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2008-12-08 16:27:04 有 71,179,683 人看過 有 185,567 人喜歡#1. RASFF - Language selection | Food Safety - European Union
As part of the food safety tools, the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) was established to ensure the exchange of information between member ...
#2. RASFF歐盟預警系統通報(2021/08) - SGS安心資訊平台
編號 通報日期 通報國 1 31‑08‑2021 波蘭 2 30‑08‑2021 希臘 3 26‑08‑2021 愛沙尼亞
#3. rasff - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"rasff" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#4. The European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF)
What is the Rapid Alert System RASFF ? ... Once a health hazard has been identified, swift alerts, information, cooperation and mutual exchange of information are ...
#5. RASFF notifications - Primoris
The RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) is an important resource that allows easy transfer of information across the border.
#6. Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed - Wikipedia
The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) is a system for reporting food safety issues within the European Union established by Regulation (EC) ...
#7. Using the rapid alert system for food and feed - PubMed
The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF), where competent authorities in each Member State (MS) submit notifications on the withdrawal of unsafe or ...
#8. Rapid alert systems | ESA - EFTA Surveillance Authority
The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) provides national food and feed control authorities in the EEA with an effective tool for sharing ...
#9. EU sees rise in fraud exchanges and RASFF alerts in 2021
The Alert and Cooperation Network (ACN) includes the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF), Administrative Assistance and Cooperation ...
#10. Analysis of RASFF notifications on food products ...
In order to manage interconnected food safety issues arising from international trade, the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) was initiated in 32 ...
#11. Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF)
The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) is a notification system operated by the European Commission to exchange information on identified hazards ...
#12. RASFF as supplement to the risk analysis raw materials - KTBA
The RASFF is an online portal in which all known exceeding of food safety hazards have been included. This portal also has extensive ...
#13. RASFF - The Food & Drink Federation
The EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) is a notification system operated by the European Commission to exchange information on identified ...
#14. Introducing the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF)
Article 50 establishes the RASFF. • Regulation EC No 183/2005 (Feed Hygiene Regulation). • Commission Regulation (EU) 16/2011 (the RASFF ...
#15. RASFF - Bundesamt für Ernährungssicherheit
The European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) enables the authorities of the EU Member States to react quickly and in a coordinated manner to ...
#16. Rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF)
Recent export data show an increase in exports of meat, meat products, canned meat, egg products, canned fish and honey during the three ...
#17. The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) portal
The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) has been put in place by the European Commission to provide food and feed control ...
#18. Allerta rapido (RASFF) - Ministero della Salute
Il sistema RASFF, come definito dall'articolo 50 del Regolamento 178/2002, è un sistema di allarme, sotto forma di rete, per la notifica di ...
#19. RASFF - Nébih
A RASFF és AAC rendszerről. Az Európai Unió élelmiszer- és takarmánybiztonsági riasztási rendszere (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed, RASFF) 1979-ben ...
#20. RASFF: keeping an eye on food - Vimeo
The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed ( RASFF ) was put in place to provide food and feed control authorities with an effective tool to ...
#21. Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF)
A key tool to ensure the flow of information to enabling swift reaction when risks to public health are detected in the food chain is RASFF – the Rapid Alert ...
#22. Extending Experimentalist Governance?: The European Union ...
MEMBER COUNTRY NOTIFICATION Media RASFF ALERT Market control Third country/ Border control international organization Business/ RASFF ASSESSMENT consumer ...
#23. Red de alerta (RASFF)
A nivel de la UE se establece el sistema RASFF (Rapid Alert System Feed and Food), que proporciona a las autoridades de control de alimentos y piensos una ...
#24. Residues of Pesticides | RASFF - Notifications - EURL
For detailed information on the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed-system (RASFF) of the European Commission please go to.
