益母草屬性偏涼,能活血調經、利水消腫,適合血瘀體質人士服用,容易周身疼痛、易有黑眼圈、暗瘡印、女士月經不適多血塊等亦宜 。
功效:活血養血,紓緩女士月經伴有血塊者、黑眼圈、唇色深、容易水腫等問題 。
1. 所有材料洗淨,紅蘿蔔去皮切段備用。
2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
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Ladies with blood stasis body constitution are prone to tumor growth
Motherwort soup can nourish the uterus
Many young women thought gynecological diseases will only affect married or older women but in fact, it will affect anyone with a uterus. In other words, ‘gynecological diseases’ is just a collective term.
Women should begin to take note of the health of the uterus once menstruation begins. There have been records that more and more younger women are diagnosed with endometriosis and tumor growth in the uterus.
From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, these two types of health problems often happen to individuals who have phlegm stasis and stagnation of cold in the body, as well those with stagnation of the qi and blood stasis. Do watch your diet and emotional well-being, and at the same time, cut down on eating and drinking raw and cold food and beverages. By doing so, you can avoid accumulating phlegm and dampness in the body and improve the stagnation of the qi and blood stasis condition.
Consume motherwort as it can promote blood circulation and regulate the menstrual cycle. You can also add some brown sugar to make sweet soup or turn it into a medicinal soup. Besides dried motherwort in Traditional Chinese Medicine stores, you should be able to find fresh ones in the wet market as well.
Tip on the ingredients:
Motherwort – cold in nature; can promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation, induce diuresis and relieve water retention. Suitable for individuals with the blood stasis condition, and those who are prone to body ache, dark eye circles, acne scars, blood clots in the menstrual fluid.
Motherwort and carrot soup with Chinese dates
Effects: Promotes blood circulation. Recommended for ladies experiencing clots in menstrual blood, and for relief of symptoms such as dark circles under the eyes, dark lip color and edema.
Ingredients: 20g motherwort, 2 carrots, 20g lily bulb, 20g red bean, 30g red kidney bean, 6 Chinese dates, 9g dried longan
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Cut peeled carrot into pieces.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Add salt to taste.
Note: To relieve menstrual discomfort, have this tea 3-7 days before the period. Those with yin deficiency body constitution and pregnant women should avoid consuming it.
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#女 #我有壓力 #血瘀 #經期
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過250萬的網紅Joanna Soh Official,也在其Youtube影片中提到,SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week! https://www.youtube.com/user/joannasohofficial Ladies, WE ARE NOT MEN! Our body does not function like a MAN, we...
「menstrual cycle days」的推薦目錄:
menstrual cycle days 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 八卦
CheckCheckCin:偶爾一次但須提防而不用過度憂慮,月經不正常的症狀連續出現兩週期或以上就要留意了。從中醫角度來說,這是「月經後期」,即是經期比平時延後七天以上,有些人更會延至四、五十天作一次週期。遲經有可能因血虛、虛寒、陰虛,也會因痰濕或肝鬱氣結引致。假如你近來多煩心,就有可能是因情志失調導致肝鬱引起。肝與情志關係密切,當人壓力大、精神緊張或情志不暢時,導致氣機的循環受阻,血行不暢,經期就可能會延後,而且經血色更會帶紫紅及有血塊,也會有小腹脹痛及胸脅脹痛,所以才會覺得下腹「谷住谷住」。最簡單是由疏肝解鬱及戒吃生冷入手,透過飲食、情志調理、 穴位按摩,改善因氣血瘀滯所導致的經絡不通,行氣活血。想「大姨媽」乖乖報到,可以跟隨以下小貼士!
- 經期前三至七天飲用疏肝理氣,帶花香的茶飲例如玫瑰或茉莉花茶等。
- 戒飲食生冷,尤其是在經行前後,以免阻礙經血暢通。
- 月經淨後要少吃辛辣,如麻辣、咖喱等,以免耗散氣血。
- 每晚臨睡前用10 分鐘靜一靜調養情志,對比起看電話不如敷個面膜吧!
- 維持規律作息,忌熬夜傷肝,以免影響氣血運行。
- 常按三陰交,可紓緩痛經不適,是常用的婦科保健穴位。 �位置:小腿內側腳踝骨頭突出處上方3寸(約4指橫寬)�按法:以手指指腹向下按壓按摩一分鐘。
Stress can lead to late period
"I have been worrying about a lot recently, and my mood has become so bad. My period is even late by a week and I feel quite bloated. What can I do? "
CheckCheckCin: It would be fine if it happens occasionally only. But you have to pay attention if it happens for two or more cycles. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, this is delayed menstruation. The menstrual period is more than seven days later than usual, and some people will extend to forty or fifty days for a cycle. Delayed menstruation may be caused by blood deficiency, asthenic cold, yin deficiency, and due to phlegm and dampness or liver qi stagnation. If you have been stressed lately, it may be caused by liver stagnation due to "emotional issues." The liver is easily affected by emotions. When people are under stress, feel nervous or experience emotional discomfort, the circulation of qi is blocked affecting blood circulation, then the menstrual period may be delayed, and the color of menstruation will be purple and with blood clots. There will also be abdominal and chest pain, and you feel bloated in your lower body.
