傳統台味、現代面貌,你吃 #蛋黃酥 了嗎?/ Conquered by Egg Yolk Pastry (English below)
中秋節即將到來,大家的月餅都買好了嗎?本月我為 La Vie 雜誌寫了一篇蛋黃酥專題文章,從 #月餅的歷史,到蛋黃酥受到台灣消費者歡迎的原因,並解析 #近年來蛋黃酥爆紅的市場現象,與甜點、麵包主廚們如何 #以現代手法重新詮釋傳統好滋味。
Wikipedia,事實正好相反, 中文維基百科 Chinese Wikipedia 上「#月餅」的詞條中,「溯源」那一整節是我重新編寫的 😊 👉🏻 https://tinyurl.com/vmhzdd5k
先預祝大家中秋愉快,下週一 #法式甜點裡的台灣 將正式出版,屆時一邊賞月、吃月餅,加上好書在手,更加了解台灣的甜點職人們,想必將會是一大樂事!
🔖 延伸閱讀:
2021 中秋禮盒精選:https://tinyurl.com/r87ry8xw
It's soon Mid-Autumn Festival. Have you all got yourself mooncakes? As you all know, there're lots of varieties regarding mooncakes, and the most popular one in Taiwan during the past years are undoubtedly "salted egg yolk pastry". Despite the huge popularity, egg yolk pastry hasn't always represented the Taiwanese style mooncakes. In the article I wrote for La Vie magazine, I had a brief review on the history of mooncakes, the reason behind egg yolk pastry's fame, and how modern pastry chefs transformed this traditional delicacy into a timeless delight. Click on the following link and read the full article (in Chinese).
#yingspastryguide #yingc #taiwan #slatedeggyolkpastry #eggyolkpastry #mooncake 陳耀訓·麵包埠YOSHI BAKERY Le Ruban Pâtisserie 法朋烘焙甜點坊
pastry magazine 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 八卦
[Interviews / 人物深度專訪] Fou de Pâtisserie 創辦人與總編輯 Julie Mathieu (for English, please click "see more")
🍰《Fou de Pâtisserie》是影響全球甜點潮流的重要雜誌,也是法式甜點愛好者人手一本的聖經。本週四我特地為台灣讀者面對面專訪到其共同創辦人與總編輯 Julie Mathieu,Julie 與我聊了許多她在法國甜點界的觀察,也和我分享該品牌未來的計劃。訪問中也談到很多我長期關注的議題,包含未來法式甜點發展的趨勢、甜點人的角色與倫理等。
因為是一篇重量級的訪談,我將內容分為上下篇,充滿 Julie 犀利觀察與評論的下篇將於明日刊出,請大家千萬別忘了關注喔!
Fou de Pâtisserie is the most influential magazine (now a media platform) in French pastry industry. It not only shares the latest news, trends, stories, and numerous recipes, but also plays a very important role in promoting French pastries and in influencing the "boom" of it around the world.
I had the chance meeting Julie MATHIEU, the co-founder and the editor-in-chief of the magazine, this Thursday. Julie has shared with us lots of insights of current trends apart from giving us a clear overview on Fou de Pâtisserie as a brand. Her observations and comments on the overwhelming influence of social media and the role of pastry chefs nowadays are extremely inspiring.
As it's a long and important interview, I have divided it into two parts. Part one focuses on the introduction and development of Fou de Pâtisserie as well as the impact of social media. Part two will be on current trends and the role as a pastry chef, and it'll be published tomorrow.
I'll try my best to write an English version of this interview. But here you are, it's now available in Chinese. Click on the link below and enjoy reading!
#yingc #interviews #foudepatisserie #juliemathieu
pastry magazine 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 八卦
[Pastry news / 甜點新聞] Fou de Pâtisserie is now available in 信鴿法國書店 Librairie Le Pigeonnier / Fou de Pâtisserie終於來台灣了!!(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)
Finally, finally,
Fou de Cuisine and Youfood Magazine are the surprises that come along with Fou de Pâtisserie. The former introduces the latest news, great chefs, amazing recipes, and world trends of French cuisine (and more), just as its big sister. The latter is the first-ever social-media-focused magazine talking about what's going on on Instagram and Facebook with regard to both pastry and cuisine. If you like Fou de Pâtisserie, you definitely don't want to miss the two.
Many thanks to my dear friend Linda @hinalys Yellow Sweets for introducing me to the founders of the magazine, to Julie, one of the founders of the magazine, for the kind messages and quick actions, and to Shannon and the team of Librairie Le Pigeonnier for making it happen. It's just a wonderful news to all the pastry lovers and readers alike in Taiwan and I'm sure it'll be a great help for the local professionals as well.
🍭 To know more of the 3 magazines, fashions in pastry world, and what we see nowadays on social media and traditional media platforms, don't miss my talk on the 11th November >> https://goo.gl/3PsPe9
🍭 To get more familiar with the French pastry world >> https://goo.gl/U3X5dG
🍭 What does Youfood magazine look like? >> https://goo.gl/7nWsYQ
熟悉法國甜點、身處甜點圈內、或是一直在追蹤我的讀者們一定都知道Fou de Pâtisserie這本極受歡迎的法國甜點雜誌。過去大家只能靠代買、或是在博客來上搶購少數幾本進口的雜誌,現在終於在台灣能在實體店面購買與訂閱了!
由台大的施蘭芳老師創立,信鴿書店目前是全台灣唯一一家專精法文圖書與出版品的書店,更經常舉辦各種講座與相關藝文活動。擔任台法文化橋樑多年,信鴿是我非常喜愛與尊敬的書店、更是最適合在台灣推廣Fou de Pâtisserie雜誌的平台。
這次要謝謝我在巴黎的好友、知名Instagrammer Linda @hinalys (Yellow Sweets on Facebook)幫忙,讓我可以直接聯絡到Fou de Pâtisserie的創辦人Julie、並介紹信鴿書店,最後促成合作。當初開始寫甜點專欄,初衷就是希望能讓台灣喜愛甜點的朋友們更加了解法式甜點與精緻文化的內涵,現在台灣的讀者們能夠因為Fou de Pâtisserie來台、更容易接觸到第一手知識與訊息、與法式甜點與當今甜點潮流直接接軌,真的是太好的消息!這次信鴿書店也一併訂了姊妹作
🍭 《甜點時尚 X 媒體潮流:法國甜點界的黃金年代》講座:https://goo.gl/3PsPe9
🍭 <法國甜點大師群像:緒論 明星甜點師現象>:https://goo.gl/U3X5dG
🍭 Youfood雜誌介紹:https://goo.gl/7nWsYQ