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เลบานอน ประเทศเล็กๆ ที่ตั้งอยู่ในภูมิภาคตะวันออกกลาง
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...Continue ReadingSummary of Lebanon. Complete edition / Investman
Lebanon, a small country located in the Middle East region.
There's a Mediterranean coast on the west.
North and East are surrounded by Syria, south bound by Israel.
When I see from the location, it's not difficult to guess.
Conflict and Civil War from neighboring countries
Must impact the economy of this country. Not more or less.
Even Lebanon doesn't have as much oil as other Arab countries in the Middle East region.
But did you know that people in this country have more GDP per capita than Thai people..
So what is the economy of Lebanon now?
Investman will tell you about it.
Situation and economic update with Blockdit
There's a podcast to listen to on the go.
Lebanon has an area of only 10,452 square kilometers close to Khon Kaen province.
But there are over 6.8 million population
Making population density in this country up to 650 people per square kilometer.
Density populations come from country's abundance.
Lebanese area is one of the most fertile areas in the Middle East area.
And by the Mediterranean coastline.
This land is so many people have come to colonize as a trade city since thousands of years ago.
Historically, this land was formerly the Phoenician Empire which has been famous for railroading and trade since 3,000 years ago, Kristol.
Before being mixed into the Roman Empire.
When I arrived in the Middle Ages, this land became a Christian community in the Crusade war.
Lebanese lands were taken over by the Ottoman Empire, which was the Muslim Empire until the Ottoman Empire collapsed after losing WWII, the British and France champions.
So the lands were brought into their own mandate.
By France, Mediterranean coastal lands take over.
Subsequently divided into northern Syria, drought and fruitful southern Lebanon.
Lebanese's fertility makes Beirut Capital become a major commercial hub of the region. Lebanese businessmen have developed capital into financial hub.
When rich, money comes to build a beautiful jar house building according to French influence until Beirut is nicknamed ′′ Paris of Middle East
When I get independence from France in July. B.E. 1943
Lebanese independence period, there are more Christians than Muslims.
So there is a national agreement that the president must be Christians.
But then when Muslims are more proportional, they start to offend.
There are several incident of presidential assassination.
Lebanon is the only country in the Middle East with Christians in the highest proportion.
It's about 35 % of the population, while another population of 60 % are Muslims.
Religious conflict led to Lebanese civil war that lasted over 15 years.
Since the year of July. 1975-1975 1990 Damage to the beautiful buildings of Beirut
In terms of the economy.
Lebanon is a fertile country so it exports many crops.
Especially crops growing in a Mediterranean climate.
Grapes, olives, fruits, citrus and nuts, including wine and olive oil.
But agricultural crops are not Lebanese's most important export products..
Lebanon's number 1 export product is 41 % gems and jewelry.
Year 2019, Lebanon exports these products to over 37,000 million baht.
Lebanon doesn't have many sources of minerals or gems.
With regard to Beirut is a trading and financial hub.
A Lebanese businessman is an international trade associate in Africa and Arab countries.
No import tax on mineral assets, metals and jewellery enables Lebanon to import precious mineral from African countries for cheap.
Plus, the smart Lebanese artisans and wage are almost half cheaper than European regional artisans.
Make Beirut one of the key gemstone hubs.
Tabbah company Lebanese jewelry company leaders in jewelry design
There are customers all over the world
Apart from agricultural produce and gems
With Lebanon's foundations of ancient kingdoms.
Lebanon has many ancient landmarks, Roman Theatre, Christ Church.
The Ottoman Mosque is a small country but has more than 5 cultural world heritage.
Tourism is a major economic sector. In 2018, there were 4.7 million tourists.
Make money over 2.6 hundred thousand baht.
Not much population but Lebanon has economic diversity
Make Lebanese economic size 1.8 trillion baht
Lebanese have GDP per capita 267,000 baht.
More than Thai people with GDP per capita, 237,000 baht.
However, since the Civil War in Syria.
Slow down Lebanese's economy, especially tourism sector
By the number of tourists dropped from the highest point in 2012, at 5.5 million to nearly 1 million people.