The easiest way is improve the condition is to relieve stress and cut out cold food. Through diet, emotional conditioning, and point acupressure to improve the meridians caused by qi and blood stasis, and promote qi and blood circulation. If you want to your period to be on time, you can follow the following tips!
- Drink floral tea to relieve depression, such as rose tea and jasmine tea, 3-7days before menstruation.
- Eat less cold/raw food, especially before menstruation to avoid poor blood circulation.
- Eat less spicy food, such as spicy and curry, because spicy food hurt the liver.
- Have 10 minutes me-time before going to bed every night. It is better to apply a mask than to look at the phone!
- Maintain regular work and rest time, staying up late will hurt the liver and affect qi and blood circulation.
- Press on San Yin Jiao to relieve menstrual discomfort, it is a commonly used gynecological health acupuncture point.
Position: 3 inches above the protruding part of the calf's inner ankle bone (about 4 fingers width).
Method: press your thumb downwards for one minute.
#女 #我煩躁 #我有壓力 #氣滯 #血瘀 #經期
menstrual cycle days 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 八卦
經痛是女生永遠說不完的話題,遇上那幾天不方便的日子,女生一個眼神,好朋友好同事立即遞上暖水袋、熱朱古力甚至止痛藥,因為大家都感同身受!在M痛等級表裡,你活在哪一個級別?謹記經痛不是必然的,按自己體質好好調理就能慢慢改善,祝大家早日升上第一級Happy Period!
第一級 - Happy Period
第二級 - 輕微悶痛
第三級 - 暖水袋隨身
第四級 - 止痛藥渡日
第五級 - 地獄級別
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The different levels of menstrual pain
Women’s menstrual pain can be an endless topic of discussion. A glance is all it takes to know a woman experiencing discomfort during period, and friends and colleagues would also immediately offer warm water bag, hot chocolate and even painkiller because we understand the pain! Out of all the stages of menstrual pain, which level are you at? Note that menstrual pain should not be regarded as a common occurrence, and it can be improved with proper care and treatment. Hope all of you will one day ascend to Level One – Happy Period!
Level 1 - Happy Period
With the neutral body condition, you are not troubled by menstrual pain. A happy girl, that’s who you are!
Level 2 – Mild pain and feeling stuffy
Mild pain might happen on and off during period; drinking hot beverages can help relieve the condition.
Level 3 – Carry a warm water bag with you
Occasional bouts of pain; do keep a warm water bag by your side during those particular days.
Level 4 – Spending days with painkiller
It is almost as if someone kicked your uterus; the pain causes cold sweats and makes it difficult for you to get up from bed; you do not wish to become a woman again in your next life.
Level 5 – The abysmal hell
The pain experienced during every menstruation cycle is almost like childbirth; might cause vomit and diarrhea. What are you waiting for? Go consult a doctor!
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#女 #經期
menstrual cycle days 在 Joanna Soh Official Youtube 的評價
SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week! https://www.youtube.com/user/joannasohofficial
Ladies, WE ARE NOT MEN! Our body does not function like a MAN, we go through our monthly menstrual cycle, hence our hormones go up and down almost every week. Don’t expect to TRAIN LIKE A MAN! Don't feel bad when you can’t push as hard on certain days but that also doesn’t mean you should just sit back and do nothing.
WATCH this video through to understand the Menstrual Cycle and how we women CAN adjust our exercise routine and also food intake to match our body’s internal rhythms and even help with weight loss.
Joanna Soh is a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach (VN), with over 8 years experience.
Link to 28-Day Workout Plan According to Menstrual Cycle: http://joannasoh.com/fitness/fitness-plans/workout-plan-to-train-according-to-your-menstrual-cycle
Period & Exercising: Everything You Need to Know
Healthy Ways to Overcome Period Cravings
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In general, the menstrual cycle occurs in two phases. On average, it’s a 28-day cycle.
1) FOLLICULAR Phase - Day 1 to Day 14
- Go hard! Do high intensity workouts, lift heavy and perform total body strength training.
- Your body is more tolerant to pain and muscles recover quicker.
- Your body uses Carbs as its main source of fuel.
- You can increase your carb intake slightly especially after an intense workout.
2) LUTEAL Phase - Day 14 to Day 28
- I like to call this phase the “roller coaster” phase.
