恭喜所有「第七屆全國學生台灣原住民海報創作競賽」的參賽同學! 今年有70件作品從超過1,500件參賽作品中脫穎而出,獲選進入《 山海的傳動—原力之美海報創作特展》,活動展期自3月24日至6月1日地點在順益台灣原住民博物館。本展覽2019年將前往美國加州大學柏克萊分校菲碧·赫斯特人類學博物館交流展出。
Congratulations to all the participants in the 2017 Student Indigenous Poster Design Competition. Out of over 1,500 submissions, 70 posters were selected for display at the Shung Ye Museum for Aboriginal Culture. This exhibit, titled "Rhythm of Formosan Aborigines: The Beauty of Indigenous Power," opened on March 24 and will be on display at the museum until June 1. The collection will then travel to the United States where it will be displayed at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley).
poster design competition 在 Pei Chung 皮忠 Facebook 八卦
多謝 K11 邀請我畫依張Poster🖤
入行6年 所有野真係靠做好自己、慢慢累積返嚟
但其實都覺得好被動 因為只可以默默等……
但係各位年輕設計師 機會嚟喇!
K11 購物藝術館主辦嘅 K11 The D Project 2020 – Product Design Competition 又返黎喇!
嬴咗可以得到價值超過 HK$50,000 嘅獎品
同埋喺 K11 Select 打造專屬實體限定店✨(真係極吸引!)
即日至 2020 年 9 月 6 日
只要到 K11 網站下載(https://bit.ly/dproject2020) 同填妥相關報名表格
連同你品牌產品嘅相關設計資料電郵至 thedproject@k11.com 就可以參加喇
咁好嘅機會 唔好錯過呀!
K11 #TheDProject2020 #K11hk
poster design competition 在 Messy Desk Facebook 八卦
Artista Perfetto展覽 x Messy Desk
展出日期︰2015年10月1日 - 2015年10月31日
JANE 的個人作品網頁:
First-Runner Up, ODOYO X MiLK [Create Your Own Skin] iphone Case Design Competition (Hong Kong)
Nominees of Artaq Awards 2012 (France)
Selected as Concours Jeunes Talents 2012 (France)
selected as inaugural Illustration competition winners, Print Magazine’s “Hand Drawn” Illustration Competition (New York)
Nomination Award, Worldwide Chinese University Students Design Competition (China)
Sliver and Merit, Graphic Design in China 2009 (China)
Certificate of Excellence, The Best Illustration Award
Merit of Open Category, The Link ECO illustration Competition
Second Prize, Nuance-Watson Green Poster Design Competition
Prospect Award, Epson Color Imaging Contest 2008
Selected Entry, Hong Kong Mobile Art Gallery 2008 competitionNuance-Watson
Group exhibitions (selected)
Double Getfreaky at Zébulon + Monde Monderne at Le Monde Monderne , France (2014)
CAGIBI GETFREAKY at Le Cagibi, Lille (2013)
le festival Artaq à Angers(2012 )
Artaq PARIS 2012 ESPACE CARDIN (2012 )
GETFREAKY PARIS at Belleville (2013)
Get Freaky London at Workshop44 (2012)
La Pavillon Jeunes Talents, Festival International de la Bande Dessinée, France (2012)
L’expo Get Freaky, Micro Marché de Bruxelles,France (2012)
Get Freaky Illustration Exhibiton, Frollein Langner, Berlin (2011)
Get Freaky 4” Le Monde Modern, Lille, France (2011)
Get freaky 5”, Hôtel de Guines, Arras, France. (2011)
This is a Comic Book Show” Mahan Gallery, Ohio, U.S.A (2009)
FUMETTO festival centre, Kornschütte ,Luzern, Switzerland (2010)
Na Modern Spleen,Le Nouveau Monde,Angoulême (2009)
poster design competition 在 Annual Poster Design Contest - Pinterest 的八卦
Annual Poster Design Contest. Calling All RIT Students! Now is your chance to share your creative talents with the RIT and Rochester community. Enter our poster ... ... <看更多>