William Ndatila has a darkly luxurious aesthetic. His addictive Instagram feed ranges from memes to videos of upcoming DJs and eerie images, curating a personal style from found digital material. For #TFWGucci and the Le Marché des Merveilles timepiece, Ndatila found Italian Renaissance painter Agnolo Bronzino’s portrait of Eleonora di Toledo, created in 1560, and captioned it. This is an example of a reaction meme—an image a user reposts to express their own feelings. Here, Eleonora is disappointed in the quality of gifts from her potential suitor. — Text by Kyle Chayka.
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meme example 在 VINEM Facebook 八卦
就像我,根本就不懂俄文。但是我很愛共產主義的meme ,我就一週內學會了自彈自唱蘇聯國歌(Original Mix) 。列寧與史達林如果還在世,他們會為我感到很驕傲,並且把我送到勞改集中營
People often ask me: How to learn English?
tbh, despite working hard on it, “LOVE” is also an important factor. If you don’t love English, you’re not going to gain much by forcing yourself into it. But if you have love, you’ll be Usain-Bolting on learning anything.
For example, I don’t know anything about the Russian language, but I love commie memes, so I learned the National Anthem of USSR in just 1 week. If Lenin and Stalin are still alive, they will hug me and be so proud of me and send me to the gulag.
#commie #學英文 #gulag
meme example 在 尼克。泰國。流浪看 Nick. Thai. Look Facebook 八卦
【#蕭叔叔 mode | 濕撚晒】ฝนตกแรงมาก เหี้ย! เปียกหมดเลย!
How can we say「屌!濕撚晒,唔撚驚」in Thai?
泰國跟香港雨下起來都很可怕,而香港最近也不知道到底連續下了多少天的雨。說到雨水,in Thai we can use the word 「ฝน」(音:款),而在後面加上「ตก」(掉下的意思,音:毒) 變成「ฝนตก」(音:款毒),意思就是下雨。
這陣子香港雨下得很兇,即使是撐著傘,但一下子就會濕撚晒,濕,in Thai we can simply say 「เปียก」(音:biak),濕撚晒後當然非常狼狽,也只好唔撚驚,硬著頭皮繼續去上班。
Example sentence:
「ฝนตกแรงมาก เหี้ย! เปียกหมดเลย! ไม่ต้องกลัว」
(音:款毒靚Mark here! biak沒累 咪當瓜)which literally translated to 「嘩好撚大雨 屌!濕撚晒 唔撚驚」。
只是這是港式講法,因為在泰國人眼中,其實落雨又有乜好怕喎?所以比較語意相近,又切合泰國人的講法,another example:
「ฝนตกแรงมาก เหี้ย! เปียกหมดเลย! ไม่เป็นไร」
(音:款毒靚Mark here! biak沒累 咪ben賴 )which roughly translated to 「嘩好撚大雨 屌!濕撚晒 無所謂」。
Well, that's it for tonight. Ciao.
#泰國 #泰文
#尼克泰國流浪看 #binthainick
meme example 在 96 Sample Memes ideas | memes, humor, funny pictures 的八卦
Dec 31, 2012 - Explore Profit Clicking's board "Sample Memes", followed by 654 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about memes, humor, funny pictures. ... <看更多>