- this is when all the PMS symptoms start to hit: you might crave for sugar or high fat food, you have bigger appetite, you feel sluggish, you have trouble sleeping, your body retains more water, you feel bloated and you might suffer from mild cramps too.
- Your body turns to FAT AS FUEL instead of carbs.
- Good news, your body is now burning FAT rather than carbs or glycogen. Focus on steady pace cardio to get the most out of your workout.
- This is also when the muscle breakdown increases, hence it takes longer for you to recover from your workout. So choose moderation workout that’s less intense.
- You might lose your motivation BUT power through your workout, as much as possible, eat well and you WILL feel better.
We are all very different and it takes time to really understand your body. If you have this knowledge, you’re able to take advantage of the hormonal benefits and overcome the challenges by adjusting and changing your workout routine and also food intake.
Again, remember this is a guideline as there is very limited research in regards to training with your menstrual cycle. Give it a try, make changes and see what works for you.
Daily Beetle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1500025
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
menstrual cycle days 在 Joanna Soh Official Youtube 的評價
Subscribe to my channel to get the complete Workout Plan & Videos: http://www.youtube.com/JoannaSohOfficial
Go SUGAR-FREE and be in your BEST SHAPE! Most of us consume SUGAR way past the recommended limit. If you're a sugar addict, watch this video!
1) 5 Signs You're Addicted to Sugar: https://youtu.be/Wj9xJ4j0hZg
2) 7 Steps to Break-up with Sugar: https://youtu.be/RyQi44hLbKQ
Here's the Workout Plan: http://joannasoh.com/fitness/fitness-plans/workout-plan-to-train-according-to-your-menstrual-cycle
28-Day Sugar Detox Meal Plan: http://joannasoh.com/foods/meal-plans-1/4-week-sugar-detox-meal-plan
28-Day VEGAN Sugar Detox Meal Plan: http://joannasoh.com/foods/meal-plans-1/4-week-sugar-detox-vegan-meal-plan-1
More Workout Plans here: http://joannasoh.com/fitness/fitness-plans
More Food Plans here: http://joannasoh.com/foods/meal-plans-1
Subscribe to my channel to get the complete Workout Plan & Videos: http://www.youtube.com/JoannaSohOfficial
Joanna is a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach with over 8 years of experience.
Stay connected and follow me:
Joanna Soh:
(Subscribe to my website for printable workouts & recipes)
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1) For the first 2 weeks, the goal is to limit added sugar to no more than 25g or 6 teaspoons in a day. The next two weeks, completely eliminate ALL added sugars and only consume food with natural sugars, but still keeping it to a reasonable amount.
2) Start replacing refined sugar with healthier alternatives such as maple syrup, honey or stevia.
3) Start adding more fruits to satisfy your sugar cravings.
4) Try using less sugar or creamer into your coffee or tea.
5) Start swapping soda drinks for flavoured carbonated water that has no artificial sweeteners and slowly eliminating them all together. The goal is eventually to just drink water!
6) Learn to read and understand food labels because most of the foods, which you THINK are healthy may contain a lot of hidden sugars.
7) Your diet should consist mainly of whole foods and no processed foods at all. You’re basically eating a balanced diet rich in protein, vegetables and healthy fats.
8) The good news is that, your taste buds and palate CAN BE RETRAINED to adopt a less sugary lifestyle, and eventually you’ll not crave the same high-sugar foods as before.
10,000 Squat Challenge in 30 Days
Beginner Fat Burning Morning Workout
How to Lift Dumbbells to Lose Weight (Gym Training)
Burn Back Fat & Bra Bulge (4 Exercises)
Kickboxing to Lose Flabby Arms / Bingo Wings (No Equipment)
4-Week Toning Butt & Abs Challenge
Gentle Morning Yoga Stretches to Feel Energized
30-Minute HIIT Yoga for Slimmer Legs
30-Minute Beginner HIIT Yoga for Stronger Core
Here's the complete playlist to more than 50 videos:
menstrual cycle days 在 Linora Low Youtube 的評價
5 weeks to go till my 2nd Bikini Comp.
Period talk ladies! I wanna talk about this.. because my period just ended and i felt it'll be good to share. For the guys, well if you wanna learn something new, stick around :)
1. Do I train while on my period?
2. How do I train during my period?
3. How to use "PERIOD POWER"?
4. What happens to your period when you are competing.
I do feel my progress is there compared to the last time, however I can't help but feel concern that I won't be ready in time. The last thing i want to hear again from my coach... is "You won't be ready". That gutted me the last time, but "TRUST THE PROCESS" I look forward to the next 34 DAYS!!!
Yeap counting down by days, begins today. Now excuse me I need to figure out my bikini! Thank for joining me on the 2nd journey, not sure what will happen, but it sure will be exciting.