#25. 欧盟RASFF通报(2022年第12周) - 中国贸易救济信息网
日前,欧盟食品和饲料类快速预警系统(RASFF)发布了2022年第12周通报。共119项,其中,针对中国输欧产品10项(不包括对香港特别行政区和台湾地区的 ...
#26. Rapid Alert System for Food & Feed (RASFF)
The video explains the RASFF a key tool to ensure the flow of information to enabling swift reaction when risks to public health are ...
#27. Le RASFF, le réseau d'alerte rapide européen pour l ...
Le RASFF a été conçu par la Commission européenne en 1979 et a été structuré dans sa forme actuelle en 2002 par le règlement (CE) n° 178/2002 ...
#28. RAsFF as the tool for ensuring food safety
The results present the RASFF system effectiveness including number of system notifications with supplements from 1997 to 2008 and the proportion of alert ...
#29. Pathogenic microorganism notifications jump to all-time high
How does RASFF work? By Joseph James Whitworth. 16-Jun-2014 - Last updated on 17-Jun-2014 at 12: ...
#30. The Second Global Meeting of the FAO/WHO International Food ...
Jan Baele, Head of Sector, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) RASFF, European Commission; INFOSAN Advisory Group Member ...
#31. El RASFF: Sistema d'alerta ràpida per a aliments i pinsos
El Sistema d'alerta ràpida per a aliments i pinsos, conegut per la sigla RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed), és un sistema de bescanvi ràpid ...
#32. Food allergens recalls on rapid alert system for food and feed ...
Request PDF | On Nov 29, 2017, Inês Pádua and others published Food allergens recalls on rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) portal ...
#33. Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed - RASFF - YouTube
Un interessante video che illustra l'organizzazione e la funzione del RASFF, ossia il "Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed" ...
#34. 欧盟食品和饲料快速预警系统RASFF通报2022年第46期
序号 通报日期 通报号 通报国 产品大类 产品类别 通报产品 1 16/11/2022 2022.6690 芬兰 食品接触材料 食品接触材料 密胺碗 2 14/11/2022 2022.6628 拉脱维亚 食品 食品添加剂和调味品 黄原胶 3 14/11/2022 2022.6625 德国 食品 可可和可可制剂、咖啡和茶 茶叶
#35. EU RASFF - Food & Feed Safety Alerts
RASFF A link to the Commission's information page on RASFF can be found here. The information includes a link to the searchable RASFF database.
#36. Chemistry and Food Safety in the EU: The Rapid Alert System ...
Original notifications— alert, border rejection, and information documents—are the basis of the current RASFF system. In addition, 'non-original' ...
#37. Juice Processing: Quality, Safety and Value-Added Opportunities
Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF). (2003). Annual report 2003. Available at:
#38. EU Food Safety - Twitter
How do we monitor #foodsafety in the #EU? Read our Q&A on the Rapid Alert System for Food & Feed #RASFF #fipronil!yp47vv.
#39. Sicurezza alimentare, pubblicato rapporto Rasff 2021 - Unaitalia
È stato pubblicato il rapporto annuale 2021 Rasff, il Sistema di Allerta Rapido per Alimenti e Mangimi in ambito europeo (RASFF).
#40. Le système RASFF - Evaluation des risques - OGM
... grâce à la législation qui garantit que les aliments sont sans danger pour les consommateurs. Le RASFF, le système d'alerte rapide pour.
#41. Informe RASFF 2019. Alertas de seguridad alimentaria en la UE
RASFF. Sistema de Alerta Rápido para alimentos y piensos de la UE.
RASFF Portal (2019). The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) Portal Search Page. ...
#43. Hlášení v systému RASFF: 48. týden 2022 - Bezpečnost potravin
Existují dva druhy notifikací systému včasného varování pro potraviny a krmiva (RASFF): notifikace týkající se výrobků (potravin nebo krmiv) ...
Fanno parte della rete del RASFF: • l'Unione europea, tramite la Commissione europea e l'Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare (EFSA);. • l ...
