I strongly protest the accusations today that Taiwan is instigating racist attacks in the international community. Taiwan has always opposed all forms of discrimination. For years, we have been excluded from international organizations, and we know better than anyone else what it feels like to be discriminated against and isolated.
I want to take this opportunity to invite Director-General Tedros to visit Taiwan and experience for himself how committed the Taiwanese people are to engaging with and contributing to the world, even in the face of discrimination and isolation.
Taiwan’s selfless medical workers and volunteers can be found around the world. The Taiwanese people do not differentiate by skin color or language; all of us are brothers and sisters. We have never let our inability to join international organizations lessen our support for the international community.
Taiwan has poured all of its efforts into stopping the spread of COVID-19, and our achievements have received a great deal of attention from around the world. Despite being excluded from the WHO due to political manipulation, we have shouldered our responsibility as a member of the international community and taken the initiative to donate face masks and other supplies to medical workers in countries hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic.
#TaiwanCanHelp, and the spirit of Taiwan is Helping has never been influenced by nationality or race.
Taiwan is dedicated to the values of freedom, democracy, diversity, and tolerance. We do not condone the use of racist remarks to attack those with different opinions. If Director-General Tedros could withstand pressure from China and come to Taiwan to see Taiwan’s efforts to fight COVID-19 for himself, he would be able to see that the Taiwanese people are the true victims of unfair treatment. I believe that the WHO will only truly be complete if Taiwan is included.
➡️Twitter: https://twitter.com/iingwen/status/1248116192780271616?s=20
同時也有28部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過304萬的網紅MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,「おれの名前は『トニートニーチョッパー』!!! 世界で一番偉大な医者がくれた名前だ!!!」 うぉーーー!!! 大好きなチョッパーのハロウィンのお弁当を作りました! 久しぶりのキャラ弁、やっぱ楽しい! チョッパーはかぶりものがなくっちゃね! * Recipe * Make a thin omele...
lessen 在 肥媽 Maria cordero Facebook 八卦
今日有嘉賓 陸浩明 6號 上嚟傾下計
📌 Oreo truffles
20210102 Live Recipes 中英對照
Many thanks EasyCook 義工團🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️
材料 :
📌 奧利奧餅 25塊
📌 忌廉芝士 4oz
📌牛奶朱古力塊 (放朱古力入一隻碗再用煲煮熱水隔水來溶化)
📌白朱古力塊 (放入另一隻碗, 丶一樣是隔水溶化)
📌 榛子醬 (隨意加入與否)
1. 將25塊奥利奥饼用食物處理器打碎再加入忌廉芝士攪拌均勻
2. 將(1)的材料倒入碟中, 揉成小球. 可隨意放入揍子醬與否
3. 將溶了的牛奶朱古力及白朱古力分別用匙滴在每個奧利奧小球上面. 再灑上彩虹糖針(rainbow sprinkles)
4. 將奧利奧朱古力球放入雪櫃15分鐘冷却後便可享用
Oreo Truffles
(YouTube video starts at 45:30.)
Oreo cookies - 25 cookies
Cream cheese - 4 oz
Filling ingredient:
Hazelnut spread
Dipping chocolate ingredients:
Milk chocolate blocks - melt over double boiler
White chocolate blocks - melt over double boiler
Toppings ingredient:
