An open letter to Jacinda Ardern and New Zealand Now - Immigration NZ
Every year there are thousands of people who are excited to enter New Zealand with WORKING HOLIDAY VISA, to have an adventure in New Zealand.
This year because of the pandemic, many who already applied for the visa and paid for it, failed to enter New Zealand before the lockdown, so they are really upset about it.
They understand that during this pandemic, it is impossible to request New Zealand to open the border as to protect New Zealand from the virus infection.
All they request is to extend the visa expiry date so they could enter New Zealand after the pandemic is over.
Many of them emailed the immigration department since March but until the last day of 2020, there is no solution or answer to their situation.
Some of their visa already expired while most of them will be expiring soon in the coming month of January.
This cause huge disappointment to them as when the visa expired, they are not able to apply again.
I had been to New Zealand in 2015 for working holiday and it was one of my best moment in my life, I even made a series of youtube video to explain about it.
Furthermore, I organised a lot of sharing talks to share my experience to the public and I even published a Book about it.
So that's why I have to write this letter, to urge New Zealand Government give a chance to those who applied successfully this year.
Some of them even tried for many years before success to grab a slot this year and some of them are over 30 years old on next year.
So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, Sincerely hope that New Zealand Government can hear from us.
Stuff New Zealand Government
nz immigration 在 Fly to Infinity 起飛吧 阿薇 Facebook 八卦
My travel buddy finally came back to me.
#mail #passport #visa #partnership #nz #kiwi #auckland #immigration #finallyarrived #jobinterview #bank #money #work
nz immigration 在 JOE's 台勞日誌 Facebook 八卦
[32] 紐西蘭移民局很貼心的寄了Email來跟我說,我的簽證再過45天就要到期了!時間真是過的飛快阿! 又到了快離開的日子了。 有人會問我會不會捨不得? 其實我必須說,雖然有一點,但我更想念台灣阿! The immigration of NZ is so sweet to notice me that my visa is expiring in 45 days by Email. Time goes by so quickly, its time to leave. Somebody ask me if I feel sad cause leaving the awesome country. tell u the truth, Although there is a little bit sad, I miss Tw more!!!