#45. RASFF: Domande e risposte - Certifico Srl
Il sistema di allarme rapido per gli alimenti e i mangimi (RASFF), avviato quasi quarant'anni fa e precisamente nel 1979, è principalmente ...
#46. Chemical Health Threats: Assessing and Alerting
rASFF members each have a designated contact point that is responsible for sending rASFF notifications to the eC. Alert notifications to rASFF are quality ...
#47. Il sistema di allerta rapido per alimenti e mangimi (RASFF ...
Il sistema di allerta rapido per alimenti e mangimi, noto anche come Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF), è un sistema di allarme rapido europeo ...
#48. Informe anual RASFF 2019. Alertas sobre la seguridad de ...
La Comisión Europea finalmente ha publicado el informe anual RASFF (Sistema de alerta rápida sobre alimentos y piensos) relativas al año ...
#49. raport UE na podstawie systemu RASFF za 2019 rok
Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z najważniejszymi wnioskami z raportu. Rok 2019 był przełomowy dla sieci RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and ...
#50. El Sistema de Alerta Rápida para Alimentos y Piensos ...
Creado hace 40 años, el RASFF permite que la información se comparta de manera eficiente entre las autoridades nacionales responsables de la ...
#51. Système d'alerte européen RASFF, les Salmonelles, Listeria ...
Le réseau d'alerte européen RASFF (Rapid alert system for food and feed), qui identifie les produits et ingrédients à risque, ...
#52. 食品和饲料快速预警系统(RASFF)
食品和饲料快速预警系统是当面临公共卫生危机时在各国间传播信息的重要工具。当快速预警网络中的任何一个成员国有任何关于威胁到人类健康的信息时,RASFF都会立刻发布 ...
#53. The Netherlands issues high cadmium alert on Moroccan ...
According to the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF), the Dutch authorities detected that a batch of peppers from Morocco had a ...
#54. The expensive trolley increases the presence of low quality ...
... analysis based on the latest Annual Report of the European Commission on the European Rapid Alert System (Rasff) published in 2022, ...
#55. A.N.S.V.S.A.
RASFF România. Rechemare/Retragere produse alimentare. Structruri teritoriale. Transport animale. Unităţi de profil. Unităţi înregistrate.
El RASFF: Sistema de alerta rápida para alimentos y piensos El RASFF o Sistema de Alerta Rápida para Alimentos y Piensos se creó para proporcionar a las ...
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#58. 市场监管总局公布11批次抽检不合格食品;企业因请明星代言 ...
... 代言保健品被罚112万;商家推出小羊人套餐被质疑抖机灵;胡润中国食品行业百强榜发布;欧盟食品和饲料类快速预警系统(RASFF)通报(2022年第50周)。
#59. Krompir iz BiH vraćen s hrvatske granice: Imao veću količinu ...
Sve raspoložive informacije zaprimljene putem EU RASFF-a, Agencija je dostavila na dalje postupanje mjerodavnim inspekcijskim tijelima u ...
#60. Прикарпатців попереджають про сальмонелу, яку виявили в ...
... та кормах (RASFF) від 07.12.2022 № 2022.6977-fup 5, стосовно виявлення Salmonella enteritidis у заморожених сирих курячих смужках, ...
#61. Países Bajos emite una alerta por alto contenido de cadmio ...
Los motivos de esta alerta han sido calificados como graves por el RASFF. Efectos del cadmio. Ingerir alimentos o tomar agua con niveles de ...
#62. Novice | GOV.SI
Minister za infrastrukturo mag. Bojan Kumer se je v Bruslju udeležil nadaljevanja izrednega Sveta Evropske Unije za energijo, kjer so ministri intenzivno ...
#63. No Horsing Around - FoodSafetyTech
RASFF WINDOW. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Dec. 2022].
#64. Illegale Bambusfaser-Produkte bei EU-Internetkontrollaktion ...
Produktlinien in das Europäische Behörden-Schnellwarnsystem RASFF eingemeldet, weil die Internet-Shops vom Ausland aus betrieben werden.
