[ 東京新店搶先報 ] PASSAGE COFFEE - 日本東京
老闆 Shuichi Sasaki 是 2014年愛樂壓世界冠軍,跟許多日本東京獨立自家烘焙店的老闆一樣,也是Paul Basset出來的,新店在昨天3月20號正式開幕,咖啡是用來自於近年轉自烘新宿小店 4/4 SEASONS COFFEE 所烘焙,使用的烘豆機是 Diedrich 2.5kg。現場出杯除了愛樂壓外,也會用 Tsubame Kalita Wave 來製作手沖咖啡。
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過19萬的網紅TheGRIMFILM,也在其Youtube影片中提到,A short film by GRIM FILM's newest member, Sidney Chan from WayangTree Productions. The sound of music has an effect on us that not many would realise...
passage coffee 在 咖啡空少 world coffee shops Facebook 八卦
| 咖啡空少X Fellow - Taiwan 第二回 Culture & Coffee Festival in Taipei |
始終定位自己是在舞臺下的,我的功能是找出值得被看見的主角們,讓他們的好能被更多人看到。在這次的台日市集上很開心能邀請到在烘豆、設備、設計等各方面的強人們,讓大家在咖啡空少這個攤位中,有全方面的體驗。Fellow Stagg 系列從集資的狂熱到紐約現代藝術博物館所珍藏,想透過這次的市集讓大家親身體會,用過你就會知道它的好。
Fellow Stagg EKG PID溫控黑壺 - 設計由紐約現代藝術博物館珍藏
Fellow Stagg Pour-Over Coffee Dripper
Baratza Sette 270W 磨豆機 - 2016 SCAA 最佳新產品獎
【烘豆廠 】
東京 PASSAGE COFFEE - 2014年世界愛樂壓冠軍親自烘焙
香港 Urban Coffee Roaster at 荔枝角道 - 香港兼具美感與品質的烘豆廠
波特蘭 Heart Roasters - 從美西紅到全世界的知名烘豆廠
美國 Camber coffee - 美國咖啡師冠軍選用的烘豆廠
咖啡空少 X Whosming 聯名限量托特包
咖啡空少 X Whosming 聯名限量冰萃咖啡
在這特別感謝 Fellow 團隊的 Joe、Yoyo、立中,W&M workshop 的小朱,Whosming 的 Ming, Have A nice 的 DayDay,Eugene Lai,Urban Coffee Roaster 的 Gary,謝謝你們對於攤位的大力協助!
活動名稱:第二回 Culture & Coffee Festival in Taipei
活動時間:2018年3月24日至3月25日 10:00 - 18:00
活動地點:松菸文創園區 四號倉庫
活動頁面:第二回 Culture & Coffee Festival in Taipei
主辦單位:Culture & Coffee Festival in Taipei 實行委員會
協力單位: 松菸文創園區、Simple Kaffa 興波咖啡、ONIBUS COFFEE、ABOUT LIFE COFFEE BREWERS、Goodman Roaster、Fujin Tree Cafe 富錦咖啡店、Makuake、WAmazing、FACY、FUN UP INC.、HereNow、2016/Arita、C³offee 咖啡誌、NOM Magazine、haveAnice有質讀誌。
Hashtag:#CultureAndCoffee #haveAnice
passage coffee 在 咖啡空少 world coffee shops Facebook 八卦
| 咖啡空少 x Fellow - Taiwan 在第二回Culture & Coffee Festival in Taipei Have A nice |
空少和 Fellow 團隊再次謝謝各位咖啡好友和粉絲的捧場和支持!今天一整天忙到都沒有辦法離開攤位拿出相機幫自己和其他攤位主們報導紀錄,明天一定要把握機會跟大家一起玩。Culture & Coffee 的 Dayday 和團隊與志工大家辛苦了!
今天 Urban Coffee Roaster Tst 、Heart 、Camber 的咖啡豆已銷售一空, PASSAGE COFFEE 也所剩不多,明天歡迎大家來喝世界愛樂壓冠軍所烘焙的咖啡!
同時也要感謝W&M workshop團隊的客座和支援!還好有你們,要不然我的腰真的會斷,後天的紐約也不用飛了。明天上午專業咖啡師小朱還是會在現場為大家沖煮咖啡!
與Whosming的聯名cold brew 也已完售,明天會緊急追加,謝謝Ming 讓我沾知名插畫設計師的光!我們的攤位就在隔壁,一直看到Ming的攤位人潮不斷,餘光看到他的許多特色個性商品都所剩不多,大家愛要及時啊!
【直擊!第二回Culture & Coffee Festival in Taipei】
第二回 Culture & Coffee Festival in Taipei
時間:10:00 - 18:00
地點:松菸文創園區 四號倉庫
主辦單位:Culture & Coffee Festival in Taipei 實行委員會
passage coffee 在 TheGRIMFILM Youtube 的評價
A short film by GRIM FILM's newest member, Sidney Chan from WayangTree Productions. The sound of music has an effect on us that not many would realise. Listening to familiar melodies can send us off to a faraway space and time; such as the first time and place we met, spoke, or laughed together.
"Resonance" is an experimental film about conversations through memories and non-linear storytelling. A single conversation takes place across several different locations, parallel to each other, signifying the passage of time and the developing relationship between its two main characters as recalled in memory.
