x
パトロンPatreon, Thank you so so much for the support!! 応援本当にありがとうございます!:https://www.patreon.com/ASMRBluekatie
Discord ディスコード: https://discord.gg/xcJWfwn
End screen music by Sir. Dayo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOhBpkr_0g0
PLAYLIST 子守唄/Lullabies ASMR・音フェチ Singing you to sleep
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