Cheers! Our movie ‘Babi’ has been shortlisted by the Around International Film Festival and Thai Film Festival! Kop kun krap!🙏🙏🙏
To be frank, I have completed 2 films last year, one was ‘Nasi Lemak 1.0’ which was filmed above board and another film was ‘BABI’ which was filmed secretly. We never talked openly about this project because it is a banned film (Well, it’s pretty obvious even from the film title…) and we don’t want to get into unnecessary attention…
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the release date of ‘Nasi Lemak 1.0’ has been delayed indefinitely and it has caused quite a big deal to us… While we were amidst of the dark clouds, we found our silver linings! ‘BABI’ was selected in 2 internationally famed film festivals, the ARFF Berlin (Around International Film Festival Berlin) and the International Thai Film Festival! We were really really happy about it!
‘BABI’ is a film based on a real-life event, the movie sheds light on a massive school racial riot which took place in year 2000 in a small town somewhere Southern in Malaysia. During that time Malaysia was still under the authoritarian rule of one-dominant party, abuse of power and corruption were frequent, media and news were being stringently controlled and filtered. Thus, the incident was being ‘compromised’ by relevant authority, most of Malaysians doesn’t know about this incident.
The script was actually written 7 years ago, the main reason that the film was not in production that time was because nobody would ever consider to invest on a zero-profit, must-be banned film. The second reason was I had no idea whom should I ask for help, I believed after hearing the film title, everyone would be scared off... Yet in the end, I’m still managed to finish this film with a very very very tight budget. I want to thank all the people who have contributed greatly to the movie, especially the producer Joko Toh
We decided to put the 7-year-old script in production is to tell the truth behind the story but most importantly sending a message to all Malaysians that we must be more unified disregard of our ethnicity and race. In short, we shall always lend a helping hand to each others and communicate with our hearts and souls, therefore we won’t be exploited by politicians who incite racial sentiment to reach their end goal. Otherwise, more tragic like this will happens…
The idea of be able to screen this film in Malaysia has never crossed my mind before, that’s why we never tried to register the film after the production. Rightly next, I hope that this film can be seen elsewhere other than at Thailand’s or Germany’s film festival, I wish there are better methods in exposing the film and to reach out to everyone. Currently, we are still on our lofty quest but please do cheer for us! Happy Merdeka Day in advance! Malaysia Boleh!
*Versi BM*
Tahniah! Filem kami [BABI] telah dipilih dalam Around International Film Festival dan Thai Film Festival ! Kop Kun Krap! 🙏🙏🙏
Sebenarnya pada tahun lepas kami telahpun menghasilkan dua buah filem. Yang pertama adalah filem [Nasi Lemak 1.0] yang penggambarannya dijalankan dengan berani dan terang, satu lagi adalah filem [BABI] dimana proses penggambaran dijalankan dalam keadaan yang sulit dan rahsia. Kami tidak pernah membuat apa-apa pengumuman mengenai perkara ini, kerana khuathir filem ini akan menimbulkan kontroversi (lihat sajalah nama filemnya...) Kami tidak mahu memburukkan keadaan.
Disebabkan isu pandemik Covid-19, filem [Nasi Lemak 1.0] tidak dapat ditayangkan di pawagam dan telah membawa kerugian yang teruk pada kami. Walaubagaimanapun kami menerima berita baik berkenaan pemilihan filem [BABI] dalam dua festival filem antarabangsa yang berprestij iaitu ARFF Berlin (Around International Film Festival Berlin) serta International Thai Film Festival! Kami berasa amat gembira!
Filem [BABI] adalah lakonan semula sebuah rusuhan perkauman yang berlaku di sebuah sekolah menengah yang terletak di bahagian selatan Malaysia pada tahun 2000. Pada ketika itu Malaysia masih berada di bawah kepemimpinan parti yang dominan. Pemimpin-pemimpin menyalahgunakan kuasa dan pihak media dikawal sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan. Oleh yang demikian, tragedi ini akhirnya telah 'diselesaikan' oleh pihak tertentu dan rakyat Malaysia telah 'disekat' dari peristiwa tersebut.
