Partner. Best Friend. Co-Driver. These are words that I am reminded of when I travel with the Wife.
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I travel a fair bit alone. Sometimes for work. Sometimes for leisure. Sometimes for both. But there is something about returning to traveling one-on-one with the Missus, something we restarted with the kids now older.
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Most of the time, she is happy to let me lead the way. But she jumps in to help when I ask. Sometimes she instinctively knows when to cover my blind spots.
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Driving more than 2,500km with her on this Spain trip, going from Seville in the south, to Girona in the north, and back again, reminded me of how much we lean on each other.
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I drive. She navigates.
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I approach the toll booths of highways, she hands me the ticket and cash, and takes care of the receipts.
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I try to not get ourselves killed in the crazy streets of Madrid, she acts as the second voice of the GPS, giving me a heads up ahead of turns.
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I tell jokes, she laughs at them, so I don’t feel so sleepy on the long journeys.
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I play my NPR podcasts, and we discuss politics and current affairs while going 120km/h on the Spanish highways.
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I try to enter a super narrow, and steep car park entrance in Seville, she helps me check that her side of the car is clear.
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She tries not to fart in the car. I let her sleep when she enters her post-lunch sleepiness.
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I order the wine at lunch at the rest stop, she drinks it for the two of us, because I’m still driving.
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It isn’t always smooth, of course. Sometimes she misses a turn. Sometimes I make a mistake. Sometimes we get annoyed at each other. But we always remember to ease off the blame game and focus on getting to where we are going to, safely and in one peace, and in good spirits.
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A sense of humour helps. And a willingness to let love cover a multitude of mistakes. Above all, throughout our two weeks on the road, we depend most on God’s grace and providence.
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The Wife and I are both also on a road trip together for life. We have aging parents to care for, young children to raise, and a special needs firstborn who is now entering adulthood. We know that even though we have driven many miles together for the last two decades, we know we have miles to go before we sleep.
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And we are thankful for friends and family who help us in all sorts of ways. Nobody does this alone.
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There may be Google Maps and Apple Maps now. And apps that help you book a hotel or tell you where to eat. But nothing can take the place of a companion, a friend, and partner-in-crime.
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I cannot think of anyone else I’d rather be on the road with, than my Wife.
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同時也有738部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過22萬的網紅Jeffrey Fok霍哥哥,也在其Youtube影片中提到,很多人問我什麼時候找Yelo拍廚房, 為什麼不找Yelo拍廚房 其實我想說,Yelo是霍哥廚房的開國功臣 今天就同佢一齊斬佢老味大肉餅 ----------------------------------------------- Follow埋我其他野啦: IG:Jeffreyfok_224 FB...
npr 在 Emmy追劇時間 Facebook 八卦
他說今年因為看美國大選,想多看一些真正美國的資料,就開始練習聽英文,變成習慣,這家媒體用的字很簡單,不像一些雜誌字太難了,他每天開車聽,現在也聽其他的內容,覺得也可以慢慢聽懂(呃但我隨便抬頭就看到一個s 開頭的生字)。
npr 在 江啟臣 Facebook 八卦
上週一質詢外交部長是否願意與美國復交時,外交部長完全無法回應,若如政府所說,現在正迎接台美關係最好的時刻,則不應該只停留在萊豬開放,經濟戰略選擇,因此, 今日國民黨團在院會提出二項「與美復交」、「請求美國協助抵抗中共威脅」決議案。
「請求美國協助抵抗中共威脅」案則是要求政府應積極說服美國政府依照其台灣關係法精神, 一旦中共有明顯危及台灣人民安全及社會經濟制度的行動時,在我國政府請求下,將前述中共舉動視為對西太平洋地區和平及安定的威脅,並以外交、經濟與安全防衛等方式協助我國抵抗」。
#蔡英文 應該要吳釗燮改變9/20接受美國公共電台(NPR)訪問的說法!
npr 在 Jeffrey Fok霍哥哥 Youtube 的評價
FB:Jeffrey Fok 霍哥哥
Yelo's Channel:
Manner’s Channel :
肥瘦豬肉 12兩
咸蛋 1隻
胡椒粉 少許
麻油 1茶匙
雞粉 1/2茶匙
糖 1/2茶匙
鹽 1/2茶匙
水 1湯匙
1. 先將豬肉去皮,切成小塊
2. 把豬肉剁碎,不要用攪肉機
3. 剁碎後加入調味料攪拌均勻
4. 豬肉吸收調味料後加入咸蛋白
5. 用手向同一方向攪拌2~3分鐘直至起膠
6. 放上咸蛋黃在中間
7. 中火蒸11~ 15分鐘(視乎厚度)
8. 蒸好取出後靜止2~3 分鐘,讓肉餅吸收肉汁
9. 食
門票:$567 / $467 / $367
現已公開售票!!! 更多最新資訊,請關注《可能好笑》魔術音樂劇場活動專頁。

