美國在台協會在今年美國國務院的「2016綠色外交行動計畫」頒獎典禮上,獲得了「節能減碳最佳成效獎」,讓我非常引以為傲。「綠色外交行動計畫」是由美國國務院所發起,希望能幫助美國政府在世界各地的建物減少碳足跡。美國在台協會也希望能為節能減碳和對抗氣候變遷盡一份力,因此今年特別推行了一個「關燈」活動,在內部的各個空間安裝了動作感應裝置,只要15秒沒有偵測到動作,就會自動把燈關上;我們也把所有的燈泡都換成高效能的LED燈;為所有的空調設備做了定時關機設定,以減少浪費。此外,作客台北的我們也希望能當一個好客人,因此推動了節約用水計畫。我們在每個水龍頭都安裝了省水裝置,並且開始用雨水和地下水來為AIT的植物澆水以及清洗AIT的車輛。目前為止,我們每個月平均省下了18%的水。未來我們希望能做得更多,來幫助我們的環境。--- 梅健華 #FromAITDirector
#EnergyReduction #EcoDiplomacy #GDI
I am so proud that AIT was recognized at the State Department’s 2016 Greening Diplomacy Initiative awards ceremony for “Greatest Building Energy Reduction.” The Greening Diplomacy Initiative is the Department of State’s program to help reduce the carbon footprint of U.S. government facilities around the world. To do our part to save energy and combat global warming, this year AIT implemented a robust “turn the lights off” campaign, installed motion detectors that turn lights out after 15 seconds when rooms are not occupied, changed all light bulbs to high efficiency LED lights, and programmed A/C units to operate between set times to eliminate waste. And, to be a good guest in Taipei, AIT implemented a water savings project. We installed water flow reducers on faucets and have started using reclaimed rain and underground water for irrigation and to wash AIT vehicles. So far, we are using 18% less water every month. And we want to continue to do more to help the environment around us...km
reclaimed water 在 TechOrange 科技報橘 Facebook 八卦
TSMC is working on blocking the hole and saving up water. TechOrange English Site had a look at the solutions and numbers.
reclaimed water 在 Oon Shu An Facebook 八卦
Green. At the eco-luxe 1Hotel. 54% of their material are regional and reclaimed. For example, I had a hanger that said it was made out of old maps.
I really respect businesses that make a commitment to the environment. They really can implement change on a large scale.
At @kiehls, they do sustainable sourcing and work hand in hand with farmers and producers to source ingredients that are beneficial to their communities. 36% of their products contain at least one sustainable ingredient and they are aiming for 50% by 2020.
With technology, they are now able to use recycled materials in their packaging as well as what theyve been doing for a very long time, which is recycling and rewarding their customers
Their goal is that by 2020, theyll have at least 30% post consumer recycled materials in 100% of their products. Yaay @kiehlssg!!
Btw, i have a problem. I want to bring my own water out instead of drinking bottled water. But i have a problem when i run out of water! I havent been able to get over the tap water thing, and have been looking around for small, portable, practical water filters! If you guys have any ideas, please help! Hahah 😘
#worldofkiehls #kiehlssg #tb #sp 3/3