Skrip asal untuk filem [BABI] telah saya tulis sejak 7 tahun yang lalu. Namun antara sebab utama saya tidak dapat menghasilkan filem ini adalah kerana isu modal, kerana tiada yang sudi mengeluarkan modal untuk sebuah filem yang mungkin akan diharamkan dan tidak akan ditayangkan di pawagam. Sebab kedua adalah kerana saya tidak tahu siapa yang akan sudi menghasilkan filem ini bersama saya kerana saya pasti, hanya dengan mendengar namanya saja sudah tentu tiada yang akan ingin mengambil bahagian. Namun dengan segala daya usaha dari semua pihak yang sudi membantu dan menerusi modal yang teramat-amat rendah, kami akhirnya berjaya menghabiskan filem ini. Saya dengan ikhlas ingin berterima kasih pada semua krew, petugas, pelakon dan kakitangan belakang tabir yang terlibat dalam menjayakan filem ini, terutamanya penerbit Joko Toh
Tujuan utama kami merealisasikan skrip yang ditulis sejak 7 tahun yang lalu adalah untuk membongkar perkara sebenar seluruh peristiwa ini. Juga menerusi filem ini, kami ingin menyampaikan mesej betapa pentingnya perpaduan dan keharmonian diantara kaum supaya dielak dari dipergunakan oleh ahli politik demi untuk mencapai matlamat dan motif masing-masing. Jika tidak, kami percaya pasti pasti lebih banyak tragedi ngeri bakal berlalu...
Tak pernah terlintas dalam fikiran kami untuk menayangkan filem ini di Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, kami tak pernah mohon dari mana-mana pihak berkenaan permohonan penayangan. Kami berharap selepas ini, filem ini bukan saja akan ditayangkan di festival filem Berlin dan Thailand, kami mahu supaya filem [BABI] dapat ditonton oleh lebih ramai penonton di seluruh dunia. Kami akan tetap berusaha, silalah berdoa dan sokong usaha kami! Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan untuk Malaysia! Malaysia Boleh!
恭喜恭喜! 我們的電影【BABI/你是豬】入選了【ARFF環球國際電影節(柏林)】還有【泰國國際電影節】! Kop kun krap! 🙏🙏🙏
【辣死你媽-續集】因為疫情的緣故沒辦法上映,造成了嚴重的虧損... 當我們在愁雲慘霧之際,卻收到了天大的好消息! 就是【BABI/你是豬】入圍了國際上著名的兩大影展 【ARFF環球國際電影節(柏林)】和【泰國國際電影節】! 真的很開心!
其實這是我七年前寫的劇本,我沒拍出來的第一個原因,當然是因為沒有人會願意把錢丟進一部即將被禁,賺不回本的電影裡。第二個原因則是我當時不知道要找誰幫我拍,相信聽到這個戲名,大家應該都怕了吧... 但最後我還是以很低很低成本的方式,拜託了很多人幫忙,才完成了這部電影。真的要謝謝參與電影拍攝的每一個台前幕後的人,尤其監製 Joko Toh。
我從來都沒有想過這部電影能夠在馬來西亞上映,所以我們拍完了之後從來都沒有拿去申請過。接下來,希望這部電影不止在泰國和德國的影展能看到,期待以後能夠以更光明正大的方式讓所有人都能看到。我們還在努力中,請為我們加油吧!預祝馬來西亞獨立日快樂! Malaysia Boleh!
FINAS Malaysia Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) Polis Diraja Malaysia ( Royal Malaysia Police ) #LPF Lembaga Penapisan Filem
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過49萬的網紅JeffHK,也在其Youtube影片中提到,In which I show you how anchoring is done on mega-ships with the use of windlass or simply by gravity. A detail breakdown of the components that make ...
no budget film 在 鴨頭 嘉人 Facebook 八卦
昨日もお伝えしましたが、クラウドファンディング「SILKHAT」内で立ち上げたプロジェクト「西野亮廣オンライン講演会 ~マーケティング講座 【上級編】~」の受講者が現時点で2300人を突破しました。
[those who don't move until the perfect answer comes out, after all, don't move to the end]
Let me make a status report as always.
I told you yesterday, but the participants of the project ′′ Ryo Nishino Online Lecture ~ Marketing course [Advanced Edition ~" have breached 2300 people at the moment. I did.
(* HERE →
It's a ′′ Advanced Edition ′′ but it's not a difficult story, but it's not a difficult word, but now I don't talk about ′′ there's something called crowdfunding..." it's a line-up. Please think.
In a book called ′′ Fanfare of the revolution ′′ that I used to publish, I wrote ′′ how to deliver a picture book ′′ a town?" but this time's lecture is ′′ how to do it, I would like to talk about marketing that can be diverted to various services based on the movie ′′ a town of a?"
If you are interested, come on.
And one more announcement.
Last night, I thought about it, and now I'm preparing for a fierce speed, but isn't it Halloween on October 31th?
I'm going to inform you again, but I'm going to publish a pretty serious video about the movie ′′ a no-′′ around 7 am on this day, and I'm going to have a blast here too. You think.