#65. Prodej úvěrů Sberbank: Výjimka z amerických sankcí nekončí
Poznáte RAPEX a RASFF? Mal by ich sledovať každý. Podnikatelia však neustále. Ak dbáte na zdravý životný štýl, informácie o nebezpečných ...
#66. Les Pays-Bas signalent la forte teneur en cadmium de ...
L'information a été communiquée via le système d'alerte rapide pour les denrées alimentaires et les aliments pour animaux, RASFF, dans la ...
#67. На Львівщину завезли з Польщі партію напівфабрикатів з ...
Через систему швидкого оповіщення по харчових продуктах та кормах (RASFF) надійшло повідомлення про виявлення Salmonella enteritidis у ...
#68. Krumpir s kancerogenom tvari vraćen iz Hrvatske u Bosnu i ...
U Agenciji za sigurnost hrane Bosne i Hercegovine su potvrdili da su Sistemom brzog uzbunjivanja za hranu (EU RASFF) obaviješteni o zabrani ...
#69. У Харкові та області у продажу може з'явитися курятина з ...
Повідомлення про продукт надійшло від системи швидкого реагування по харчових продуктах та кормах (RASFF). Продукцію експортували з Польщі до України. Виробник: ...
#70. Makro geeft veiligheidswaarschuwing af voor Rode ... -
2022-11-24 RASFF: Genetisch gemodificeerd organisme in gele papaya's; 2022-11-23 FAVV: Terugroeping groene papaya van het merk Garica Papyya ...
#71. Biedronka, Lidl i inne sklepy usuwają te ... - Dziennik Zachodni
Główny Inspektor Sanitarny został poinformowany poprzez System Wczesnego Ostrzegania o Niebezpiecznej Żywności i Paszach (RASFF) o ...
#72. eFoodAlert – Your one-stop source for food safety information
Here is today's list of food safety recalls, product withdrawals, allergy alerts and miscellaneous compliance issues.
#73. Inspekcija provjerava organski krompir iz BiH koji je vraćen s ...
Agencija za sigurnost hrane Bosne i Hercegovine, putem Sustava brzog uzbunjivanja za hranu i hranu za životinje (EU RASFF), obaviještena je ...
#74. Objavljeno ko je u BiH proizveo krompir pun kadmija - Bh-index
Sve raspoložive informacije zaprimljene putem EU RASFF-a, Agencija je dostavila na dalje postupanje nadležnim inspekcijskim organima u Bosni i ...
#75. Jesu li propisi o sigurnosti hrane u BiH usklađeni sa propisima ...
Dodali su kako Agencija zaprimljene putem EU RASFF-a dostavlja na daljnje postupanje mjerodavnim inspekcijskim tijelima u BiH. “Od njih tražimo ...
#76. Index A-Z – Produktwarnungen – Produktrückrufe und ...
Babynahrung · Nahrungsergänzung · Genussmittel · RASFF Lebensmittelwarnungen · Atemschutzmasken · Warnungen zu Atemschutzmasken · Zugelassene Stellen für ...
#77. Il rapporto Efsa zoonosi e focolai infettivi di origine alimentare ...
relazione-rasff. 1 Luglio 2020. Ministero Salute, relazione RASFF 2019 · bandi-mipaaf-distretti-del-cibo-2020. 20 Febbraio 2020 ...
#78. Home - Food and Drug Administration
The FDA strongly echoes the sentiments of the DOH that the Vape Bill is not a health bill. July 21, 2022. FDA STATEMENT || ACTIONS RELATIVE TO THE EU-RASFF ...
#79. Тернополян попереджають про сальмонельоз у курях з ...
... Держпродспоживслужби в Тернопільській області доводить до відома про отримання інформаційного повідомлення системи RASFF від 07 грудня ...