Rainbow sprinkles
1. In a food processor, add in Oreo cookies, cream cheese, and pulse into a dough like consistency.
2. Transfer to a plate and roll into balls with or without hazelnut spread filling.
3. Drizzle milk and white chocolate over chocolate balls. Sprinkle with rainbow sprinkles on top.
4. Cool to set for 15 minutes in the refrigerator. Serve.
牛柳 大約一磅,切片
生薑 一大段,切絲
蔥 2棵(切段、分開白色及綠色2份)
油 1湯匙
糖 2茶匙
生抽 少許(因為稍後會加入蠔油)
粟粉 2湯匙
蠔油 1湯匙(用少許紹興酒拌勻)
紹興酒 1湯匙
1. 牛柳加入1湯匙油,充分混合以使肉質鬆軟。
2. 加入糖,生抽, 粟粉,攪拌均勻。
3. 燒紅炒鑊,加3湯匙油,薑絲, 爆香。
4. 加入白色部分蔥段,爆香。
5. 加入醃過的牛柳,然後把牛柳分散,使其平均分佈在鑊中,勿炒。
6. 在炒鍋邊緣撒入紹興酒,用筷子稍微撥動牛柳。
7. 加入蠔油,然後迅速炒至尚有少許血紅色,加入綠色部分蔥段,兜勻後上碟食用。
Stir-Fried Beef Tenderloin with Green Onion and Oyster Sauce
(YouTube video starts at 25:00.)
Beef tenderloin - sliced
Ginger - shredded very thin
Green onion - a bunch (green parts only)
Marinade ingredients:
Sugar - to taste
Light soya sauce - to taste but not too much because oyster sauce will be added later
Corn starch
Seasoning ingredient:
Oyster sauce - 1 tbsp
Shaoxing wine - 1 tbsp
Green onion - (green parts only)
1. In a bowl, add in sliced beef tenderloin, and oil. Mix well to loosen up the meat first for better absorption of other seasonings after.
2. Add in sugar, light soya sauce, corn starch, and mix well.
3. Heat up a wok to very hot. Add oil, shredded ginger, and fry until fragrant.
4. Add in green onion (green parts only).
5. Add in the marinated beef tenderloin and spread out evenly in the wok. DO NOT stir fry them yet.
6. Drizzle in Shaoxing wine around the edge of the wok.
7. Add in oyster sauce and quickly stir fry until medium rare. Meat will be fully cooked when transferred to serving plate.
8. Transfer to serving plate and garnish with green onion. Serve.
📌 栗子適量
📌 紅蘿蔔適量
📌 椰菜適量
📌 薑一片
📌 豉油3湯匙 (每一杯米一湯匙)
📌 麻油1湯匙
1. 洗米,米放入電飯煲內膽。
2. 栗子除殼除衣,用熱水浸一浸,一粒開四小粒。
3. 紅蘿蔔切粒,椰菜切大粒,薑切粒。
4. 薑粒加入已洗好及已量好水的米中,栗子,紅蘿蔔,椰菜鋪在米上,再加入豉油,麻油,放入電飯煲,調較時間開始煮飯。
5. 飯熟後取出,用筷子撈勻,即成。
Flavored Rice with Chestnut, Carrot and Cabbage
(YouTube video starts at 2:28.)
Rice - 3 rice cups (wash and rinse well)
Water - enough to cook the rice
Chestnuts - (remove outer shells, soak in hot water and peel of the inner skins. Cut each one into four pieces. Do not cook them.)
Carrot - (cut into cubes)
Cabbage - (cut into pieces)
Ginger - (cut into small pieces)
Seasoning ingredients:
Light soya sauce - 3 tbsp
Sesame oil - 1 tbsp
Brown sugar - optional to stir in before serving to sweeten the rice
1. In a rice cooker inner pot, add in rice, water, ginger, chestnut, carrot, cabbage, light soya sauce, and sesame oil. Mix well.