So, actually, the schedule after that was saved for a day as ′′ production day but it's Halloween, and in case, the main character of the movie ′′ a no-′′ is ′′ Halloween Halloween day It's a monster that was born in.
And the movie will be released this year.
I think it's weird not to do something here, and I'm going to go to the middle of the day, and I'm going to go to the middle of the day, and I'm going to go to the middle of the day, and I'm going to go to the I think I'm going to do it.
As a corona countermeasure, I'm going to take a thorough look at the'm and things, and I'm going to take a picture of the limited 200 pairs in time, and I'm going to take a
Of course it's okay to upload the picture on social media.
I'm thinking about selling tickets on crowdfunding, and after this, I'm going to have a quick project page, and I'm going to have a 1-payment funding, so if you're interested, please take a look at it. Please.
We have a perfect costume for the-costume, so if you are going to participate, please feel free to dress up, dress up, or dress up.
So today's chase.
Today I would like to talk to you on the theme of ′′ those who don't move until the perfect answer comes out, after all, won't move until the end
I often do support activities and donation activities to increase my sensitivity, but when I do that, sometimes," what do you do with the person who didn't get to support this time? Is it?" it's said to be.
I wanted to support the bookstore in the city, and I was doing exercise to buy a book at the bookstore," if you want to help the bookstore, you should teach how to fishing fish, not to give fish," There are people who throw words that have been rubbed hundreds of billion times in the past.
This is pretty much a ′′ there is ′′ that people who are doing support activities...
This is ′′ two ′′ completely wrong and...
First of all, ′′ there is no distinction between administrative activities and individual activities
What's different from each one, the source of the budget is different.
The activities of the administration are tax, and the activities of the individual are redeemed by the money of the individual.
More than paying taxes, the people have the right to speak to the use of tax, but there is no 1 Micron right to speak to the use of personal money.
The money that the person works and earns is used for BDSM, but use it for pachinko, but use it for donations, but it is not the area where others can lick their mouth.
I think this is so obvious, but there are quite a lot of people who can't do this line.
When you're buying coke at a convenience store, middle aged is coming from the side, and you grab your arms, and if you're about to buy coke, you should use the money for African children," fear Isn't it?
′′ if you think so, you do it
Put your time on that mystery activity to the African children lol
First of all, it's one point that ′′ I haven't been able to line up the area that can't be folded,"
So, next, I think it's better to really stop this... for example, for the cheering activities to buy books at the bookstore," if you want to help the bookstore, it's not to give fish, but it's a fish fishing way. I should teach you something like that, at first glance, isn't it a wind guy who says good things?
This is the chase of the day, but," then what is it?"
If you're trying to support the bookstore, don't you support the bookstore until you build a system that can be stable and revenue forevermore?
When fans try to support artists, they don't buy CDs or goods, but the fans are moving until they build a system that can be eaten 5 years later and 10 years later. Isn't it bad?
Can't you move until you get the correct answer?
It's not, is it?
Isn't everything you can do first, start with what you can do, repeat trial and error, and fall into the correct answer?
I'm making a pretty big animation movie now, but at first, it's been 15 years since I've been back.
I started drawing with a 0.03 mm Ballpoint Pen. Of course there are no friends and I don't know if this activity is sought.
On the other hand," I'm drawing hard with a Ballpoint Pen, but now I'm told that the world level entertainment is ○○ so,"...... I know that, but I'm going to go to the middle of the day, and I'm going to go to the middle of the day I can only do it, and if I don't do this, I'll be able to go to the next stage
I'M 25 years old, I don't have the power to use the budget of millions of yen, and billions of yen.
It's only starting to start with one ballpoint pen.
For people who are looking for a way to the correct answer, suddenly hit the correct answer," it's not going to solve it," it's not going to be a solution," it's a person who is going to give advice to others. I think it's a word to justify ′′ myself that doesn't move?"
I can't answer suddenly, so I'm wrong, but I have to take a step first.
′′ if you start walking, you won't be able to get there
Ryo Nishino (King Kong)
▼ an article about the latest entertainment business of ryo nishino (1 articles = 2000 to 3000 characters) can be read every morning online salon (almost mail magazine) is here ↓
▼ Instagram version is here ↓
Released on December 25, 2020!
The movie in a town ′′
▼ Buy Online Bangabandhu (with perks) here ↓
▼ here is the screening hall
no budget film 在 吃吃喝喝。看世界。 Facebook 八卦
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· Arrival & departure airport transfer by FLYBUS Plus shuttle (no guide)
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· Entrance with towel at Blue Lagoon
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no budget film 在 JeffHK Youtube 的評價
In which I show you how anchoring is done on mega-ships with the use of windlass or simply by gravity. A detail breakdown of the components that make up the windlass. Brief explanation of scopes and catenary, anchor watches and anchor circle. Anchoring can be very dangerous if not done properly because it often involves massive amount of weight up more than 90,000kg in just the anchor alone without the chains.
