這部已有半世紀歷史的影片,由當時在日本傳教的白冷會神父施密林(Josef Schmidlin)於1967年來台攝製,內容主要是介紹白冷會於1957年在台灣台東所創辦的公東高工(私立公東高級工業職業學校),旁白為施密林神父以德語所述;影片中除了看得到當年的公東高工教學情景,也紀錄下那時候的台東街景與民眾生活點滴,實在是一部極為珍貴的紀錄片。
白冷會的全名為白冷外方傳教會(Societas Missionaria de Bethlehem,簡稱 SMB),為一天主教修會,起源於19世紀末。
1895年,法國籍神父巴皮耶 (Pièrre Marie Barral FMJ) 在瑞士琉森市(Luzern)附近的梅根鎮(Meggen)創辦一所傳教中學,也就是小型修道院,並於隔年(1896年)搬到施維茨州的茵夢湖(Immensee),其所培養的神父在晉鐸後,便派遣至缺乏神父的地區和傳教區。
後來因為該修道院遇到無法克服的困難,當地庫爾教區主教派便派遣瑞士籍神父彭道非(Dr. Pietro Bondolfi)前往視察,並於1921年正式創立白冷外方傳教會(SMB),最初的會士都是神父,自1925年起亦收修士。
1953年10月12日,白冷會派遣兩位傳教士—錫質平神父(Jakob Hilber)與司路加神父(Lukas Stoffel)到台東;錫質平神父任首位區會長,也按當時的習慣接任台東縣總鐸區的總鐸。
1954年,曾在北京傳教的瑞士籍神父紀守常(Alfred Giger 1919-1970)開始負責台東的馬蘭及鹿野兩個區域之福傳,他幾乎將壯年的歲月全獻給了東部,尤其是位於蘭嶼島上的達悟族人。
那時台東的醫療衛生資源非常貧乏,而且原住民常付不出醫療費,所以白冷會決定興建聖母醫院;最初由聖母醫療傳教修女會(Medical Missionaries of Mary)負責,在她們離開台灣之後,改由仁愛會修女(Daughters of Charity)接辦。
1965年,雷化民神父(Franz Leimer)願意幫助付不出學費的貧困少年,便在他所服務的寶桑路天主堂創立「學徒班」,之後更名為「東區職訓中心」;這個組織與公東高工雖然看似有些競爭,但事實上卻是互補共進。
1980年代,白冷會跟其他修會一樣越來越缺少神父與修士的聖召,但仍有屬於教會本質的福傳之需要,所以白冷會開始邀請單身與已婚男女平信徒參與福傳行列,並於2000年依循民法創設了「白冷茵夢湖福傳團社團法人」(Verein Bethlehem Mission Immensee,簡稱 BMI),由「白冷外方傳教會」與「白冷會在俗夥伴社團」組成。
(Josef Schmidlin 神父導演、攝影、剪接,白冷外方傳教會製作)
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missionaries 在 ลงทุนแมน Facebook 八卦
เงินมีก้อนเดียว แต่ถูกทุบให้กระจาย /โดย ลงทุนแมน
เมื่อวันก่อนได้คุยกับผู้บริหารของบริษัทใหญ่ที่เป็นเจ้าของช่องทีวีช่องหนึ่ง ทำให้คิดได้ว่า ตอนนี้ เม็ดเงินโฆษณา กำลังเปลี่ยนไปจากที่คนในวงการคุ้นเคยไป "แบบถาวร"
สำหรับเจ้าของช่องทีวี ที่นึกถึงอดีตอันหอมหวาน แล้วนั่งภาวนารอ สปอนเซอร์แย่งกันเข้ามาต่อคิวโฆษณาระหว่างละคร ระหว่างรายการข่าว แบบเมื่อ 10 ปีที่แล้ว คงจะเป็นสิ่งที่ไม่เกิดขึ้นแล้ว
...Continue ReadingThere is only one bar of money, but it is smashed to distribute / investman.