2. Put the rice inner pot in the rice cooker and set to rice cook mode.
3. Mix well before serving.
📌 黑草羊羊腩連骨2磅
📌 酒少許
📌 油少許
📌 蔥頭適量
📌 蒜頭適量
📌 香葉2塊
📌 蔥白適量
📌 薑8 - 10片
📌 冰糖1粒
📌 竹筍適量
📌 冬菇適量
📌 馬蹄適量
📌 竹蔗適量
📌 枝竹適量
📌 蠔油1湯匙
📌 芹菜適量
📌 大蔥適量
📌 中國蒜適量
📌 南乳大半磚
📌 南乳汁1湯匙
📌 柱侯醬1湯匙
📌 紹興酒2湯匙
📌 腐乳3磚
📌 白砂糖1湯匙
📌 熱水少許
📌 檸檬葉絲
1. 羊腩洗淨,抹乾水份。之後乾鑊落羊腩,羊腩皮向下,稍煎一會,之後兜勻,炒至油出,見乾身,加入清水汆水,再落少許酒,待煮滾。
2. 準備大碗放入醬汁材料,南乳用匙羹壓爛,攪勻,備用。
3. 羊腩煮滾後,羊腩倒在篩中,用清水過一過,瀝乾水份。
4. 開新鑊落薑片,加油,加入蔥頭,蒜頭爆香,再加入香葉,之後加入步驟2的醬汁炒勻,再放入蔥白,加少許油,之後放入已瀝乾水份的羊腩炒勻。加入清水,再兜勻,放入冰糖,竹筍,冬菇,馬蹄,兜勻。
5. 高速煲放入竹蔗墊底,倒入步驟4已炒好的羊腩,調較煮肉程式,需時40分鐘。
6. 細碗內加入腐乳汁材料,壓爛腐乳,再加入檸檬葉絲,撈勻。
7. 差不多40分鐘,用細火燒紅砂鍋,倒入羊腩,調較大火收汁,把竹蔗取走,再放入枝竹,加入蠔油,攪勻。再放入中國蒜,芹菜,大蔥,煮至收汁,即成。
1. 食用時可加入步驟6的腐乳汁。
2. 如果不用高速煲,用普通鑊或鍋,水要蓋過羊面,滾了後,細火忟1小時,(切記不要開蓋睇),1小時後關火不要開蓋,等30分鐘,再開火忟15 – 30分鐘。再繼續餘下步驟。
Lamb Brisket Stew
(YouTube video starts at 4:30. Skip to 1:11:05 for final preparation.)
Lamb brisket - 2 lbs (cut into chunks, wash and rinse well. Do not blanch yet.)
Ginger - about 12 slices (use more ginger when cooking lamb)
Garlic - about 2 bulbs or more
Shallot - about 2 bulbs or more
Bay leaf - 2 pieces
Bamboo shoots
Shiitake mushrooms - rehydrated
Water chestnuts
Sugar canes - (to be lined on the bottom of the pressure cooker pot and also to balance out the heaty lamb meat and for the sweetness)
Clay pot
Seasoning ingredients:
Red fermented bean curd (“Nam Yu”) - a little more than ½ a cube
Red fermented bean curd (“Nam Yu”) liquid - 1 tbsp
White Fermented bean curd (“Fu Yu”) - 3 cubes
Chu Hou paste - 1 tbsp
Shaoxing wine - 2 tbsp
Green onion - a bunch (white parts only)
Water - enough to cover all ingredients
Rock sugar - 2 large pieces (to tenderize meat)
Vegetables to be added before serving:
Celery - shredded
Dried bean curd - rehydrated
Leek - shredded
Spring onion - shredded
Chinese lettuce - optional
Seasoning to be added before serving:
Oyster sauce
Dipping sauce ingredients:
White fermented bean curd (“Fu Yu”) - 2 - 3 cubes
Sugar - to taste
Hot water - enough to make a sauce
Lemon leaf - shredded
1. In a pan, DO NOT add oil. Add in lamb brisket pieces with the fat facing down the pan first and fry until the fat has release their oil to lessen the gamey smell.
2. Keep stir frying until fragrant then add enough water to submerge all the lamb brisket pieces. Add in Shaoxing wine and bring to a boil to release all impurities.
3. Transfer precooked lamb brisket pieces to a colander, rinse well, and pat dry. Set aside.
4. In a bowl, add in red fermented bean curd (“Nam Yu”), red fermented bean curd (“Nam Yu”) liquid, white fermented bean curd (“Fu Yu”), Chu Hou paste, Shaoxing wine, mash and mix well. Set aside.
5. In a wok, add in ginger slices, oil and fry them until golden brown. Add in garlic cloves, shallot cloves, and stir fry until fragrant on LOW heat.
6. Add in bay leaves, sauce prepared in Step 4, green onion (white parts only), and stir fry.
7. Add more oil and stir fry until fragrant.
8. Add in precooked lamb brisket pieces to the wok, and stir fry until all pieces are covered with the sauce. Add in sugar canes to the bottom of the wok now if you using stovetop instead of pressure cooker.