Reduced income has deficit Lebanon.
Government expenditure increasing, both from economic stimulating policies.
And to support over 1 million Syrian immigrants.
Lebanese public debt skyrocketed to 155 % of GDP
So the government needs to earn more income by trying to tax both cigarettes, oil tax and tax for phone calls via social media from Social Media such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, FaceTime
This causes displeasure to the public that led to violent protests in 2019
Destroyed Lebanon's GDP in 2019, more than 5.6 % negative.
But that wasn't enough..
2020 Lebanon's economy was repeated by the COVID-19 outbreak.
Lebanon has more than 5,000 COVID-19 infected people amid a heavy outbreak in the region, especially neighboring countries like Israel.
Make tourism and economic activity halt
Repeat the broken economy. Let's get worse
Besides that, there was a recent incident unexpectedly..
Big bomb incident 2 ripple at Port Beirut on August 4
Heavy damage to Beirut, Lebanese economic hub.
Government has set for capital to become disaster areas.
And declared an emergency situation for 2 weeks
Nobody knows when this bad thing will end.
2020 was a heavy year for all countries
And the most tough country should have this country in it.. Lebanon
May everything go well.
Situation and economic update with Blockdit
There's a podcast to listen to on the go.
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《BBC》12/18 (東大寺、丘吉爾月黑風高雙主播)
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The French president attended a number of high-profile events in recent days, including an EU summit.
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north africa 在 Kento Bento Youtube 的評價
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Other videos you may like:
These Events Will Happen in Asia in 2020: https://youtu.be/qrataK7FxRA
Where Are The Asian Borders (part 2): https://youtu.be/uVZQDYhsLRA
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How Would You Take Down North Korea? (The 7 Choices) https://youtu.be/VM_fzaWAybw
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Ross Bugden: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQKGLOK2FqmVgVwYferltKQ
(Tracks: Olympus, Flight Hymn)
Channel Description:
We do videos on intriguing & thought-provoking Asiany topics, including stereotypes, history, culture & geography.
Research, Script, Narration & Video Editing by Kento Bento
Artwork by Nina Bento
Asia is the largest of all continents, covering an area of 44,579,000 square kilometres, that's 30% of the Earth's total land area.
It has given rise to many of the world's first civilizations, and has long been home to the majority of the human population.
But have you ever wondered what actually counts as Asia? Where exactly are the borders?
Do they sit nicely in between countries, or can a country be divided?
This video is part one of a three part series. We cover the specific Asian borders following the coastal regions from the Tumen River between North Korea & Russia to the Suez Canal in Egypt.
In between, we go over Japan's Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands, the Malay Archipelago, Indonesia's border with Papua New Guinea, the Wallace Line, the Weber Line, Asian continental shelf, the Middle East, Yemen's Socotra Archipelago, Afro-Eurasia, Egypt's border, and more.
Part two will cover the messy Europe Asia border, Russia's continental status, and the North America Asia border that isn't as simple as you might think.

north africa 在 Kento Bento Youtube 的評價
Official Kento Bento Merch: https://standard.tv/kentobento
Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/kentobento
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kentobento2015
Facebook: https://facebook.com/kentobento2015
Business Inquiries: kentobento@standard.tv
Other videos you may like:
These Events Will Happen in Asia in 2020: https://youtu.be/qrataK7FxRA
Has KFC Conquered Asia?: https://youtu.be/4iYt9eINS8M
How This Lake in Northwest Asia Got Deadlier Than Chernobyl: https://youtu.be/SQCfOjhguO0
Where Are The Asian Borders?: https://youtu.be/vPupwlZlNMY
Is It Possible To Build A Tunnel From Korea to Japan?: https://youtu.be/EOyr04eMYuU
How Would You Take Down North Korea? (The 7 Choices): https://youtu.be/VM_fzaWAybw
Second Thought's Video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=n4xDYGSbGx0
Select music from Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
Channel Description:
We do videos on intriguing & thought-provoking Asiany topics, including stereotypes, history, culture & geography.