The other day, talking to the executives of big corporations who own a TV channel. Realize that advertising money is now changing from those in the industry. ′′ permanently ′′
For the owner of the TV channel who thinks of the sweet past and sits in prayer and waits for the sponsor to get in the queue for the commercials during the 10 years of the last news show, it's probably not happening.
Which means that there are ten other missionaries, it doesn't bring more people back to turn on the TV.
The last event that the most people turned on TV, The Mask Singer and Baptist Noodles 3-4 years ago.
No one would have ever thought that was the peak of the TV already.
And it reflects that BEC stock price fell from 20 baht to 4 baht and Workpoint fell from 100 baht to 10 baht now..
Why is the story happening?
Invest man will tell you about it.
Blockdit is a platform of source of thinkers
At the moment, update the situation in the video article form.
Including podcasts to listen on the go.
Try it out at Blockdit.com/download
This story has many factors involved.
Both behaviors, people who are used to watching smartphones all the time.
The whole container is brought backwards. Let's see it by the need of less live watching.
Which all of this means our eyes are being taken by a smartphone from a TV screen.
In fact, a smartphone doesn't snatch from a TV. It snatches us from everything that is idle time or our free time in every moment.
We waiting for the elevator to pick up the mobile phone.
We wait for the electric car to pick up the mobile phone.
We are waiting for the red light to pick up the mobile phone.
And a lot of people think about it. It's a boyfriend's fight. Less than the previous boyfriend's appointment. Because now my boyfriend is late. We pick up the phone and watch it so that he can't be indifferent. When the other
Which too, TV is one idle time that the new generation thinks we can pick up the mobile phone instead.
So that makes some people say, ′′ Can't remember when was the last time the TV turned on?"
This story also resulted in many things like decorating condominium or house. Having TV in each room is very important.
But now becoming many people say that there is no need to spare a place for TV..
I have to admit that there are still a group of people who are familiar with turning on TV, most of them are 40 or older.
But if we think 40 or older people don't look at smartphone, we might have to rethink it.
Because smartphone is now accessible to all people of all ages.
Just this group of people are relieved of turning on TV while watching smartphone..
The next point that is the heart of the story is.
Advertisement money is only available and it flows to those who spend their time on it.
And of course from the same. TV's the number one choice and the most budget.
Now it's gonna be an important transaction where TV won't get the most money anymore..
Where the money will spread. No need to tell. We can guess..
Apart from the less TV-giving advertising budget, TV advertising has changed.
We will start to see
Interviews on TV. There are no commercials during the program. But more products in Tie In on the list.
House invasion program, interviewed stars, no advertisement during the program, but suddenly Darra comes to introduce inactive looking products.
Why is it?
The first thing is now, even if people watch TV, but people don't tolerate advertising during advertisements. When they are in commercials, people will come to watch their own smartphone, plow, Facebook, Facebook, Line.
The next thing is TV shows these days will bring contents to look backwards. Advertising in the list will be more beneficial than advertising during the program. In reality, there are no live-watching people..
When things are like this, the result is coming out at the advertisement. No one comes to sponsor because people put money in once and they are afraid of it. No one cares to open it backwards.
So we can see ads in between, only TV ads. Follow this list. There are plenty of ads after cutting into the commercials that are sponsored.
The next interesting question is.
And who are the people who benefit from online channels?
If we think there will be a big one, like Channel 3, Channel 7, can control all online marketplace and as big as before, I have to say that it's probably a dream that is impossible.
Because the principle of online media is that anyone can produce contents at a much lower cost than before. This is based on the unique characteristics of the owner of the channel or page.
What will happen is Personalized or so that the audience will spread to the channel or page they like on the Fragmented Market without anyone controlling the market.
To compare, it's like a dental shop distributed to each community. Noted that it's up to a good dentist in the community. No one can be a major country.
And of course, investment in production, drama, giant game show, magnificent. It may be less and less.
Because today people making containers are focused on ′′ speed ′′ rather than ′′ quality
It's probably a disadvantage that we may not see the intended containers planned for years like the old days anymore.