9. Add enough water to submerge all the lamb brisket pieces for cooking on stovetop and bring to a boil on HIGH heat then turn to LOW heat and cook for 1 hour.
10. DO NOT open the lid during this one hour of stewing or the meat will not be tender. After 1 hour turn off heat and let it sit for further 30 minutes then turn on LOW heat again and stew for additional 15 to 30 minutes.
11. If you are using pressure cooker, add less water then add in bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, water chestnuts, and mix well. Transfer to the pressure cooker pot that is lined with sugar canes on the bottom of the pot, set to meat setting and cook for 40 minutes.
12. If you are using stovetop, add in bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, water chestnuts after 1 hour of stewing.
13. To make the dipping sauce, in a small bowl, add in white fermented bean curd, sugar, water, lemon leaf, mash and mix well. Set aside to serve with the lamb brisket stew.
14. Heat up a serving clay pot. Transfer the lamb brisket from the pressure cooker or from the wok to the serving clay pot.
15. Turn on HIGH heat.
16. Remove the sugar canes from the clay pot.
17. Add in rehydrated dried bean curd, oyster sauce, and mix well.
18. Add in spring onion, leek, celery, and mix well. Serve with dipping sauce.
lessen 在 民主進步黨 Facebook 八卦
蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 總統已表達強烈的抗議。請大家把真相轉給世界各國的朋友。同時,總統也歡迎網路上的朋友幫忙翻譯成各國語言,讓我們一起透過網路向世界說明台灣的立場:
I strongly protest the accusations today that Taiwan is instigating racist attacks in the international community. Taiwan has always opposed all forms of discrimination. For years, we have been excluded from international organizations, and we know better than anyone else what it feels like to be discriminated against and isolated.
I want to take this opportunity to invite Director-General Tedros to visit Taiwan and experience for himself how committed the Taiwanese people are to engaging with and contributing to the world, even in the face of discrimination and isolation.
Taiwan’s selfless medical workers and volunteers can be found around the world. The Taiwanese people do not differentiate by skin color or language; all of us are brothers and sisters. We have never let our inability to join international organizations lessen our support for the international community.
Taiwan has poured all of its efforts into stopping the spread of COVID-19, and our achievements have received a great deal of attention from around the world. Despite being excluded from the WHO due to political manipulation, we have shouldered our responsibility as a member of the international community and taken the initiative to donate face masks and other supplies to medical workers in countries hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic.
#TaiwanCanHelp, and the spirit of Taiwan is Helping has never been influenced by nationality or race.
Taiwan is dedicated to the values of freedom, democracy, diversity, and tolerance. We do not condone the use of racist remarks to attack those with different opinions. If Director-General Tedros could withstand pressure from China and come to Taiwan to see Taiwan’s efforts to fight COVID-19 for himself, he would be able to see that the Taiwanese people are the true victims of unfair treatment. I believe that the WHO will only truly be complete if Taiwan is included.
➡️Twitter: https://twitter.com/iingwen/status/1248116192780271616?s=20
lessen 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的評價
* Recipe *
Make a thin omelette with a microwave oven.
・Melt 1 teaspoon of potato starch with 1 tablespoon of water.
Add 1 tsp potato starch that was dissolved in water to 1 beaten egg.
Stretch a wrap tightly to a plate and extend beaten egg on it.
Lessen slightly the amount of eggs in order to avoid overflow from the dish during
Heat it about 1 minute with a microwave oven, and heat it, looking at a situation after
・Mix soy sauce with warm boiled rice, and make the portion of a face.
・Use boiled fish paste, dried seaweed, cheese, and sakura demb etc.to makes the part of
a face or others.
・Make the horn of Chopper with Vienna sausages.
Place it in a microwave oven, looking at the situation until a cut portion spreads.
Fix it the dried noodles of spaghetti .
・溶き卵1個に水溶き片栗粉(片栗粉 小さじ1を大さじ1杯の水で溶く)を
小さじ1 加える。
・かまぼこや海苔、チーズ、桜でんぷ などを使って

lessen 在 Rachel & Jun's Adventures! Youtube 的評價
★Cat Merch! https://crowdmade.com/collections/junskitchen
- Find what works for you.
