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Born in Italy on 15th September, 1892, sculptor Corrado Feroci is remembered today by his adopted Thai name, Silpa Bhirasri.
His move to Thailand in 1923 was by royal invitation of King Rama VI, who sought an artist of high reputation to share his skills with Bangkok’s burgeoning artistic talent. A devoted mentor, Bhirasri helped set up an art school that later became Silpakorn University.
Considered the father of modern art in Thailand, Silpa’s sculptural works included several statues of Thai kings, and most famously, Bangkok’s national monuments devoted to Democracy and Victory.
This revered sculptor is celebrated throughout Thailand for his contributions to Thai art and education. His birthday is a nationally observed date.
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น้อยสิ่งในโลกนี้ที่ผมจะรู้สึกว่าตัวเองเป็นผู้ชำนาญการ แต่ด้วยความที่ชอบนั่งๆ นอนๆ ให้คนอื่นนวดร่างเพื่อผ่อนคลาย ผมพอจะบอกได้ตั้งแต่วินาทีที่มือของหมอนวดจับหมับเข้าที่เท้าตอนล้างเท้าว่า หมอคนนี้นวดดีหรือไม่
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Just the first touch, I can tell if I'm good or not.
Not many things in this world that I feel like I am an expert, but by sleeping, let other people massage my body massage. I can tell you from the second that the masseuse's hand caught cuddle baht on my feet when I wash my feet. Does this person have a massage?
Doctor Keng will catch our feet with weight. Even if it is a doctor's finger crushing the dirty stain has enough power to make you feel relaxed. Most importantly, it's often along the corner of the muscles and tendon in the position that " got hit. " Always while rubbing soap.
Walking into a massage shop that is like playing a lucky game. Yesterday was the day I meant to make a massage because I worked hard for many days in a row. As soon as the doctor's hands touched my feet. I knew that - ! Because the doctor is like a little bit. Cherish, but come on, I give the doctor a chance.
Come to sit and massage. The more I remind me to be insecure in the doctor. As soon as I feel like someone is putting his hands on the same confused.
I used to talk to someone near and friends. Even though I met a masseuse. When I didn't like it. When I said it, I was considerate of the doctor. I was afraid to lose his self. When I wouldn't change, it became me who had to endure for hours. I don't relax my body and I'm still feel frustrated. I have met a masseuse. I haven't arrived " in a row. Three times in a row. I have to decide to tell the doctor that I want to stop like this. Then I intended to endure it. The solution is to tell And friendly, " I would like to change to a doctor who has a harder massage. I apologize
I told the doctor before, " It's heavy that I have massage now. I don't feel it. I can massage to the fullest Doctor is working more hard, but it doesn't make me feel less. I raise my hand to pay respect to the doctor Sorry. Can I change the doctor? But I am a heavy massage The rest of the masseuse shouted to call a doctor's name to take care of the place
Doctor two can go for ten minutes, but still " not here " and " didn't get " I found that the person who is good at massage is not about working hard, but someone who knows how to massage and know how to press and ironing muscles. When I get massage, I will relax.
A chiropractor who is standing in massage. The customer turned to ask, " How are you? Is it better You may have seen that I am not satisfied, so I recommend you to sleep in the doctor's room so that she can use elbow, knee, grinding by
Me and the second doctor went to the doctor's room. I tried many ways. But I still don't know how to massage. Personally, I believe that for massage to relax. Doctor who massage like this should do a good job. Many women don't like to massage. It's a good massage. It's a good massage. But for me that I'm tight, it may be a violent person. I think that you want to " hit
I spent almost an hour with the doctor. When I walked into the shop. I told my brother at the counter that I was going to massage for two hours while sleeping in my heart. I thought in my heart was enough because I feel more comfortable and I wouldn't dare to come to come to Here we go again
Suddenly, the chiropractor who always asks me "how are you better walked into the room and asked with the same question again. I answered" it's okay You seem to catch the feeling in the voice. You just got it. Put your hands from the customer, jump on the futon, I pulled it out, bent in, ironing, full massage, even though doctor two is still massaging my arm.
First touch, I know that this is " Guru " every move of your hand. It brings relaxation, weight and position. It's up to " all " all the move.
Among the masseuse, we know whose skill is. I guess the third brother can guess that the two should not satisfy my massage taste by looking from the first doctor I said.
It's not just a short time. She squeeze, pulls, pulls, kick, kick, constantly. It says, " I can't. I want customers to go back with happiness. If you come to massage, it's not happy, it's not good. Come and I want you I'm sorry.
If I had a chance to look at a picture of myself from a high-angle CCTV, it would be like being lynched by two masseuse. One of the upper body. The other one hit the bottom. I feel more tortured than relaxing, but I really have to admit that the third brother is very good massage. I should be one of the best masseuse I've ever met
I'm happy with my third brother. I want to tell the second brother to stop massaging. Wait outside. I have never met two doctors like this before. I feel like a frog for a bed for the test to cut the body. I don't know, but I know that the second brother can't walk away. Otherwise he may not get money for massage, which I want to whisper that I will pay you a tip for you, but you stop twisting my body in different directions. I'm afraid the pillow. Bone will fall out of the spinal cord
It's been a long time until the upper verse has nothing left to massage. The third brother, which is loudly sounds clearer. It seems to tell the second brother to go outside and she gives me a massage until the end of time until
"How are you She asked me to answer" Thank you very much. She told me that she didn't want to feel bad. I want you to get a doctor who likes it. Next time you can name. I think in my heart. I will come back to massage with him again because he is good and massage.