Researcher/Writer/Narrator/Video Editor: Kento Bento
Motion Graphics: Charlie Rodriguez
Official Cheerleader: Nina Bento
So far on this channel, we’ve only ever talked about current or past events.
Well not anymore, because this video is about the future. We’ll be covering the major events that will happen in Asia leading up to the year 2050. Of course, predicting such events is extremely difficult, but we can always give our best estimates based the information we currently have.
We will cover the following:
- Pyeongchang Winter Olympics 2018
- JAXA's Mercury mission
- Japanese Emperor Akihito's abdication
- Saudi Arabia's Jeddah Tower (tallest building in the world)
- Transcontinental bridge from Middle East to Africa (Yemen to Djibouti / Saudi Arabia to Egypt) - the Bridge of Horns
- Holographic TVs
- Tokyo Summer Olympics 2020
- UAE's Hope Probe to Mars + First city on Mars
- Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
- Rising sea levels affect Maldives (global warming)
- China's large particle accelerator (twice the circumference of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN)
- Southeast Asia unified by transport links (Sunda Strait Bridge & Malacca Strait Bridge)
- Bangkok, Thailand is sinking
- Borneo's rainforests will be wiped out at current rate of deforestation
- Russia will become a global food superpower (melting permafrost and retreating ice caps opening up North Asia & Siberia for arable land (farming & crop production)
- Japan connected to the mainland & Russia with Sakhalin-Hokkaido Tunnel
- China's first astronauts on the moon
- India's economic rise
- Japan connected to mainland & South Korea with Japan-Korea Tunnel
- Major volcanic eruption of Sakurajima
- Decline in homosexual discrimination particularly Middle East
- 100th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
- Japan's population drops below 100 million due to low birth rate
- Pakistan and India celebrate 100th anniversary of independence
- One Country Two Systems agreement for Hong Kong & Macau expires
- North Korea celebrates 100th anniversary of founding
- Dead Sea drying up
- Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster will be successfully decommissioned
- Biggest refugee crisis in history in Southeast Asia
- Robots will be commonplace
- Asia connected to the world via Bering Strait Bridge & Transglobal Highway

north africa 在 Kyle Le Dot Net Youtube 的評價
a Kyle Le Documentary:
UPDATE VIDEO https://youtu.be/DEK90AxcVgg
Vietnamese Man in Ecuador: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aqe5Zcb_beQ
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Vietnamese people are all over the world. Here's a story of a man who lives in Africa. Viet Kieu Chau Phi. Special thanks to Duong for sharing his story. Special thanks to Muhammed for helping with the translations. Filmed, edited, and Viet to English translations by
Kyle Le.
Viets in Cambodia:https://youtu.be/SK26BQjJUMA
Viets in Czech: https://youtu.be/GJzqiqAmlbo
Untold Boat People Story: https://youtu.be/hbimGI-eCwM
Viets in Poland: https://youtu.be/lxVBAFUY5Ko
Sign Up for Exclusive Content and to Keep in touch with me! https://madmimi.com/signups/172747/join
About Me: I'm Kyle Le and I used to live, travel, and eat in Vietnam and many Asian countries. I'm passionate about making videos and sharing modern Asia to the world. I've traveled everywhere in Vietnam, from Hanoi to Saigon - Far North, Central Highlands, Islands, and Deep Mekong Delta - I've visited there. In addition to 15+ countries from Indonesia to Thailand to Singapore, you'll find all of my food, tourist attractions, and daily life experiences discovering my roots in the motherland on this amazing journey right on this channel. So be sure to subscribe- there's new videos all the time and connect with me on social media below so you don't miss any adventures.
More Info: http://www.KyleLe.net
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Follow: Instagram and Snapchat @KyleLeDotNet
Help me make more videos:
Buy a T shirt: http://www.kyleledotnet.zibbet.com
Original Music by Antti Luode.
Filmed with a Panasonic G7 14-140mm
Audio from a Shure VP38F, cheap lapel mic from Amazon

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