Things you can try:
-Fix a hormone imbalance
-Clean your face more often
-Clean your face less often
-Try a different skin routine using different products
-Avoid touching your face and change your pillowcase every night
-Use the oil cleansing method
-Cut out dairy/try eating healthier
-Use acne bacteria-killing cleansers (like benzoyl peroxide)
-Test prescriptions from your dermatologist
-Lessen stress and anxiety
-Try an AHA or BHA exfoliator
-Moisturize your skin more often
-DO NOT use harsh scrubs or acids like lemon juice
The struggle is real, but there are ways to get it under control. Good luck!!
★ Patreon! http://patreon.com/junskitchen
►FOLLOW US ε=┌( ・д・)┘
Our Japan channel ⇀ https://www.youtube.com/RachelandJun
Jun's Kitchen ⇀ https://www.youtube.com/JunsKitchen
Twitch ⇀ https://www.twitch.tv/rachelandjun
Twitter | Instagram *@RachelandJun*
►EQUIPMENT (Amazon affiliates links) _〆(・∀ ・ )
Camera ⇀ GH5 (http://amzn.to/2GJWsN2)
Vlog camera ⇀ RX100 V (http://amzn.to/2DYBZSI)
Editing program ⇀ Vegas Pro 15 (http://bit.ly/RnJVEGAS)
►MUSIC ♪♪(o*゜∇゜)o~♪♪
Music from Epidemic Sound: https://goo.gl/wiYvVq
Life has no limits! Get out there and do something new today!
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'ヽ(*^▽^*)ノ'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

lessen 在 JianHao Tan Youtube 的評價
Thank you everyone who contributed! We returned to Thuy An Village: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pseAwauxFQ
When I was younger, I lived in Hanoi, Vietnam for about 5 years. And during weekends, I would visit Thuy An village with the students of my school, United Nations International School of Hanoi to play with the children. It was an eye-opening experience and I really wanted to help them. I wanted to do more than just play with the children, I wanted to give them better lives. And now, I can. You can too:
On the 13th of September 2015, THEJIANHAOTAN FOUNDATION visited Thuy An Village giving the people over $2000 worth of food, milk, snacks, soccer balls and toys.
We will be returning to Thuy An Village in December. The children will need more clothes, food and milk as it can get to as cold as 8 degrees celcius. Please help the children: http://www.thejianhaotan.com/#!foundation/c9n5
For any inquiries about THEJIANHAOTAN FOUNDATION, please email foundation@thejianhaotan.com
More information about Thuy An Village:
Thuy An Rehabilitation Centre for Handicapped Children finds itself 13kms away from small town of Son Tay City and 70kms from down town of Hanoi Capital. Founded in 1976, the centre was originally opened for disabled children whose parents are the veterans infected with the Agent Orange, the toxic chemical used in American war. Over time, however, the centre has started to render its services to all disabled children. Thuy An Centre is a ‘campus’ housing up to 150 children and 50 staff. The children aged 6 to 18 suffering from mental or physical disabilities are provided rehabilitation, special education and vocational training.
The ultimate goal of the centre is to help the children re-integrate into society. While special education helps to lessen the burden of children’s families by teaching the disabled to help themselves with personal activities, the vocational training programs enable handicapped children to earn their living and able to live independently in the future.
(Internet) MyRepublic - https://secure.myrepublic.com.sg
(Beauty) Bellezza Asthethics: http://www.bellezza.com.sg
(Hair) Zeal Salon: https://www.facebook.com/zealsalon
TWITTER: @thejianhaotan (http://www.twitter.com/thejianhaotan)
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/thejianhaotan
INSTAGRAM: @thejianhaotan (http://www.instagram.com/thejianhaotan)
Official Website: https://www.thejianhaotan.com
For business enquiries, contact business@thejianhaotan.com directly

lessen 在 How to pronounce LESSEN in British English - YouTube 的八卦
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