Support my photo/videography by buying through my affiliate links!
Best Value Fullframe for timelapse
Fisheye lens used in 30 days timelapse
360 camera I use
BIG JUICE powerbank for everything
Gaffer Tape (no residue)
Silica Gel Packs
Good intervalometer
Good Entry Tripod
Pro Tripod
Budget Time lapse Motion Control
Advance time lapse Motion control
These video are not sponsored or ad-campaigned. Not intended for educational purposes (some information may be incorrect, I am producing these video solo with my limited knowledge). I only hope to empower and motivate youngsters in the maritime world while enjoying my hobby as a video/film maker.
Follow my adventures!
=====Where did I go last 2 months?? Cancun Adventure======
=====Navigation Bridge of a Mega Ship=====
=====10 Reasons Why Maritime SUCKS =====
=====A Tour of Mega Ship's Engine Room=====
=====HEAVY SEAS! Bad Weather in Atlantic Ocean=====
=====Cargo Operations on Ship=====
=====Top 6 Questions about Merchant Marine=====
Music: Flofilz Jazz Mix

no budget film 在 Jessica Vu Youtube 的評價
see how i decorated my first apartment in los angeles on a budget with the help of World Market!
✧ IG:
hi MTV welcome to my crib ?
troi oi when i tell u my place used to be so ugly.......i have zero sense in interior design so when World Market reached out to furnish my apartment and work together on this video I was so excited!!! it's the only reason I could do an apartment tour tbh, i'd be /too/ embarrassed to show u how it looked before ?
anyways if u wanna see a more in-depth room tour, lmk! my mom is visiting from FL rn and she helped me organize my room so i need to film before it gets messy again ✌️?
♡ xo
click here to shop all products:
Gray top: Forever 21 (no longer available)
Striped Jogger Pants:
Gingham Set: Chuu (no longer available)
Editing Program: Final Cut Pro X 10.4.1
♪ M U S I C ♪
Ann De Renais & Ben Parry – Tes Yeux Bleus
?business email:
FTC: sponsored by World Market ofc
#MoreThanAffordable #WeKnowYourSmallSpace

no budget film 在 chungdha Youtube 的評價
In this video we are comparing the DJI Osmo Mobile 2, Zhiyun Smooth4 and the Moza Mini-Mi on their basic operations without the use of the APP. As honestly the APP features are an extra and I personally rarely use the app, as it take quite a lot of time to pair up and rather use the standard camera app of my phone and not miss any shots.
Pros & Cons of each gimbal
DJI OSMO Mobile 2 -
Pros: Smallest of the 3
Cons: Missing basic Pan Follow Mode and no feets included
Zhiyun Smooth4 -
Pros: Has all features needed, Pan Follow, Full Follow, Lock Mode and PhoneGo Mode. Includes feets to stand.
Cons: Missing joystick to pan tilt in lock mode.
Moza Mini-Mi -
Pros: Got unique features of Inception Mode, Roll Follow, Wireless recharge. Includes feets to stand.
Cons: Not nice to hold because of the odd tv remote shape and noisy in basic operations and sport mode.
Effects used in this video:
Text Slide -
Seamless Transitions -
Call Out Tracking -
Cinematic Slow Zoom -
Gear used to film this video:
Panasonic G7 -
Panasonic 25mm f1.7 -
Samsung Galaxy S9+ -
Yongnuo YN360 -
Manfrotto Compact Action -
Manfrotto Befree Live -
Turn Table -
Rode NT-USB -
Edited with Adobe Premiere Pro -
#chungdha #gimbal #phonegimbal
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Chung Dha © 2018 Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

no budget film 在 Classic Top 10 No Budget Films - Raindance Film Festival 的相關結果
Classic Top 10 No Budget Films ; Blair Witch Project, 1999. Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers. 1.44M subscribers ; The Last Broadcast, 1998. ... <看更多>
no budget film 在 Don''t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie! - 博客來 的相關結果
書名:Don''t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie!: Inexpensive Filmmaking In This Content-Hungry Age,語言:英文,ISBN:9781039105263,頁數:126,作者:Peric, ... ... <看更多>
no budget film 在 No-budget film - Wikipedia 的相關結果
A no-budget film is typically made at the beginning of a filmmaker's career, with the intention of either exploring creative ideas, testing their filmmaking ... ... <看更多>