The awkwardness in my heart is how will the masseuse share the money? I guess the third brother may not get money for massage. I want to tip the third brother for two hundred baht (which is so much) but I want to tell you so much. That the most impressive thing is not your " skill " if it is your " heart " I want to encourage the vocation that I have in this heart.
Third brother does something unnecessary. It's not your duty, but she cares about the customer's feelings. Don't want to feel bad about the service. Don't want to feel bad about the shop she works. She feels she is responsible for satisfaction. It's not your client, but she volunteered to solve the problem that you can't fix. If you do it without money, the more respect your heart.
As expected. When the owner of the shop asked me who massage her hand to the second doctor and said she charged that brother. She didn't want money. I stood to look at this little incident with a big heart. I feel like I met "teacher" Another person who teaches valuable lessons in life.
I paid for massage. I walked to tip the second brother and walked to the third brother and tipped in the number more than the second brother (luckily, both of them were apart). The second brother smiled and said it's okay. I could choose the doctor. If you like it, the third brother, I repeat, come back to use the service again. "You can name. If you massage and like it" I wrote his brother's name in my heart. Ask for the shop number to call to reserve the masseuse first. Next time I thought in my heart that I will Now I changed my mind. I will come back to massage with "Brother Rama cuddle" because I am not only impressed with his skill, but also impressed with his heart.
I said to her, " I am very impressed with the commitment to make my customers feel good. Thank you very much I can only speak in a language that I shouldn't be magnificent that I listen to it and I feel goosebumps.
But in fact, I want to tell her that she makes me know the value of working with the heart. Not focused on the only money, but she does this job with an attitude that you see that it can make those who come to use the service. Happy go home and you can't give up if he doesn't get that happiness from the career you do. She has no line that this is my job - that's my job. You are happy to give help without a share from colleagues. This makes the organization (shop) at you Work, live, benefit and keep customers from running away.
This is a matter of "value" of work.
I walk out of the shop and ask myself how much work we are doing. We try to pay attention to let those who read, can see our work feel good or do we just to finish it. Wait to get paid
If we are not good, do we think about developing skills or not. If we are good, how much do we think about helping colleagues and important questions -- What do we think about the work we do? How much do we see how much we see it if we see? - I believe that we will be dedicated. No different than the third chiropractor.
I walked into the shop, started with a disappointed experience, but walked out of the shop with the first time. That's not just relax, but I felt at the same time.
Same job, done with different attitude. Different value.
I will go back to this massage shop
I want a massage with someone who sees the value of being a chiropractor.Translated
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《 RAMA WORKS x 底片罐》
來自澳洲的設計工作室設計的底片罐,採用電鍍陽極與拋光鋁材做為材料,讓許多市面上塑膠與矽膠的片罐相形失色,雖然它們目前還只是試作階段,但是如果你喜歡這種有質感的底片小東西,可以追蹤看看他們的粉絲專頁與後續介紹! #Whatevergraphy #igreensheep #Mightykillers
rama works 在 Rama, Nintendo wii logo, It works - Pinterest 的八卦
RAMA WORKS ® Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Switch, It Works, Logo, Studio,. ramaworks. Rama Works. 192 followers. Follow. RAMA WORKS®. RAMA WORKS® Design Studio ... ... <看更多>
rama works 在 [鍵盤] Rama Works M6-A 開箱- 看板Key_Mou_Pad - 批踢踢 ... 的八卦
本次要開箱的是澳洲籍工業設計師及其團隊 Rama Works 所設計及生產的 M6-A
相信板上大佬們對此品牌的作品都不陌生,暢銷的 M65-A 跟 M10-A 都非常吸睛
打開紙盒後顯露出 Rama 的標準色以及特有的包裝盒細節
內容物有:雙射DSA鍵帽x9、凱華 box 白軸x6、USB Type C 傳輸線x1、
M6-A 本體x1、M6-A 攜型盒x1、RAMA品牌貼紙x1、Rama品牌擦拭布x1
M6-A 是第一個由 Rama Works 自行預購的鍵盤類產品,有兩種表面處理可供挑選
本體材質選用 銅合金+PVC濺渡後手工拋光
開個箱就沾滿了指紋真的是噩夢一場 XDD
附帶一提, Rama 開發的所有鍵盤其底部的矽膠腳墊都是獨立開模生產的
由此可見這真的是實品照而非渲染圖啊 XD
個人認為 Rama Works 可以說是在客製化機械鍵盤這個領域導入了
工業設計的美學與美感,我相信有很多人對於 Rama 的作品所呈現出的
以小弟我一個才疏學淺的鍵盤設計師來看, Rama 不僅只是設計鍵盤,
如果常在逛 geekhack 上的各種 IC 文章,
肯定會發現有些設計師及 maker 的渲染圖/提案圖片非常簡陋亦缺乏完整概念的論述。
但換個方向想,能有 Rama 甚至是中國諸多客製化鍵盤品牌的高品質推進,
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Key_Mou_Pad/M.1521657330.A.D31.html
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