六月:AIT@40「科技與數位經濟月」:AIT@40最終篇章倒數計時!為慶祝AIT 40歲生日,我們為2019年每個月訂定一個主題,凸顯美台在各個領域的成就。六月是AIT@40「科技與數位經濟月」,AIT和外交部共同舉辦了「全球合作暨訓練架構(GCTF)— 網路安全與新興科技國際研習營」,匯聚了印太地區24個國家、45位貴賓一起共商未來世代的網路安全。AIT處長酈英傑也與蔡英文總統攜手為「台北國際電腦展」開幕,酈處長除了表達美國對中國製電信設備的擔憂,也肯定台灣是美國推動數位經濟的緊密夥伴。AIT副處長谷立言和美國小型企業署顧問Bryan O’Byrne也參加了「APEC O2O虛實整合高峰會」,並在致詞中盛讚台灣正快速轉型成創新社會,並表示美國樂於與台灣和其他印太經濟體在新創和數位轉型上合作。
#AITat40 #AITat40Celebration #TaiwanRelationsAct #StrongFoundationBrightFuture #GCTF #TechnologyAndDigitalEconomyMonth
June: AIT@40 Technology & Digital Economy Month: We’re counting down our AIT@40 highlights month by month as we approach our AIT@40 finale! To celebrate AIT’s 40th birthday, we selected a special theme for each month in 2019 to highlight our joint accomplishments in that area. JUNE was AIT@40 Technology & Digital Economy Month. AIT and Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs co-hosted 45 participants from 24 Indo-Pacific partners for a Global Cooperation and Training Framework Workshop on Network Security and Emerging technologies. Along with Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, Director Christensen opened this year’s session of Computex, Taiwan’s largest information and communications technology expo, where he discussed U.S. concerns about Chinese-made telecommunications equipment and recognized Taiwan as a close partner in the digital economy. And Deputy Director Greene and U.S. Small Business Administration Advisor Bryan O’Byrne spoke at the APEC O2O Summit, highlighting Taiwan’s transition to an innovation-based society and how the United States can work with Taiwan and other Indo-Pacific economies on startups and digital transformation.
If you want to learn more about U.S.-Taiwan People-to People ties, join the Digital Dialogue 4th Public Forum on January 17, when we’ll discuss how the United States and Taiwan could promote even closer ties between our people. Register now! https://www.accupass.com/event/1912120147227001275140
「ministry of digital economy and society」的推薦目錄:
ministry of digital economy and society 在 notebookspec Facebook 八卦
กระทรวงดิจิทัลสั่งแบน!! เว็บไซต์สื่อบันเทิงผู้ใหญ่อย่าง P_rnhub โดยกล่าวอ้างว่าเป็นผิดตาม พ.ร.บ.ความผิดเกี่ยวกับคอมพิวเตอร์ พ.ศ. 2550
ministry of digital economy and society 在 車庫一姊 Facebook 八卦
我有個參加過Digital Taipei的 朋友看了很不客氣跟我說懶X比雞腿。別這樣,我們有期待的!
“泰國數位展這樣子大規模的國際性展會,拿Digital Taipei 相比或許不公平,但的確很多Digital Taipei 可以學習的地方。比如:開放式講演舞台、場內咖啡商談區、國際公司展區、就業機會諮詢區、數位化進場方式等。“