What we might see next is Consolidate or a group of more big partnering channels or pages. They can sell more ads across each other and set higher advertising prices.
And maybe we'll probably see a consolidate company of a channel or an online page big enough to be listed on future stock market..
Now we are in a head-to-head.
Which even everyone in the industry doesn't know how it ends.
But now I have to admit it's not the same anymore.
Because one sum of money is smashed to spread already.
And the interesting thing is that while everyone in Thailand can make contents.
But the one who has benefited from everyone is a foreign platform that hardly pays taxes to Thailand..
Blockdit is a platform of source of thinkers
At the moment, update the situation in the video article form.
Including podcasts to listen on the go.
Try it out at Blockdit.com/download
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missionaries 在 張哲生 Facebook 八卦
這部已有半世紀歷史的影片,由當時在日本傳教的白冷會神父施密林(Josef Schmidlin)於1967年來台攝製,內容主要是介紹白冷會於1957年在台灣台東所創辦的公東高工(私立公東高級工業職業學校),旁白為施密林神父以德語所述;影片中除了看得到當年的公東高工教學情景,也紀錄下那時候的台東街景與民眾生活點滴,實在是一部極為珍貴的紀錄片。
白冷會的全名為白冷外方傳教會(Societas Missionaria de Bethlehem,簡稱 SMB),為一天主教修會,起源於19世紀末。
1895年,法國籍神父巴皮耶 (Pièrre Marie Barral FMJ) 在瑞士琉森市(Luzern)附近的梅根鎮(Meggen)創辦一所傳教中學,也就是小型修道院,並於隔年(1896年)搬到施維茨州的茵夢湖(Immensee),其所培養的神父在晉鐸後,便派遣至缺乏神父的地區和傳教區。
後來因為該修道院遇到無法克服的困難,當地庫爾教區主教派便派遣瑞士籍神父彭道非(Dr. Pietro Bondolfi)前往視察,並於1921年正式創立白冷外方傳教會(SMB),最初的會士都是神父,自1925年起亦收修士。
1953年10月12日,白冷會派遣兩位傳教士—錫質平神父(Jakob Hilber)與司路加神父(Lukas Stoffel)到台東;錫質平神父任首位區會長,也按當時的習慣接任台東縣總鐸區的總鐸。
1954年,曾在北京傳教的瑞士籍神父紀守常(Alfred Giger 1919-1970)開始負責台東的馬蘭及鹿野兩個區域之福傳,他幾乎將壯年的歲月全獻給了東部,尤其是位於蘭嶼島上的達悟族人。
那時台東的醫療衛生資源非常貧乏,而且原住民常付不出醫療費,所以白冷會決定興建聖母醫院;最初由聖母醫療傳教修女會(Medical Missionaries of Mary)負責,在她們離開台灣之後,改由仁愛會修女(Daughters of Charity)接辦。
1965年,雷化民神父(Franz Leimer)願意幫助付不出學費的貧困少年,便在他所服務的寶桑路天主堂創立「學徒班」,之後更名為「東區職訓中心」;這個組織與公東高工雖然看似有些競爭,但事實上卻是互補共進。
1980年代,白冷會跟其他修會一樣越來越缺少神父與修士的聖召,但仍有屬於教會本質的福傳之需要,所以白冷會開始邀請單身與已婚男女平信徒參與福傳行列,並於2000年依循民法創設了「白冷茵夢湖福傳團社團法人」(Verein Bethlehem Mission Immensee,簡稱 BMI),由「白冷外方傳教會」與「白冷會在俗夥伴社團」組成。
(Josef Schmidlin 神父導演、攝影、剪接,白冷外方傳教會製作)
missionaries 在 蠢蠢 Youtube 的評價
#Flash小遊戲 #懷舊經典 #電腦課偷玩系列 #童年回憶
0:00Wolf Sheep & Cabbage
1:36Cannibals & Missionaries
8:23Family Crisis
12:50Lonely knight
★電腦錄影軟體:OBS or Bandicam
★後製軟體:Sony Vegas Pro 17.0

missionaries 在 serpentza Youtube 的評價
Is Religion banned? Will you get your organs harvested for practicing your faith in China? Will you be oppressed and suppressed? Will you be arrested? Are there Churches in China?
