🔺Part 2 : 投cover letter的其他注意事項
1️⃣ 正確的聯絡資訊
2️⃣ 精準、簡短
最洽當的cover letter長度應是能讓全文完整呈現在電腦螢幕中,不需要滑動卷軸,在這麼有限的文字裡,當然字句都要精準命中要點。
3️⃣ 留意寄信時間
如果你是在上班時段想要投cover letter,可以直接寄出;但若你是在下班時間(17點後) 完成郵件,為了不讓你的cover letter淹沒在信箱中,確保人事一早上工看到不遺漏,可以試看看Gmail預定寄送的功能,例如設定寄送時間為早上8點,這樣你的信可以確保至少會是當日的前面幾封信。
4️⃣ 有禮貌且快速回應人事
如果在cover letter中有提到需要簽證的事情,收信的人事通常會再寄信和你確認,建議盡快回信;若是公司直接表明無法提供簽證而不能繼續你的申請流程,也請還是禮貌地回信致謝。
5️⃣ 記錄投信日期,持續追蹤
通常投工作不會只投一家,建議記下寄出日期方便追蹤。若非是那種已在職缺廣告中敘明恕難聯絡未成功求職者的公司,建議一週後若音訊全無,你可以再寄一封信 (follow-up letter)確認他們有收到,目的是希望他們再考慮看看且給你個答覆,這樣能再次展現你的強烈興趣,雖然結局有很大機會仍是被拒,但至少你能確定這家公司沒 機會,也能放下心中懸念,繼續努力。
🔎Stage 3 : Applying for a job position
🔺Part 2 : Cover letter & application tips
1️⃣ Updated contact information
Leave your latest contact information such as your mobile number, home address and email so that the company can contact you. It is recommended for you to use your school email address or an email address that reflects your name when sending the application. Do not use strange email addresses that may be identified and filtered as a spam mail or promotional message.
2️⃣ Short and Concise
Cover letters should not be too long, aim to take up 3-4 paragraphs at most so that the email text is fully displayed on the screen and readable without the need to scroll. Format the email properly and use simple and clear fonts of appropriate size (10-12 pt). Be professional but personal and straight to point when writing. Always proofread your cover letter!
3️⃣ Take note of the time when sending your application
Try to send in your cover letter during standard working hours, check the time zone of the country your employer is in if necessary. It is not advisable to send your application after working hours (~17:00) as the email might be pushed to the bottom of the inbox and missed out when the recipient checks it the next working day.
Tip: Use Gmail’s scheduled send function, set the delivery time to 8 am so that your application will be the first few emails that pops in at the start of the day.
4️⃣ Respond back politely and fast
If you have mentioned that you require a work visa in the cover letter, the recipient would normally send you another confirmation email. Do respond back fast so that the company can let you know if they are able to sponsor your visa. Even if the company is unable to sponsor your visa, always respond back politely with a thank you email.
5️⃣ Record dates of your application to follow up
When applying to multiple jobs at once, you can easily lose track and miss out on important dates and follow ups. Be organized and keep track of your job applications so that you can follow up with ease. Unless the job posting states that it will not notify unsuccessful applicants, do send another email to confirm that your application has been received if you have not gotten a response after a week. The purpose is to show your interest again and probe the company so that they will consider and respond to your application. Although there may be a high chance that your application has been rejected, the confirmation will allow you to strike out the company and put your effort and focus on other opportunities!
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