#80. Makro geeft veiligheidswaarschuwing af ... -
2022-10-13 RASFF: Niet aangegeven selderij in basilicum uit Griekenland; 2022-09-20 Recall: cadmium aangetroffen in spinazie; 2022-09-05 FAVV: ...
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do rasff notifications serve as a motivator or a barrier to trade between turkey and the european union. "Sıkıntı ve stres için '' La ilahe illa ente" ...
#82. Hrvatska je sa granice vratila sporni krompir mostarskog ...
U Agenciji za sigurnost hrane Bosne i Hercegovine su potvrdili da su Sistemom brzog uzbunjivanja za hranu (EU RASFF) obaviješteni o zabrani ...
#83. З Польщі на Львівщину прибула партія напівфабрикатів з ...
Через систему швидкого оповіщення по харчових продуктах та кормах (RASFF) надійшло повідомлення про виявлення Salmonella enteritidis у ...
#84. Słynne ciastka – z toksycznym dodatkiem? Chodzi o to, by ...
System Wczesnego Ostrzegania o Niebezpiecznej Żywności i Paszach (RASFF) poinformował Główny Inspektor Sanitarny o wycofaniu kilku partii ...
#85. Hrvatska je vratila krumpir iz Mostara pun kadmija -
Sve raspoložive informacije zaprimljene putem EU RASFF-a, Agencija je dostavila na dalje postupanje nadležnim inspekcijskim organima u Bosni i ...
#86. Hrvatska je vratila krumpir iz Hercegovine pun kadmija
Mostar. Agencija za sigurnost hrane Bosne i Hercegovine, putem sustava brzog uzbunjivanja za hranu i hranu za životinje (EU RASFF), obaviještena ...
#87. Biedronka, Lidl i inne sklepy usuwają te ... - Gazeta Pomorska
Główny Inspektor Sanitarny został poinformowany poprzez system RASFF o wykryciu chlorpiryfosu w niżej wymienionej partii suplementu diety.
#88. Прикарпатців попереджають про сальмонелу у курятині з ...
... повідомлення через систему швидкого оповіщення по харчових продуктах та кормах (RASFF) стосовно виявлення Salmonella enteritidis.
#89. Офіційний сайт міста Южноукраїнськ | Головна сторінка
Щодо повідомлення RASFF · Держпродспоживслужба 19.12.2022. Арбузинське управління Головного управління Держпродспоживслужби в Миколаївській області.
#90. Nie jedz tego! Sklepy wycofują ten towar! Najnowsza lista GIS ...
Główny Inspektor Sanitarny został poinformowany poprzez System Wczesnego Ostrzegania o Niebezpiecznej Żywności i Paszach (RASFF) o ...
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RASFF 2021 Türkiye Menşeili Ürün Bildirimlerinin Özeti. "Barış için imza atan akademisyenlere açılan soruşturmalar";". Manchester United defansı yol geçen ...
#92. The Horse Who Came to Dinner: The First Criminal Case of ...
The RASFF system is not designed to facilitate comparison of enforcement, but an analysis of the RASFF notifications (RASFF Portal) has led to peer-reviewed ...
#93. Parandalohet dalja në treg e dy produkteve “MU” - RTK
Pas kësaj AUV ka pranuar njoftimin nga RASFF për tërheqje nga tregu të këtyre dy produkteve të brendit MU me origjinë nga Sllovenia nën ...
#94. Controlli ufficiali su latte e derivati: l'opinione della DG SANTE ...
Conclusioni sul sistema di allarme rapido per alimenti e mangimi (RASFF). In base agli esempi esaminati dal gruppo incaricato dell'audit, il ...
#95. EPA Took Six Years to Regulate Toxic Emission in Puerto ...
For this reason, in August 2020, when the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) found the presence of 1,000 times the EtO residue ...
rasff 在 Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed - RASFF - YouTube 的八卦
Un interessante video che illustra l'organizzazione e la funzione del RASFF, ossia il "Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed" ... ... <看更多>