The Taiping Rebellion was influenced to some degree by Christian teachings, and the Boxer Rebellion was in part a reaction against Christianity in China. Christians in China established the first modern clinics and hospitals, and provided the first modern training for nurses. Both Roman Catholics and Protestants founded numerous educational institutions in China from the primary to the university level. Some of the most prominent Chinese universities began as religious-founded institutions. Missionaries worked to abolish practices such as foot binding, and the unjust treatment of maidservants, as well as launching charitable work and distributing food to the poor. They also opposed the opium trade and brought treatment to many who were addicted. Some of the early leaders of the Chinese Republic, such as Sun Yat-sen were converts to Christianity and were influenced by its teachings. By 1921, Harbin, Manchuria's largest city, had a Russian population of around 100,000, constituting a large part of Christianity in the city.
Christianity, especially in its Protestant form, gained momentum in China between the 1980s and the 1990s, but in the following years, folk religion recovered more rapidly and in greater numbers than Christianity (or Buddhism). One scholar noted that "the Christian God then becomes one in a pantheon of local gods among whom the rural population divides its loyalties".
Protestants in the early twenty-first century, including both official and unofficial churches, had between 25 and 35 million adherents. Catholics were not more than 10 million. Other demographic analyses found that an average 2–4% of the population of China claims a Christian affiliation. Christians were unevenly distributed geographically. The only provinces in which they constituted a population significantly larger than 1 million persons are Henan, Anhui and Zhejiang. Protestants are characterised by a prevalence of people living in the countryside, women, illiterates and semi-literates, and elderly people.
A significant number of members of churches unregistered with the government, and of their pastors, belong to the Koreans of China.[334] Christianity has a strong presence in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, in Jilin. The Christianity of Yanbian Koreans has a patriarchal character; Korean churches are usually led by men, in contrast to Chinese churches which more often have female leadership. For instance, of the 28 registered churches of Yanji, only three of which are Chinese congregations, all the Korean churches have a male pastor while all the Chinese churches have a female pastor. Also, Korean church buildings are stylistically very similar to South Korean churches, with big spires surmounted by large red crosses. Yanbian Korean churches have been a matter of controversy for the Chinese government because of their links to South Korean churches.
In recent decades the Communist Party of China has become more tolerant of Christian churches outside party control, despite looking with distrust on organizations with international ties. The government and Chinese intellectuals tend to associate Christianity with subversive Western values, and many churches have been closed or destroyed. Since the 2010s policies against Christianity have been extended also to Hong Kong.
⚫Music used: Jim Yosef - Can't wait
⚫ Watch Conquering Southern China (my documentary) and see China like no one outside of China has ever seen it before: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/conqueringsouthernchina
⚫ Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza
Join me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/winstoninchina
Twitter: @serpentza
Instagram: serpent_za
My other channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/advchina

missionaries 在 BILLbilly01 Youtube 的評價
Official BILLbilly01 "Coldplay Medley"
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"Coldplay Medley" Lyrics:
Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I'm gonna give you my heart
Oh, angel sent from up above
You know you make my world light up
I think I saw you
And dream of para-para-paradise
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never, never a honest word
And that was when I ruled the world
Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah they were all yellow
Come up to meet you
Tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you
Tell you I need you
And it was all yellow
Nobody said it was easy
Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start
She said, where'd you wanna go?
How much you wanna risk?
I'm not looking for somebody
With some superhuman gifts
Some superhero
Some fairytale bliss
Just something I can turn to
Somebody I can kiss
I want something just like this
Got me feeling drunk and high
So high, so high
(Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)
Oh, I want something just like this
Got me feeling drunk and high
So high, so high
(Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)
Oh, I want something just like this

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