Originally conceived as a simple promotional video for HELP University's FrequenC club's 5th Annual Concert, the project grew to what it is now; shot within 7 days and released just in time to be the concert's opening video on June 4th, 2014. Resonance draws several inspirations from other films; particularly old school Hong Kong dramas and Wong Fu Productions, with Joe Hisaishi's Kikujiro as a point of reference for the theme song (which had been lovingly composed by budding violinist Joshua Lew).
The crew from WayangTree Productions had been a strong supporter of FrequenC, and had collaborated in making short films since 2012.
As the original members had since moved on with their lives and its director Sidney Chan moving on to GRIM FILM, Resonance is WayangTree's final short film, and will remain dormant for an unspecified time.
This film was a race against time and an incredible adventure of chance, new and renewed friendships, and new experiences - it was a first time for the majority of the cast and crew, including the main actors. Every single person had their lasting impact on the development of this film, no matter how big or small. God bless everyone!
Equipments Used:
Camera: Canon 5D3, 6D, 600D
Lenses: 70-200 f2.8 IS II, 24-105L, 50 f1.2
Sound: Senheisser Wireless Microphone, Zoom H6
Handling: Specced Video Tripod, Weifeng Monopod, Manfrotto Monopod
Software: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Audition
Main Cast:
Kimberly Choo -- Violinist http://instagram.com/kiimsical
Ving Lee - Shop Attendant http://instagram.com/xxvingxx
Fiorella Tjahjono Tan - Little Girl
Wong Tuck Cheong - Old Man (Kelab Seni Filem Malaysia) http://goo.gl/cS5c2D
Sidney Chan (Producer,Director,DOP,Editor,Writer) http://instagram.com/thesidneychan http://goo.gl/el57KA
Sherli Li (Executive Producer, Production Assistant, Camera Operator)
Gary Yap (Camera Operator) - My Psychology - http://goo.gl/12dD5o
Mathiban Raj (Camera Operator) - http://goo.gl/scFgNr
Joylene Ling (Camera Operator) http://www.youtube.com/user/jutlin1
Davidson Chan (Sound Recording)
Chong Yu Tatt (BTS, Story Treatment)
Jason Lim (BTS, Story Treatment)
Yvonne Tan (Sound Recording, Production Assistant, Conti)
Sarah Yung Kah Yan (Creative Consultant)
Joshua Lew (Violin Composer, Violin Coach)
Mas Mahathir (Piano Composer, Piano Reprise)
Ray Mak Hon Kit (Piano Reprise)
Nelvin Chee (Script Translator, Cantonese Subtitles)
Wei Xiang aka InYourFaceZeph (Theme Song Mastering)
Special Thanks
Jared Lee - GRIM FILM (For lenses, camera and microphoness) http://goo.gl/oqTe5j
Joylene Ling - JOY Photography (For lenses) https://www.facebook.com/JoyleneLingPhotography
YAMAHA Great Sound Music Academy Sdn Bhd (Space U8) - http://goo.gl/FGbQjO
Sarah Yung Kah Yan (for the initial meeting that led to the final film concept)
Lusi Tjahjono Tan and Family
Ray Mak Hon Kit - http://www.youtube.com/user/makhonkit
InYourFaceMusic - http://goo.gl/FD8Z4i
Kay Lee
Old Town White Coffee (Oasis Square)
Daniel Veerapen http://www.youtube.com/user/DanielVeerapen
FrequenC https://www.facebook.com/frequenc
WayangTree http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwl_XuPIkZ3ok1RXNfCH2sw
passage coffee 在 藤間あやか Youtube 的評價
東京メトロ丸ノ内線・西新宿駅から徒歩4分。JR新宿駅からだと少し歩きます。東京都庁や超高層ビルが立ち並ぶ西新宿のビル街の一角、新宿野村ビルの地下一階にひっそり佇む名店は、オーストラリア出身のポール・バセット氏がプロデュースするエスプレッソカフェです。オーストラリア出身のポール・バセット氏は、コーヒー界の天才児と称され、25歳でバリスタ世界チャンピオンになりました。以前は銀座、自由が丘にも店舗がありましたが閉店。現在は、ここ新宿店の他に、渋谷ヒカリエにある、パティシエ辻口博啓氏とのコンセプトのカフェ「LE CHOCOLAT DE H / Paul Bassett」があります。
渋谷ヒカリエの店舗にも伺ったことがあるのですが、渋谷ヒカリエの店舗と比べると、ここ新宿店は店内が広々していて座席数も多く、客席がとても開放的。ちなみにこの空間は、隣接する店舗「PIZZA SALVATORE CUOMO & BAR 新宿」と繋がっているため開放感溢れるのも頷けます。椅子やテーブルは木が印象的で、大きな木製テーブルが存在感を放っていました。
ここPaul Bassettは多くの珈琲人を輩出していることでもとても有名です。Fuglen Tokyoの小島賢治氏、ONIBUS COFFEEの坂尾篤史氏、そして、今回いただいたエアロプレスの世界チャンピオン、PASSAGE COFFEE佐々木修一氏も皆、Paul Bassett出身です。
Paul Bassett 新宿店
土曜日 8:00~20:00 日曜祝日 9:00~19:00