npr 在 ブレイクスルー佐々木 Youtube 的評價
シーナ・アイエンガー(2010),『選択の科学』, 文藝春秋.
・ Lui, K. F. H., & Wong, A. C. N. Does media multitasking always hurt? A positive correlation between multitasking and multisensory integration. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 2012. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-012-0245-7.
・ NPR. Multitasking may not mean higher productivity. Aug. 28 2009.
・ Ophir, E., Nass, C., & Wagner, A. D. (2009). Cognitive control in media multitaskers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences for the United States of America. 2009. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0903620106.
・ Rogers, R. & Monsell, S. (1995). The costs of a predictable switch between simple cognitive tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 1995;124:207-231.
・ Rubinstein, Joshua S.; Meyer, David E.; Evans, Jeffrey E. (2001). Executive Control of Cognitive Processes in Task Switching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 2001;27(4):763-797.

npr 在 I Mean Us Youtube 的評價
如果 可以用一首歌曲道盡一切
I Mean Us《EYƎ》Asia Tour 2019
6/15 南 京 @ 歐拉藝術空間 (下午場)
6/16 上 海 @ 育音堂公園
6/17 杭 州 @ MAO LIVEHOUSE
6/19 武 漢 @ VOX LIVEHOUSE
6/20 深 圳 @ HOU LIVE
6/21 廣 州 @ TUTU空間
6/23 厦 門 @ REAL LIVE
7/19 福 岡 @ BEAT STATION
w.揺らぎ, Tsudio Studio
7/22 東 京 @ FEVER
w. Luby Sparks, 17歳とベルリンの壁
I Mean Us / I'm U
Taipei based, formed in 2015.
Genre: Indie Pop/Noise Pop/Dream Pop/Shoegaze
Schmaltzy songs at the end of century.
I Mean Us / I'm U
曲風雜揉Indie Pop/Noise Pop/Dream Pop/Shoegaze,
他們是I Mean Us,唱著世紀末濫情歌。
Production House :accesstovision
Cast :James Magnum III
Executive Producer :PRODUCED IN LAB
Director’s Assistant :Dai Kuo Chun
Producer :Brute Sea, En Hsieh
Cinematographer :Zhou Jia-Qi, Brute Sea
Costume Designer :Saem Xu, LINCHIAHSIN
Makeup & Hairstyle :Eon Hsu
Visual Effects :accesstovision
Editor :KAI-HAN CHENG, Dai Kuo Chun
Colorist :Su Pei (Timeline Studio 時間軸)
Photographer :maumauchiu
Special Thanks :蘭嶼 漁夫嶼海, Orchid island fisherman&sea, 謝金龍, 希蕊娜莉古早味早餐
製作人 Producer : 陳建騏 George Chen
作詞 Lyrics : 楊力龢 Edney Yang・梁丹郡 Mandark Liang
作曲 Composer:梁丹郡 Mandark Liang
編曲 Performer.Arranger : 楊詠淳 Vitz Yang・章羣 Chun Zhang
主唱.電吉他 Vocal.Guitar : 章羣 Chun Zhang
主唱.鍵盤 Vocal.Keyboard : 梁丹郡 Mandark Liang
電吉他 Guitar : 楊詠淳 Vitz Yang
鼓 Drums : 呂佩蓬 PP L
貝斯 Bass : 陳思翰 Hank Chen
合音 Chorus:劉庭佐 Joe Liu
弦樂編寫 Strings Arranger: 劉涵 Liu Hang
小提琴 Violin:劉融Liu Jung\曲靜家 Ching Chia Chu
中提琴 Viola:甘威鵬 Weapon Gan
大提琴 Cello:劉涵 Liu Han
錄音 Recording Engineers : 錢煒安 Zen Chien/陳以霖 Yi Lin Chen
錄音場地 Recording Studios : 玉成戲院錄音室 Yu Cheng Cinema Studio/大小眼錄音室 Twin Eyes Studio
混音 Mixing Engineers : 錢煒安 Zen Chien @112F Recording Studio
母帶後期製作 Mastering Engineer : 孫仲舒 Sun Chung Shu
母帶後期錄音室 Mastering Studio : 鈺德科技 U-Tech
特別感謝 Special Thanks
韓立康/吳東陽/鄭力愷/籟音音樂影像工作室 / 黃婕妤 / 張藝
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► ᴍ ᴇ ʀ ᴄ ʜ

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